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February 26, 1942 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-02-26

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r~Ac~E si~1 TTIURSDAT, ~UTTARY 24. 1f~4~
____________________________________________ I I I


Special Strike
Board Chosen

In Ecorse

Of Walk-Out
Plant Sought

LANSING, Feb. 25.-AP)--Governor
Van Wagoner today appointed a spe-
cial commission to seek to avert a
threatened strike at the plants of the
Great Lakes Steel Corp., Ecorse,
which is engaged in production ofI
important war materials.
He designated Thomas J. Donahue,
chairman of the State Labor Medi-
ation Board, as head of the special
mediating commission, to serve with
John N. Daley, vice-president of the
Wabeek State Bank of Detroit, and
the Rev. Fr. Raymond Clancy, Direc-
tor of Social Action for the Catholic
Archdiocese of Detroit.
Donahue said the Steel Workers
Organizing Committee-CIO has filed
notice of intention to strike, and that
efforts to settle the dispute have
met serious discouragement recently.
He declined to go into details, assert-
ing he considered the less said about
the controversy the better.
Great Lakes Steel, Donahue said,
employs about 8,000 employes in pro-
duction of materials vital to other
war industries. Federal conciliators
also are seeking to settle the dispute.
Navy Names Vessel
After Michigan Man
Announcement has been made by
the Navy that America's destroyer
fleet will soon be augmented by one,
now under construction in the Seattle
shipyards, named the William Long-
shaw, in honor of William Long-
shaw, Jr., '59, assistant surgeon in
the Navy during the Civil War.
While serving as assistant surgeon
on the USS Lehigh he showed out-
standing courage in an engagement
with Confederate batteries on Sulli-
van's Island, Charleston, S.C., on
Nov. 16, 1863.
Under fire of nine batteries in
which the Lehigh was struck 22 times,
it was necessary to pass the hawser
to the USS Nahant which had run
aground. Longshaw had to carry
three hawsers before he succeeded in
reaching the grounded ship.

Unsold Cars
Are 'Stored,
In Open Lots
Lack Of Dealers' Space
Forces New Vehicles
To Outside Storage
DETROIT, Feb. 25.-(A)-There are
something like half a million unsold
new passenger automobiles in the
United States but they aren't all in
dealers' hands.
Cramped for storage space the car
retailers, stocked with vehicles whose
sale through ordinary channels has
been halted for nearly two months,
have had to cry "enough" to theI
manufacturers for the time being.
The result has been that most of
the 204,000 units assembled between
Jan. 1 and early this month when
production ceased have been "stored"
nearer the factories-many in open
fields-until dealer stocks could move
out under the Office of Price Ad-
ministration's rationing program.
This movement begins next week
with a lot of misgivings on the part
of both the maker and the retailer
as to just how much it will reduce
dealers' floor stocks.
One of the heaviest accumulations
of unsold new cars has been at the
Michigan State Fair Grounds here.
Around the race track, at the ends
of the paddock and under the grand-
stand, hundreds of new vehicles of
various makes have found tempor-
ary storage space.
Officials in charge of the huge
outdoor storage depot say they ex-
pect to start shipping to dealers next
week. They admit, however, that
the number of cars to be moved out
will depend upon how effectively the
dealers' stocks are reduced.
The passenger car storage problem
is only part of the worry of the in-
dustry. Dealers and manufacturers
already have expressed doubt of their
ability to handle the March output
of commercial vehicles. Production
of trucks for both civilian and mili-
tary uses has continued under a
quota program.
A downward revision or outright
cancellation of previously announced
commercial unit schedules has been
anticipated in trade circles here.

Professors Say Defense Use
Of EleetroIlysis Is Exaggerated

The use of electrolysis in extract-
ing iron from its ores has lately re-
ceived wide publicity but two mem-
bers of the University engineering
faculty claim that its defense im-
portance has been vastly exag-
Professor William P. Wood, of the
metallurgical engineering depart-
ment, said that in the first place,
the process, which entails concen-
tration of the metal by electric heat-
ing methods, is by no means new.
"It has long been used for copper,"!
he said, "and even for iron in cases
where a very pure metal is needed."
Electrolysis Costly

which better resists corrosion than is
possible by use of smelting. How-
ever, both men insisted that such
pure metal is not commonly needed
for the general defense work which
is now threatened with an iron short-
Professor Thomassen concluded
with the observation that the process
has very probably been fostered at
least partly as a defense publicity
Sugyar Rationing
Instrucetionis Given,
T'fi jutn ir vRon rd ,

.aL t AW.G'EE' .tl:y
When asked why the method has!
never been more widely used, Profes- LANSING, Feb. 25.-UP).-Prelim-
sor Wood explained that this has mr ntutost rpr o u
been due mainly to the fact that inary mstructions to prepare for su-
electrolysis would be very much more gar rationing went out today to
costly than smelting, which is now county rationing administrators and
commonly used. This is in direct county school commissioners.
contradiction to the Ford Company's The instructions, released by Ar-
claim that electrolysis would afford thug H. Sarvis, state rationing ad-
a cheaper method for the purifica- ministrator, declare that the county
tion of iron, board and school commissioner of
Professor Lars Thomassen, of the each county will be responsible for
chemical engineering department, registering sugar consumers.
supported Professor Wood in the The two jointly were asked to ap-
statement that electrolysis would be point a committee in each county to
more costly than methods now in determine the number of sugar ra-t
use. He said that installation of tion booklets needed for distribution
machinery necessary for effective through the schools. The Depart-
use of the process might prove an ment of Public Instruction is pre-
almost prohibitive expense. paring formulas for calculating
"Possibly nowhere in the United school districts' population.
States," he said," and certainly not Sarvis cautioned the agencies that
in the Middle West is there a large sugar ration stamps are valuable and
enough source of electric power to that they should be guarded against
make use of the process, on any; theft or damage.
large scale practicable."
Method Saves Coal Methodist, Presbyterian
The chief advantage claimed for
the electrolitic method by its sup- Churches To Hold Party
porters is that it would free coal for
more important defense uses. Pro- A Detroit demonstration group in
fessor Thomassen said that use of folk rancin will be featured atthe



Union Offers
Dcrm Frosh
Specw! Rates
In a program intended to promote
the use of Union facilities by dormi-
tory freshmen, members of the class
of '45 living in Allen-Rumsey House
have been invited to use the billiard
room and the swimming pool at spe-
cial rates for the rest of this week.
Under the direction of Edward
Holmberg, '43, the program entitles
the freshmen of a different dormi-
tory every week to use the Union
facilities at half price. Union Fresh-
man Privilege Cards, which will be
distributed to the various dorm mem-
bers, are good in the billiard room
Monday through Wednesday from
11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and in the swim-
ming pool Tuesday. Thursday and
Friday from 11 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. and
Iafter 10 p.m.
Special guests of the Union this
week are the freshman men from
Allen-Rumsey, while next week the
privilege will go to members 'of Chi-
cago House.
Daily Tryouts'
Classes Listed
(Continued from Page 1)
B. Parsons, P. Schwarzkopf, J. Stege-
man, R. Swartz and G. Walsh.
Group 2. meeting at 7:30 pm. Fri-
day and each Monday and Friday
hereafter, includes: L. Reiner, M.
Nishon, M. C. Baker, A. Berman, I.
Bucci, R. Dixon, E. Elser, E. J. Rich-
ards, E. Swaninger, H. Frank and H.
Absences must be excused before a
meeting, and those who are unable
to attend their scheduled meetings
should contact the senior editor at
once or attend today's meeting at
7:30 p.m. for a readjustment in the
Woodburne Addresses
MeetingOf Pre-Meds
Prof. Russell Woodburne, of the
Medical School, spoke on the film,
"A Subtotal Gastrectomy of Intract-
able Gastric Ulcer," at a meeting of
the Pre-Medical Society yesterday.
Discussion of a trip to the State
Hospital at Ypsilanti constituted the
remaining portion of the program.
Al though no date has been set for
the tour, it was decided that it should
take place on a Wednesday after-
noon in the near future.
New Tryouts To Meet
Union Staff At Banquet
The first Union staff banquet of
the new semester will be held at 6:15
p.m. today in Room 319 of the Union
in honor of the new freshman try-
The purpose of the banquet is to
acquaint the freshmen with the oth-
er staff members.

Competitions Opened For Two
AllkUniversity Speech Contests

University students now have the
opportunity to participate in two
speech contests, one sponsored by the
Northern Oratorical League and the
other by the Office of Coordinator of
Inter-American Affairs.
The oratorical contest will be com-
posed of five minute orations which
must be concerned with topics of
public interest. This meet is open to
all eligible sophomores, juniors, and
seniors. The preliminary contest will
be held March 13 in Room 4203
Angell Hall.
All addresses must be not more
than two thousand words in length,
but a limit of 1800 words is the pref-
erable length. Copies of orations de-
livered in previous contests may be
found in the Speech Library, Room
3213, Angell Hall.
The winner of the final local con-
test, which will be held April 3, will
compete in the league meet at
Northwestern University May 1.
The contest, sponsored by the Of-
fice of Coordinator of Inter-Ameri-
can Affairs, is being held to stimu-
late a widespread study of Pan-
American affairs among college stu-
dents in the country.
This meet, which is an extempore-
discussion contest, has been divided
into four sections, an intra-school
meet, district contests, regional con-
ferences, and the national finals.
All students who wish to enter this
contest should register in the Speech
Mammoth Hen Egg Laid
DANVILLE, Ky., Feb. 25.-(?P)-
We'll take a dozen. H. C. Dugger is
displaying a chicken egg measuring
seven and one-half inches around
the middle and nine inches the long
way. It weighs six ounces.

Office. Room 3211, Angell Hall, by
A general plan for the intra-school
contest has already been worked out.
All students will be required to give
a short speech dealing with any
phase of inter-American relations.
After the addresses have been pre-
sented, a forum period patterned af-
ter the plan of the future contests
will be held. In order to facilitate a
complete research by students, a ref-
erence list has been' posted in the
first floor study hall of the General
Library of books which have been
reserved for the members of this
According to Dr. Alan Nichols, di-
rector of the National Committee in
New York, about 400 colleges and
universities are taking part in this
nation-wide contest. At present, nine
Michigan collegiate institutions have
affirmed their participation in the
Botany Ties . . . . . 79c

Cooper's Wool
75c values . .
50c values . .
35c values..

2 for 1.09
3 for 1.09
4 for 1.09

8 Overcoats left, values to $35
Your Choice $21.20
122 E. Liberty
Next To P. Bell On The Corner

the process would undoubtedly free
some coal, but not nearly the quan-
tity statements made in its behalf
would seem to indicate.
"Only about one-third of the coal
now used in smelting could be savedj
for other defense work by the use of
electrolysis," he said.
Both Professor Wood and Profes-
sor Thomassen agreed with the Ford
Company's statement that electrol-
ysis produces a purer metal and oneI

annual Methodist-Presbyterian party
from 9 to 12 p.m. tomorrow in the,
Methodist church parlors.
After games and folk dancing, re-
freshments will be served, chairmanj
Stan Summers, '44, announced.
Other committee members are .Ruth
Sanford, '43, refreshments; Jeanne
Weaver, '43, games, and Wesley
Webb, '42A, decorations.

How putting the
on a lump of coal


New Styles First
at Wild's

^ tq ,
.v.., <.
__ _




YES, we mean short caught! Quite possible with shorts
that have a center seam. But, impossible with Arrow
Shorts! Because all Arrow Shorts are cut roomy and com-
fortable, without that irritating center seam!
So wty don't you skip in and take a look at our
Arrows? We've got Arrow
Gripper Fastener Shorts that:
have no buttons to pop off, and
we've got Arrow Sprinters,
shorts with an elastic,waistband
that gives with every motion. f'
Arrow Gripper
Fasteners . . . . 75c & 85c L
Arrow Sprinters.... 5c
Arrow Undershirts . . . . 55c
State Street on the Campus



(Continued from Page 4)
today and Friday, 3:00-5:00 p.m., in
room 408, Romance Language Build-
ing. Any student on the Campus who
has some knowledge of the French
language may try out.
Patrons Committee for Assembly
Ball will meet today at 4:30 p.m. in
the League. Room will be on Bul-
letin Board. Please bring eligibility
Make-up Committee of Theatre
Arts will meet tonight at 6:30 in the
League. Attendance is compulsory.
JGP Programs Committee will have
an important meeting today at 4:00
p.m. in the League.
Chess Exhibition. Mr. I. A. Horo-
witz, former United States Chess
Champion, and Editor of Chess Re-
view, will lecture on his match with
Reshesky for the U.S. Championship,
at the Michigan Union this evening.
He will also play simultaneous and
blindfold games.
The exhibition, sponsored by the
Michigan Union, University Chess
Club, and Ann Arbor Chess Club, will
be open to the public and anyone
wishing to play should bring board
and chess set.
The regular Assembly Board meet-
ing will take place today at 5:00 p.m.
in the Council Room.
Any girl who has not been assigned
to play on a team in Club Basket-
ball and would like to play, please
report to Barbour Gymnasium to-
day at 5:00 p.m.
Coming Events
The French Roundtable, meeting
in the International Center, Room
23, at 8:00 p.m. Friday, February 27,
will hear Professor Jean Hebrard on
the topic "Une ville internationale de
communication." Professor Hebrard
will illustrate his talk with a bro-
chure. Any person whose native lan-
guage or second language is French
and students of the French language
are invited to attend.
Ushering Committee of Theatre
Arts: Sign up now to usher for the
three performances of "Sleeping
Beauty." The lists are in the League
Undergraduate Office and theshows
are at 3:45 p.m. on Friday, and 1:30
and 3:30 p.m. on Saturday. If you
wish to join this Committee, sign up
to usher for one of these shows and

All girls participating in League,
Panhellenic, and Assembly activities,
or taking defense courses, must have
their eligibility card signed in the
Social Director's office of the League
before 5:00 p.m. Friday.
Petitioning for Assembly positions
for next year will last through Tues-
day of next week. Interviews will be
Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of
next week.


U,',\\\ m\ ~ '


For Campus
COSMO with zipper lining
is our "Big Hit" in topcoats.
Zip lining "in" for cold weath.
er, and tout" for warmer days.

A r% ~%i r

helps lower your electric rates
Most of the electricity produced in the Detroit
area comes from coal burned in large power
plants. The heat energy in the coal is trans-
formed into electrical energy and sent out to
customers' homes over wires. For many years,
our engineers have devoted time and effort to
squeezing MORE electrical energy out of LESS
coal. How successful have they been?
Back in 1906, three-and-a-half times as much
coal was required to make electricity as today.
In 1912, two-and-a-quarter times as much was
needed. By 1925, the amount was down to one-
and-a-half times as much. And today, with
more energy being "squeezed" from, coal than
ever before, the amount of coal required is still
being whittled down.
Coal is only a small part of the total cost of
making electricity. Other factors are involved.
But the story of coal typifies the many improve-
ments we are constantly making -large and
small - to lower the cost of electricity. The
average price per kilowatthour paid by our
residence customers today is 46 per cent less
than in 1921. The Detroit Edison Company.

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The COSMO coat is made of
genuine Airedale Cavalry
Twill - rich and lustrous, it
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/field. Come in and see this
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