T H.E MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, SEPT. 26, 194 Adding Sauce To The Gander: Football BPfore Finals, Marching Band To Add Spirit Deans Finally Concede To Michigan' s Gridiron Battles Conflicts between football games and final exams are not usual, but UI--this is an unusual year. 'Apple pie without any cheese' may ROTC, Professor Revelli points out. Originally a final was scheduled be a calamity for pastry-lovers, but School of Music freshmen may also from 2 p. m. to 4 p. m. today, but football fans can think of a worse enroll by electing band as a credit ; hen the deans found that the Great one-a pigskin battle in the Michigan course, he said. .Lakes game was set for the same time .u t.n sOpenings In All Sections Stadium without the University "There are openings in all sections they decided it would be rather diffi- Marching Band on hand. of the marching band this fall," Pro- cult to answer questions with cheers Prof. William D. Revelli's "Fighting fessor Revelli reports, "and all stu- from the stadium ringing in students' Hundred" will again be adding the dents who have had some musical ears and moved it back a full week. flavor at the seven home games this experience will be more than welcome Thus the last final of the first full at Morris Hall during Orientation summer term in University history year with their intricate formations Week." was completed this morning. T weilty Girls Will Finish New Aerial Mapphing Course Here on October 3 Having already received their rat- majority of the women will probably ir -s as engineering aides, the 20 wo- be placed in one of the branches of m .n now enrolled in the first class of the War Department. tie new aerial mapping course will According to Prof. Roger L. Morri- finish their 12 weeks of training here son, administrator of the course, "the O4t. 3. women by their enthusiasm and in- Ss proof that there are more jobs terest have satisfactorily lived up to S p what has been expected of them." oj:en than there are candidates, each "Our only regret," Prof. Morrison woman has received several offers of added, "is that we cannot find pcsitions from localities throughout enough women to fill the succeeding the country. They have been trained class which was started Sept. 4', and to construct maps from aerial photo- we hope that there will be more in graphs, but many have been asked to ; the future who will be interested in accept positions in related fields. The such an opportunity." Last Tinhes JEAN ARTHUR - RONALD COLMANTN Today! CARY GRANT T TH TWN SHOWS SUNDAY START AT 1 :Q0--2:24-x-:37-6:55-9:13 SUNDAY ALL DAY ADULTS 40c T T Feature Starts 1:00 - 3:13 -5:26 7:44 - 10:02 V7 ANN ARBObS NEWEST THEATKE... -7 P.M. f' Starts Tomorrow -M N Sunday! Con Early! I E a -AT - ---------r4-, vn iV +_______