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February 25, 1942 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-02-25

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Annual Frosh Frolic

Will Be March 13


Union Ballroom

WAAnti c


Yo-ho and a bottle of spirits of
cherry trees, a Ia Washington, after
that welcome breathing spell. It
caused a lapse in the bowling pro-
graijima, so they say, because only
10 of the 67. teams who are partici-
pating in the team bowling tourney
played their matches.
And little D. A. Hendricks has
made exception because of G. Wash-
ington's birthday holiday and has
extended the time to have these
matches'played off until tomorrow,
so get you down to the W. A. B. and
begin to heave those little (?) balls
down the alleys.
Winner in the singles tournament
was veteran Bette Sachs with a score
of 153 2/3 for her average of three
matches. Jane Zimmerman came in
with a very close second with 150 2/3,
while Barbara Alt emerged third
with 136.
Talk about heroes! The Outing
Club group, headed by Libby Mahl-
man, who has been doing a very
"actively" good job-(those kids are
always on the go!) was off to Saline
over Sunday and Monday last, and
walking back Monday noon, three
hostelers saw the roof of a farm-
house catching fire and ran ahead
to give warning. Anti-climax though,
was when the little country fire en-
gine finally came, it went whizzing
right past the house because it
thought the name of the town (?)
was "Acton" instead of "Austin."
P. S. By the time the fire engine got
there, farmers had already ,got the
blaze under control and into smoul-
dering cinders.
The group hiked and the distance
is fourteen long, long miles to Sa-
line; how about those weary feet,
kids? 'Tis said that the most fun
was in the Recreation Hall after
supper Sunday night when the place
looked like a scene from YOU CAN'T
TAKE IT WITH YOU--what with
Indian wrestling in one corner, chop-
sticks on the piano, classics on the
radio, calisthenics in the middle of
the floor, and keep-away and bare-
foot hockey some place in the midst!
To get in on their fun, you're all
invited to a super-duper barn dance
at the W. A. B. Saturday night. Plaid
Wedding Announced
Betty Ann Chaufty, '42SM, .daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin R. Chauf-
ty, and Henry Newton Ohrt, '41BAd.,
of Akron, O., son of Mr. and Mrs.
John B. Ohrt of Houston, Tex., were
married Saturday, Jan.21, in the Ann
Arbor First Methodist Church.

shirts will be the order of the eve-
ning, so come as you are!
Club Basketball is well under way
now, and the round robin tourna-
ment is in progress. Started last
Thursday, Marjorie Hall's team lost
to Arlene Ross's, to the tune of 11 to
47, while Obeline Elser's gang
trounced Virginia Johnson's group,
26-18. With 60 members, and organ-
ized for skilled players, this group is
getting excellent practical experience
within the fold. Teams to play to-
morrow are those of the Misses Hall,
Bercaw, Ross and Elser.
S * *
Tournaments in ping-pong are to
be played in the individual houses
by the first of next week, and names
of the winner and runner-up of each
house are to be turned in to the of-
fice of Barbour Gymnasium Wednes-
day, March 4. From this group the
campus tourney will be drawn and
posted on March 6.
Correction: Ballet Group of the
Dance Club will meet from 7:30 p.m.
to 9 p.m. today and from 3:30 p.m.
to 5 p.m. Friday, instead of times
that appeared in schedule. And thus,
to the end, and so long until soon.
Judiciary And League
Offices To Be Filled;
Petitions Due Feb. 28
Petitioning for positions on the
1942-1943 League Council and the
Judiciary Council will continue un-
til noon Saturday, while interview-
ing for these positions will be held
by the present Judiciary Council from
Tuesday, March 3 through Satur-
day, March 7, in the League.
League Council positions which
are open to present juniors include
those of president, who acts as co-
ordinator of League work; secretary,
who handles correspondence; treas-
urer, who is in charge of finances;
vice-president in charge of the fall
and winter orientation programs for
freshman and transfer students, and
vice-president in charge of the tutor-
ial system will also be selected at
this time.
Committee chairmanships which
are open are those of the social com-
mittee, Theatre-Arts Committee and
the dance class committee which
sponsors the dancing classes offered
by the League.
Other committee heads who will be
selected are the candy booth com-
mittee, the merit system committee
and the house committee.

Debutof '45
Will Provide
Dance Theme
Committee Chairmen Named;
Band To Be Announced Later;
Tickets Will Go On Sale Soon
The Class of 1945 will make its
official debut when it comes "all out"
for the annual Frosh Frolic which
will be held from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m.
Friday, March 13, in the main ball-
room of the Union.
General chairman in charge of the
arrangements for the coming out
party will be Stephen F. Selby, '45E,
while the job of decorating the ball-
room to carry out the debut theme
has been entrusted to Mary Ann
Jones, '45A, and Irwin Kasle, '45.
To Sell Tickets
Responsible for the sale of tickets
for this year's Frosh Frolic will be
Henry Cohen, '45E, and Lucy Miller,
'45, will have charge of patrons. De-
signing programs in keeping with
the theme will be up to Cornelia
Groefsema, '45.
Thinking up stunts to publicize
what will be the biggest dance of the
year as far as freshmen are concerned
is the task of Jerome Powell, '45,
while the responsibility of getting
a band to play on the "night of Fri-
day the 13th" has been given to Mil-
ton E. Kettler, '45.
Wi1 Select Band
The central committee has not as
yet announced the selection of a band
for Frosh Frolic but among those
under consideration are Johnny
Long, Sonny Dunham, Andy Kirk,
Mitchell Ayres and Red Norvo. The
announcement will be made later this
.Last year's Frosh Frolic was pre-
sented with "Bluebook Blues" as a
theme which was carried out by the
decorations and programs. Johnny
"Scat" Davis played for the dance,
which is traditionally a class event
held by and for the freshmen, and
one of the first activities in which
freshmen may participate when they
become eligible second semester.
Tickets for Frosh Frolic will go
on sale in the Union and League
lobbies for freshman purchasers on
a date which will be announced later
in The Daily.
Ruthvens' Home
Will Be Scene
Of Tea Today
Twelve Houses Are Especially
Invited To Attend; Committee
Groups To Help Pour, Receive
President and Mrs. Ruthven will be
host and hostess at a tea to be held
in their -home from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
today with Sally Walsh, '43, in charge
of arrangements.
Those houses especially invited are
Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Epsilon Phi,
Alpha Gamma Delta, Kappa Sigma,
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Theta Chi,
Zeta Beta Tau, Betsy Barbour, Helen
Newberry, Adams House, Allen Rum-
sey, and Chicago House.
Hostesses To Pour
Mrs. Young of Alpha 'Epsilon Phi,
and Mrs. Langford from Chicago
House will pour from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.
and Mrs. Sherman from Alpha Gam-
ma Delta and Mrs. Mitchell from
Betsy Barbour will serve tea from 5
p.m. to 6 p.m.
Those assisting will be Betty Lou
Duvall, '43, and Lorraine Dazen, '43,
assisting pourers from 4 p.m. to 5
p.m.; June Bender, '42, and Suzanne,
'43, assisting pourers from 5 p.m. to

.6 p.m.; Anne Evarts, '43, and Mildred
Christa, A, assistants at the tea table
from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.; Olive Beebe,
'43, and Dorothy Ager, '42SM, assis-
tants at the tea table from 5 p.m.
to 6 p.m.; Peg Brown in the hall from
4 p.m. to 5 p.m. and Violette Cing-
Mars, '44, from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.;
Barbara Eckart, '42, in the receiving
line from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m., and Pa-
tricia Cleary, '42, in the receiving line
from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Groups Will Assist
Groups I and II, who are headed by
Marjorie Storkan, '43, and Jane
Honey, '43, will assist in the Dining
Room, and Groups III and IV, headed
.by Dorothy Cummings, '43, and Mar-
jorie Green, '43, will be in the Living
Room from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. From
5 p.m. to 6 p.m. their positions will
be reversed.
Warden Named
Appointment of Cornelius W. Tuo-
my~ as chief air raid warden for
Washtenaw Countyswas announced
yesterday by Harrison H. Caswell,
chairman of the County Defense
Council. Tuomy, who serves now in
the capacity of drain commissioner,
will cooperate with city and village
wardens throughout the county as
soon as their appointments have

Petitioning for positions on the ex-
ecutive boards of Assembly and the
Women's Athletic Association will
begin today and last until next
Tuesday and Wednesday, respect-
All unorganized junior women are
eligible and petitioners will be inter-
viewed from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. March
4 through March 7. Eligibility cards
are necessary at the interviews. This
year ability is being stressed ahead
of activity participation.
Executive Board Interviews I
The present Executive Board will
do the interviewing. Jean Hubbard,
'42, is president; Emilie Root, '42A,
vice-president; Doris Cuthbert, '42,
secretary and Betty Walker, '42,
treasurer. Next year's members of
the Board will be named at the In-
stallation Banquet on March 30, at
which time all new officers of the
League will be announced.
Assembly has representatives in the
dorms, league houses and Ann Arbor
homes. Every girl who does not be-
long to a sorority is automatically a
member of Assembly and may con-
sider it her organization.
WAA Petitioning
Petitioning for positions on the
executive board of the Women's Ath-
lctic Association will be held today
through Wednesday, March 4, Don-
elda Schaible, '42, president, has an-
Petitions for WAA will be avail-
able at the desk of the Women's
Athletic Building, the office of Bar-
bour Gymnasium and the WAA bul-
letin board in the Undergraduate
Office of the League, and must be
turned in by 5 p.m. Wednesday at the
desk of the WAB.
Offices which are to be filled are:
Committee Will Hold
First Music Auditions
Of '42 JGP Songs
First music auditions for "No
Questions Asked"-1942 JGP-will be
held from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. tomorrow
in the League, Barbara de Fries, mus-
ic committee chairman, announced
Anyone having original music may
present it at this time-the composer
may play it for the judging commit-
tee or simply leave a piano copy of
it for consideration. All types of
music are needed-waltzes, blues
numbers, Negro spirituals, fast num-
bers and fox trots. Anyone who would
rather compose music from set lyrics
may obtain them at the time of audi-
Briefly, "No Questions Asked" in-
volves a nation-wide- search for the
lost merit badge belonging to Eleanor.
The two reporters on trail of the
lost medal take in every section of
the United States-New York, the
South, the wild West, Hollywood and
the University of Michigan campus
-before it is finally turned up. The
variety of localities makes it im-
perative that many types of song and
rhythm numbers be used.

president,. vice-president, secretary,w
treasurer, awards chairman, public-
ity manager, inter-house manager,
hobby lobby chairman, and represen-
tative of the American Federation of
College Women.
Anyone may petition for two execu-
tive offices, and except for the office
of president, all classes are equally
privileged to petition, second-sem-
ester freshmen included. In order
to petition for the office of presi-
dent, however, a woman must have
served one year on the board and be
of second semester junior standing
at the time of petitioning. All who
petition must be eligible.
Duties Of President
Duties of the president include
calling ana presiding at all meetings
of the association and executive
board and being an ex-officio mem-
ber of all committees. Vice-presi-
dent is the social chairman of the
board and general chairman of the
annual spring project.
Keeping accurate minutes and
records of all meetings of he associa-
tion and board, and taking charge
of correspondence, comprise the ob-
ligations of the secretary, while the
treasurer is responsible for all funds
of the association.
Awards chairman keeps a record
of the participations of every woman
in WAA activities, and the publicity
chairman is in charge of all publicity
Defense Bureau
Will Be Headed
By Betty Steffen
The Placement Ibureau, one of sev-
en branches of the Defense Commit-
tee on campus, headed by Betty Stef-
fmen, '42, is expected to get under way
almost immediately.
The purpose of this energetic and
extremely useful sub-committee is to
find out from as many senior wo-
men as possible just what kind of
jobs they would like to find upon
graduation and then to attempt to
place them in positions vacated by
men because of the war, as much in
accordance with their individual pre
ferences as possible.
Blanks will be passed out to all
senior women in dormitories, league
houses, and sororities, and although
they are not compelled to fill them
out, it is expected that most women
will, gcording to Miss Steffen. In
filling out the blanks, the kind of
job wished after graduation should
be included. After the results have
been filed and tabulated, the bureau
will aid senior women in obtaining in-
terviews with companies looking for
This placement bureau is a separ-
ate branch from the University Em-
ployment Office and Bureau of Ap-
pointments. When it was originated,
however, the chairman was aided by
valuable pointers from those in
charge of the University branch.
If the Bureau proves to be suc-
cessful, its horizon will be enlarged,
and summer positions forundergrad-
uates will be included in its scope.

Petitioning For Assembly, WAA Positions
Begins Today; Will Last Through March 4

as well as the bulletin boards of
WAB and the League.


Inter-house manager meets sea-
sonally with the house athletic man-
agers and carries on the activities
of intramural activities with the as-
sistance of her house managers and
heads of sports. She has three
assistants, one woman in charge of
dormitories, one in charge of sorori-
ties, and one head of League houses,
who are chosen from the group who
petition for inter-house manager blut
are not selected as such.
Hobby Lobby chairman, a newly
created position, is in charge of the
hobby group which does leather, met-
al and cloth handicraft work. Repre-
sentative of the American Federa-
tion of College Women writes articles
concerning campus WAA events for
the A.F.C.W. publication.
Schaible Meets Petitioners
As a new feature, Miss Schaible
will meet all those women who are
petitioning for WAA board at 4 p.m.
Monday at the WAB. She will give'
instruction and explain about the
board and the work that it does, and
what is expected of the different
position-holders. This is to give all
women an equal chance, for those
who have never worked on WAA are
thus acquainted with the work and
if they have the potentialities they
will have the opportunity to go far,
Miss Schaible said.
Interviewing for the positions will
be from 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Thurs-
day, March 5; 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Friday, March 6; and 1 p.m. to 5
p.m. Saturday, March 7, in the WAB.

Friday To Be Last
Dray For Interviews
Interviewing of women interested
in positions on the 1942 Freshman
Project is being conducted now in
the League and will continue from
3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. every day
through Friday.
Women may enlarge upon the ideas
presented in their petitions and may
present additional ideas if they wish,
at their interviews. Eligibility cards
must be shown also at this time.
New under-arm
Cream Deodorant
Stops Perspiration
1. Does not rot dresses or men's
shirts. Does not irritate skin.
2. No waiting to dry. Can be
used right after shaving.
3. Instantly stops perspiration
for 1 to 3 days. Removes odor
from perspiration.
4. A pure, white, greaseless, -
stainless vanishing cream.
S. Arrid has been awarded the
Approval Seal ofthe American
Institute of Laundering for
being harmless to fabrics.
DEODORANT. Try a jar today!
At all stores selling toilet good
390ajar (also fa, 100 anad59s jars)

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