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October 18, 1942 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-10-18

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SUNDAY, 6C'T. 18, 11

Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
[ichigan under the authority of the Board in Control
f Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
gular University year, and every morning except Mon-
ay and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
se for republication of all news dispatches credited to
or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
f republication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
econd-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier
4.25, by mail $5.25.
Utember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-4 3

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(Continued from Page 2)

National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representativek'r
Editorial Staff
Eomer Swander . . Managing Editor
Morton Mintz . . . Editorial Director^
Will Sapp . . . . City Editor
George W. Sallad6 . . Associate Editor
Charles Thatcher . . . . Associate Editor=
Bernard Hendel . . . . Sports Editor,
Barbara deFries . ; . Women's Editor-
Myron Dann . Associate Sports Editor
Business Staff
Edward J. Perlberg . . . Business Manager r,
Fred M. Ginsberg . . Associate Business Manager'
Mary Lou Curran . Women's Business Manager
Jane Lindberg . . . Women's Advertising Managerr
James Daniels . . . Publications Sales Analyst
Telephone 23-24-1 w
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staffk
and represent the views of the writers only.

able, dismantled or in need of un-
available parts necessary to practical
reemployment. Dormant scrap should
net be construed to apply to reusable
machinery, equipment, dies, jigs, fix-
tures, etc., which can currently or
in the future be used by the owner
or others, with or without repairs,
in work which contributes directly
to the war production effort."
It is also emphasized that the Gov-
ernment's grave responsibility to sup-
ply American armed forces with ships,
guns, airplanes, and tanks makes it
mandatory that all dormant scrap
be released immediately. "If it isn't
being used now, its future use is very
doubtful-find a use for it, or scrap
Telephone the Buildings and
Grounds Department, Ext. 317, and
an inspector will call and arrange for
E. C. Pardon,
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and The Arts:
Instructors are requested to report
absences of sophomores, juniors, and
seniors to 1220 Angell Hall on the
buff cards which are now being dis-
tributed to departmental offices.
Green cards are provided for report-
ing freshman absences. All freshmen
attendance reports should be made
on the green cards and sent directly
to the office of the academic coun-
selors, 108 Mason Hall.
Please note especially the regula-
tions concerning three-week ab-
sences, and the time limits for drop-
ping courses. The rules relating to
absences are printed on the attend-
ance cards. They may also be found
on Page 48 of the current Announce-
ment of our College.
E. A. Walter,
Assistant Dean
To Deans, Directors, Department
Heads and Others Responsible for
Payrolls: Payrolls for the Fall Term
are ready for approval. This should
be done at the Business Office before
October 20 if the checks are to be
issued on October 31.
Edna Geiger Miller,
Payroll Clerk
Notice, Mechanical and Electrical
Engineers: Mr. D. I. Robinson, a rep-
resentative from the Sperry Gyro-
scope Company, will interview me-
chanical and electrical seniors in the
E. E. Dept. on Monday, Oct. 19. Sign
the interview schedule on E. E. Bul-
letin board, Room 274.
Senior Mechanical, Chemical &
Metallurgical Engineers:
American Locomotive Company,
Schenectady, N. Y., Representative,
Mr. L. L. Park, will interview Senior
Engineers of the above groups on

Tuesday, October 20, for prospective
positions with that company.
Interviews will be held in Room
214 West Engineering Building.. Sign
the schedule posted on the Bulletin
Board at Room 221 West Engineering
Building, three to five students in
each one-hour period interview.
In order to be placed on the list of
approved organizations for the Fall
and Spring Terms of the school year
1942-43, a list of officers must be
filed in the Office of the Dean of
Students before November 1.
German Departmental Library, 204
University Hall, schedule for the Fall
Term: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs-
day, Friday; 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.; Sat-
urday: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.
University Lecture: Dr. Esson M.
Gale, Acting James Orin Murfin Pro-
fessor of Political Science, former of-
ficer of the Chinese Salt Revenue
Administration, will lecture on the
subject, "Nationalist China Today:
Personal Impressions" (illustrated),
under the auspices of the Department
of Political Science, on Wednesday,
October 21, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre. The public is cor-
dially invited.
Academic Notices
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet on Monday, October 19, at 7:30
p. m., in Room 319, West Medical
Building. "Phosphatases" will be dis-
cussed. All interested are invited.
Math. 347, Seminar in Applied Ma-
thematics, will meet on Monday, Oc-
tober 19, at 4:15 p.m., in 312 West
Engineering Bldg. Dr. Thorne will
speak on "An Appell Subset with Ap-
plications to Thin Plate Problems."
Students who plan to enter one of
the following professional schools,
Law, Business Administration, or For-
estry and Conservation, at the begin-
ning of the spring term on the Com-
bined Curriculum must file an ap-
plication for this Curriculum in the
Office of the Dean of the College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts,
1210 Angell Hall, on or before No-
vember 2, 1942. After this date appli-
cations will be accepted only upon the
presentation of a satisfactory excuse
for the delay and the payment of a
fee of $5.00.
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Except under
extraordinary circumstances, students
who fail to file their election blanks
by the close of the third week, even
though they have registered and have
attended classes unofficially, will for-
feit the privilege of continuing in
the College -for the Semester.
E. A. Walter

Has Wrong Approach
To Educational Problem
T HE HOUSE DRAFT BILL provides, at
last, a specific policy on the Selective
Service status of college students, but it is cer-
tainly not an adequate solution to the education-
al'problem here..
The bill would defer all students until the end
of this academic year, but would grant no edu-
cational deferments after July 1, 1943. It looks
as though a standardized, uniform system which
gives equal treatment to all students is being es-
tablished, and at first, that looks like the right
The trouble with this approach is that the
most intelligent students-those who might
best serve as researchers and specialists now or
play important parts in the post-war world-
would be sent into basic military service along
with the less academically strong.
BRIG. GEN. M. G. WHITE of the General Staff
testified before the Senate Military Commit-
tee that the Army was developing plans for send-
Jng its brightest soldiers to college for technical
training. That solves part of the problem; it
will provide the specialists, chemists, engineers,
needed by the Army right now.
But there is no sense in forgetting that we are
fighting for a new world, the establishment of
which calls for men with training in political
science, economics, sociology, the making of value
There will be and there should be, a sharp cur-
tailment in the liberal arts program, but that
does not mean the closing down of those schools.
This is the time for enough long range planning
to at least realize that every man should be used,
not so that he makes only the best contribution
which he can offer to the war effort, but so that
the best use of his talents is made in the overall
attempt to establish the kind of world we want.
The answer lies in a government program in
the social sciences paralleling the Army effort
in the technical schools. To make sure that
deferments are not granted to those who can
go to school because they have the money and
denied to those less well fixed financially there
should be governmental subsidies and loans to
exceptional students.
T HE $5,000,000 appropriated for student loans
last spring was just enough to meet half of
the requests of the universities, and those re-
quests were supposedly based on direct needs. The
money is being used for students majoring in
chemistry, engineering, physics and the technical
sciences and by forcing the receivers of those
loans to attend school summers when they ordin-
arily would be working makes it pretty hard for
them to get through school.
The appropriation should be increased until
there is enough money to keep our best students
in school.
Aptitude tests, constant check-ups would
make sure that the best students remained in
school, that we were developing a corps of
people who will be prepared for public service.
TRAINING these people needn't mean neglect-
ing the war effort and it doesn't mean get-
ting ready to plan a victory that we won't win. It
is simply a recognition of the fact that we are
out to wiii more than a military victory and
should plan and prepare in terms of more than
a military victory.
Russia and China are deferring students and
making great efforts to keep their universities

Lackadaisical A ttitude
Of Students Changing?
THE "aw-what-the-hell" attitude of
the campus is starting to change.
Surprising evidence was the 4,000 turn-out at Hill
Auditorium Friday night to hear stocky Lieut.
Liudmila Pavlichenko. And the heartening thing
about it all was the cheering while Pavlichenko
barked out tough Russian talk that nobody un-
Just what does that prove? Well, nothing. But
we'd like to think that somewhere in those
strange fighting words spoken by Pavlichenko
there was a common understanding. We'd like to
think that when she mentioned the word Fascist,
everybody understood a common enemy. We'd
like to think that when she said the word Stalin-
grad, the audience read into it the courage of the
people, the glory of the people, the decency of the
people. We hope it symbolized the ultimate dig-
nity of the people, too.
We don't think that any person came just to
touch her greatness. We don't think anybody
thought Pavlichenko was a spectacle, something
you ought to see. If anyone did, surely he must
have been ashamed when Pavlichenko admitted
that she used to wear her hair long-once.
-Bob Mantho
Dominie Says
MENTAL HEALTH in a sick world has many
religious connotations.
"Neurosis is a substitute for legitimate suf-
fering," says Dr. Carl Jung in his lectures on
Psychology and Religion. The question is how
can a personality and its shadow live together
in peace and freedom? Before a maladjusted
person reaches the stage of neurosis, long before
in most cases, he will have had many oppor-
tunities to adjust unwelcome impulses, desires
and appetites. Since he has failed to make those
adjustments, there is a legitimate series of acts
or sufferings which he should have taken on.
Now neurosis is a substitute for those neglected
In this we have a parable for our decade.
Repressed desires on the part of whole nations
have festered beneath the conscious life of the
people. Desires for directness in a fast-moving
complex and subtle society were systematically
checked," so to speak. Impulses to friendship,
impulses to honor, impulses to deal with insti-
tutions as with persons, impulses to put human
rights central in every consideration have been
set aside in the interest of secondary qualities
such as prestige, financial gain, earthly power,
dominance of man over man, and gain by strategy
rather than by merit. Had we moved more
slowly in appropriating the fabulous wealth on
the opening continents, attained reverence for
the eternal forces, many of whose powers were
unlocked by the scientific method, learned dis-
cretion, temperance, meekness and love in the
conduct of nations as well as families, this ter-
rific neurosis called world revolution might have
been averted. Such is the argument of the social
places in literature, including the Old Testa-
ment. Dante in his Inferno is superb. Milton
is most instructive. Shakespeare entertains his
mmiom n--C m)Pth nnn m,- -rurpnri r

THERE was more behind AFL President Bill
Green's Toronto statement, that the "chances
were brighter" for a reunion of the AFL and
CIO, than Green let on to newspapermen.
Inside fact is that when the AFL convention
opened, top officials of the two labor organiza-
tions at first were decidedly bearish about the
chances of getting together. Jurisdictional prob-
lems loomed too large.
Lewis Blustery
But what changed their minds, and led Green
to make his optimistic pronouncement, was John
L. Lewis' blustery withdrawal from the CIO.
When Lewis took the floor at his United Mine
Workers convention in Cincinnati and told the
miners that they were pulling out of the CIO, he
gave AFL-CIO peace prospects the greatest shot
in the arm since negotiations got under way two
years ago.
LEWIS' ACTION means much more than a sev-
erance from the CIO. It was a blunt challenge
to both the CIO and AFL that he was preparing
to launch (1) an all-out, blood-and-thunder raid
on their memberships; and (2) a campaign to
organize and consolidate, in the catch-all Dis-
trict 50 of the miners' union, all the independent
unions of the country.
Same Old Swashbuckler
There are about 1,000,000 independent union
workers, including telephone employees, typo-
graphers and numerous scattered groups of white
collar workers. With his flair for swashbuckling
leadership, Lewis conceivably could build up an
organization of 1,500,000 members, counting the
independents, plus AFL and CIO captives, plus
his own miners organization.
At any rate, that is his current plan. And AFL-
CIO leaders realize too well that his commando
activities against their unions will be made all
the easier if they continue on the outs.
eCll~i d'./ clditor
On The War Rally:
To the Editor:
IT WAS PROBABLY the general understanding
that Friday night's mass meeting at which
Lieut. Pavlichenko spoke had two purposes:-to
do honor to the Russian people for their valiant
fighting in our common cause, and, especially, to
persuade everyone present to cooperate to the
full extent of his abilities in the war effort. The
rally was very well managed, but may I suggest
that there were just two little sour notes which,
it may be hoped, will not be repeated on future
(1) It was not an occasion for advancing par-
tisan views on questions of military strategy. A
great many of us, without lacking in eagerness
for positive, energetic military action, believe
that President Roosevelt and the Allied military
leaders are in a better position to know when and
how the second front should be opened than
Wendell Willkie is.
(2) Asking the students present to repeat,
parrot-like, a statement read from the platform,

Students, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: No course may be
elected for credit after the end of the
third week. Saturday, October 24,
therefore, is the last date on which
new elections may be approved. The
willingness of an individual instruc-
tor to admit a student later does not
affect the operation of this rule.
E. A. Walter
Students, College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts: Except under very
extraordinary circumstances, no re-
quests for exemption from PEM will
be considered by this office, or by the
Office of the Academic Counselors,
after.Tuesday, October 20.
Assistant Dean E. A. Walter
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, Schools of Education, Fores-
try, Music, and Public Health: Stu-
dents who received marks of I or X
at the close of their last semester or
summer session of attendance will
receive a grade of E in the course or
courses unless this work is made up
by November 5. Students wishing an
extension of time beyond this date in
order to make up this work should
file a petition addressed to the appro-
priate official in their school with
Room 4 U. H. where it will be trans-
mitted. Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar
Women's Debate: There will be a
meeting for all those interested in
women's debate at 4 o'clock on Mon-
day in 4208 Angell Hall.
History Make-up Examinations will
be held Friday, October 23, 4 to 6 in
Room C, Haven Hall. Students must
obtain written permission of the in-
structor before Oct. 21, and sign in
the office of the History Department,
119 Haven Hall.
Economics 51, 52, 53, and 54: Make-
up final examination on Thursday,
October 22, at 3:15 p. m. in Room 207
Choral Union Concert: The Don
Cossack Russian Chorus, Serge Jar-
off, Conductor, will be heard in the
first concert in the Choral Union
Series in a program of religious, folk
and war songs, Tuesday evening, at
8:30 o'clock, in Hill Auditorium. A
limited number of season tickets, or
for individual concerts, are available
at the offices of the University Musi-
cal Society in Burton Memorial Tow-
er. On the day of the concert, if
necessity requires, standing room
tickets will also be placed on sale.
The Hill Auditorium box office will be
open after 7:00 o'clock in the eve-
ning preceding the performance.
Choral Union Concert-goers: To
avoid confusion and congestion, the
attention of concert-goers is respect-
fully called to the following:
Holders of season tickets are re-
quested to detach, before leaving
home, respective coupons and to pre-
sent for admission only the coupon
for each concert, instead of the en-
tire season ticket.
The public is requested to come
sufficiently early as to be seated on
time, since the doors will be closed
during numbers. Parking regulations
will be in effect under the direction
of the Ann Arbor Police Department.
Charles A. Sink, President
Events Today
Varsity Men's Glee Club will re-
hearse today, Oct. 18, at 4:30 pm.
in the Glee Club rooms, third floor,
Michigan Union. New men are re-
minded to bring their song books, as
part of the meeting will be devoted to
rehearsal of Michigan songs for the
Sing at Jordan Hall at 6:45 p. m. on
Monday, Oct. 19. All men not pre-
viously excused must be present for
this event.
Eligibility cards must be turned in
as soon as possible.

The Graduate Outing Club will
meet for organization purposes to-
day at 3:00 p.m. at the Club Rooms
in Rackham Hall.
All graduate students, faculty and
their interested friends are invited
as the Club's program for the present
academic year will be decided on the
basis of the number interested. Come
to the northwest door of Rackham
Hall prepared for an afternoon picnic
hike if the weather permits; for in-
door recreation in case of inclement
Michigan Outing Club will have a
canoe trip today from 9:30 a.m. to
3:00 p.m. Those who are interested
should meet at Hill Auditorium at
9:30 a.m. There will be a charge for
the rental of the canoes. All students
are welcome. For further information
call Dorothy Lundstrom (2-4471), or
Dan Saulson (2-3776).
International Center: A panel dis-
cussion of the International Student
Assembly held in Washington last
September will be presented in the
series of Sunday evening programs
at the International Center tonight






P[d Rather Be Right

I put it to you that there is some-
thing disagreeable in writing about
the second front; I admit it. Yet to
do so is not the worst of human
activities. Last week, for example,
Senator "Cotton Ed" Smith of
South Carolina spent a number of
minutes questioning Mr. William
M. Jeffers, the rubber administra-
tor, on the chances of holding up
a program for using rayon in mili-
tary tires until experiments could
be conducted to show whether cot-
ton is as good. That would mean
a two to three months delay, for
the sake of the cotton states, or a
cotton Senator.
It seems to me that Cotton Ed
would have been better off, and so
would we all, if he had spent those
minutes talking about the second
front, instead.
So, you see, one can do worse
than talk about the second front.
There is also an over-riding con-
sideration: had Cotton Ed been ex-
cited about a second front he would
not have wanted to hold up our
production of military tires. He
would have wanted a lot of tires.
in a great hurry. Sometimes one's
arm grows weary, with pointing out
these connections, but they do ex-
ist, and someone must say so.
It Keeps You Out of Trouble
Yes, it is true, there is some-
thing disagreeable in talking about
a second front; for the essential
information is inside information.
Yet to do so keeps one out of mis-
chief, in remarkable fashion.
For you cannot talk second front
without talking world unity, which
is a healthy sort of line to take;
and you cannot talk against the
second frontnwithout rocking world
unity, at least a bit. One writer
who is anti-talking-about-second-
front came up recently with the ar-
gument that the Russians do not
help us enough; and one newspa-
_ --_:.T_ . -. ....+; treym +1'1 N -

experts by talking second front. Yet
let us suppose all amateurs in the
country agreed with that proposi-
tion, to the extent that they never
opened their mouths about the sec-
ond front. We can then see our
joint general staffers, Admiral
Leahy, General Marshall, Admiral
King and General Arnold, planning
their war strategy, which they all
say must be an offensive strategy,
and cupping their ears, as military
men do, to catch the drift of public
They do not hear a sound. The
public is quiet. It just sits there,
as it has been told to do. Stalin-
grad is knocked down to rubble, the
Nazis creep nearer, the oil of Groz-
ny, the war looks worse, and the
American public has no opinion. It
won't say a word. It is mum. Its
attitude instructs the general staffs
that they alone are responsible for
planning what to do; they can de-
cide, either way; they can then take
the onus, for success or failure. It's
all theirs.
I submit that that would be cruel
and unusual treatment of a general
staff; that sometimes, in the dead
of night, the general staffs, carry-
ing their heavy responsibilities,
must be not unglad that at least
a portion of public opinion endorses
the taking of risks. And so the cur-
iously persistent healthiness of sec-
ond-front talk is manifested once
more, as contrasted with the lively
dangers lurking in the opposed po-
Question And Answer
If we are going to shelter the
general staffs from the disquieting
pleasure of public opinion, we
should go the whole way. What
must have gone on, inside the in-
sides of the general staffs, for ex-
ample, when Mr. Jeffers asked the
Senators: "Do I understand you
gentlemen to say to me that I am
to continue to hold up this pro-

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