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September 26, 1942 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-09-26

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. K

Soviets Weaken Nazi Grasp On Stalingrad



MSC Paper Becomes Daily Tabloid

Rssians Gain
Fresh Ground
In Epic Battle
Axis Assault Stopped Cold
For Fourth Day In Row
After 33-Day-Old Siege
32 Assaults Crushed
MOSCOW, Sept. 26-(AP)-Wen-
dell L. Willkie said in a written
statement today that "I now am
convinced that we can best help
Russia by establishing a real second
front in Europe with Great Britain
at the earliest possible moment our
military leaders will approve."
"And perhaps some of them will
need some public prodding," Will-
kie added. "Next summer might be
too late."
"Russian Intelligence reports
show that our few raids on Ger-
many to date have had a devastat-
ing and demoralizing effect on the
German people," Willkie said.
"Russia wants thousand-bomber
raids on Germany from England
every night."
* * * -
Associated Press War Editor
Victory edged further from Adolf
Hitler's grasp in the 33-day-old siege
of Stalingrad today as the Red Arm-
ies gained fresh ground northwest of
the Volga metropolis, crushing 32 Ger-
man counterattacks in 48 hours, and
recaptured a strategic position within
the city.
By Soviet account, it was the fourth
consecutive day that the German as-
sault has been stopped cold.
Hitler's field headquarters, long ac-
customed to proclaim the swift fall
of city after city, now focussed its
attention on the capture of 'single
"In the fight for Stalingrad, build-
ings belonging to the Communist
Party, situated near the bank of the.
Volga, were torn from the Soviets in
embittered fighting," the German.
Command said.
"Soviet relief attacks against the
northern barrier were repelled." The
Vichy radio, notoriously unreliable,
asserted that German shock troops
had driven through Stalingrad to
the Volga "at several points."
Dispatches to Red Star said the
Germans were wearing out and that
Soviet troops, fighting from street
barricades, charred buildings and
foxholes in the damp earth, were
holding grimly.
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Democrats May Rebel
Against Governor'sSlat
Detroit Delegates Wrangle Over Secretary Of State


Republicans Approve

'Unbossed' Candidates

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., Sept. 26
--(P)-The Democratic State Con-
vention, getting down to business
after hours of maneuvering with a
rebellious First Congressional Dis-
trict delegation, this afternoon
nominated by acclamation two un-
cppcsed incumbents, Associate Jus-
tice Raymond W. Starr of the State
Supreme Court, and State Treas-
urer Theodore I. Fry, as they be-
gan the task of completing the
Democratic Ticket for the Novem-
ber election.
Hitting high gear after the hours
of political jostling. Gov. Van
Wagoner's forces succeeded in
nominating State Budget Director
Leo J. Nowicki as candidate for
Auditor General. John W. Babcock,
Chief Assistant United States Dis-
trict Attorney in Detroit, was nom-
inated for Attorney General.
Maneuve rs by Administration
leaders succeeded in shifting the
order of business so that the nom-
inations for Secretary of State will
come last. This expected to insure
nomination of Maurice Eveland,
the Administration favorite. ,
* * *
By The Associated Press
GRAND RAPIDS, Sept. 26-Re-
bellious delegates from Wayne
county's first congressional district
threatened to revolt against Gov-
ernor Van Wagoner's slate as the
Democratic state convention open-
ed here today.

By The Associated Press
DETROIT, Sept. 26-A Republi-
can State Convention that side-
tracked the influence of its tra-
ditional bosses yesterday completed
the slate with which the party will
go before the voters November 3.
With the insistence of Harry F.
Kelly, gubernatorial candidate, that
the nominees be the free choices of
the convention, the following cand-
idates werenanied for the lesser
state offices:"
For secretary of state - State
Senator Herman H. Dignan, of
For state treasurer - State Sen-
ator D. Hale Brake, of Stanton.
For auditor general - Vernon
J. Brown, incumbent, of Mason.
For attorney general - Herbert
J. Rushton, incumbent, of Esca-
For justice of the supreme court
- Circuit Judge Earl C. Pugsley, of
Enthusiastic Republicans hailed
the full slate which includes besides
Kelly for governor, Circuit Judge
Homer Ferguson for United States
Senator and Dr. Eugene C. Keyes,
for lieutenant-governor, as one of
the potentially strongest voter get-
ters the party ever put together.
They pointed particularly to the
combination of the two circuit
judges who played so great a part
in the Wayne County graft clean-
up - Ferguson and Pugsley - as
bound to attract a heavy vote in
Detroit and out-state.




Rubber Czar Cuts Driving
Allotments To Conserve
Nation's Rubber Supply

Jeffers Puts
Entire Country
On Gas Ration

Japs Fall Back
Through Jungles
In New Guinea)

EAST LANSING, Sept. 26-(4)-
Michigan State College journalism
reached an important milestone to-
day as the State News, student
publication, became a five-days-a-
-week service to its more than 7,500
Furnished the full night service
of the Associated Press, the tabloid-
sized newspaper which formerly
was printed three times a week will

be published every day except Sun-
day and Monday, normally running
eight pages.
Congratulating the venture, Gov-
ernor Van Wagoner lauded the col-
lege "for rightly recognizing that'
an American student cannot be-
come a fully-educated citizen of the
modern world without full knowl-
edge of state, national and inter-
national events."

WASHINGTON, Sept. 26--()-
Rubber Czar William M. Jeffers went
the limit today and ordered nation-
wide gasoline rationing to save tires.
In his first public order since the
issuance of the special rubber com-
mittee report, the Union Pacific Rail-
road President, charged with conserv-
ing the nation's stockpile of rubber,
directed the Office of Price Adminis-
tration to extend to the entire coun-
try the same restrictions now en-
forced in the east.
The date upon which the order will
become effective, probably not be-
fore Nov. 1, was left undetermined
and Price Administrator Leon Hen-
derson will decide whether the basic
4-gallon weekly ration will prevail
throughout the United State8, as it
does in 17 Eastern Seaboard states.
At the same time Jeffers appealed
to drivers to keep their feet off the
accelerators and slow down to the
35-mile an hour limit recommended
by the committee headed by Bernard
M. Baruch, which went deeply into
the whole rubber question.
Jeffers was granted wide powers to
save the nation's supply of the vital
war material, and his directive ap-
peared to settle the question whether
the OPA or the Office of Defense
Transportation would control the
Jeffers said:
1-The Office of Price Adnniiistr4-
tion is hereby directed and authorized
to institute nationwide. gasoline ra-
tioning on the same basic as the gas-
oline rationing program now existing
in the eastern states.
2-It will be understood that after
the installation of a nationwide gas-
oline rationing, the Office of Defense
Transportation will review the pro-
gram 'from 'the standpoint of its ef-
fects upon; the transportation ser-
vice of the Nation.
3-The existing arrangements be-
tween the ODT and the OPA rela-
tive to, rationsfor -commercial vehi-
cles in accordance with general order
ODT No. 21 will be continued and
extended throughout the nation.

Losses Inf licted
By .British Subs
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Sept. 26-British sub-
marines have sunk at least five and
probably seven Axis supply ships re-
cently in the Mediterranean and have
seriously damaged another, the Ad-
miralty announced today.
The communique said the undersea
attacks had dealt "further heavy
losses on enemy sea communication,"
already hard-pressed to keep Axis
armies in North Africa reinforced and
supplied in the face of Allied attacks
on ships and harbors.
One of the ships sunk and one
probably sunk were described as
large and all the others as of medium

Swoop On Oslo
By RAF Planes
Scatters Nazis
Daring Daylight Assaults
By British Air Raiders
Wreck Gestapo Buildings
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Sept..26-Striking at a
moment of rising Axis dissension in
Norway and violent new anti-Ger-
man outbreaks in Oslo, the RAF
made a daring daylight assault upon
Nazi headquarters in the Norwegian
capital yesterday and sent the fol-
lowers of Vidkun Quisling's puppet
regime scurrying to cover from a
nearby rally.
Four raiding British bombers swept
in low and dropped their bombs from
about 100 feet altitude to score hits
on Gestapo buildings, the Air Min-
istry announced. One British plane
was lost and the Air Ministry said
tartly that "German allegations that
three of the attacking bombers were
shot down confirms the effects of
the attack."
Quisling, who had summoned mem-
bers of his Nationalist Socialist Party
to the rally in Norway in an effort to
quell discontent, denounced the raid
in an address before his followers to-
day as one by "RAF murder planes."
Quisling anounced the raid cas-
ualties as four. dead and 40 injured.
Stockholm dispatches reported that
another flight of 25 planes, believed
to be British,' swept Thursday night
across the Swedish west coast, which
might well be in the region southeast
of Oslo.
While the Quislings were meeting
over- the weekend continung out-
Ibreaks were reported in Oslo.





Fire Sweeps Three Tankers
At Raroad's Docks In Toledo
By The Associated Press were wharfed opposite. Just how the
TOLEDO, Sept. 26-Fire fed by flames started was not determined.
crude oil and gasoline swept three Some witnesses told of seeing a flash
boats in the Hocking Valley Railroad of fire race across the slip between
docks here today resulting- in injuries the vessels tied up at opposite sides.
to 12 men and damage estimated at Some of those rescued by the Coast
$110,000. Guard crews had to be drawn through
Two Coast Guard boats crept close portholes to safety.
to the blazing tanker Transoil to res- Flames leaped several hundred feet
cue seven of 18 crewmen trapped into the air and spread to the chan-
abroad the vessel, which was loaded nel of the Maumee River. Coast
wirhhousandssobarrelsofgasolin Guardsmen kept everyone from the
The boat was ablaze from prow to scene except those fighting the flame:
sten. band attending the njured.
The other eleven crewmen ran
through flames and leaped to the
Four of the crew of a barge loaded
with 17,000 barrels of crude oil climb-
ed through portholes to the dock as
flames enveloped the deck.
Eight members of the crew of the
tug William A. Whitney also escaped
to the dock as flames spread over the
Seriously injured were Captain
John F. Grimm, of St. Joseph, Mich.,
Frank Rink, 54, Detroit, A. Cook, and
Percy Wenman, 44, Sandusky, O.
Others injured included George
Stevenson, 39, of Sault Ste. Marie,
first assistant- engineer on the tug
Whitney, who suffered arm and neck
bruises, and Albert Tallman, 40, of
Cheboygan, a fireman abroad the
tug. He also suffered severe burns.
The tanker was berthed at one side
of the slip, while the tug and 'barge

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,for The Daily,

World Series Pool
Liquidated By FBI
In Chicago Arrest
CHICAGO, Sept. 26-P)---The Jus-
tice Department claimed today to
have virtually liquidated a million
dollar lottery business just as it was
about to run-*a big pool on the world
series. Fifty-three operators were ar-
rested in 32 cities.
Special agents of the Federal Bur-
eau of Investigation swept in, J. Ed-
gar Hoover, Director of the FBI an-
nounced yesterday, as the syndicate
was preparing to pour out hundreds
of thousands of tickets for a World
Series lottery.

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Darlan Fears
Dakar Attack
LONDON, Sept. 26-(M)-Axis re-
ports that the Allies contemplate at-
tacking Dakar, French West Africa,
were followed today by others that
Admiral Darlan, commander-in-chief
of all Vichy French Armed Forces,
had held a long conference with Gen-
eral Auguste Nogues, governor gen-
eral of Morocco.
The Algiers radio, which announced
their meeting, did not mention where
it occured or what was discussed but
the German radio broadcast simul-
taneously that Lieut. Gen. Luis Orgaz
Yoldi, High Commissioner of Spanish
Morocco, was expected at Rabat wit.-
in a few days to confer with Nogues.
Spanish Morocco, adjacent to
French Morocco, faces Gibraltar from

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