JLI it1ltr 4 aiti WPeather Little Change VOL. LIII No. 12 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCT. 17, 1942 PRICE FIVE CENTS U.S. * * * Stand In Solomons Becomes Grave * * * * * * * * 45,000 To See Michigan Meet * * * * * * Northwestern Senate Group Unanmousl Approves New DraftAge Bill Military Committee Vote To Take 18-19-year-Oh Youths; House Arrange To Pass Same Measur Draftees To Finish Academic Terms By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Oct. 16.-(P)-Th Senate Military Committee unani mously voted out a bill to draft youth of 18 and 19 today while the Hous arranged to consider and pass a sim ilar measure tomorrow.. The legislation was requested b President Roosevelt in his speech o last Monday. Foreseeing little or n opposition, Congressional leaders se about placing the bill in Mr. Roose velt's hands at the earliest possibl moment. While the House stood 'ready to ac at once, an obstacle to immediate passage arose today in the Senate Senator McNary (R-Ore.), the Re- publican floor leader, pointed ou that many members of the S'enate re- turned to their states a week ag upon the assurance of the adminis- tration leadership that no major leg- islation would be taken up for severa weeks. Under the circumstances, although heartily in favor of the bill, McNary said he would feel obliged to oppose any motion to take the bill up until the absentees have been notified and given an opportunity to return. Thus, while Senate leaders had planned to bring the bill before the Senate on Tuesday, it appeared that it probably would not come up before Thursday or Friday, or possibly not until the following week. The measure approved by the Senate committee today was draft- ed by Senator Gurney (R-S.D.) It would amend the Selective Service Act to make the draft apply to men between 18 to 45 years old-instead of 20 to 45, as at present. It includes a provision -that stu- dents at a high school or similar edu- cational institution, if ordered to re- port for induction during the second half of their school year, shall upon request receive deferment until the academic year is ended. This clause was the source of oneI of two controversies foreseen in connection with the issue. The House bill, by contrast, would grant students at high schools, colleges and universities deferment, when- ever called, until the end of the present academic year. After July 1, 1943, no educational deferments would be granted. The second controversy involved a proposal which was rejected by. the military committees of both houses. It would forbid the army to send sol- diers into combat with less than a year's training. It was expected that this plan would be revived on the floor of both House and Senate. 88 Thousand Michigan Youths May Be Drafted LANSING, Oct. 16.- (')-Approxi- mately 88,000 Michigan youths in the 18 and 19-year-old age group may be called to the colors if Congress de- cides to draft them, it was reported today by officials of the State Selec- tive Service headquarters. The officials said about 110,000 boys of that age'resided in Michigan and predicted that about 20 per cent of them would be physically ineligi- ble. The first of the group will be in- ducted within six or seven weeks of the time Congress passes the neces- sary legislation, it was indicated. A minimum of 38 days is required to "process" a draftee, it was said. e. S. e s e Y Ii 0) Joins Varsity In Homecoming Game INazis Peril n TOM KUZMA * * By BUD HENDEL (Daily Sports Editor) Michigan's Wolverines, inaugurating their 1942 bid for the Western Conference title, will hurl their maximum potential strength at a desperate, band of Northwestern Wildcats in Michigan Stadium today. The kickoff is scheduled for three p.m., and a wartime homecoming crowd of 45,000 spectators, the largest grid gathering of the year in Ann Arbor, is expected to witness this battle between two of the outstanding contenders for the Conference crown. Forged to the white-hot pitch of desperation and determination, North- western players and coaches have vowed that they would not lapse into the lethargy which allowed an underdog Purdue team to upset them last r week by a score of 7-6. Pointing to a brilliant backfield, headed by sensa- tional Otto Graham, and boasting of a tough, durable line fortified by two of the nation's finest ends, Bob Motl and Bud Hasse, the Wildcats moved into town with only the thoughts of victory and vengeance foremost in their minds. Losers in two out of three games to date, but victors over a powerful Texas aggregation, the Wildcats will toss every stick of gridiron ability they possess on the flaming competitive < fire to show the nation that they are a better team than the records indi- cate.RegentsMee; With spirit sharpened and unham-. pered by injuries, they hope to take M ake Shifts the first step on the long road back at Michigan's expense today. Notn since 1937 has Northwestern bested the Maize and Blue on the gridiron, and all Wildcat efforts will be focused The Board of Regents, meeting yes- on that purpose when the two power- terday, shuffled the personnel of war- ful teams clash today, for the 16th te time since they first met in 1892. short departments, made new ap- But Michigan, too, is primed for pointments, granted several leaves- this battle. Defeated by the crushing of-absence and approved gifts to the Iowa Seahawks last week, the Wol- University. verines put up the kind of a fight that D only a great football team can. And Dr. James Deacon Bruce was grant- the Wolverines don't expect to lose ed retirement as of his 70th birthday any of that fight today. Fortified by and was awarded the title of Vice experience and confident in their own President-Emeritus. Dean Albert C. progress, the Wolverines will take to Furstenberg of the School of Medi- the field with a full awareness of the underrated power of the unpredict- cine was appointed Medical Adviser able Northwestern invaders. to the University Health Service, re- Michigan, too, is determined. Open- placing Dr. Bruce. ing its Conference season, the Maize Davis Resigns and Blue eleven will be seeking the Prof. Charles M. Davis, Director of championship which has evaded it by a scant game for the past four Admissions with Advanced Standing years. With all Wolverine eyes on an in the literary college, resigned his Turn To Page 3, Col. 1 post and was granted leave of ab- sence from his professorship in the Byrnes I n f o rfms geography department to serve with Cabinet Of Need the Navy. Prof. Frank O. Copley of the Latin For Direct Action Department was appointed in Prof. Davis' place and his appointment as academic counsellor was cancelled. WASHINGTON, Oct. 16.- UP)- In A gift of $1,400 from the Rockefel- blunt language, James F. Byrnes to- her Foundation to aid studies of day informed cabinet officers and teaching English to Latin-American other high - ranking officials that students was accepted. The Michigan there must be no long drawn-out dis- Gas Association gave $750 for a fel- putes about economic stabilization lowship in chemical engineering for and that he himself would resolve all 1942-43. disagreements swiftly. $500 Gift Raised At the first meeting of the officials, A scholarship gift of $500 was re- Volga Area In New Gain Stalingrad Forces Battered By Enemy Onslaughts In Industrial District Russians destroy Two Axis Units By The Associated Press MOSCOW, Saturday, Oct. 17.-The Stalingrad garrison "withdrew from one of the city's settlements" yester- day under the pressure of thousands of "numerically superior" German shock troops who were supported by hundreds of tanks and planes in their furious new effort to split the Red Army defenders. A midnight communique announc- ing the third Russian withdrawal in two days emphasized the peril to the Volga River city. now in its 54th day of siege,, and the retreat apparently meant the Russians had abandoned the factory district of northern Stal- ingrad. "in the Stalingrad area," the bulle- tin said, "our troops are repulsing furious attacks by numerically super- ior enemy forces: According to pre- liminary data during the day we de- stroyed 43 German tanks and anni- hilated about a regiment of enemy infantry.' Withdraw "After stubborn fighting our units withdrew from one of the city's settle- ments." The Russians said there was only "fighting of local significance" north- west of the city where a Red Army offensive against the Nazi flank has been under way for weeks in an effort to ease the pressure on Stalingrad. Two companies of Nazi infantry and 200 Rumanians were killed in that sector, and Red Army artillery was reported to have destroyed five tanks, four mortars, 16 machine guns, two anti-tank guns and 28 enemy blockhouses. Mozdok Area Indecisive but heavy fighting con- tinued also in the Mozdok sector of the mid-Caucasus where the Russians said they killed approximately 400 Germans and destroyed five tanks and an ammunition dump. On the only other fronts mentioned the communique said 600 enemy troops were slain on the front west of, Moscow "by our artillery recon- naissance units and snipers," and the Germans also suffered "many dead" in an unsuccessful attack on the northwestern, or Leningrad front. Dr.[J. D 'ruce, V ice-President, RetiresAt 70 Dr. James Deacon Bruce, vice-pres- ident in charge of University rela- tions, was given the title of Vice- President Emeritus yesterday when the Board of Regents granted him retirement as of his 70th birthday. A leader in the development of postgraduate study of medicine in America, Dr. Bruce has been associ- ated with the University since 1904 when he held the position of assistant in Internal Medicine. During this time he has been the University's per- sonal representative in many state affairs. No successor was named by the Regents at this regular monthly meeting. Dr. Bruce received the degree, Doc- tor of Medicine, from the Detroit Col- lege of Medicine and Surgery in 1896. After graduation he engaged in gen- eral practice of medicine in Michigan for several years. During World War I Dr. Bruce served as a captain in the medical corps of the Canadian Army and later as a major in the medical corps ofE the United States Army. By LEON GORDENKER The 4,000 students in Hill Auditor- ium last night understood no Rus- sian, but the spirit behind stocky Sov- iet Lieut. Liudmila Pavlichenko's words brought cheer after cheer. In the tough tones of the trenches, Pavlichenko spoke of her enemy, gritted out "fashishta" and the stu- dents recognized the word with a great shout. When they heard the "Stalingrada" they boomed out a louder applause. Lieutenant Pavlichenko smiled from the platform during the transla- tion of her words, lowered her eyes at the repeated cheers for the substitut- ed English words. "I cut my hair short only after war broke out," Lieutenant Pavlichenko said as she told of her struggle to be- come "one of the privileged youth" who fought the Nazis. That personal victory started her "personal account with the enemy," she said. The first three entries were careless Rumanian soldiers who put their heads too far out of the trenches near Odessa.. The soldier who fought alone to tally a score of 309 Nazis showed her awareness that her country was be- hind her when she said: "All our cit- izens have rallied for the defense of our country." And she said of- the Second Front: "The Soviet people are still waiting!" "Forward, friends, to the 'complete victory over Fascism!" she said as'she concluded her short speech. The furious fighting on the Rus- sian front was brought home by Hom- er D. Swander, Managing Editor of The Daily. "We wish, down inside of us, that we had done as much to stop the ruthless march of fascism," Swander said as 4,000 students cheered back their approval. Applause interrupted him again when he said that students want nothing better "than a chance to blast hell out of the Nazis!" Swander told students that their part in the war was to "give up cam- pus-as-usual - . . spend a little more .time winning this war" by joining the Manpower Mobilization Corps. "It only asks that we put winning this war first," he said. The ideological solidarity of the youth of the United Nations was voiced by Paul Lim-Yuen, spokesman for the 24 campus representatives of the United Nations. "The. youth of the United Nations have a common credo," Lim-Yuen said. That credo is supported by "a revo- lutionary kind of unity. We have no choice between revolution and any- thing else." It is a revolution of ideology, a un- ity of hope which can be made fact, he said, emphasizing the necessity of not forgetting "the thinking emer- gency." Turn To Page 6, Col. 2 Campus War Spirit Rises.,. A ... - Students Cheer Fighting Words Of Pavlichenko Enthusiasm for the Manpower Mo- bilization Corps, student answer to local labor shortage in war work, spurted last night with the rise in campus war spirit stimulated by the United Nations Rally. Moving into the third day of regis- tration with a steadily lengthening list of members, the Manpower Corps was recommended to the students as an excellent method of helping their country by Prof. John L. Brumm, of the journalism department and Hom- er Swander, managing editor of The Daily. All male students who register with the Corps will be given jobs working on nearby farms-with regular pay- or doing other war work on campus and in Ann Arbor on a voluntary ba- sis. Twenty Wolverines (from the Man- power Corps) will auction the foot- ball used in today's game to the per- son buying most war stamps or bonds at the game. Listing opportunities for student war work, Manpower Director Mary Borman said last night, "There are apples to be picked, scrap to be col- Student Music CriticSought Daily To Sponsor Contest In Tower Tomorrow An open musical "Hopwood con- test" will be conducted by members of the music school faculty and The Daily staff to select The Daily's music critic for the coming year at 2:45 p. m. Sunday in Room 206, Tower. Any student may try out for the position. The person chosen will re- ceive Choral Union tickets and a sal- ary. The procedure planned for Sunday is this: After hearing a sample program each person will be allotted approxi- mately 75 minutes to write under pen-name a 500 word review. (He should bring a typewriter if possible.) The reviews will be collected at the end of +this ntn nd nA . onmm+itt Japanese Reinforce lected, beets to be topped, wooden bi- cycle racks to be built." You can register for the Man- power Corps at the Stadium today. Booths will bet set up between sec- tions 6 and 8, and 9 and 10, for all male students who wish to volun- teer.J "Every one of those jobs is impor- tant, every one of them can be done by us and will really help the war effort. "And every bit of time that we can devote to this work will count. This isn't a draft and there is no compul- sion. But if any person can put in even one afternoon every two weeks, he will be making a real contribution. "We are well on our way to picking the executive board, and should have it chosen by tomorrow afternoon. Everything depends on the students,l and it looks like they are at last ready to get into this war." Vichy Reports: Aerial Activity In Dakar Area LONDON, Saturday, Oct. 17.- (IP) -The Vichy radio announced last night that a French naval air officer was killed in combat over West Africa last Sunday, and the Germans pre-! faced their broadcast of this news with a statement saying "fighting activities have started over Dakar." Captain Dailliere, described as aI flight officer stationed at the strate- gic base of Dakar, died in an aerial engagement, and while neither Vichy nor Berlin identified his opponent, their meaning was clear-that a member of the United Nations had shot down the Vichy airman. . Fighting French and British mili- tary sources here said "no comment" on the report. For weeks now the Germans have been warning of an impending Allied attack on Dakar, possibly with the hope of gaining concessions for them- selves in Africa, and also no doubt through genuine fear of a possible Allied second front in that area. Captain Dailliere "fell in African skies in defense of the French Em- pire and of French unity," the Vichy radio said in quoting Vice-Admiral Positions American Troops Shelled In Guadalcanal Sector; Huge EnemyFleet Seen Knox Expresses Hope For Victory By WILLIAM F. FRYE Associated Press Staff Writer WASHINGTON, Oct. 16.-(P)-The peril of American troops in the Solo- mons increased ominously today as the Japanese, having landed large reinforcements with heavy equipment on Guadalcanal, began shelling the American positions there with field artillery. Moreover, the Navy reported in a communique that a large group of enemy ships had been sighted near Shortland Island in the northwestern Solomons in addition to the various units of transports and warships which have been pouring men ashore and shelling the American emplace- ments on Guadalcanal. Details Lacking Details of the bitter ground fight- ing were lacking, however, and there 'was no' indication that the Japanese, although heavily reinforced with troops and equipment, had succeeded thus far in forcing the Marines out of any of the territory they had occu- pied. A cautious expression of hope for victory was voiced late today by Sec- retary of the Navy Knox. Asked at a press conference whether he thought the American positions could be held, he replied: "I certainly hope so, I expect so. I don't want to make any predictions, but every man out there, afloat and ashore, will give a good account of himself." Knox Hopeful When a reporter, misunderstanding him, asked Knox if he had said, "I bet so," the secretary replied rather sharply, "Oh, don't try to pi me down on a specific word." "Of course, every American hopes we will win," he added, "but there's no concealing there's a good stiff, tough fight on which has not yet been determined." Until today, there has been no indi- cation that the Japanese possessed any artillery to turn against the American forces since the Marines, with Navy support, launched their surprise attack and wrested the im- portant Guadalcanal - Tulagi area from the enemy early in August. Navy Quiet For obvious reasons, the Navy gave no hint of any counter measures planned to nullify the renewed Nip- ponese offensive in its fifth critical day. However, it was recalled here that Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, commander-in-chief of the Pacific Fleet, had said only yesterday at Pearl Harbor that the Marines on Guadalcanal were "effectively meet- ing every force that the enemy has hurled at them." The communique this afternoon disclosed for the first time that some of tle Navy's motor torpedo boats, of a type which scored so heavily against enemy invasion fleets in the Philip- pines last winter, were operating with the American forces in the Solomons. Enemy warships shelling the Army- Navy-Marine forces on Guadalcanal from positions northward of the is- land on the night of October 14-15 were attacked by the torpedo boats, which reported a probable hit on a cruiser. All men who have not yet regis- tered with the Michigan Union are urged to do so immediately. Regis- Itrgfa ion s cntinuing: each 2after-