00, 4t1 t9UU aatil Weather Little Change VOL. LIII No. 11 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCT. 16, 1942 PRICE FIVE CENTS Huge United Nations War Rally Tonight At 8 All College * * * * * * Students May * * * * * Be Deferred Two Hours Every Two Weeks? Questions On ManpowerAnswered By ROBERT MANTHO The precedent-shattering move to harness student manpower and channel it into Uncle Sam's war effort will continue today as booths remain open on campus for the registration of all males who have even the barest of spare time to give to the Manpower Mobilization Corps. Very noticeable in yesterday's registration, boss Mary Borman re- ported last night, was the confusion of some students who we'e ap- proached to volunteer their ser- vices. A few students didn't know ex- actly what the Manpower Mobili-. zation was. Some thought that yes- terday's registration was something like a draft, that it would take all their time and they couldn't get any studying done. What kind of outfit are we get- ting into? What sort of work would we have to do? Will we get paid? Questions like these showed their confusion. Here are the answers, in the hope that everything will clear up and the students will realize just how simple the whole procedure really is: 1. The Manpower Mobilization Corps was set up as a clearing house for all student war-time la- bor. Students volunteering will help out wherever they are needed around the city area. Their names are then sent to Mary Borman, to- gether with the days and hours they can spare. Through Borman,. students are immediately put on jobs that are essential to the war effort. 2. The registration is NOT a draft, it's purely voluntary. IF YOU HAVE ONLY TWO HOURS EVERY TWO WEEKS TO SPARE, SIGN UP. Your little bit counts. If you have every afternoon in the week to spare, sign up. You'll help a lot. 3. ALL FARM LABOR WILL RE- CEIVE PAY, ANYTHING ELSE IS VOLUNTARY-YOUR PART TO HELP WIN THIS WAR. 4. THE KIND OF WORK EX- PECTED OF STUDENTS WHO VOLUNTEER IS CHIEFLY MAN- UAL LABOR. Farmers near Ann Arbor are critically short of help and their harvests have to be gath- ered to provide food for U.S. sol- diers. Students are needed to pick apples, to top sugar beets and to pick corn. For example, 20 students will be transported to a Milan farm tomor- row morning. They will help out by topping sugar beets. They will be paid the regular wage rate for that type of work. Students will be used for fuel and gas rationing registration, for col- lecting old clothes! and fats. They will be used to drive trucks for the University hospital. Mr. Pardon of the Building and Grounds department can use all the help he can get for salvage work and scrap collection. And that's another important job for students. to do.I Nazis Launch New Attack At Stallngrad German Force Has Pushed Soviets Back Slightly With SavageOnslaught Troops Supported By T kanks, Planes By The Associated Press MOSCOW, Friday, Oct. 16. - The Germans, in a new offensive spurt, hurled two infantry divisions sup- ported by 100 tanks and huge air for- mations against northwestern Stalin- grad yesterday, and "succeeded in slightly pressing back our troops," the Russians announced early today on the 53rd day of siege. This German gain, made in a race with approaching winter, cost the en- emy 1,500 dead and about 45 of their tanks, the' midnight communique said. South of the besieged Volga River city the Russians said another 300 Germans were slain, and five guns and six blockhouses and two muni- tions dumps were destroyed by one Red Army unit. The Nazi blockhouse] garrisons either were killed or cap- tured, the communique added. Above the city where the Red Army has driven wedges into the Nazi flank extending from the Don River to Stalingrad, the communique reported only indecisive fighting of local im- portance. The Russians there were still attacking, however, and using their artillery to disperse German concentrations. One Nazi infantry company was said to have been wiped out and three enemy planes downed. In the mid-Caucasian area of Moz- dok the Soviet bulletin said the Red Army fought off three successive Nazi attacks, burning or disabling 19 Ger- man tanks and killing approximately two companies of enemy infantry. The Russians in this area also were reported to have broken into a series of Nazi trenches where several scores of Germans were killed. Second Front "MustWait - Rickenbacker WASHINGTON, Oct. 15.- ()- Captain E. V. "Eddie" Rickenbacker brought back today from an official survey trip to England the conclusion that a second land front in Europe must await decisive success for the British-American air offensive. Already aerial superiority is "defin- itely on the Allies' side" and "the trend is entirely in our favor," the First World War air ace reported to Secretary Stimson. But he added: Japs Renewing Assaults On GuadalcanalA irpori Enemy Bombers Blast American-Held Strongholds As Furious Conflict In Solomons Rages On By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER Associated Press Staff Writer WASHINGTON, Oct. 15- Japan- ese bombers have struck anew at the Guadalcanal airfield held by Amer-' ican forces in the Solomon Islands, the Navy announced tonight, as a great struggle for domination of much of the Southwest Pacific Ocean raged on. The latest air attack was disclosed in a communique which added but a few sparse details to what had al- ready been told of the crucial aero- amphibious conflict in a communique earlier in the day. It was stated that enemy naval for- ces were still operating, at last re- ports, in the vicinity of Savo Island, which guards the approaches to the Japanese-held northern section of Guadalcanal, and there was no men- Small Business To Close, Says Gen. Somervell WASHINGTON, Oct. 15.- (IP)- In an angry clash with the chairman of the Senate Small Business Commit- tee, Lieut. Gen. Brehon Somervell, Army Chief of Supply, declared today that hundreds of small industrial plants "will have to close and you can put that down as a fact." The army simply cannot fit them into its production program, Somer- vell told Chairman Murray (D-Mont.) who had hotly accused the general of failing to utilize small business fully. Murray said Somervell'sstatements that small plants would be utilized to the fullest possible extent were mere "pious protestations." "We intend to see to it," the Sena- tor said, "that our soldiers are not slaughtered merely because certain high procurement officials fail to un- derstand how the resources of this country should be mobilized for the supreme effort." General Somervell told the com- mittee "all the small factories in the country couldn't turn out one day's ammunition for Allied troops," and that production schedules must not be interrupted to permit full utiliza- tion of such plants. tion of any action involving either American air or surface forces. The Japanese armada had been disclosed earlier to include battle- ships. This was the first time the en- emy has risked his capital vessels in the vicinity of Guadalcanal and the, fact emphasized his grim determina- tion to regain control of the island and smash the American offensive in the Southwest Pacific at virtually any cost. Outcome In Balance While the outcome of the struggle still hung in the balance, the Navy added these details of information in tonight's communique: Twenty-seven enemy bombers blas- ted the Guadalcanal airfield shortly after noon on October 15, Guadal- canal time. Results of this raid were not announced. On% the night of October 14-15, American positions on Espiritu Santo Island, site of an air base, in the New Hebrides, were shelled by an enemy ship believed to be a submarine. Es- piritu Santo is 450 miles southeast of Guadalcanal, and the action had the appearance of a diversionary move by the Japanese. Japs Hit Again A mid - day navy communique, which gave the most complete ac- count yet of the action, described the enemy's forces and told of new blows dealt the Japanese in preliminary phases of the fighting. It listed seven Japanese ships, including a battle- ship, as having been damaged in the last four days, and reported the cer- tain destruction of 23 enemy planes, with ten more either destroyed or damaged. On the other hand, the enemy was reported to have been successful in bombing the vital American airfield and the previously announced bom- bardment of the field and its defenses by Japanese surface ships last Tues- day night was described as "heavy." Loss of two United States fighter planes was also announced. But there were no indications of how the aero-amphibious battle was going, or whether either side had gained any advantage which would give it an edge on victory. The pattern of the initial Japanese assault became clear from the com- munique's account of the actions leading up to the furious engagement. Axis Receives Heavy Losses In Air Battle 94 Enemy Craft Downed In Furious Malta Raid As'FightingContinues CAIRO, Oct. 15.- (")- Axis air losses over Malta increased to 94 since Sunday with the destruction of 13 more enemy craft over the rocky is- land fortress this morning as the Germans and Italians strove mightily to reinforce and supply their stalled army in Egypt. The toll for today probably will rise when afternoon and night results are added to the three bombers and eight fighters already brought down. The preliminary account from Val- letta included only.the morning fight- ing. Malta has. undergone more than 3,000 air raids since Italy entered the war, and has accounted for more than 1,000 planes. The intensified air siege was in its fifth day after the British had shot down 23 Axis planes during four en- emy swoops on Malta Wednesday, losing only five Spitfires from which three pilots were saved. Heavy United States bombers in daylight Wednesday again -attacked Tobruk-chief Axis supply base and destination of Axis convoys. A large merchant ship was hit directly by two bombs, and a nearby lighter was de- troyed. German reports that Marshal Er- win Rommel had returned to the front lines in Egypt in the Alamein sector 80 miles west of Alexandria were seen as connected with the in- tensification of Axis efforts to build up his striking force. The battlefront remained quiet while the quartermasters of both sides feverishly built their armies for what is expected to be the most with- ering campaign of the desert. Punish Hess Immediately, Says Russia MOSCOW, Oct. 15.-()-The So- viet government came out bluntly to- day for immediate trial and punish- ment "with all the severity of crimi- nal law" of any German ringleader already imprisoned by the Allies, and specifically named Rudolf Hess, a captive in Britain, as one of the "or- ganizers of German atrocities" who should pay now for his misdeeds. The announcement was made in the form of a communique widely cir- culated by the Tass Agency, contain- ing the reply of Soviet Foreign Com- missar Molotov to a 10-months-old communication from a number of European governments-in-exile. It suggested a sharp departure from the plans of the British and United Experiences To Be Tod 'By Lieut. Pavlichenko House Bill Sets Draft Age At 18 Bill To Defer Induction Of Youths In School, College UntilJuly, 1943 Measure To Aim At Quota Revision By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Oct. 15.- The House Military Committee unani- mously approved a bill making 18 and 19-year-olds subject to the draft to- day, after adding new safeguards in- tended generally to prevent the in- duction of married men while single men are available for army service. The Senate Military Committee planned meanwhile to report a sim- ilar measure tomorrow. Overnight it asked the War Department for confi- dential information on how it intends to use an army of 7,500,000 men. That figure has been made the goal for 1943. In addition to reducing the draft age from 20 to 18, the measure en- deavored to settle a controversy over the interrupted educations of the youths to be called. The bill provides that a high school or col- lege student called for induction shall be deferred until the end of the present academic year. After July 1, 1943, no educational defer- ments are to be granted. Additional security for married men was provided by an amendment proposed by Rep. Kilday (D-Tex.. As things now stand, each draft board receives its monthly quota. This. must be filled, regardless. If there is an insufficient number of unmarried eligibles to make up the quota, the practice has been to fill it out with married men. Quotas Made Statements Under Kilday's amendment, the quotas would be made statewide, in- stead of applicable to one town or one section of a city. Thus a draft board may not order the induction of a married man, if elsewhere in the state there are eligible single men. Similarly, it may not send a married man with children into the service, while elsewhere in the state there are eligible childless married men. In this connection, Major General Lewis B. Hershey, the chief of the Selective Service said in the course of the hearings, that with the passage of the pending bill the induction of married men with children was not contemplated before 1944. The House committee adopted two additional amendments: The first, suggested by Robert P. Patterson, the Undersecretary of War, modified a provision of pres- ent law saying that if a person under 21 enlists in the army with- out consent of his parents he must be released if the parents so re- quest. The committee changed the age limit in this provision to 18. The second, by Rep. Durham (D- N. C.) specified that no prospective inductee should be rejected because of his conviction for an offense not a felony at common law. It was ex- plained that convictions under the old Prohibition amendment had caused a number of such rejections, and that Durham's amendment would give such men no further immunity from army service. In voting to report the Wadsworth Bill, the Committee turned down a measure by its Chairman Rep. May (D-Ky.). The May bill was similar in most respects but forbade the army Turn To Page 6, Column 4 NOTICES All second semester freshmen and sophomores interested in try- ing out for the Michigan Union staff are asked to sign up today from 3 p. m. to 5 p. m. in the Union Student Offices. Lieut. Liudmila Pavlichenko of the Red Army, the woman sharpshooter who brought down 309 Nazis, will tell her experiences of battle at a huge United Nations war rally at 8 p. m. today in Hill Auditorium. The Nazis-she calls them "beasts of prey"-feared the brown-haired, brown-eyed student turned soldier who hunted down their advance men with resourceful relentlessness. For days they bombarded her with special pleas via loudspeaker to come over to their side, to get "all the choc- All basic and advanced corps ROTC students planning to attend the War Rally will form at 7:30 p. m. today at Morris Hall, corner of State and Jefferson streets, to march to Hill Auditorium behind the University Band. Full uniform. olate she could eat every day." But Lieutenant Pavlichenko dodged and tracked her quarry until she had pumped 309 of them with Russian bullets. Her man-sized job as a sniper end- ed when she was selected to go to America with a mission of uniting the youth of the United Nations un- der the common cause of victory. With that duty she comes here. Lieutenant Pavlichenko will be es- corted into Hill Auditorium by an ROTC honor guard of 28 men and three officers fully armed with rifles and automatic rifles. Uniformed ROTC and NROTC men will turn out to sit in a special military block in Hill Auditorium. The Women's Rifle Corps, an American counterpart of the "de- stroyer squad" with which Lieutenant Allies Destroy Enemy Cruiser HEADQUARTERS OF GENERAL MACARTHUR, Australia, Oct. 16.- (W)- Allied airmen supporting their flf'rVV19OC fiLhtir +thI,nanes in Pavlichenko got her start, will alsoI be present to greet her.I Her mission of unity among the United Nations' youth will be recog- nized with a Declaration of Unityc signed by campus leaders and read at the meeting. Twenty-four United Nations representatives sent by the International Center will be present on the platform. The Michigan Band will play patri- otic music. Even before her remarks are trans- lated Lieutenant Pavlichenko will make her audience understand the intense hate of the Nazis that her voice carries. Four times the Germans wounded Lieutenant Pavlichenko, twice ser- iously. One of her wounds was sus- tained during the hard-fighting de- fense of Sevastopol. Lieutenant Pavlichenko was a stu- dent at the University of Kiev when the Nazis attacked the Soviet Union. She was not encouraged to join the Red Army, but instead she joined a civilian defense organization which was later made part of the Chapayev division. Her first taste of the battle-line scared her. But then she learned her job as well as anyone in the world. "I was in range of hot German fire," she said. "I cried to our ma- chine gunners to save me by a cover of return fire! But I soon learned the steadiness and coolness required of our snipers." Synthetic Tires For Everyone --ButPerhaps! AKRON, O., Oct. 15.- (IP)- The nation's rubber boss indicated today that gasoline rationing and rigid ob- servance of the 35-mile speed limit may bring tires for everybody. Rubber Administrator William J. Jeffers, who arrived here today for a personal inspection of Akron's grow- ing synthetic rubber industry, told Alan R. Booth Expresses Need Of Cause For Which To Fioht Focusing his remarks around the point that "fighting alone will not suffice to answer the question that this war poses," Alan R. Booth, gen- In an interview after the meeting Booth hastened to allay the suspicion of Americans that British financial interests will prolong the war for pe- ni~si~m