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October 15, 1942 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-10-15

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Light Rain



Manpower I
Sudden Jap





Thrust Endangers Solomons

Marines, Navy
Resist Strong
Jap Landings
On Solomons
Allied Ground Offensive
Digs In On Guadalcanal;
Nipponese Press Ahead
In Face OfHeavy Fie
Fierce Battle Seen
For Strategic Isles
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Oct. 14.- The
Japanese landed heavy reinforce-
ments on Guadalcanal Island in the
Solomons early today, and indica-
tions tonight were that a major bat-
tle was impending, if not actually be-
gun, between the strengthened enemy
and the Marines spearheading the
American offensive in the Southwest
Announcement of the- enemy land-
ings was made by the Navy Depart-
ment tonight in a special communi-
que based on reports received up to
7:30 p. m., Eastern War Time.
The communique also reported that
Japanese warships had bombarded
the American airfield and shore in-
stallations on the strategic island two
nights before the landings were un-
Successful Operations
These bold operations were carried
out successfully by the determined
enemy despite the fact that only last
week-end a U.S. cruiser-destroyer
task force had repelled a landing at-
tempt and smashed eight Jap ships
while Marines had fought forward
to advanced positions on the edge of
the northernmost section of the Is-
land where the enemy troops are con-
The latest landings were made on
the coast of this same section. Whe-
ther they were opposed by U.S. Army,
Navy and Marine aircraft stationed
on Guadalcanal was not stated in the
No Engagement
Neither was there any mention of
the Japanese surface vessels having
been engaged by American ships dur-
ing their bombardment.
The seriousness with which the
Navy viewed the enemy's latest man-
euvers was emphasized by the speed
with which they were announced. Al-
most invariably in the past activities
in the Solomons have not been dis-
closed until at least two or three days
after they occurred.
Moreover, the Japanese activities
of themselves contained a grim new
significance not heretofore attached
to their movements in the Southwest
Pacific Archipelago.
Macek Leads
Croat Rebels
Against Nazis
BERN, Switzerland, Oct. 14.-(P)-
Followers of Dr. Vladimir Macek,
Croatian peasant leader, have revolt-
ed against the government of Dr.
Ante Pavelic and fighting is now rag-
ing in the Nazi-created state of Croa-
tia, Yugoslav circles said tonight.
An army of about 4,000 peasants
was said to be attacking the khaki-
uniformed Ustachi, the militia which
Pavelic developed from the handful
of Fascist-inclined Croatians whom
he trained while in exile in Italy.

They are fighting independently of
the insurgent forces which General
Draja Mihailovic has been leading in
the Yugoslav mountains since the
capitulation of the Yugoslav Army in
April, 1941.
Yugoslav circles here said 46 trains
were derailed in Croatia during the
month of September and that Ger-
man troops now are guarding the en-
tire length of the Zagreb-Belgrade

Willkie Confirms Stand
On Allied Second Front

Conversation With Roosevelt Does
Of 'Needless Delay' By United

Not Alter Opinion
Nations Forces f


By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Oct. 14.- Back
from his globe-girdling tour, Wen-
dell L. Willkie conferred with Pres-
ident Roosevelt tonight and emerg-
ed from the White House still stick-
ing to his stand that there had been
needless delay in opening a second
Although he said that in his
judgment "Germany will never
conquer Russia," he hammered
away again at the second front
theme in a session with reporters.
Asked whether he thought there
had been "needless delay," he said
that was the conclusion that might
be drawn from what he said at
Moscow and what he was saying
Clad in a battered hat and a blue
suit plainly showing the effects of
his 31,000-mile journey, Willkie
announced in a formal statement
that he would now devote himself
to "making careful, crystal-clear
reports to the American people."
"How long that will take I don't
know," he continued. "I do know-
because I have found out at first
hand-that a lot of us, including
public officials, are going to have to
stretch our muscles and our minds
before we win."
"Now, on a second front,"lhe
went on, "you understand I talked
to military men all over the world,
in Egypt, all the countries in the
Middle East, with Russian, Amer-
ican, British and Chinese generals
before I made my suggestion on a
second front. May I say without
boast that I have had considerable


experience in judging' recommen-
dations of technical men.
"I applied my judgment to the
various opinions of the experts."
Most of the leaders of govern-
ments of the United Nations, Will-
kie said, followed a similar proced-
ure in determining courses of ac-
tion. That was what he did in
reaching a decision that a second
front "is feasible and possible."

Uncle Sam Wants You!
Youth Draft BillSpeeded

St alingrad
Is Reported
Russian 'Feeler Initiative'
Growing In Caucasus;
Nazi Assaults Stopped
Dispatches Tell
Of Red Successes
The United Press, quoting front
dispatches from Moscow, said last
night that Nazi siege troops have
started to withdraw from Stalingrad,
leaving the streets "a vast cemetery"
of their own dead, and the Russians,
driving hard on their heels, have re-
captured several districts of the city,
more steppe land to the northwest
and a strategic base to the south.
The Russians were still developing
a "feeler initiative" in and around
Stalingrad and down in the Caucasus,
moving forward in key sectors and
hurling back counter-assaults by the
Nazis, the United Press said.
According to a report by the news-
paper Pravda, the.United Press said,
the charred slopes of the Stalingrad
factory zone were one huge Nazi
graveyard, littered with hundreds of
Navy Report s
Sinkin Five
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Oct. 14.- Amer-
ican submarines operating in Japan-
ese dominated waters of the Western
Pacific have sunk an enemy heavy
cruiser and four other vessels and
damaged three more, one of which
probably sank, the Navy reported to-
Disclosure of the undersea succes-
ses raised the total of enemy ship
casualties officially announced in two
days to 18, of which 11 ships were
sunk, two probably sunk and five
Thosedsunk included two heavy
cruisers, destruction of which at least
partially avenged the loss of three
American heavy cruisers announced
by the Navy three days ago as having
been sunk at the outset of the Solo-
mon Islands campaign in August.
The recent record occasioned con-
siderable satisfaction in naval quar-
ters here on the ground that such at-
trition of Japan's naval strength must
inevitably increase the enemy's diffi-
culties in maintaining his extended
supply line while projecting his bases
scattered over the central, western
and southwestern- Pacific.
Clement Rites
Will Be Held
Funeral services for Forney W.
Clement, secretary-treasurer of the
Michigan district of Kiwanis Inter-
national for the past 12 years, will
be held at 1:30 p. m. tomorrow in the
First Baptist Church with Rev. C. H.
Loucks, pastor, officiating.
Mr. Clement was 61 years old. He
died of a heart attack at his desk in
the First National building yesterday
morning. He graduated from the Uni-
versity in 1905 and returned to .live
in Ann Arbor in 1928. Mr. Clement is

survived by his wife Edna and daugh-
ter, Joan, who is a senior in the art
Inter-Racial Group
To Sponsor Petition
A petition favoring the passage of
the Pepper-Geyer Anti-Poll Tax Bill
will be circulated on campus today
and tomorrow by the Inter-Racial

Soviet Woman Sniper
To Speak Tomorrow
Lieut. Liudmila Pavlichenko, Russian War Heroine,
Will Address Huge United Nations Rally Here
Lieut. Liudmila Pavlichenko carved a career for herself in the Russian
Army by doing the most dangerous kind of work-that of a sniper.
The famous woman soldier comes here to speak at a huge United
Nations war rally at 8 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium with a record of
309 dead Nazis behind her. v
Lieutenant Pavlichenko comes
from the battlefields to spread un-
ity among the youth of the United
Nations, to impart the feelings of
Soviet youth to its allies.
At the rally, the ROTC and the
NROTC will turn out in uniform ~
to honor the Soviet heroine. An;
American counterpart of the Rus-
sian civilian defense unit in which3
she received her training, the Wo-
men's Rifle Corps, will also be
A Declaration of Unity signed
by campus leaders will be read at
the rally. The Michigan band will
play patriotic music.
Twenty-four representatives of
the United Nations sent by the In-
ternational Center Will be present
on the platform.rPaul Lim-Yuen
will speak for them.
Lieutenant Pavlichenko's tre-
mendous record was built up in
some of the most fierce fighting on
the Russian front. She went
through the siege of the great naval LIUDMILA PAVLICHENKO
base, Sevastopol, carrying tout her
mission of sniper. brings her on her tour of the United
At one time during her fighting States, attempting to unify the youth
career, Lieutenant Pavli chenko and
an enemy sniper hunted each other of the Soviet Union's allies as the
for two days, -each- watching the youth of her own country are unified.
other's slightest movement. Shots
were traded back and forth until the
German exposed himself and was B on
killed. d
From her hair-raising escapes froma
death, from her work on the battle-
line, Lieutenant Pavlichenko knows
the spirit of her brothers-in-arms as A
few men do. It is that spirit that

Top-Man Borman Asks
Student Cooperation
To Aid In War Effort
Big New Project
Rolls Into Action
The Manpower Mobilization Corps,
greatest campus project of the entire
war, starts its drive toward the use of
student labor with the registration
today and tomorrow of all University
men who will volunteer to do local
war work.
According to Mary Borman, top
man on campus in the new setup,
"This will bring the jobs that must be
done to the students who want to do
"There is plenty of work around
here for people who really feel that
this is their war, and after we get
going, every person on campus will be
offered a . crack at helping out on
Register Here . .
In front of the Library, West
Quad, East Quad, front of Alumni
Memorial Hall, lobby of Angel Hall
Arch or lobby of West Engineering
Building, depending on the weath-
farms, collecting scrap, helping with
registering for fuel and gasoline ra-
tioning, or doing any one of the many
tasks which must be accomplished if
we are to win the war."
Emphasizing that this is a student
initiated program, Borman stated
that, "This is our chance to show that
we are alive to our responsibilities,
and the enrollment of every man on
campus will.show that we intend to
fulfill them."
Every person registering for the
Manpower Corps, will give his name,
address, the times at which he can
work, and the kind of jobs he is in-
terested in doing. He will sign a
pledge promising to work when called
Interviews for members of the
executive board will be held again
from 3 to 5p. m. today 'in Room
1009 Angell Hall, with the selection
being made today or tomorrow.
According to Borman, an adminis-
trative staff will be chosen from
the registrants.
Borman pointed out that there are
many jobs which we can do. "The
Washtenaw County Agriculture De-
fense Board, which is in favor of our
agency, has told me that if apples
around here are not picked soon they
will be spoiled by colder weather.
There is a sugar beet crop to be har-
vested, and farmers have not had the
time or been able to get the labor to
chop enough wood for their winter
fuel supply."
Alan R. Booth,
Youth Leader,
To TalkToday.
Alan R. Booth, general secretary of
the International Strident Service for
Great Britain and Ireland, will dis-
cuss the role of English students in
wartime at 7:30 p. m. today in Lane

The progran is co-sponsored by
Inter-Guild, the Hillel Foundation
and the Newman Club.
Mr. Booth has been a leader of
English youth groups since the out-
break uf the war. He was educated in
Ireland during the period of revolu-
tion and civil war there and has trav-
eled throughout India, visiting col-
leges -in most of the important cities.

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Oct. 14.- Speed-
ing hearings on the bill to draft 18
and 19-year-olds, Congress heard the
American high command disclose
plans today to begin calling up these
youths in December, to weed out pres-
ent soldiers considered incapable of
carrying the terrific burden of mod-
ern war, and to raise the Army's total
strength to 7,500,000 men in 1943.
It was also disclosed that Selective
Service plans to call up 100,000 men
with dependent wives next month,
but hopes, if the new bill to draft
youths is passed, to put off drafting
married men with children until late
in 1943.
From Secretary of War Stimson,
from General George C. Marshall,
Chief of Staff, and from Admiral
Ernest J. King, fleet commander-in-
chief, came urgent appeals to Senate
and House committees to approve the
new draft bill quickly.
It was Stimson who revealed the
7,500,000 man goal, which compares
with an Army of 4,250,000 men at
present and which would be almost
twice the size of the Army at the end
of World War No. 1.
General Marshall told the Senate

Military Committee the Army would
send home men considered physically
unfit, and was investigating the pos-
sibility of releasing numbers of older
men when the youths enter the ser-
The average age of the combat
army, he warned, "has risen to a
point not at all acceptable to the War
Enlistments Rise . .
Teen-agers are crowding recruiting
stations in most sections of the na-
tion, a survey disclosed last night.
The recruiting tempo went up mark-
edly as plans were speeded in Wash-
ington for drafting 18 and 19-year-
The upswing in enlistments was
experienced mostly in Army recruit-
ing offices. Navy authorities said the
bulk of their enlistments normally
were in the teen-age group.
At Detroit, Army recruiting had
swelled so by yesterday that Lieut.
Col. Joseph L. Bachus, recruiting
chief, added two rooms to the office
and referred inquiries to a special
staff of recruiting officers.

OPA Reveals
Plans To Buy
Excess Tires
Effort To Form National
Stockpile To Be Backed
By Defense Corporation
WASHINGTON, Oct. 14.-(A)-The
government will begin purchasing
motorists' "excess" tires tomorrow in
an effort to create a huge national
stockpile to keep America rolling.
Details of the purchase 'plan were
announced today by the Office of
Price Administration in connection
with nation-wide gasoline rationing
which limits each private car to five
The Defense Supplies Corporation
has advanced $150,000,000 to finance
the program, and designated 160
warehouses throughout the country
as delivery points. The Railway Ex-
press Company will collect the tires
and transport them to the warehous-
While gasoline rationing puts a
limit only on the number of tires for
each car, DSC also will purchase
tubes which motorists desire to sell.

Climaxing the second day of blood
bank enrollments with 127 students
already registered, Bud Brandt, '44,
chairman of the student committee
in charge, exhibited confidence today
of a successful campaign.
Three campus organizations are co-
operating with the American Red
Cross in this campaign to enlist the
services of as many able bodied
Michigan students as possible in this
semester's blood bank. The Michigan
League, the Michigan Union, and the
Interfraternity Council are behind
the drive.
Registration will continue this af-
ternoon and every afternoon this
week at the defense booth on the cor-
ner of State and North University
and in the lobby of the Michigan Un-
The student committee in charge
has pledged 125 pints of blood per
month. Blood will be taken on Oct.
21, Nov. 20, and Dec. 8 and 9.
All students who have not signed
up are urged to do so immediately
since a large waiting list is desired to
insure smooth operations for the Red
Cross when they arrive on campus.
Student Identification cards will
be given out in Room 2, University
Hall beginning today. These cards
must be presented at the gate for
the football game on Oct. 17 and
for all games thereafter.

Sorority Women Lead Men
In War Stamp Sales Contest

Aggressive campus sorority women
yesterday had a slight edge on over-
confident fraternity men in the
Homecoming War Stamp and Bond
competition when they reported that
all the sororities had secured $25
worth of war stamps apiece and were
planning to return for more soon.
While Virginia Morse, '43, president
of Pan-Hellenic Council, announced
this 100 per cent sorority coverage,
the Inter-fraternity Council reported
that only 23 out of Michigan's 37
fraternities had asked for their stamp

fraternities' slow start in this contest
to sell the most bonds and stamps
during homecoming week by point-
ing out that fraternity super-sales-
men were "just giving the women a
fair chance." The contest will end
Page also announced that Miss
Ruth Ann Oakes, Burr-Patterson,
Auld Co. representative here, has of-
fered a first prize loving cup to the
house selling the greatest number of
bonds and stamps. F. E. Benz, chair-
man of the Ann Arbor War Bond
Committee, also offered two addition-
al trnhies One will be given to the

Local CDYO Places Hundreds,
Chairman Reports To Council

Tabulations of the manpower re-
cruited to date by the placement di-
vision of the Ann Arbor Civilian De-
fense Volunteer Office were submit-
ted to the City Defense Council yes-
terday by Mrs. Theophile Raphael,
chairman of the local volunteer of-
Declaring that the local placement
division of the CDVO "is doing a tre-
mendous job of war service in Ann

through the local rationing board.
In a few weeks a great number of
persons with specialized abilities will
be signed up to register applicants for
fuel oil and gas ration cards. Over
600 people were employed by the vol-
unteer office to register housewives
who asked for canning sugar in July.
Hundreds of small assignments
have also been undertaken by the
CDVO in the field of special war ser-

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