THE ICH1 P 'T¢ kir-l-V IqA T -lrlA v_-: v t 1 .L . 1. 1 1 l.5 115. 1 \S A.51\.5. 1 J A 1 £~ L am . . 174 Aifyg S-i4d gan & Dil Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student' Publications. -Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches cedited to It or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mal matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier ,$4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 NEPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING 8Y National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publisbers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAaO * BOSTON . LOS ANOLUS **SAR FRANCISCO Editorial Staff Homer Swander . . . Managing Editor Morton Mintz . . Editorial Director Will nSapp . . . . City Editor George W. SalIad6 .Associate Editor Charles Thatcher . . . . . Associate Editor Bernard Hendel . . . Sports Editor Barbara deFries . . . . . Women's Editor Myron Dann . . . . Associate Sports Editor Business Staff Edward J. Perlberg . . . Business Manager Fred M. Ginsberg. . Associate Business Manager Mary LounCurran . Women's Business Manager Jane Lindberg . . . Women's Advertising Manager James Daniels . . . Publications Sales Analyst Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: HARRY LEVINE Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. WHERE THE GUNS GROW MOT f fi '' ° yr~g~ti f n a Js'yt777 ,S'r ? y ! r k% z , . , f ' r. : .r ,r ' ,,.. ' 1i~y , ,,~} '"" r.<3, ' j 2 .- .y a FOR A BETTER CONGRESS: Voting ..Toward Victory REVISE PLAN: Make Three-Semester Year More Beneficial MR. CLARK TIBBITTS, Secretary of the University War Board pointed out in last Sunday's Daily that 3,800 students registered for the long summer semester. But is this really a solid point in favor of the students? By no means were all of these students men. The number of undergraduate men now attend- ing the University who are not freshmen will at- test to the fact that while the University offered literally a "golden opportunity" to upperclassmen to complete their college education in more rapid order, that offer was not taken advantage of by very many male students wI were in residence the preceding semester.- Too many of them had previous engagements with summer camps and summer vacations to bother spending a whole summer in school. Some of the men-certainly not all of them-who are in reserve programs figured that it was plain foolishness to try and complete their education before the last minute: they might be called sooner. A number of the students who did not at- tend the University this summer had good and valid reasons for not doing so. Primarily, these reasons were financial. We have absolutely no quarrel with these students. Most of them worked hard this summer to save the price of another year of school. It is only the men who were too busy having their own good time that 'the previous paragraph applies. The University also did not do a complete job with the summer term. Although the stated ob- ject of the third semester was to give students a chance to complete a full semester during the summer, the number of courses offered in under- graduate departments was trimmed in spots to the marrow where trimming could be ill-afforded. Juniors and seniors especially who are concen- trating in non-essential fields, but who wished to take courses in specialized fields, found them- selves in the position of having to take totally unrelated courses to 'make up a full schedule. AND WHEN the fall semester courses were an- nounced, the students who had attended the summer semester found that many of the courses they had elected this summer were again being taught in the fall. They have thus been forced to wait until spring to elect the follow-up courses to those they took this summer. Or again, subjects listed in the catalogue as meant for students shortly entering the Army or Navy are being taught only in the spring semester, so that sen- iors who attended the summer term will not be able to elect them. They are just out of luck. It is not possibly fair to both sides for the University to attempt a middle course. It must come out completely for the benefit of the stu- dents who are willing to attend a three semes- ter school year. And if the University is to place itself on a complete wartime basis, the two semester students will have to be the ones who are'out of luck. -Eugene Mandeberg NEW DEFENSE: Publisher Voices Fear Of Government Control LTHOUGH it is quite evident that the government's recent anti-trust suit 1k Clhe WASHING6TON ym.Reg UP t Off, tAERRY* 0ROUND ByDREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-Here is the inside reason be- hind British reluctance to take the offensive against Rommel in Egypt, even though they have superiority of tanks and air power-a super- iority they may not have long if the Italians con- tinue sneaking supplies across the Mediterran- ean. The explanation goes back to the loss of 300 U.S. tanks in the Libyan desert, announced by Churchill after Marshal Rommel staged his spec- tacular drive which captured Tobruk and came so close to breaking through to Alexandria. Military magazines published by the German Army shortly before the war, pictured 88 milli- meter guns buried in the desert, their barrels pro- truding only a few inches above the sand, their breeches covered with brown canvas. These illus- trated camouflaged artillery traps in the desert. As the enemy approached, gunners could throw off the canvas and open fire. The German military journals had been stud- ied by the U.S. Army, must have circulated among the British. They were not secret. How- ever, gun traps such as those pictured swung the battle for Rommel. His tanks had charged British lines, then turn- ed back, and the British followed-straight into the camouflaged artillery traps. U.S. tanks mount 75 mm. guns and can out- shoot Nazi tanks. However, when the British ran them point blank against hidden 88 mm. guns, more than 300 tanks became desert junk. H AVING put them out of commission, Rom mel's fast-moving forces moved North at top speed behind the British mine fields, toward To- bruk. The British had no idea where they were heading. For part of the British force guarding Tobruk had moved south because they thought- before the 300-tank ambush-that they had Rommel on the run. So Rommel caught Tobruk completely by sur- prise. Only a handful of New Zealanders were on guard outside the city. Since then the British have been super-cau- tious about taking the initiative against Rommel. They have been afraid of more tank traps hidden in the desert. Note:-British experts agree that this was no reflection on the American tank, which has out- shot German tanks when they meet in battle face to face. Official reports from Russia, despite some reports to the contrary, also are high in praise of U.S. tanks. In the political re-districting of States follow- ing the last census, no House member got a larger dose of "gerrymandering" than the lone Kansas Democrat, Representative Jack Houston. The GOP-controlled Kansas legislature added eleven Republican counties to -his district,.and Houston will have to do some powerful cam- paigning to overcome this handicap. HOWEVER, he doesn't let it get him down. In a recent speech to new constituents, he ex- plained his predicament: "Reports that the legislature was trying to prevent my re-election because I am a Democrat are false, ladies and gentlemen. The inside fact is that Renublicans in the legislature figured I was doing such an outstanding job in Washing- ton, that they decided to give me more territory." Note: Joking aside, Houston has done an out- standing job in Washington, is one of the must useful and farsighted members of the House. ONE of the biggest problems in the campaign to collect tin cans is the fact that there are only two detinning plants in the area East of the Rocky Mountains, with another small one on the West Coast. Although these plants have increased their capacity, they still cannot handle all the cans which patriotic housewives collect. This, however, will be remedied. Six new de- tinning plants will be established soon in New York, Chicago, Buffalo, Birmingham, Dallas and Los Angeles. Also many shredding plants will be established throughout the country for the preparation of tin cans before shipment. These plants mangle the cans, thus reducing bulk, so they can be transported without taking up too much space. Total cost of these new shredding and detinning plants will be $12,000,000. Meanwhile, one handicap to the program is a recent order of the American Railroad Associa- tion that gondola cars cannot be used to haul tin cans. Apparently the railroads are trying to force their boxcars into greater use; but the labor cost of loading boxcars with bales of tin cans would be almost prohibitive, whereas they can be drop- ped into gondola cars from loading cranes. Unless the railroads relent, this may put a ser- ious crimp in the detinning program. Highest ranking graduate of the Harvard Bus- iness School is Vice Admiral Tomokazu Mogi, chief of the Japanese Navy's Bureau of Accounts and Supplies. He is an active member of the Harvard Club of Tokyo, and his alumni dues are paid through October, 1942 ... OPA's fuel ration- ing chief, Joel Dean, finds that passenger driving has been reduced in East Coast areas from an average of nine or ten thousand miles a year to an average of 5,170 ... When Maury Maverick, Jr., son of the Texas ex-Congressman, finished his Marine Corps training course at Quantico, Va., a request came for ten replacement volun- teers to go immediately to the Solomon Islands. Maury, Jr., stepped up, left for the South Pacific the day after he graduated .,.. Col. Lehrbas, pub- licity aide to Gen. MacArthur, reported to his old press cronies in the State Department press room that no one could buy picture postcards of kanga- roos or laughing jackasses in Australia anymore. The doughboys can't send postcards of Australian towns, because that would reveal their location, so postcards of animals are sold out. (Copyright, 1942, 'United Features Syndicate) THE Republican Party in Mich- igan is still clearly the party of isolation. Throughout its conven- tion session in Detroit on Septem- ber 26, every mention of the name of that four-star isolationist-reac- tionary, Clare. Hoffman, brought cheers from the delegates. Rep. Joseph Martin, chairman of thej Republican National Committee in his odd moments, was able to spare the time to become the first national chairman to attend a Michigan Republican convention. In his keynote speech, he dwelt on the virtues of the state's con- gressional delegation: "The Michi- gan Republican delegation in the House of Representatives has been conspicuous for courage, talent and capacity," he told the cheer- ing delegates. "They are a grand group of patriotic, able Americans who have on every possible occa- sion translated their love for coun- try and their fidelity to their constituents into legislative ac- tion." This sweeping language was supposed to be descriptive of Rep- resentatives Woodruff, Michener, Wolcott, Dondero, Crawford, En- gel, Hoffman, Shafer, Blackney, Bradley and Jonkman, who among them have the blackest, most back- ward record of any single delega- tion in the last Congress. In spite of all this Republican exertion, experienced observers ex- pect a gain of several Democratic congressional seats from the state. Herman Wierenga, the Democratic nominee in the Fifth District, has a good chance against the incum- bent, Representative Jonkman (R).I Jonkman was renominated chiefly because his opposition within the party was split between two strong opponents, Paul Strawbecker and Dr. Benjamin Masselink. The com- bined vote for Strawbecker and Masselink would have defeated Jonkman. If those who voted against Jonkman in the primary go to the trouble to do it again, he will be out and Wierenga, a good win-the-waracandidate, will be in. Masselink was originally pushed into the race by the Grand Rapids Republican mayor, George Welsh. Now that theprimary is over, both Welsh and Masselink have come out for Wierenga. Welsh made the positions of both, himself and his Republican colleague clear in a statement last week: "Here is a congressman (Jonkman) who has been 100-per cent wrong on every defense measure, and not once during the campaign has he indicated he has changed his mind. , If a man sitting as a member of the foreign relations committee1 who has confidential information available that the average citizen; couldn't get still persists in voting against every defense measure, I, for one, don't want to take a chance on him again . . . I shall actively support Mr. Wierenga." Dave Martin, the Democratic nominee, who has a good chance against Representative Blackney in the Sixth District, is a young, liberal civic leader, with consider- able political experience as a state legislator. At this point, Dorothy Roosevelt is still conceded a very good chance to take for the Demo- crats the seat now held by Repub- lican Dondero. The CIO in Michigan has intro- duced an exceptionally popular DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN SATURDAY, OCT. 17, 1942 VOL. LMI No. 12 All notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and The Arts: Instructors are requested to report absences of sophomores, juniors, and seniors to 1220 Angell Hall on the buff cards which are now being dis- tributed to departmental offices. Green cards are provided for report- ing freshman absences. All freshmen attendance reports should be made on the green cards and sent directly to the office of the academic coun- selors, 108 Mason Hall. Please note especially the regula- tions concerning three-week ab- sences, and the time limits for drop- ping courses. The rules relating to absences are printed on the attend- ance cards. They may also be found on Page 48 of the current Announce- ment of our College. E. H. Walter, Assistant Dean To Deans, Directors, Department Heads and Others Responsible for Payrolls: Payrolls for the Fall Term are ready for approval. This should Term: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs- day, Friday; 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.; Sat- urday: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Certificates of Eligibility cannot be given out in the Dean of Students' Office today because of fraternity pledging. Student Identification Cards will be given out in Room 2, University Hall today. These cards must be presented at the gate for the football game today and for all games here- after. Students, College of Literature, Sci- ence and the Arts: Except under very extraordinary circumstances, no re- quests for exemption from PEM will be considered by this office, or by the Office of the Academic Counselors, after Tuesday, October. 20. Assistant Dean E. A. Walter Senior Mechanical, Chemical & Metallurgical Engineers: American Locomotive Company, Schenectady, N. Y., Representative, Mr. L. L. Park, will interview Senior Engineers of the 'above groups on Tuesday, October 20, for prospective positions with that company. Interviews will be"held in Room 214 West Engineering Building. Sign the schedule posted on the Bulletin Board at Room 221 West Engineering Building, three to five students in each one-hour period interview. Notice, Mechanical and Electrical Engineers: Mr. D. I. Robinson, a rep- resentative from the Sperry Gyro- scope Company, will interview me- chanical and electrical seniors in the E. E. Dept. on Monday, Oct. 19. Sign the interview schedule on E. E. Bul- letin board, Room 274. University Lecture: Dr. Esson M. Gale, Acting James Orin Murfin Pro- fessor of Political Science, former of- ficer of the Chinese Salt Revenue Administration, will lecture on the subject, "Nationalist China Today: Personal Impressions" (illustrated), under the auspices of the Department of Political Science, on Wednesday, October 21, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rack- ham Amphitheatre. The public is cor- dially invited. Academic Notices Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet on Monday, October 19, at 7:30 p. in., in Room 319, West Medical Building. "Phosphatases" will be dis- cussed. All interested are invited. Mathematics Club will meet Mon- day, Oct. 19, at 8:00 p. m., in the West Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. Mr. Kazarinoff will speak "On the Fundamental Problem of Anal- lagmatic Geometry." To all students of Latin and Greek: Phi Tau Alpha, the University classi- cal society, will hold a brief organ- izational meeting on Monday, Octo- ber 19, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 2014, Angell Hall. All former members and faculty are requested to be present, and those interested in membership are cordially invited. slogan into the campaign: "Don't Scab on the President." They im- ply that failing to register is scab- bing, and to see that the idea is carried out, every shop steward in the Detroit area is pledged to see to it that every man and woman coming under his jurisdiction' is registered. In some areas, CIO lo- cals have arranged with county and city clerks to send deputy reg- istrants to union meetings to fa- cilitate the registration of their members. NEBRASKA-Both the Demo- cratic and Republican nomi- nees against George Norris, inde- pendent, for the Senate, are tell- ing the same story to the voters of Nebraska in their efforts to win election. They are blandly telling everyone who will listen that Sen- ator Norris was dragged into run- ning by his friends, that he does not really want to run, and that he is not in physical condition to run again. They say tha~t Norris' "friends" in Nebraska should vote against him. The idea that Norris has been "dragged" into anything by anyone at all is fantastic to those who know this No. 1 Ameri- can Senator. Where there has been dragging to be done, Norris has done it, not had it done to him. Rhode Island.--The Rhode Is- land party conventions, on Sep- tember 28 and 29, resulted in the renomination of the Democratic incumbents and an extremely un- likely set of Republican opponents. Sen. Theodore Green drew as a Re- publican opponent former Judge Ira Letts, a self-made man who worked his way through the school of 4hard knocks and into a district judgeship as a Coolidge appointee. Green should have little trouble coming back to the Senate. Rep- reseniatives Forand and Fogarty should have very little more in overcoming their Republican oppo- nents, Charles Eden, a prominent Providence lawyer, and Harry San- dager, former member of Con- gress. Connecticut.-There was a typo- graphical error in the checklist of congressional candidates included in last week's "Voter's Handbook" Supplement. The name of Clare Boothe Luce, candidate for Con- gress from the Fourth District of Connecticut, was followed by the initial (S), designating Socialist. A speech made by Mrs. Luce last week raises some question as to whether this error was not really a variation in the direction of a Real Truth. During a speech be- fore the Putnam Hill Chapter ,of the Daughters of the American Revolution at Greenwich, Mrs. Luce was asked what she thought of the President's proposal to limit incomes to $25,000. She said, "This is my unequivocal answer. In the sight of the good Lord and you patriotic women, if necessary, I would vote for a tax big .enough to cut my income and the incomes of my fellow citizens not only to $25,000, but to $20,000, $10,000, $5,000, or $2,000." THE stalwart Connecticut's small towns ,and villages, I am told, shook with fear at her statement. The work- ing-class Democrats in Connecti- cut's cities shook with laughter. They think Mrs. Luce's bravery is that of someone who says loudly he is not afraid of bears, when he is sure there aren't any around. - New Republic December 12: English Literature from Beginnings to 1550. All examinations will be given in 3217 A. H., 9:00-12:00 a.m. All those intending' to take the examinations should notify Professor N. E. Nelson as soon as possible. History Make-up Examinations will be held Friday, October 23, 4 to 6 in Room C, Haven Hall. Students must obtain written permission of the in- structor before Oct. 21, and sign in the office of the History Department, 119 Haven Hall. Economics 51, 52, 53, and 54: Make- up final examination on Thursday, October 22, at 3:15 p. in. in Room 207 Ec. Concerts Choral Union Concert: The Don Cossack Russian Chorus, Serge Jar- off, Conductor, will be heard in the first concert in the Choral Union Series in a program of religious, folk and war songs, Tuesday evening, at 8:30 o'clock, in Hill Auditorium. A limited number of season tickets, or for individual concerts, are available at the offices of the University Musi- cal Society in Burton Memorial Tow- er. On the day of the concert) if necessity requires, standing room tickets will also fbe placed on sale. The Hill Auditorium box office will be open after 7:00 o'clock in the eve- ning, preceding the performance. Charles A. Sink, President Events Today Central Committee for Assembly Banquet: This is the last day to hand in petitions for positions on the Qen- tral Committee for Assembly Ban- quet. All petitions must be turned in at the -ndergraduate Office of the League before 12:00 noon. Coming Events Varsity Men's Glee Club will, re- hearse Sunday, Oct. 18, at 4:30' p m. in the Glee Club rooms, third floor, Michigan Union. New men are re- minded to bring their song books, as part of the meeting will be devoted to rehearsal, of Michigan songs for the Sing at Jordan Hall at 6:45 p. m. on Monday, Oct. 19. All men not ;pre- viously excused must be present for this event. Eligibility cards must be turned in as soon as possible. Michigan Outing Club will have a canoe trip on Sunday, October . 18, from 9:30 a. m. to 3:00 p. m. Those who are interested should meet at Hill Auditorium at 9:30 a. . There will be a charge for the rental of the canoes. All students are welcome. For further information call Dorthy Lundstrom (2-4471), or Dan Salson (2-3776). Ushering for Theatre Arts: All girls interested in ushering for. the Art Cinema League Sunday program on Oct. 18, "A History of the Axiieri- can Film," please sign up at once in the Undergraduate Office of, the League> Girls may usher for either the 7 o'clock or the 9 o'clock per- formance. coNr"***- t The ('oitted Pen p _/ t ? I ,.~