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February 26, 1942 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-02-26

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§eifte Downs
By 50-23 Vote
Agriculture Group Stops
Bill For Stock Sale,
Disregards Roosevelt
WASHINGTON, Feb. 25. - (AP) -
President Roosevelt lost another ar-
gument with the powerful Senate
farm bloc today when the Senate
voted 50 to 23 to prohibit sales of
government stocks of farm products
below a full parity price.
Disregarding a special Presidential
tarning against "grasping for a few
dollars in the name of farmers," the
chamber first defeated a compromise
proposal, 48 to 24, and then widened
this two-to-one margin on the final
vote that sent the measure to the
Despite their top-heavy Senate vic-
tory, farm bloc leaders concedd that
their measure, intended to boost
market prices for corn, wheat and
cotton, faced a doubtful future. Even
if the House approved the Senate
measure, PresidenteRoosevelt's blunt
letter to the Senate today indicated
a probable veto.
Brown Proposes Reduction
Te afirst test came on a proposal
by ,$enator Brown (Dem.-Mich) to
deduct the amount of government
farm benefit payments from parity
levels and let the resultant figure be
tlie minimum at which the govern-
ment could dispose of its surplus
stocks. Majority leader Barkley of
Kentucky pleaded with the Senate to
accept this compromise.
Senator Thomas (Dem.-Okla.), one
Qf the farm bloc spokesmen, promptly
accused Brown and Barkley of "lead-
ing a movement to drive farm prices
Brown earlier had charged that
the farm bloc restrictions would add
Z1,000,000,400 to the present rising
osts of living, but Thomas protested
that this was asking farmers "for a
billion dollar sacrifice."
Roll Call Demanded
With the compromise soundly de-
feated, farm bloc leaders yelled for
a rll call on passage. Thirty-four
Democrats, 14 Republicans, 1 Pro-
gressive and 1 Independent shouted
approval. The minority opposition
included 16 Democrats and 7 Re-
Mr. Roosevelt, in a letter addressed
to Vice-President Wallace, said the
legislation would do "irreparable
damage to the war effort and to the
farmers of the country."
"In this hour, when the very exist-
ence of our nation as a free people
is at stake," he said, "we cannot af-
(ord to indulge in the promotion of
selfish interests such as are involved
in this legislation."
Federal Counsel
To Lecture Here
",Mr. Howard E. Wahrenbrock, as-
sistant general counsel of the Fed-
eral Power Commission in Washing-
t~n, .-C, will lecture at 3 pm.,today
in .Room 150 Hutchins Hall on
"United States Government Legal
Wahrenbrock, who received his
J. D. from the University in 1927~ and
his S. J. D. in 1933, has been active
in government service for many
years. His discussion today will cover
opportunities for government serv-

ice and the qualifications necessary
for application.
Shows Continuous Daily
2-11:30 P.M.
25c until 5:00, 40c to closing



_ .__ ___r _ _.. __ ._

Oil Derrick Hit By Sub Shell

Ann Arbor Citizens Go AllOut'
In Volunteer Defense Effort

( _._..

Michigan's home front, officially
recognized by President Roosevelt in
his "Detroit can be bombed" state-
ment, has now enlisted 3,000 Ann
Arbor residents, including 1,500 Uni-
versity coeds, the Civilian Defense
Volunteer Office announced yester-
Most vital volunteer work in recent
weeks, the third draft registration
Feb. 16 saw over 100 CDVO regis-
trants serving up to seven-hour shifts
to enroll Ann Arbor men.
Classification of volunteer skills,
involving complete cross-reference
filing, has been completed by a staff
which included 19 University Library
workers. Science, medicine, nursing,
law, dietetics and home economics
are represented among the volun-
teers on tap for emergency service.
Hillel To Hear
Palmer Throop

In a class by herself, one Ann Arbor
woman registered as a practical
nurse and electric welder.
The CDVO's drive on local de-
fense problems has been aided by
Family and Children's Service-a
group bringing all guns to bear on
the "war of nerves." Greater com-
munity solidarity is one of its major
Informing defense workers have
placed a heavy burden on local pub-
lic schools, and the CDVO is calling
forth increased efforts from regis-
trants in order to alleviate the prob-
lem. Playground aides, volunteer
meal servers, and assistant teachers
have already been supplied.
One of the most far-sighted CDVO
: innovations, a spot map, is being
made for the Perry School, which
houses a large number of defense
workers. This map, showing the lo-
cation of every pupil's home, will be
duplicated for other local schools.
Washtenaw County residents are
still eligible for enrollment in volun-
teer work, the CDVO also announced.
Registration will be held from 9 to
12 a.m. and from 1 to 5 p.m. week-
days and from 9 to 12 a.m. Satur-
days at the CDVO's Armory head-

High School
Annual Play,
The junior class of Ann Arbor
High School will present "Holiday"
as its annual play at 8:15 p.m. to-
morrow and Saturday in Pattengill
Philip Barry, considered the out-
standing writer of sophisticated com-
edy in America today, is the author
of the three-act play. The scene is
upper Fifth Avenue in New York,
and the plot centers around the trials
and tribulations of young, wealthy
Johnny Case. This young man's
philosophy is to retire young and
enjoy life; then, if necessary, work
during later life. However, Julia
Seton, his fiancee, does not share his
viewpoint, for she is interested solely
in the monetary end of things. How
Case clears up his difficulties pro-
vides fast-moving action and many
humorous moments.
Charles Hanson will take the part
of Johnny Case and Pat Bird that
of his fiancee, Julia. The role of Ed-
ward Seton, Julia's multi-millionaire
father, will be portrayed by Jack
Fisher, Eras Kussurelis will play
Linda Seton, Julia's sister.

Capt. Barney Hagen inspects damage done to an oil derrick near Santa Barbara, Calif., by a shell from
an enemy submarine. A catwalk was splintered and p arts of the iron sides of the well pumping plant were

Discussion Will
War Intellect,


By The Gunner
The Armyand Naval air armsand
the earth-bound service of supply
are represented in the latest informa-
tion reaching The Daily on graduatesr
in the service.
Pfc. John H. Laun, '35, who has
been stationed at Fort Wayne Quar-
termaster Motor Supply Depot in De-
troit, has been selected to attend the
Officers' Candidate School at Camp1
Lee, Virginia, it was announced to-1
day by his commanding officer, Col.I
Edward H. Reese.
Laun, who received his Phi Beta
Kappa key at the University, was a
member of the Quartermaster De-1
tachment basketball team, played
the trumpet in the post dance or-..
chestra and was assigned to the Mor-
ale Office, where he had charge of
athletics and recreational activities.-
Among the Michigan men now in1
the Southeast Air Corps Training,
Center at Montgomery, Ala., is Swift
Tarbell, Jr., who left the University
after three years to join the Air
At the Navy's Corpus Christi "Uni-
versity of the Air," following ad-
vanced squadron training where he
specialized in flying observation and
scouting planes of the type cata-
pulted from battleships, Roger C.
Madden was today commissioned an
ensign in the Naval Reserve. }
Van Wagoner Says
Transition Layoff
May Not Be Severe
STURGIS, Feb. 25.-(AP)-Governor
Van Wagoner declared in the text of
a speech prepared for delivery here
tonight that the war "transition" un-
employment emergency in Michigan
may not be so severe as had been
"The totals (of persons made idle
by factory conversion to war produc-
tion) are not 300,000 or even 200,000,
but about 185,000," the governor de-
clared. The higher figures had been
mentioned by proponents of unem-
ployment compensation liberaliza-
tion in the recent special session of
the legislature, and by the governor
himself as an advocate of the liber-
The reduction in totals and dura-
tion of unemployment, Van Wagoner
declared, is the result of cooperation
by all concerned which he predicted
would "go down in history of the
war as a miracle of patriotism and
industrial know-how." He reported
"super-human" effort by manage-
ment and labor to meet war produc-.
tion goals.

Opening Of New State Theatre
Recalls Varied Movie History

Vaudeville Artists, Bands
Shunned Town Stages
In DaysOf Old-Timers
Opening of the new State Theatre I
next month will be the culmination
of a long and curious series of inci-
dents, a series of incidents which in-
volves a great deal of Ann Arbor's
interesting theatrical history.
The story of how Ann Arbor's
present theatre system came into
being is one of both sidelights and
highlights, but principally it is a
story of pleasing Ann Arbor's highly
critical student audiences.
Race For Front Seats
Campus old-timers recall with gleer
the good old days when 'the boys'
used to race for the front seats of
the balcony at the Majestic and the
old Whitney,. both of which carried
top-line stage acts at one time.
It was not with pleasure, however,
that big-time acts received notice
that they had been booked into Ann
Arbor, for 'the boys' loudly and often
!Engine Society
Plans Election
AIEE Group To Select New
Officers, See Films
Members of the student chapter of
the American Institute of Elec-
trical Engineers will meet at 8 p.m.
tomorrow in the Union to elect new
"Approved by Underwriters," a
sound motion picture put out by the
Underwriters laboratories of Chicago,
is to be shown. George Gotchall, '42E,
chairman of the AIEE, explained
that the film deals primarily with
electrical standardization tests for
the safety of appliances.
Retiring officers are George Got-'
chall, '42E, chairman; H. Bruce Bat-
tey, '42E, vice-chairman; Robert
Ehrlich, '43E, secretary, and Robert
Thalmer, '42E, treasurer.
Varsity Debate Members
Meet Detroit Squad Here
Under the direction of Dr. Arthur
Secord, twelve members of the men's
varsity debate squad met a team from
the Detroit chapter of the American
Institute of Banking in symposia on
Civilian Defense Tuesday in the
speech rooms of Angell Hall.
The teams were divided into three
discussion groups in order to con-
sider the situation. The two squads
plan to hold a return match March

voiced or demonstrated their feelings
much to the discomfiture of those
vaudeville stars who were used to
more respect elsewhere.
The growth of the motionpicture
industry and the gradual death of
important vaudeville in all except
the biggest cities soon had its effect
on the theatre business in Ann Arbor.
In 1927, the year the Michigan wa's
built, the Majestic played one of its
last stage attractions, one strangely
enough that was to become very
popular in the next decade. Fred
Waring and his Pennsylvanians got
feature billing, and it was their first
appearance on any stage.
By that time the movie houses had
been going under full steam for many
years, only one operating then that
is not now in existence. That was
the old Arcade, which faced North
University just off State Street, but
which burned in 1928 and was never
restored as a theatre.
Ordinance Order Changes
When recently the Majestic was
classified under a city ordinance
which ordered changes to meet the
Ann Arbor building code, the theatre'
management found itself unable to
The Butterfield Company, which
has controlled theatres here for many
years, decided on the erection of
what is to be called the State Thea-
tre. A brief and unsuccessful at-
tempt to have it built on the site
of the old Arcade failed, and thus
the present position and name were
decided upon. A peculiar but inter-
esting process.
Russian War Aid
Chapter To Meet
TodayIn League
Acting upon an emergency call for
funds issued by the National Russian
War Relief headquarters, the student
division of the local chapter has
called a special meeting for 8:30 p.m.
today, in the Michigan League.
The student division will consider
methods of raising funds with which
to buy medical supplies, according to
Harry Stutz, Grad., chairman of the
committee. The proceeds of the pro-
posed ten-day drive will be utilized in
purchasing fifteen anesthesia masks,
twenty wound clips, several dressing
sterilizers for field use, one electrical
instrument sterilizer for hospital use,
250 ounces of quinine hydrochloride,
and one hospital field tent.
"Though the Nazis are being weak-
ened by the present Soviet thrusts, it
has not been without considerable
damage to the Russians. However,
this could be alleviated somiewhat if
adequate medical and surgical sup-
plies were forthcoming," Stutz said.
Stutz extends an invitation to the
meeting to all persons wishing to
participate in the present medical
aid campaign.

Featuring a panel discussion, Hillel
Foundation's Fireside Discussion
Group will hear Prof. Palmer A.
Throop of the history department
discuss "Intellectual and Moral Cri-
sis" at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow at Hillel
The discussion will involve the ef-
fects of the war on the intellectual
and moral conventions of society.
Youth's place in the changing world
will be treated as a major part of
the discussion.1
Following the initial presentation
of the topic, the audience will join
the discussion. Questions from the
members will form the basis of a
panel discussion.
Conservative religious services will
precede the discussion at 7:45 p.m.
David Crohn, '43, and Jack Lewin-
Epstein, '43, will lead the services.

WILL THE PERSON who wore my
coat home from the Saturday
Union Dance please return it. A
small souvenir coin purse was in
the pocket. Please contact Norma
Braga, 2-6285. 256c
FOR RENT-Small, modern house,
scenic location in city limits. Dial
8994. 255c
suits, overcoats, typewriters, musi-
cal instruments, ladies' furs, Per-
sian lamb, mink, watches, dia-
monds. Pay from $5 to $500.
Phone Sam, 3627. 229c



ing. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308
S. State. 6c
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Company, phone
7112. 7c
MISS ALLEN-Experienced typist.
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935
VIOLA STEIN-Experienced legal
typist, also mimeographing. Notary
pudic. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland,
PERMANENTS, $3.00-$7.00. Sham-
poo and set, 65c all week. Gingham
Girl Beauty Shop, 302 S. State.
Phone 2-4000.


The works of Chad Walsh seem to
be published more consistently than
those of any other ex-Hopwood win-
ner. February finds the poem, "'Two
Darknesses," in the Saturday Review
of Literature.
Philip Milhous, who won the ma-
jor award in drama in the summer
of 1938 with his "For the Love of
Allah," writes of this play: "The
University of California Berkeley
Playmakers sent me five clippings
from California papers, all of which
were unusually complimentary of
the production."
Eight new books have been selected
this month by Prof. Roy W. Cowden,
of the English department. They are
Pearl , Buck's "Dragon Seed," Mari-
anne Moore's "What Are Years,"
Nevil Shute's "Pied Piper," Arthur
Meeker, Jr.'s "The Ivory Mischief,'.
Margaret Webster's "Shakespeare
Without Tears," Edwin Corle's "Des-
ert Country," Haniel Long's "Pinon
Country," and "Five YoungAmeri-
can Poets, 1941," issued by New Di-
Draftees To Be Tested
LANSING, Feb. 25. --(P)- Blood
tests of draft registrants again will
be taken by local boards before
draftees are sent to Army examining
boards at induction centers, Col. E.
M. Rosecrans, state selective service
director and adjutant general of
Michigan, said today.

LAUNDRY -2-1044. Sox
Careful work at low price.


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