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October 14, 1942 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-10-14

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Borman Named
Student Director
Of 'U' Manpower

Everything Is Set For All
Coeds To Go Into Action

U.S. Smashes Jap




In Solo10mons And Alaska

Volunteers Will Register
Tomorrow And Friday
For Local War Work
Executive Board
To Aid Coordinator
Marvin L. Borman, '44, was chosen
to head thenewly-formed Manpower
Mobilization Corps by the Student
War Board yesterday.
Borman immediately established
tomorrow and Friday as registra-
tion days for all male students in-
terested in helping out with local
war work, taking the first direct
steps towards utilizing University
Every Student Needed
"Every student who feels that this
war is his business and who is willing
to work to help win it, is expected to
sign up at one of the campus booths,"
Borman said yesterday.
"It will be work, helping out on
farms, collecting scrap, working for
the Red Cross and the CDVO, and
there will be no glory, or points, or
big jobs to reward most of the stu-
dents. But they will have the satisfac-
tion of knowing that all their jobs
are part of the big one that will win
the war, that they are doing some-
thing for their country.
"There is a great and urgent need
for apple pickers on nearby farms.
Men are needed to harvest sugar
beets, to help farmers chop wood so
that they will have fuel for the win-
ter, to collect the tremendous amount
of scrap that is to be found on the
"There is work to be done with the
under-staffed building and grounds
department, in the University Hospi-
tal, in fuel and gas rationing."
In registering with the Manpower
Mobilization Corps, each student will
give his name, when he can work, the
kind of work for which he is best
suited, and will sign a pledge to fulfill
his obligations when called upon.
Executive Board
An eight or ten-man executive
board will be appointed to assist
Borman, and all persons interested
in serving on the board should re-
port between 3 and 5 p. m. today in
Room 1009 Angell Hall to be inter-
view by him.
Other local agencies are solidly be-
hind the new Corps. The Washtenaw
County Agriculture Defense Board
called it "great", and emphasized the
need for an agency to which they can
appeal in time of need. The CDVO
also is behind the move.
Stressing the fact that the Corps is
not a play or good-time agency. Bor-
man stated, "This is an opportunity
for students to work in a student in-
itiated movement. It will give all of
us a chance to do something that we
should have done a long time ago at
Stamp Drive
Rouses Greek
Sales Rivalry
Michigan sorority-women, led by
Virginia Morse, '43, and the Pan-Hel-
lenic Council, took their most aggres-
sive war-time action late yesterday
when they hurled a challenge to all
campus fraternity men to out-do
them in the Homecoming Stamp and
Bond Drive.
President John Fauver of the Inter-
fraternity Council gladly accepted the
sororities' invitation to competition
and unhesitatingly forecast that
Michigan's rush-minded fraternity
men with their "smooth salesman-
ship" would far outsell their feminine

Begins Today
The war bond and stamp contest
begins today and will take the place
of customary homecoming displays, in
front of sorority fraternity houses.
The house selling the greatest amount
of bonds and stamps will receive a
cup as well as a bond award. Next
Monday has been set as the drive's

Manpower Chief

THIS is a frank appeal to the patriotism and common sense of every coed
on this campus.
You havc been told that the University of Michigan has lagged
behind in its contribution to the war effort. You have been told that
there is much to be done - much that must be done immediately.
Finally the era of talk-action is over. The moment for immediate
action from you is here.
TECHNICAL ARRANGEMENTS are complete. Your applications for
volunteer work at the University Hospital, where the shortage of help
is particularly serious, will be accepted- at the League starting NOW.
All sophomore women can help to relieve the Hospital shortage by
participating in Sophomore Service. At 4 p.m. tomorrow there will be a
mass meeting in the League for all sophomore women willing to put their
spare time to work. Mrs. Kathryn Walsh, head of the volunteer service
for the Hospital, will be there to explain the work' in 'detail.
Because this is both necessary to the Nation, the University and
is a sophomore project, every sophomore woman is under a triple obliga-
tion to be at that meeting.
Any other woman wanting to do the same sort of work may sign
up in the League today and any sophomore who does not wish to wait
until tomorrow may do the same.
FORTY-FOUR PERSONS are now working in the Canteen Corps. One
hundred -more are needed.
The Motor Corps has sixty-two active members. Thirty more
are needed.
From July 1, 1941, to June 30, 1942, approximately 4,000 persons
completed the Red Cross standard first aid course, but only 440 of this
number were University students. This is not enough.
There are thousands of bandages to be rolled from 9 a.m. to 12
and from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesdays and Wednesdays in the Rackham
Building. A thorough job is not now being done.
THESE THINGS and many more are what must be done by Univer-
sity women. In the accompanying news story, each shortage, each
vacancy, each opportunity for volunteer help is listed.,
We know that that "deep-down willingness to help" is just as
powerful and consistent in University coeds as it is in the hearts of those
University men now fighting on foreign soils. We believe it firmly.
But it's up to YOU to prove it.
Coed Volunteers oNeeded
As 'U'Hosptal Worker"s

By Air

And Sea Onslaught


Meet Mary Borman . .
Modest, energetic Mary Borman
yesterday took over the most impor-
tant student job on this campus-
that of Manpower Director.
In characteristic, hard - hitting
fashion the 19-year-old junior swung
into action not more than ten min-
utes after hearing of his appointment.
He immediately ordered campus reg-
istration tomorrow and Friday of all
male students interested in doing war
work and announced that interviews
would be held today for administra-
tive positions in the new Manpower
Borman resigned his position on
the Union Executive Council-where
he had made an outstanding record-
so that .he might devote his full ener-
gies to the mobilization of student
Member of Zeta Beta Tau and Phi
Eta Sigma, honorary scholastic sooi-
ety, and one-time chairman of the
Frosh Frolic, he is enlisted in the
Marine Corps Reserve.
WLB Refuses,
Pay Increase
For Ford Men
WASHINGTON, Oct. 13. -(P)- A
demand from the CIO's United Auto-
mobile Workers for a dollar-a-day in-
crease in the pay of 115,000 employes
of the Ford Motor Company was re-
jected today by the National War
Labor Board.
The Board gave no reason for its
action, but an official who asked that
he not be quoted said the labor
agency could find no justification
for an increase because Ford workers
were generally better paid than
others in the automotive industry.
The union had contended that the
increase was necessary to offset ad-
vances in the cost of living. The raise
was sought in connection with nego-
tiations for a new UAW-Ford con-
tract to replace one expiring Oct. 31.


Wanted As Clerical, Clinical Replacements
Release Professionals For War Work

Hospital Service
Student volunteers are needed in
unlimited numbers at the University
Hospital to work from 1:30 to 5:30
p.m. to fill in the many gaps in the
personnel staff.
Innumerable tasks such as clerical
and hostess work in the various clin-
ics, escorting of patients to (various
departments, cleaning of instruments,
care of flowers, and passing of trays
-all can be accomplished by the vol-
unteer worker, leaving the services of
the professional worker free for a
multitude of more urgent tasks.
A training period of several weeks
will initiate the volunteer worker to
hospital ethics and routines, after
which each person will be assigned
to a definite station to be covered
once a week at the times mentioned
The League is accepting applica-
tions and all students are requested
to apply through that organization.
Civilian Defense Office
The campus branch of the Civil-
ians' Defense Volunteer Office lo-
cated in the Student Offices at the
League will welcome applications
from girls trained in bookkeeping,
typing and shorthand. These girls

will be used in Civilian Defense
Girls who are interested in car-
ing for children are also needed to
assist in play groups formed for the
care of children whose parents are
employed in war plants.
Proposed plans for gasoline ration-
ing will probably include a call for
services of University women to aid
in the clerical work and to help dur-
ing registration periods.
Red Cross
Red Cross on the Michigan cam-
pus offers a great many fields in
which University women can do an
appreciable part in winning the
Perhaps the most urgent need at
the present time is to relieve the
strain in the Hospital personnel; and
Nurse's Aides are qualified to take
over a large part of the Hospital rou-
tine. The University has cooperated
with the Hospital to make this pro-
gram a two hour credit course.
Those interested are requested to
call Miss Ethel McCormick, adviser
to women on war training programs,
at the League, as the first course
Continued On Page 5, Col. 5

Will Address
Rally Friday
Woman Sniper To Speak
Of Battlefield Spirit
At StudentMeeting
"Every time my bullet fells a Nazi,
I have the feeling that I have saved
In this way Soviet Lieut. Liudmila
Pavlichenko, the woman sniper who
killed 309 Germans, tells of the spirit
of the battlefield, the spirit that will
bring her to a huge United Nations
war rally at 8 p. m. Friday in Hill
Lieutenant Pavlichenko comes here
on her mission of bringing unity be-
tween the youth of the United Na-
tions at the invitation of President
Alexander G. Ruthven. Her visit will
be sponsored by the Student War
Board with the endorsement of the
University War Board.
At the rally to -honor this great wo-
man soldier will be the Women's Rifle
Corps, an American counterpart of
the organization in which Lieutenant
Pavlichenko received her initial train-
ing. In addition the R. . T. C. and
the N. R. O. T. C. will turn out in uni-
The campus will respond to the
idea of unity with a Declaration of
Unity signed by campus leaders. It
will be read at the rally.
Representatives from 26 United
Nations in all will be present on the
platform. Twenty-four will be sent
from the International Center.
Lieutenant Pavlichenko will speak'
for the fighting youth of the Soviet
Union while Paul Lim-Yuen will rep-
resent the youth of other United Na-
The Michigan Band will furnish
music of the United Nations repre-
sented at the huge rally which is ex-
pected to be as large as that held
shortly after the declaration of war.
Lieutenant Pavlichenko's exploits
have made her famous in both her
native land and the other nations
fighting fascism. Her job as sniper is
one of the most dangerous in the ar-
Her work was fighting with men,
against men, on one of the most ac-
tive battlefields in the world. Lieuten-
ant Pavlichenko went through the
siege of the great naval base of Se-
vastopol. In the devastated town, the
action was some of the heaviest of the
Bill To Outlaw
Poll Tax OK'd
In House Feud
WASHINGTON, Oct. 13.- (P)- A
measure outlawing the poll tax as a
prerequisite for voting was passed
overwhelmingly by the House late
today after a bitter sectional fight
centering around the issues of states'
rights, the bill's constitutionality, and
the vote for the negro.
Fiercely but futilely, a southern
bloc battled the measure down to the
final 252 to 84 roll call vote which
sent it on to the Senate, with Rep.
The Inter - Racial Association,
first University approved organiza-
tion intended to eliminate discrim-
ination against minority groups,
will set up abooth on the diagonal
tomorrow and Friday to circulate
petitions in favor of the Geyer Bill.
The petitions will be sent to the
Colmer (D-Miss.) assailing his north-

ern democratic colleagues for their
"ingratitude" to the solid south.
But, from the measure's supporters
came the cry that the negro now is
fighting for this country, that he is
entitled to vote for its officials; that
the legislation would carry this coun-
try's message of democracy to op-
pressed people the world over.
Colmer declared that the bill's di-
rect object was "to enfranchise the

Scrap For Uncle Sam
* * *
About 900 pounds of solid iron grat-
ing from the living room of the Pi
Lambda Phi fraternity house on Hili
Street went the way of all scrap yes-
terday as six of the brothers took off
three hours to help out Uncle Sam.
Inspired by articles in The Daily
asking for scrap, the Pi Lambs took
a good look around the house the
other day and couldn't find anything
they thought would help.
But a couple of them used their
imagination and announced that the
grates must go.
So yesterday afternoon six of the
huskiest Pi Lambs got busy and piled
the stuff in the front yard.
Today they're going to call the
scrap man to haul the iron away.
Russians Gain
As Battle Lulls
For Stalingrad
Mozdok, Black Sea Areas
Carry Fiercest Battles;
Key CitySiege Wanes
By The Associated Press
MOSCOW, Wednesday, Oct. 14.-
German attacks on the Stalingrad
front died down again today and the
Soviet midnight communique said
Red Army troops had recaptured a
street given up the previous day and
pushed the Germans back slightly in
one sector northwest of the battered
Beyond the isolated Soviet action in
which the street was recaptured, the
communique said, activity inside the
rubble-strewn city again was confined
to artillery after a one-day renewal of
German assaults.
Local Engagements
Action northwest of Stalingrad also
appeared to have been restricted to
local engagements. The communique
said one unit of elite guardsmen
"pressed back the Germans some-
what" in one engagement and in oth-
er sectors the Russians "continued to
defend their former positions" and
"carried out reconnaissance raids."
Fighting, however, continued heavy
in the Mozdok area of the Caucasus
and along the Black Sea.
In the Mozdok area, the communi-
que said, two battalions of German
infantry, supported by tanks and air-
craft, attacked Russian positions, but
were hurled back to their original
positions by fierce artillery and mor-
tar fire after losing 300 men.
Positions Improved
Southeast of the German-occupied
Black Sea base of Novorossiski, it
said, Soviet marines repelled an en-
emy attack and "improved their posi-
tions." In this engagement two com-
panies of enemy infantry were said
to have been wiped out.
Fighting also was renewed on the
northwest front, between Moscow and
Leningrad, where the Germans

-Exit, One Gate!


47 Nazis Bagged
By MaltaScrappers
Associated Press Correspondent
WASHINGTON, Oct. 13.- From
the tropic jungles of the Solomon Is-
lands to the chill shores of the Aleu-
tians, United States forces have dealt
the Japanese enemy a terrific beating
by land, sea and air in the last six
days, it was revealed tonight.
Three navy communiques gave this
account of American onslaughts at
both ends of the far-flung Pacific
battle front:
A task force of U.S. cruisers and
destroyers waylaid an enemy force
trying to land troop reinforcements
on Guadalcanal Island in the Solo-
mons Sunday night and sank one
10,000 ton heavy cruiser, four de-
stroyers and a 5,000 ton transport.
One unidentified U.S. destroyer was
Six Ships Sunk
Navy and marine corps torpedo
planes and dive bombers, chasing the
fleeing remnants of the enemy fleet
next day, badly damaged at least one
more cruiser and probably sank a de-
stroyer. Total enemy ship losses for
these sea and air actions were six
ships sunk, one probably sunk and
one damaged.
Last week, on October 9, Marine
Corps aircraft attacked two Jap
light cruisers and four destroyers in
the Solomons, damaged both cruisers
and shot down three seaplanes.
Meanwhile the enemy's seaplane base
at Rekata Bay was strafed by Navy
and Marine Corps planes.
Eight Bombers Downed
Two days later, October 11, Army,
Navy and Marine Corps fighter planes
intercepted a four-flight attack of 65
Jap bombers and fighters over Guad-
alcanal, forced them to jettison their
bombs in an open field and shot down
eight bombers and four Zero fighters
with a loss of only two U.S. planes.
In the face of stiff resistance from
the enemy's reinforced jungle troops
American Marines had won new ad-
vance positions west of their old de-
fense lines around the all-important
U.S. air field on the north coast of
Guadalcanal. The positions were tak-
en in two days of battling during
which the enemy suffered many cas-
In the Aleutians the Army's four-
engined Flying Fortress and Liberator
bombers showered incendiary and de-
molition bombs on the Jap base at
Kiska Island October 8, 9 and 10.,
The box score of comparative losses
reported in today's communiques
stood as follows:
Losses Compared
One heavy cruiser sunk, one bad-
ly damaged, one light cruiser bad-
ly damaged and one slightly dam-
aged; four destroyers sunk and one
probably sunk; one medium sized
transport sunk. Total 10 ships. Also
eight bombers, four fighter planes
and three seaplanes shot down.
Total 15 planes.
These losses, all in the Solomons,
raised the enemy's ship casualties for
the Solomons campaign so far,. to
eight sunk, three probably sunk and
37 damaged, and his plane losses to
260. In addition there is the incalcul-
able and cumulative damage of fires
and explosions among shore installa-
One destroyer sunk. Two U.S. fight-
er planes lost.
These losses, all in the Solomons,
raised known American ship cas-
ualties for the campaign to 10 ves-
sels sunk, including the three hea-
vy cruisers, Vincennes, Astoria and
Quincy, loss of which was announc-
ed by the Navy Department yester-
day. The total of American plane
losses in the Solomons has not been
announced but is known to be much
smaller than that of the enemy.

Navy Is Battered
Six Ships Sunk;
Bases Are Strafed

Congress In High Gear As FDR/
Plans Draft For 'Teen-Age Boys

Associated Press Staff Writer
WASHINGTON, Oct. 13.- (P)-
With speed reminiscent of that with
which it declared war last December
on Germany, Italy and Japan, Con-
gress went into high gear today to
put 18 and 19-year-old boys into Ar-
my uniforms.
Responding to President Roose-
velt's Fireside Chat, and to an appeal
by Secretary of War Stimson that it
help build up "with the minimum de-
lay the' finest army in the world,"
Congressional leaders disclosed plans
to rush to House passage this week
legislation lowering the draft age
from 20 years to 18.
Announcing plans for hearings to-
morrow and Thursday and a house
vote Friday or Saturday, Chairman
May (D-Ky.) of the House Military
Committee said the legislation to be
considered would provide that 'teen-

sooner. For his part, he said, he was
ready to vote tomorrow.
Some Senators, notably Vanden-
berg (R-Mich.), said there was con-
siderable "public anxiety" over re-
ports that the Army might be built up
to ten to thirteen million men and
expressed hope that the hearings
would bring out "as clear a prospectus
as possible" of eventual military
May said that witnesses before the
House Committee would include Maj.
Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, Selective Ser-
vice Director; Secretary Stimson, and
possibly General George C. Marshall,
Chief of Staff.
Two days, possibly with night ses-
President Decries
Use Of Manpower
WARHNOTON. Oct. 13.- (P)-

sions, should be ample time in which
to hear their views, May said, adding
that the hearings would be closed ex-
cept for that part of the testimony
"which the public can be permitted
to hear."
Stimson's Letter
In a letter to the House Committee,
Secretary Stimson said:
"Members of the 18 and 19 age
groups are peculiarly well adapted to
military training. This is a military
axiom. Their response to leadership,
their recovery from fatigue, their en-
thusiasm or 'flair for soldiering,' are
exceptional as compared with older
age groups. The simple fact is, they
are better soldiers and never before
in its history has the American nation
more urgently needed exceptional sol-
Along this line, committee members
said Army statistics showed that a
high percentage of all cases in base


Nazis Bagged
Malta Scrap pers

CAIRO, Oct. 13.-(P)--Malta's de-
fenders bagged eight more Nazi
planes today, bringing a three-day
total to 47 definitely destroyed and

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