PAGE FOUI THE MICHIG~AN Dklt.V THTTDR flAV- VT.I'P r 1-IOA@ V&~JPZ.~~JI...4~£7 r .aa ar.. rrr i v ma. i V r; a .V A 1 L -i cnunoLtiz, Vul. 10, ly4 Wf a rt Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 RRPREBENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTIaING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVIL New YORK. N. Y. ChhIcAGO - BOSTON .+ LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO THE NECESSARY SWORD 17 "t'' f c .(..flyf et. +ii k ., wf' kt .,, . ARMEN e M ' J;. {t rY, .:.K f V' t t7 v 1 :6C le ell Ra f S 11':"' Bey f! r t ,y ";'t 1. ' f, t' tr 4 " YF Editorial- Staff Homer Swander Morton Mintz Will Sapp George W. Sallad6 Charles Thatcher Bernard Hendel Barbara deFries Myron Dasnn.. Managing Editor Editorial Director sCity Editor . Associate Editor * . .Associate Editor . . . Sports Editor . . . . Women's Editor . . Associate Sports Editor Business Staff Edward J. Perlberg Fred M. Ginsberg Mary Lou Curran Jane Lindberg James Daniels . Business Manager . . . . Associate Business Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Publications Sales Analyst LERRY-GO B y D RE W! WASHINGTON: A desperate back- stage tug-of-war has been taking place in Chile for the past two or three weeks to prevent President de los Rios from making his scheduled visit to the United ,States. Chief wire-pullers in this tug-of- war have been Axis agents, many of them working through pro-Axis Chil- eans and Argentines. They anticipat- ed that President Rios' trip would lead definitely to a Chilean break with the Axis, leaving Argentina as the one country still on diplomatic speaking terms with Germany, Japan, and Italy. Until the last two or three weeks President Rios did not take a very active interest in foreign affairs; saw everything through the preju- diced eyes of his Foreign Minister, Barros Jarpa, a strong isolationist. But the other day, young Nelson Rockefeller, head of the Cultural Committee for Latin America, called upon President Rios and gave him a first hand picture of the American attitude toward the war and toward those countries which did not cooper- ate toward winning the war. Immediately after the Rockefeller visit all kinds of gossip spread along the diplomatic grapevine as to how the young millionaire had bulldozed the President of Chile, threatening him with dire consequences if he did not break with the Axis. Chief spread- er of this gossip was Foreign Minister Barros Jarpa, who reported that President Rios was so miffed with Rockefeller that he virtually had de- cided to 'cancel his trip. This story, however, seems to have been generously smeared with the Axis propaganda brush. Actual- ly Rockefeller's talk was frank and friendly. He pointed out that the United States'naturally would co- operate with those who cooperated with her. But he made no threats. Furthermore, President Rios seem- ed to appreciate his frankness. He had never received a very clear pic-' ture of the situation through the somewhat distorted vision of his For- eign Minister, and he wrote a letter to a friend expressing his apprecia- tion of the Rockefeller visit. However, the backstage wire-pull- ing to keep President Rios away from the charm of F. D. Roosevelt contin-] ues. When Sumner Welles last week in Boston said that Argentina and Chile had "permitted" secret information toI leak to the Axis, the anti-American bloc in Chile pounced upon this with alacrity. Twisting the Spanish trans- lation of "permitted" to mean "active collaboration," they used this word as] their chief weapon to persuade Rios to postpone his trip. It is believed that Rios will come] to Washington later, but not until after a diplomatic breathing spell. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Telephone 23-24-1 .k . 5EC NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT MANTHO Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only.- (Continued from Page 2) Senior Mechanical Engineers: Mr. M. H. Campbell, Representative of The Standard Oil Company of Ohio, will interview Senior Mechanical En- gineering students on Friday after- noon, October 16, for prospective po- sitions with that organizations. Interview schedule is posted on the Bulletin Board at Room 221 West Engineering Building. Registration is being held this week in the University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall, through Friday, Oct. 16. Office hours are 9 to 12 a.m. and 2 to 4 p.m. This enrollment applies to teachers and to all interested in business and other professional posi- tions, and is open to seniors, gradu- ate students and staff members in- terested in full-time work. Only one registration will be held, and everyone who wants employment at the end of the February, June, or August term is urged to apply now. There is no charge for registration this week. After this week, however, there will be a late registration fee of $1.00. It should be noted that everyone who is a candidate for a Teacher's Certificate is required by the School of Education to be regis- tered in the Bureau before the cer- tificate can be granted. University Bureau of Appoint- ments & Occupational Infor- mation.- Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Siegfried Giedion of Zurich, Switzerland, Nor- ton Lecturer at Harvard University, will lecture on the subject, "The American Spirit of Invention, " (il- lustrated) under the auspices of the College of Architecture and Design, on Friday, October 16, at 4:15 p.m. in the Lecture Room of the Archi- tecture Building. The public is cor- dially invited. University Lecture: Dr. Esson M. Gale, Acting James Orin Murfin Pro- fessor of Political Science, former of- ficer of the Chinese Salt Revenue Administration, will lecture on the subject, "Nationalist China Today: Personal Impressions" (illustrated), under the auspices of the Department of Political Science, on Wednesday, October 21, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rack- ham Amphitheatre. The public is cor- dially invited.s 1942-43 Lecture Course Schedule: Oct. 22, Col. Carlos P. Romulo; Nov. 5, Jay Allen and Louis Fischer; Nov. 17, Ruth Mitchell; Nov. 30, Louis Ad- amic; Dec. 7, Ilka Chase; Feb. 4, Mar-1 garet Bourke-White; Feb. 18, Walter Duranty; March 18, T. R. Ybarra.- Season tickets at special series rates; are on sale daily at the box office,; Hill Auditorium. Box office hours are from 10-1 and 2-5 daily (except Sat- , urday afternoon and Sunday. I 00--p POLLTAX: You Can Help Obliterate An American Disgrace T ODAY the Inter-Racial Association will set up a booth in the center of the diagonal and circulate a petition urging the passage .of the Pepper-Geyer Anti-Poll Tax Bill. The petition will be sent to the Senate. The first step in the elimination of this national disgrace was taken Tuesday when the House of Repre- sentatives, after a bitter struggle,-"passed the bill by an overwhelming majority of 252 to 84. That bill must not be stopped in the Senate. Since its inception in the state of Florida in 1889, the poll tax has been the South's most flagrant violation of the fifteenth amendment. Since that time, millions of American citizens have been disenfranchised by the device of making them pay for the privilege of voting. Now, three-quarters of a century after the Civil War, approximately ten million citizens-four million Negroes and six million "poor whites" -are still without a voice in "the government of the people." There are eight southern states which use the poll tax: Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Mississip- pi, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Vir- ginia. The tax payment varies nominally from $1 to $2 a year. $ut, through interest and penalties for late payment and cumulative payments, this amount reaches $36 in Alabama, $47.47 in Geor- gia. At the same time, the average per capita in- tome in these eight states varies from $195 to $455 a year. The poll tax, moreover, is not paid at the time of voting but long before-10 months before in three of the states. N POLL TAX STATES, an average of one- fourth of the adult citizens vote in presiden- tial elections; in some counties only 14% of the adult citizens are qualified to vote. Those citizens who do vote wield an inordinate amount of power. The vote of a poll tax payer becomes worth four times that of a free state voter. To take an extreme case, Congressman Kirwan of Ohio was elected in 1940 from a district with a population of 441,240, 45% of whom voted; Con- gressman Whittington of Mississippi was elected from a district of 435,530, 3% of whom voted! The Pepper Bill has yet to be reported to the Senate. It is important to America and to the world, to the disenfranchised southern voter and the free northern voter, that the Pepper- Geyer Anti-Poll Tax Bill become a law. Netta Siegel ,4h AXE 7o(, Hi-by Torquemadc Lecture: Mr. Allan Booth, General Secretary of International Student Service in Great Britain and Ireland, will deliver a public lecture this eve- ning at 7:30 in Lane Hall on "Stu- dents in Wartime England." The lec- ture is sponsored by Inter-Guild. Academic Notices Navy Flight Training in Ann Arbor sponsored by the Civilian Pilot Train- ing Program. 16-week progrbm is of- fered during the Fall Term for V-1 or V-5 Navy enlistments while at- tending University. 72 hours of eve- ning ground school in University classrooms. Flight training includes 35-40 hours at Ann Arbor Airport between classes at University. No enrollment fee. Applications are still being accepted for a quota of 20 Uni- versity boys. There are four open- ings. Classes to begin as soon as quo- ta is filled. Tentative date for start of program has been set for October 19. For further information, call at Room B-47 East Engineering or tele- phone 4121, Extension 2113. Get your application in now before it is too late for this program. Doctoral Examination for Horace Komm; field: mathematics; thesis: "Concerning the Dimension and the lambdaDimension of a Partial Or- der," will be held today in East Coun- cil Room, Rackham Bldg., at 3:00 p.m.; chairman, B. Dushnik. By action of the Executive Board the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doctoral candidates to attend the examination and he may grant permission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum Class in Physics 203 will meet as usual on Friday, October 16. E. F. Baker Math. 112, Theory of Equations. Beginning today, this class will meet in Room 220 West Engineering Bldg. R. M. Thrall German Departmental Library, 204 University Hall, schedule for the Fall Term: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs- day, Friday; 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.; Sat- urday: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Program in International Studies: Students who have enrolled, or who are interested in enrolling, in this program should meet in room 1035 Angell Hall at 3:15 p.m. today. H. B. Calderwood College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Schools of Education, Fores- try, Music, and Public Health: Stu- dents who received marks of I or X at the close of their last semester or summer session of attendance will receive a grade of E in the course or courses unless this work is made up by November 5. Students wishing an extension of time beyond this date in order to make up this work should file a petition addressed to the appro- priate official in their school with Ijoom 4 U. H. where it will be trans- mitted. Robert L. Williams, Assistant Registrar Preliminary examinations for the doctorate in English will be given ac- cording to the following schedule: December 2: American Literature With European Backgrounds. December 5: English Literature, IT GETS so completely disheartening so often that a sense of humor, real or assumed, is the only thing to get by on. Last week's Collegiate Di- gest, a raccoon coat photo section, showed Drake Un'iversity students with big "D"s on their sweat- ers paddling freshmen who refused such head- gear. And only yesterday we got a letter from the Ohio State Lantern. The address: "Editor, Michigan Daily"-the salutation: "Dear Fella". The letter (which we do not reprint for humanitarian reasons) went on to say that as far as they could check there had never been an exchange trophy for Michi- gan-Ohio State games down there; that both papers played a large part in student affairs, and thus would do well to sponsor such a trophy; that we need not fear ifiwe were faced with financial troubles, as they were down there; that each paper should make up a mat (impression) of a page headed Michigan Beats Ohio State, or Ohio State Beats Michigan; that since we are worried SHARP WIT: Claire Booth - You Might Call Her Different . C LAIRE BOOTH, now busy stumping for the Republican votes in Connec- ticut is . . . well, you might call her different. "I beg the voters ... to remove that, small, but squawking white albatross of myopic iso- lationism, Hamilton Fish." (Claire Booth at Poughkeepsie in 1940. She supported Wendell Willkie.) "Mr. Downs is one of the many men without faces in Washington." (Claire Booth on Sept. 18, 1942. Against her opponent, Democratic incum- bent Leroy D. Downs.) "I HAVE just seen a photograph of Mr. Downs and he has a very nice face indeed." (Claire Booth, ten days later, after she had seen a photo- graph of Leroy Downs.) Connecticut hasn't seen anything like her for many a moon. Claire Booth has a razor- sharp wit and a bewitching smile. (In 1941, she was voted the best-dressed woman in America.) As a politician, Henry Luce's wife is . . . well, you might call her different. Bob Mantho about expenses if we are as bad off as they are (here a jovial note was introduced), this need merely be mounted on a wood background after having been bronzed. It would cost neither fella more than $10, and please write immediately since we have so little time left to accomplish our goal. WE WROTE immediately, but policy dictates' such a letter should be restrained to the quiet chuckles of its several authors. I think it's funny enough to reprint. Editor, Ohio State Lantern Hello Out There- WE'VE just checked up here, and we can't find any exchange trophy, either. We don't know what to do, either! We are happy to realize that there is still someone out there fighting it out on this all-importaht line. School spirit is not dead, fella! IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to impress upon you just how much rah-rah spirit can really mean to a great university such as ours, for they are great universities, aren't they? They sure are. WE WERE terribly impressed with your idea, but only one thing holds us back: we are not faced with financial difficulties, fella. We can understand just how bad you must feel about this matter, and possibly a few suggestions might be of value. Try increasing your circulation. Ad- vertising also is a good source of revenue. IN THE EVENT you do make a financial success, possibly we can put into effect your great sug- gestion. For it is a great suggestion from a great bunch of guys, fella. We would like to see each paper exchange staffs the day of the game. You could put out a Daily, and we would put out a copy of the Ohio State Lantern. You might even try going to Michigan for a couple of weeks. We cannot but feel that such an idea would be of great benefit to the common effort we are both facing, fella. IN CONCLUSION, thank you again and again and again for your interest. It is good to see someone interested in the more important things of life. We are glad to see that you have none of these New York communists working around there for war bond sales. God Bless America. Yours truly, Fella SAMUEL GRAF TON'S I'd Rlather Be Right OFF TO A GOOD START: National Rubber Czar Demonstrates Backbone In First Struggle With Pressure Organizations THE CHOOSING OF SIDES: Our foreign policy is beginning to change. No question of it. Our re- lations with Vichyrand Helsinki are deteriorating in gratifying fashion. Soon, let us hope, they will be very bad indeed. At the same time, we have warmed up our connection with China. We have sent a wave of jollification through that country by offering, in common with Eng- land, to end our century-old extra- territorial privileges, which were dedicated to the proposition that when the white man goes visiting in Asia he brings not only his bath- tubs and his dinner clothes, but hisA own courts too; the ultimate in luxurious travel. THE FLOATING CORK Simultaneously, our relations with the only two neutrals in the hemi- sphere, Argentina and Chile, grow worse. This is inevitable, precisely as inevitable as our warmer feeling for China. It is silly to blame it on Mr. Welles, for the speech in which he criticized "two countries" for letting Axis agents operate on their soil. The war made Mr. Welles make that speech. The war is mak- ing all these realignments. Mr. Welles has next to nothing to do with them. He doesn't want to break with any country; he has proved, elaborately, that he can stand almost anybody. So, things are clearing up. The interminable choosing of sides, which began ten years ago, is still going on. It is an incomplete proc- ess, but it is nearing the end. The big trouble is that we are not making it happen; it is happening to us. It is still too slow. Actually, as has been true for ten years, we have no foreign policy. Our diplo- macy is not an arrow, pointing any- where: it is a cork floating on a murky sea, revealing the direction So, with extraterritoriality in China. It is not important that we waited a hundred years. What is important is that we never really did it on our own motion at all; we waited until Japan had seized the coastal areas in which these privi- leges existed, and thus made our privileges moot; we did nothing with them until they were gone. We tell Argentina and Chile that we don't like Axis agents in this hemisphere; but we tolerate agents of three Axis countries, Spain, Vichy-France and Finland, in our own capital. They can hear the gossip, read our press, including technical journals, carefully; then send the dirt to Hitler a few hours via diplomatic messages to their own countries. Sometime, when a scandal devel- ops in this field, we shall undoubt- edly act; but we are without a pol- icy for preventing scandals. We are slow and sullen about completing the choosing of sides. The war is gradually clarifying the picture, but it is our duty to act first and clarify the war. WE STAND STILL WHEN HE DOES Yet when, belatedly, under the. spur of danger, we do stumble in the right direction, results are good. China's gratitude makes us catch our breath and realize anew what prompter generosity on our part might do to the spirits of men around the world. Argentina and Chile begin to debate their neutral- ity afresh; we have given argu- ments to our friends down below; we have forced men on the wrong side to be more positively, more noisily, wrong. Why not precipi- tate these struggles eagerly, enthu- siastically, everywhere? They are the life of our age. But, instead, our foreign policy runs after events and never quite 1700-1900. December 9: English 1550-1700. December 12: English C!_ *i*F 11 Literature, Literature 76e Poin ted Pe¢N from Beginnings to 1550. All examinations will be given in 3217 A. H., 9:00-12:00 a.m. All those intending to take the examinations should notify Professor N. E. Nelson as soon as possible. Concerts Choral Union Concert Tickets: A limited number of tickets for the sea- son or for individual concerts, are still on sale over the counter at the offices of the University Musical So- ciety in Burton Memorial Tower. On the days of the respective performan- ces a limited number of standing room tickets will also be placed on sale, if necessity requires. Charles A. Sink, President University Musical Society Events Today The Zoology Club will meet in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Build- ing tonight at 7:30. Mr. Karl Bleyl will discuss "The comparative effects of the crude and refined venom of Crotalus atrox upon the circulating blood cells of certain mammals." Social gathering in the West Con- ference Room at the rear of the Am- phitheatre. Please remain to get ac- quainted. Zoologists and assistants on the staffs of the Department of Zoology, Museum of Zoology, Laboratory of Vertebrate Biology, School of For- estry and Conservation, Institute for Fisheries Research, and U.S. Fish and W E WOULD LIKE to give Mr. William M. Jeffers, national rubber czar and one of the few national administrators to boast a well ossified backbone, a hearty pat on the back. For Mr. Jeffers has bluntly and unequivocally expressed his attitude concerning pressure groups ins the nation. In no uncertain language he told several cotton bloc Senators, including old 'Cot- ton Ed' Smith himself, just exactly how he felt about 'muddlers who would torpedo the rubber program.' O JEFFERS, the rayon v. cotton battle, rep- resented only the first of many such squabbles which he will have to settle before our rubber program is unscrambled. After the beautiful job remembrance of Donald Nelson's initial contrasted with the rather dismal record WPB. blasts' of the 1A 'Pie L> ONE STATEMENT by Jeffers, however, failed to offer as good a base for optimism. "Until there's evidence to the contrary I'm assuming that every American can be trusted to do a war job, .. ." To the writer this- brought unpleasant thoughts of dollar-a-year men-tied to the purse strings of the industries from which they were drawn-who have raised such havoc with the war effort to date. We can only hope that the rubber program director will not make the mistake of trusting these. But Mr. Jeffers is certainly entitled to the benefit of, the, doubt, so lots of good luck, Mr. .Taf ,z.nnl trphan ta a 1, athecnm.fln HOWELL, MICH., OCT. 13.--(P)=--Gerald L. K. Smith, sticker candidate for the U.S. Senate seat of Prentiss M. Brown, added a gasoline-for-ev- erybody pledge to the tires-for-everybody plank in his campaign platform in a talk here today. "I shall oppose gaso- line rationing and I . shall oppose all so-called emergency measures de- signed to protect mo- _ ,n_ i, .