PAGE- FQUR TH. .U.AT-. C HL . 1. A. NII.L bJ T= .13 QA-grllR.-t&V 5 Wrwr+ ; 99 T.H1. 11T LTll1 VAi1\. LElAITV£7TUL..A IcI~<) 4r h 0Ir4pgu t Fifty-Second Year Edited and managed by students of the University of, Michigan under the authority of the Board in 'Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news' dispatches credited to' it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other'matters' herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.25; by mail $5.25. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL AOVERT13ING BY National Advertisiiig Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON Ave. N W'YodK. N. Y. CHICAGO - BOSTOn . LOS ANGELES *"SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 Editorial Stafff .I F , 5 g ~ N ' '- Homer Swander Morton Mintz . Will Sapp George W. Sallad . Charles Thatcher Bernard Hendel Barbara deFries Myron Dann Edward J. Perlberg Fred M. Ginsberg Mary Lou Cutran Jane Lindberg James Daniels. Managing Editor Editorial Director . . .City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Sports Editor Women's Editor Associate 'Sports Editor siness Staff Business Manager Associate Business Manager * Women's Business Manager .Women's Advertising Manager * Publications' Sales Analyst .^ r . r i , r "- ° °rr i z , ^n ',-ta'F ~ 43' I 3~r Telephone 23-24-1 ISV ISSUE EiAITOR: HALE CHAMPION Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NELSON'S GRIDIRON TACTICS': Desk-Pounding Does. Not Do The Job; Crisler, Kaiser Get Tough With Action W ATCHING Michigan Coach Fritz Crisler put his grid charges through a tough scrimmage session the other day, we saw him spot a varsity tackle who missed assignments repeatedly. Three minutes later that same tackle was gazing wistfully at the first-string scrim- mage from a lonely and bedraggled redshirt squad in a remote corner of the field. That's what Fritz Crisler means when he says he's getting tough. Watching from a slightly different vantage point we've seen one Donald P. Nelson, also a head man, threaten to 'get tough' but the results seem vastly different. In 'the first place he never seems to know that assignments aren't being filled, and in the second place he never yet has dismissed a top man for making mistakes. In- stead he resorts to forcing fourth stringers who criticize his varsity with enough truth to make it hurt to quit. Looking at the whole business objectively we can t help but be glad that Donald Nelson isn't governing the fortunes of the Michigan football team. If Nelson were at the heim we might expect some mighty peculiar practices. H'e would recruit his team only from cities with more than 500,000 people if his practice of taking WPB men only U. OF M. SPIIT-: All Of Us 215ust Match Team's 'Will To Win' Y OU CLIMBED the hill to Michigan's gigantic Stadium today. You sat in the stands and watched two great teams battle it out for the fleeting honors that go with grid- iron supremacy. You saw 22 well-conditioned, hardened young men struggle back and forth over the 100 yards of chalk-striped turf. You cheered and you groaned, and you never gave a thought to what made this spectacle possible. Down there on that field 11 of the running, charging youths were from the University of Michigan. They were playing their hearts out. They were risking injury, and, true, they were doing it because of a love for the game itself. Some of them, no doubt, were there only for the personal glory and honor tha4 they will receive. But no matter what the reason, they do represent Michigan. And as representatives of your school, they stand for you, the fellow sitting next to you, his girl and her sorority sister. They fill you with pride whether they win or lose, because, win or lose, they don't stop trying. They don't quit, and they won't quit. What they're doing is what would be ex- pected from a Michigan team. They exemplify Michigan spirit, the same Michigan spirit that built the Stadium,- the Sports Building and the rest of the immense athletic plant. It's the spirit that made possible this game today, that gave Michigan a team that can always hold its own with any and that will always be found high on the nation's list in ability and sports- manship. It's the spirit that makes you want to come back to Ann Arbor, next week, next year from Big Business is any indication. Thus he would ignore the potentialities of such important Wolverine stars as Merv Pregulman, Bob Wiese, and Phil Sharpe. HE WOULD probably forbid the introduction of any new plays or formations on the ground that once the football season is begun no changes should be made. He would undoubtedly ask that a member of the physics department who criticized the team be fired because he was discouraging the play- ers and .forcing said players to retire in the face of bitter invective. Nelson on his past record would threaten to bear down, to really get tough, and then to back up his threat would promote the worst offenders to assistant coaches. He would lose game after game because he didn't know until the game was half ever what the score was. At least if we adopt a parallel in the case of the steel and materials shortage, we must assume that he would be blind to any attempt to tell him the score. When a coach starts losing games the support- ers of the institution for which he is working usually start howling for his scalp, especially when it is as patently clear as it is in Nelson's case that he is incompetent. THAT'S THE SITUATION whether you look at Nelson as a football fan, or as one who wants to see this country win the war with a minimum amount of unnecessary sacrifice. Donald P. Nel- son is a plenty poor head man on the record, and some of us alums have got our eye pinned on a guy from the West Coast. Henry Kaiser is the guy's name, and he's action personified. If anybody can drag this country's war production out of a morass of conflict and counter-statements old Mr. Iron- pants Kaiser is the man. -hale Champien live in. They are staying in condition, at the peak of physical fitness to bring peace and freedom to an oppressed universe. And that's where you come into the picture. Because, in this greater struggle, you, too, will have to play an active part. You won't be able to sit in any stadia and watch the fight progress. You, too, will have to match wits and strength with the enemy, and for more than just fleeting supremacy. And to do it, you, too, must be in A-1 physical shape. Here at Michigan there is a plan established to make you' fit for the rigors of war. We call it PEM, Physical Education for Men, and it has been formulated and put into effect in order that Michigan may send better-equipped men to our country's armed forces. When the time comes for you io answer the call, you won't be soft and flabby with weak legs and short wind. You'll be hard and you'll be ready. You'll be able to fight your own battle. And for this, as well as for many-other things, you can thank Michigan and the Michigan spirit. For the same Michigan spirit that gives you the By TORQUEMADA F COURSE you realize that every fiber of my rational being cries out against fifty thou- sand people going mad just because little old Paul White slings a pigskin 250 yards for a touchdown. After all, what does that indicate of his intelligence? What if he does get a movie contract, and women flock round like housewives over canning sugar. Every fiber of my rational being cries out against it. And am I ever jealous. The fact of the matter is when I was a wee bit younger, about seven, all the guys on the block were sure I'd make the Grange look like a piker - raw dynamite, the neigh- hors used to say, as they watched my fifty pounds of untamed muscle smash through a solid wall of fifty-five pound linemen. Greased lightning, they screamed as I heav- ed the old. piskin a hurtling five yards into the arms of an expectant receiver. That boy'll go far. And I have - yessiree, I sit here at my little old typewriter, unsung, un- wept over; no women swoon at the smooth style of my column, no mentthrill at the manliness of my unfearless attacks on in- tolerance. I am as nothing. T'S JUST what a guy thinks is more import- ant. I dcn't want you to think I couldn't have been as good a player as Paul White. Why, when I get a little older, about eleven, and started to fill out (75 pounds), I was still the number one man on the block, a happy combination of super- ior skill, and the only shoulder-padding in the neighborhood. Charlie Zilch from Minnesota came to sign me up for the next year's squad to' kick 'em around a little with Stan Kostka. Ten thousand on the line (that's the way Minnesota gets a team) - and then they found out I wasn't a Swede, and the deal fell through. So Paul White has fifty million Pi Phis willing to lay down their lives, etc., for him, and what do I get. From the Pi Phis nothing; from a professor every month or so, "Not had at all this morning, a few split infinitives, but not bad." And me with the broadest shoulders this side of Boys' Town. T'S ALL A QUESTION of what you think is important. I mean, I know I could have been an All-American. Why, when I was thirteen, they called me the "Silver Bullet", and my 115 pounds catapulted down the field like a Flash Gordon rocket. I could easy have been the big- gest thing that ever hit this town; besides I've put on about twenty pounds since I was thirteen; now I'd be that much better. But like I say, it's just what you think is important. I wouldn't trade my job for a million Pi Phis. lI MERRY GO By DREW PEARSON Sept. 25, 1942 Washington, D.C. Maj. Robert S. Allen, Third Army Maneuvers, Leesville, La. Dear Bob: MY BROTHER - IN - LAW has been visiting us and I am in a bad humor. I suppose I shouldn't be, because he is a swell guy, but every morning he gets on my nerves. He doesn't know how to read a newspaper. He sits at the breakfast table and musses the paper all up. I admit he comes by it honestly, because his sister (my wife) is al- ways complaining about the news- papers that get stacked up in the basement which I won't let her throwout. The other day I was reading through some of these old papers and the columns you and I wrote on the Spanish Civil War. It's his- tory now, but sometimes you can learn a lot from history. U.S. Aided Hitlor EVERYONE realizes now that the Spanish Civil War was a mini- ature of this war, and that if we could have stopped Hitler and Mus- solini in Spain, it probably would have stopped them from starting the big show. They were testing out the demo- cracies. And the democracies failed in the test. You remember that the great majority of the American people saw the Spanish war very clearly as the opening battle between the dictators and the democracies. The Gallup Poll showed this. The news- paper editorials showed this. The delegations of people who came to Washington to demand the lifting of the arms embargo showed this. The country, as usual, was far ahead of Washington. I remember that you, yourself, went to the White House and ar- ranged a luncheon between the President and Senator Borah, in which Borah begged and implored that the Spanish Government be given the right to buy arms here to protect itself. Hitler and Mussolini were pouring arms in to help their fellow dictator, yet the anti-dicta- tors in Spain could get no help from us. And not even Borah's eloquence could change the President. You remember also that I went up to Hyde Park to talk to the President on this. He seemed to be sympathetic, but nothing happen- ed. At the time we thought the State Department was sabotaging the White House, and there was no question but that a great many of the umbrella-carrying boys around Mr. Hull were heart and soul with Franco and believed that the dic- tators should have a better place in the sun. U.S. Follows Britain FOR YEARS it has been State Department policy to follow the lead of the British on all things pertaining to Europe. And the Brit- ish Government wanted Franco to win. Lord Halifax and Sir Eric Geddes and Sir Sammy Hoare and Sir John Simon and Chamberlain all were thinking of British investments in Spain, were worried about the Blum ' Socialist Government in France, were scared to death over the effect of a Spanish Republican victory on British labor. So we fol- lowed along with them. Not many people realize how deeply that policy is imbedded in our system. For years it has been the first rule of the State Depart- ment in the morning, and the list rule at night. For a while it was based on sound logic, namely that we had no fleet in the Atlantic and we must depend on the British. But now things have changed, and I think it's time for the policy to change. I think it should change not merely because of our tragic mistake in following the British in Spain, not only because we now have a navy equal to Britain's in the Atlantic, but because we want to win the peace. Will This Be Last THAT PEACE, as I see it, has got to be one in which- we play a very important part. We can't back out of things immediately after the war is over as we did last time. We've got to stay in and pitch and make sure that'war is not going to crop up again in 20 years. And the time to begin exercising our own independence regarding foreign policy is riglIt now. Part- nership in this war means shoul- dering political headaches as well as military headaches. But al- though we have to help defend India, we have nothing to say about the very difficult political factors which may bring the defeat of in- /Tl'd Rather Be Right. 0 MR. HENRY J. KAISER heard there was unemployment in New York. He sent a man named Murphy into the big city; Mr. Murphy rented a storeroom on Fourth ave., and ,aid loudly that he was willing to hire 20,- 000 men to go to the West Coast and build whips. Five men showed up in the first half-hour, then the word spread, and before midafternoon there were long lines of New Yorkers trailing from the storeroom. Hired Tuesday, first train Friday, all abroad. In our card-index civilization, this way of doing business seems almost illegal. In fact after a day govern- ment agencies took the hiring job away from Mr. Kaiser, to "restore order:" For there is a branch of the Uni- ted States Employment Service in New York, and a regional office of the War Manpower Cbmmission. Mr. Kaiser neglected to tell either agency of his plans. Though I dearly love everybody connected with both out- fits, I must put it on the record that for an entire day New York snickered at the go-by he had given them. Men i went about nudging each other and saying: "Look, if you want to hire I somebody, you just hire them," as if they had seen a great marvel. THIS IS THE SAME Henry J. Kai, ser who is building himself a steel rdill on the West Coast. When, recently, he needed 250 tons of a steel called anchor bolt stock to finish his plant, and found that it would take him four to eight months to get it in the official manner, he bought it where he could. One of his firms is under legal charges as a result, accus- ed of being a "scofflaw" and indulg- ing in "black market operations." The 250 tons, Mr. Kaiser explains, will put his plant into operation sooner, and ultimately save the country 200,000 tons. Now, if you look at all this care- fully, you will see revealed one of the secrets of the Kaiser method. When he needs steel, he goes where the steel is, and buys it. When he needs labor, he remembers he has read in the papers that NewYork is suffering from unemployment, and he goes to New York, where the labor is, and hires it. It's sen- sational. All this resembles Mr. Kaiser's pre- vious startling contribution to current, thought, which is that if you need cargo planes, the way to get them is to build them. Washington has been set on edge by this idea for two months now, considers it fantastic, and is sure there must be some other way. It cannot quite understand Mr. Kaiser, a mysterious man who believes the thing to do when you're hungry is to aat, and when you're sleepy, to go to bed. These novel notions of his are making a lot of trouble. One could sense a certain tartness in the air at the Manpower Commission offices, which has been set up to force labor to work, by gosh, if necessary, and then looked out the window to See labor waving good-by on its way to Oregon. Somebody had forgotten to offer it a job before arranging plans to compel it to toil. I think I've said before that we don't need spectacularly bright ideas to fight and win' this war, j-st simple, ordinary, humdrum ideas will do. The government knew of the existence of the 250 tons of steel which Kaiser brought from that Cleveland warehouse, or it should have known. All it had to do was have a look into all ware- houses, and seize the steel, and send it where needed; not a. brilliant conception, but just a useful idea, dull as ditch water. The govern- ment has known about New York's idle, too; knew. about them before Kaiser did. All it had to do was count heads,'give out railroad tic- kets, and send the men where needed, an uninspired little enter- prise which could safely have been put in the hands of even an aver- age man, but most useful toward winning the war. Yet the search for the bright idea continues; such as our talk about needing 40,000,000 more tons of steel than exist, coupled with our trans- parent unwillingness to go into the warehouses and seize misused steel which does exist, a pedestrian job whose only virtue is that it might help us win the war. Or take the dull little idea of mak- ing sure that our factories don't turn down Negro workers; I know thit's not nearly so fascinating as register- ing every worker in the country to find some transferable ones, but I do hope we don't compel people to work where they don't want to before we have compelled them to stop turn- ing down those 'who want to. I like thatKaiser man. He's not brilliant. He's no smarter than Hitler was when Der Fuehrer con- ceived the thought that you need airplanes to win an air war.: What a trite, obvious, corny conception that was! , .A.,.. . ,.. SAMUEL GRAF TON'S * * (Editor's Note: A civilian employee oa government agency, writing in The New Republic,' gives this discouraging picture of how people are talking in Washington. His story is typical of that of a very large group of the Capital's governmental middle class: "Incompe- tent people in Jobs that are too big for incompetence.") "HERE are over ten thousand peo- ple in my agency. We have a guy for a personnel director who has a very little mind. He used to play in an orchestra around Washington and then someone got him a govern- ment job for about $2,600. People have been promoted indiscriminately. Now this monkey makes $5,600. His old pals from the music world come streaming through the office and he still books orchestras-during office hours. ie's an affable, inoffensive guy. "He would be funny in this job if, he weren't part of a tragic thing about Washington right now: in- competent people in jobs that are too big for incompetence. Here's how a man like this can clutter up a war- time agency. Here is a letter he wrote to a field director-and circularized to all the rest of us in the agency- discussing the personality problem of a woman secretary. Read this thing. Here is a ridiculous ignoramus sitting in Washington giving what he thinks *n *Mrale is a high-powered lecture on psychol- ogy to a field chief a thorsand miles away, about a woman he has never seen. It would be all right to fire her. But that's not enough. He has to clutter up a vital agency with a stu- pid letter for everyone to initial~-a piece of red tape that adds nothing to winning the war, but makes his position seem just a little more im- portant-he thinks. "THIS is a little thing. Microscopic when compared to the war ef- fort. But it's an example of what Washington is eaten through with. What to do about it I don't know. But I know one4 thing. This guy, if the army doesn't draft him, could probably hold on to his job as long as there was a Washington. "But let a good, fighting liberal, anti-Fascist get into the same kind of a job and if he had ever made a public statement that he wanted Franco to lose in Spain the chances are that Dies and the civil service would be after his job in a month. "The President has issued an order against racial discrimination. Right here in this agency we require job applicants to submit photographs of themselves. If their skin is dark or their names end in 'ski' there are no openings." GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty h- The Pohia ed RCS " tiii;,: : f : r G ;e ..,E t ', h =* , ,, s ...: f 1 ,F, i . ,.'+' z; i . , 3 :. # &. 'I Speaking of the small game crowd today, did you hear about the fellow at the Minnesota game last year who had his nose stepped on while he was standing up? + ' ' rP'°"" . : , M r.. - 2~4K ~ k