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October 17, 1942 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-10-17

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Of Bicycles
Licenses Protect Owners
From Danger Of Theft;
50% Return Estimated
Bicycle registrations for 1942 al-
ready have exceeded the high 1941
mark by more than 1000, the police
department's full time bicycle inves-
tigator, Officer Walter Schmid said
Four thousand bicycles, voluntarily
enrolled by owners at the City Clerk's
office, are now in Schmid's elaborate
files which list the tag number, own-
er's name and address, make and
serial number.
While bicycle thieves, inspired by
the great war-made shortage of bi-
cycles, steal as many as five a day
of Ann Arbor's supply, police have
estimated that 50 per cent of the
losses will be returned if they have

Words Given
Great Ovation
(Continued from Page 1)
"The freedom to search for truth"
is the basic right of all youth, Lim-
Yuen said.
In the "preliminary military bat-
tle" we are "united to destroy," but
after the war "we inust be united to
To reinforce the spirit of unity,
Marvin Borman, director of the Man-
power Mobilization Corps, read a
Credo of Anti - Fascist American
Youth which was repeated after him
by the audience.
The full text follows:
"We, the youth of America, join
with the youth of the United Na-
tions in pledging our efforts and,
if need be, our lives, to the total
destruction of fascism throughout
the world. We dedicate ourselves to
the urgent task of defeating our
enemies upon the battlefield. Vic-
tory of the United Nations must as-
sure a Just and secure peace for all
peoples regardless of race, color or
creed. The future belongs to youth.

been registered. Forward to Victory!"
Costing twenty-five cents, the reg- An additional plea for students to
istration des little more than cover enlist in the Manpower Mobilization
the expense of bicycle licenses which Corps was made by Prof. John L.
are issued to each owner. The City Brumn of the journalism department
Clerk's office sells all licenses. who acted as chairman of the meet-
Description of a stolen bicycle as ing.
"red and green" doesn't mean much, He called attention to the yet un-
according to Schmid. But if this in- tapped resources of the campus and
formation is accompanied by a li- the need for total action to help win
cense number, there is an adequate the war.
file to give each policeman a record Ann Arbor's Mayor Leigh J. Young
of the theft, said it was a pleasure to welcome
At least 50 per cent is Schmid's Lieut. Pavlichenko.
estimate of faculty and student "A lot of people still seem to be
owned bicycles now registered. lukewarm," Young said of the atti-
Combing Ann Arbor every night for tude of Americans to the war.
stolen bicycles, police usually suc-
ceed in routing out the stolen ones, Neighbors Injured
Schmid says, although in many cases Two neighbors were being treated
they have been repainted, reshaped for minor injuries yesterday after an
and replated. unexpected meeting when their cars
Because the shortage of bicycles is collided near Dixboro.
so severe, Ann Arbor police keep ev- Sheriff's deputies reported Gerald
ery vehicle which they can't identify W. Petersen, 3369 Martin Dr. and
in their warehouse. If by some Harold H. Salcouer, 3369 Martin Dr.
chance, the owner returns, he may both suffered minor injuries and their
have the bicycle if he is able to es- cars were severely damaged when
tablish ownership. they tangled at an intersection.

7?ei t~e4rji/'4t at Wddd
Classic University model in
genuine super-soft suede
leather. Cut with deep,
roomy pockets. Also in all-

" Detour?
Police yesterday raided the "pi-
rates' den" of two brothers and found
a garden tractor, a rifle and almost
$200 in coins which were stolen Wed-
nesday from the Harry W. Cole farm,
917-1 Waters Rd.
The two boys, one eight and the
other 14 years old, who had stolen the
tractor and driven it to their "den" in
a woods off Arbana Drive, were turn-
ed over to police yesterday morning
by the father of one of their play-
Suspicion was aroused by the
youngsters when they were seen play-
ing with three revolvers and a large
bag of coins. Sheriff's deputies have
confined them to a special room in
the jail pending further action in the
Officials are still puzzled as to how
the boys drove the stolen tractor
through town with a homemade trail-
er containing guns and ammunition
attached and were unnoticed to their
hideout. Asked why they stole the
tractor one of the brothers replied
that they "wanted something to ride
around in."
An unlicensed woman motorist who
turned onto some railroad tracks in
foggy weather thinking they were the
extension of a curve in the highway
held up-three trains and lost her car
early yesterday morning near Huron
River Dr. west of Ann Arbor.
* * *
Unable to steer the car out of the
tracks and confronted by a rapidly
approaching westbound train, the
driver, Mary Ammann, 314 S. Fifth,
and Paul J. Jones, 412 S. Fifth, owner
of the car, jumped from the vehicle
to safety and watched the train knock
it more than 100 feet down the tracks.
Coming along an eastbound track,
another passenger train pushed the
wreckage back to the original position
of the car. After railroad employes
had removed the wreckage a third
train came to a stop behind the east-
bound freight train, just as the first
was leaving.
Jones and Miss Ammann were tak-
en into Ann Arbor on the eastbound
(Continued from Page 4)
Charles W. Brashares will preach on
"New Realities for Old-God." Wes-
leyan Guild Meeting at 6:00 p. m.
William Muehl, 'L44 will speak on
"Points of Growth while in College."
Fellowship hour and supper follow-
ing the meeting.
Memorial Christian Church (Disci-
ples): 10:45, Morning worship. The
Rev. Frederick Cowin, Minister.
6:30 p. M., Guild Sunday Evening
Hour. Dr. Edward W. Blakeman,
Counselor in Religious Education for
the University of Michigan, will
speak on "Religious Resources on
Campus." The meeting will be held
at the Disciples Guild House, 438
Maynard St. A social hour and tea
will follow the discussion.
Unitarian Church: Sunday at 11:00
a. mn. Professor J. F.' Shepard will
speak on "Religion in Action." 8:00
p. m. Student meeting-Discussion of
Lieutenant Pavlichenko's Message to
Ann Arbor.
First Congregational Church: Ser-
vice of Worship, 10:45 a. m. Dr. L. A.
Parr will preach on the subject: "Is

Anything Left?" At 7:15 p. m. The
Congregational Student Fellowship
will meet. Miss Esther Colton, House
Director of Jordan Hall, will speak on
"Personal Growth and Development
in a University." Refreshments and a
social hour.
First Church of Christ, Scientist:
Sunday morning service at 10:30.
Subject: "Doctrine of Atonement."
Sunday School at 11:45 a. m.
Free public Reading Room at 106 E.
Washington St., open every day ex-
cept Sundays and holidays, from
11:30 a. m. until 5:00 p. n.; Satur-
days until 9:00 p. m.
Lutheran Student Chapel: Sunday
at 11:00 a. m. Divine Service in
Michigan League Chapel, "The Pity
of Self-Elimination". Alfred Scheips,
Sunday at 5:30 p. m. Supper Meet-
ing of Gamma Delta, Lutheran Stu-
dent Organization, at St. Paul's Lu-
theran Church, W. Liberty at 3rd.
First Presbyterian Church: Morn-
ing Worship, 10:45 a. m. "On Second
Thoughts"-subject of the sermon by
Dr. W. P. Lemon.
Westminster Student Guild supper
and fellowship hour at 6 o'clock.
Topic for the- meeting at 7 o'clock is
"What Has Science Done to Relig-
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church:



T H E I R M 0 T H E R S B U I L D W A R P L A N E S-This modern eight-room day nursery was erected to care for the children
of mothers who work in the Curtiss-Wright aircraft plant at Buffalo, N. Y. It will accommodate 50 children.


STE R E N-A D E- Bey Arosernena, 6,(left) serenades his sister,
Yila, 1, at a Washington, D. C., victory garden flower show. They
are from Panama. Sister Yila seems to be enjoying the scene and
the song..

S O U TH ABM E RICAN M OTI F i- Wearing a3S9uth
American costpme, Kathleen Turner holds some roses as she sits
in a tropical setting t Cypress Gardens, 'Fla. It's part of the cr-
realt emphasis on Latin American ways.

State Sreet on the Campus
Have you joined
the Man-power

..?r< ' Christian Petri (above) of Cleve-
land, Ohio, led U. S. planes
which blasted Jap communica-
T H R E E MEN IN A J1U NG L E - Bearded following hard days and nights of fighting the tions between Buna and Kokoda
Japs in New Guinea, these Australians appear a solemn trio. New Guin.a.

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