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February 10, 1942 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-02-10

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" FEBRUARY i1,1N42


Crisler Heads All Sports Activities
As Regents ReorganizeAthletics


"All this talk about me being made
a czar is nonsense," Fritz Crisler said
yesterday in explaining the reorgan-
ization of the University's athletic
and physical education departments.
"The only real changes the Regents
made at their recent meeting was in
the separation of the athletic and
physical education departments from
the School of Education, and the
creation of academic rankings for
all coaches and assistant coaches in
my departments," Crisler added.
Crisler has been called czar in
many newspaper stories that re-
ported the regents' new ruling con-
cerning the athletic department.
Previously the coaches and their
staffs were connected with the
School of Education while all inter-
collegiate sport activities were under
the jurisdiction of the old Board in
Control of Physical Education. Un-
der the new by-laws of the Regents,
passed January 30, the Board in
Control is replaced by a Board of In-
tercollegiate Athletics.
All sport and physical education
activities are now under the official
control of Crisler, subject to the ap-
proval of the new board. This action
clarifies certain loose relationships
Center Starts
New Activities
Seven Language Classes
Will Train Translators
For Government Work
Following the lead of the Univer-
sity, the International Center has re-
vised its semester program to meet
the needs of wartime.
Language classes which are de-
signed to aid in the fulfillment of the
government's demand for translators
and interpreters will be conducted.
Training will be .offered in Spanish,
French, German, Italian, Russian,
Chinese and Japanese.
Foreign women students and the
wives of foreign students are invited
to participate in the weekly knitting
and sewing sessions -at the Center.
Contributions will be made to the In-
ternational Red Cross and the Amer-
ican Friends' Service Committee.
The Center is also prepared to as-
sist any American or foreign group in
relief projects. Already several ben-
efit programs have been scheduled,
the proceeds of which will be donated
to specific war reliefs.
A round table will be organized for
the discussion of peace after the war.
The Center is also providing foreign
student speakers to satisfy the num-
ber of calls made on the University
Extension Service for speakers on in-
ternational affairs.
The regular recreational and social
program of the Center will be con-
tinued. The Thursday teas, Wednes-
day evening music hours and the
Sunday suppers are again planned
for the second semester. The Center's
athletic program will be enlarged
and correlated with the physical fit-
ness program set up by the athletic
Student Violinist
Will Give Recital
Italo Frajola, violinist, concert-
master of the University Symphony
Orchestra and soloist with the Little
Symphony will present a recital at
8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre.

Frajola who is giving this recital
in partial..fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Master of
Music will present the following pro-
gram: Sonata in D major by Arcan-
gelo Corelli, Concerto in D major by
Johannes Brahms, Sonato pour vio-
lon et piano by Guillaume Lekeu.
Frajola's piano accompanist will be
Prof. John Kollen of the School of
Music faculty.
Before coming to Ann Arbor from
his home in Gilbert, Minn., Frajola
studied under Nicholas Furjanick and
since then has been a pupil of Was-
sily Besikersky. He has appeared as
a soloist already this season with the
University Symphony Orchestra on
Jan. 27 in the Serenata Notturna of
Mozart's under the direction of Thor
Johnson. Frajola is also a member
of Phi Mu Alpha, music fraternity.
CPT Applications
OpenTo Feb. 16
Applications will be accepted until
February 16 at Room B-47 East En-
gineering Building for the second
semester Civilian PilothTraining
Although the age limit has been
lowered to 18, the other requirements
remain the same. The applicant must
have attained his eighteenth but not
his twenty-sixth birthday prior to

that had existed in the University's
athletic program. As before WAA,
IM, men's and women'sphysical edu-
cation, will be within Crisler's super-
The personnel of the new board
will probably be made up of the same
faculty, student and alumni repre-
sentation as its predecessor.
By being raised to academic rank-
ings coaches and assistants will be
given a security that most college
coaches enjoy today. The coaches
will have tenure and the right to
take leaves for further education to
step up their rating. The regents will
decide in the near future the exact
rankings to be used.
The board of intercollegiate ath-
letics is not prevented by the new
rules from making shifts in the de-
partment, but the coaches may have
the alternative of taking other posi-
tions rather than being eliminated
Some of the coaches have had aca-
demic rankings for some time now,
with Crisler holding a professorship
and Ray Fisher, Varsity baseball
coach, an assistant professorship.
The Regents have asked the new
board to make recommendations to
the University War Board concern-
ing the expansion of the physical
education and intercollegiate ath-
letic programs for the coming sum-
Crisler concluded by saying, "plans
are already under way for a broad
physical education program for the
so-called 'third-semester' but it is
extremely difficult yet to arrange for
an intercollegiate athletic schedule.
"As soon as the University com-
pletes its summer academic program
the athletic department will attempt
to arrange for intercollegiate com-
petition. I feel confident that if we
have a summer intercollegiate pro-
gram Michigan will maintain the
fine reputation that it has built up
during the past."
RLOTC Adopts
Doubled Drills,
Marching Activities Move
To I-M Building; Course
In Photography Offered
Visible in the doubled drill period
and the recent addition of efficiency
stars in their uniforms, the reality
of the war has increased its effect
on the University ROTC for the new
Facilities for extended order drill
and scouting and patroling will be
afforded in the Sports Building, to
which the drill activities have been
moved. In addition the schedule has
been condensed to a choice of two
days a week for two hours.
Added advantages of the consoli-
dated drill program will be the possi-
bility of well-proportioned units
within the regiment, with accom-
panying improvement in the leader-
ship training afforded cadets of the
advanced course, and the increase in
esprit de corps introduced by the
element of competition.
Cadets of the Signal Corps will be
able to receive instruction in photog-
raphy through special classes ar-
ranged by Pi Tau Pi Sigma, honorary
Signal Corps Fraternity. Photogra-
phy, although within the scope of the
Signal Corps in the Army, is not pro-
vided for in the ROTC course.
As soon as the semester is well
under way, the regiment of cadets
will have a permanent staff of cadet
officers appointed and a special
company of picket cadets will be

Booth Chairman Says
Adieu To Date, Dough
Still wincing from an aftermath of
the week-end, James Snodgrass,
'43F&C, chairman of booths for
J-Hop, is "on" several people's cuffs
today, but a little wiser.
Sunday afternoon he took his
J-Hop date, Martha Wood of Cincin-
nati, to the railroad station, saw her
safely to her seat and placed her
luggage on the rack. After the proper
adieux and a farewell kiss, he pro-
ceeded to get off the train. Jim, be-
ing a forester, didn't realize the
swaying of the car was the engineer's
effort to reach Detroit on time.
Well, Jim was confronted with a
situation, for he, like most J-Hop-
pers, was broke. He put the touch
on his date for a couple of bucks to
cover his unexpected trip.
In Detroit he again saw her to her
train, this time Cincinnati bound.
But goodbyes were enacted on the
He arrived in Ann Arbor by a late
bus yesterday with a penny left.
Michigan Alumnae
To Hear FPA Head
Vera Micheles Dean, Research Di-
rector of the Foreign Policy Associa-




T H E S IN G IN G K ING1--To oblige his master, N.Y. Fire-
man George Donnelly, King gives out with a canine song perhaps
to say he's ready for the Dalmatian firehouse competition at the
annual Westminster Kennel Club show. King won it last year.

P R O C R E S S T O W A R D A P I L L B O X-Flat on the ground lie two U.S. army engineers,
shielding themselves as the bangalore torpedo they brought up explodes in barbed wire protecting an
"enemy pillbox" under attack. Demonstration was at Fort Belvoir, Va. Once a way through the wire
was cleared, soldiers used flame-throwers at the gunport and pillbox entrances, plus explosives.

S E N T R Y --Behind the door of P R IOR IT Y--In her pale blue
this vault being guarded by Corp. cotton lace gown, pearl-em-
Leon Gauntt, a Texan, at the broidered and enlivened by
bombardier training school in cerise cotton roses at the neck-,
Albuquerque, N. Mex., is the line, N. Y. Showgirl Lois Janu-
secret bomb sight used by army ary isn't worrying about war-
bombing planes. The sights are time bans on silks. The roses also
taken out for training flights. trim her blue cotton gloves.,

Y A N K E E C U S T O M-There must be some American ap-
petites in the neighborhood when a hamburger sign appears.
This one is somewhere in England where Yanks are assembling
U.S.-made planes. Some wag added sign chalked up in Japanese.

B O S S-William H. Collins,
standing at the sand-bagged en-
trance to the power plant of the
Fore River shipyard of Bethle-
hem Steel Co. at Quincy, Mass.,
is general superintendent of the
yard that's busy turning out
ships for Uncle Sam,

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