I I . - . - -, - - - -- 7- -- .-. I x . - . "pp- -. . 11 - I weather Anemic, (Aot .enough Corruscies) itF 431 4ati; Editorial Deatherage Should Be Discharged VOL. LII. No. 102 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1942 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS Yale Swimmers Win Every Event In 59-16_Lacing World, Pool Marks Smashed In Defeat By Triumphant Blue Powerhouse By BUD HENDEL A truly magnificent Yale swimming team swept the waters of the Sports Building Pool with -a crushing Blue tidal wave to completely annihilate Michigan's national championship crew, 59-16, last night. Taking first place in every event on the program, the Elis, whose great- ness no adjective can rightfully describe, handed the shocked Wolverines the worst defeat ever suffered by a Michigan team during the 18 year realm of Coach Matt Mann. Until last night, the biggest margin by which a Mann-mentored aggregation had been sunk was the 44-19 loss inflicted by' another superb Yale outfit in 1930. And as the fabulous Michigan bubble burst, so did the most miraculous record ever recorded in swimming annals. The growling bark of the Bull- dog, which so long had been snapping at the heels of the Wolverine, turned into a poisonous bite last night to snap the amazing Michigan streak of 35 consecutive dual meets without a defeat. To over-glorify the deeds of the Eli marvels is impossible. Great, in every sense of the word, the Blue Tide not only swept every race but limited the Michigan tankers to six seconds and three thirds while doing so. But even more spectacular were the clockings of the Yale dreadnaught. Knifing through the water like a school of dolphins, the lightning Yale swimmers set two r.ew pool marks 'Complete War Basis' Urged For Fraternities Interfraternity Alumni Conference Adopts Resolution Asking 'Redoubled Effort' In National Crisis American, Dutch Forces Blast Japanese Invaders and broke one officially accepted world's record, The invincible Bulldogs, who last night earned for themselves the title of the greatest swimming team in history, served notice of the beating that was to come in the very first event. With the huge crowd of 1,200 fans, which crammed itself into every available inch of the natatorium, screaming on its feet, the power of the Eastern invaders exploded right in the face of the astounded onlook- ers to set a new pool record in the 300 yard medley relay. Stroking their way to a 2:53.4 tim- ing the Eli trio of Danny Dannen- Baum, Ted Davidge and Ed Pope shoved by the boards the old pool WRESTLING BULLETIN Michigan's Varsity wrestlers st d themselves as a threat for ~ MgTe iis cOWn thsyear as they eat Idiana, 2513, at Blooming on, Ind., last night. mark of 2:54.4 established by Prince- ton in 1939. Dannenbaum handed Davidge a yard lead over Michigan's Dick Reidl at the end of the back- stroke leg, and the streaking Eli breaststroker increased it to three yards at the expense of Wolverine Jim Skinner. Despite a valiant effort by Gus Sharemet, who churned the last 100 yards in 51.7, Pope had too big an advantage to be overcome and finished three strokes ahead of the rapidly overtaking Wolverine. And if that one event didn't suffi- ciently satisfy the dazed spectators as to the tremendous strength of the Eli crew, the next one settled it for even the most hopeful Wolverine rooter. , For Yale's Capt. Howie Johnson, the greatest collegiate natator in the country, swam the fastest 220 yard (Continued on Page 3) French Battleship Dunkerque Makes Toulon Unharmed VICHY, Unoccupied France, Feb. 21.-('P)-The 26,500-ton French bat- tleship Dunkerque, crippled by the British in the melancholy naval bat- tle off Mers-el-Kebir in July of 1940, has reached the French home naval base of Toulon from Africa under her own steam, Vice-Premier Admiral Darlan told the Vichy cabinet today. There was no elaboration on the announcement. However, it was re- ported last November that the Dun- kerque had been repaired and made ready for service. Toulon, her pres- ent port, is on the Mediterranean coast. Coincident with this news, United States Ambassador William D. Leahy called on Marshal Petain today un- der instructions from the State De- partment in Washington. Axis Submarines Torpedo Tankers (By The Associted Press) Another tanker sunk and a second damaged so badly it was beached were charged against Axis subma- rines in the Atlantic and Caribbean yesterday, and in addition there were reports that two other Allied vessels Iowa Cagers Rout 'M' Five In 59-38 Win Big Jim Mandler Scores 10 Points As Combined Teams Use 25 Playerg (Special to The Daily) IOWA CITY, Ia., Feb. 21.-Scoring with ease during the entire second half, Iowa's basketball team captured a 59 to 38 victory over Michigan in the second meeting of the year be- tween the two teams here tonight. The Wolverines .were behind the entire game, save for the first few minutes, and in the final period Michigan was held completely in bay while the Hawkeyes plugged in bas- kets like clock work. Iowa functioned like a team com- pletely tonight, although it was co-captains Rudy Soderquist and Vic Siegel who set the club going after a lazy start and kept the Hawkeyes moving until Coach Rollie Williams started sending in the reserves. Williams sent his starters to the showers with eight minutes left to play and cleared the bench before the final gun sounded. Iowa had trouble getting in close the first period, due to the Wolver- ines edge in height, but connected from far out with enough consistency to hold a 33 to 22 half time margin. Meanwhile, big Jim Mandlerrthe Michigan scoring ace, was being held to five points. The Hawkeyes, known lately for their last half rallies, started like a brush fire in the final period and in ten minutes had boosted the score to 50 to 28. At this point Williams started calling in the regulars. The loss of Mandler via the foul route shortly after also put a final crimp in the Michigan scoring attack. Although not a high scorer to- night, Mandler succeeded in holding (Continued on Page 3) By HOMER SWANDER Moving once more into the fore- front of fraternity affairs, the Uni- versity Interfraternity Alumni Con- ference yesterday urged local Greek- letter organizations to immediately "redouble" their efforts in the na- tional emergency by placing them- selves on a "complete war basis, with respect to morale and management."' In its first meeting since 1938, the Executive Committee of the IAC- recognized representative of all fra- ternity groups, both alumni and ac- tive-issued a formal resolution pointing to past fraternity services in time of war and asserting that the organizations have once more "joined wholeheartedly in a maximum en- deavor to further the national ef- fort." Supplementing the resolution with a suggested war-time program in- tended as a guide for the Interfrater- nity Council and fraternity alumni organizations, the Committee recom- mended a broad, four point plan: 1. Morale-Alumni professors and other experts should be invited to the houses for discussions on the his- tory, geography, geopolitics, etc. of the war; letter-writing to the broth- ers in the service should be put on an organized basis. 2. Finances-The policy of reduc- ing luxury expenditures should be continued; house mangers should col- lect bills promptly to get the houses in the best possible financial 'shape. 3. Housing-The Interfraternity Council should act as a clearing house for all fraternity housing problems. 4. Cooperation-There should be a maximum of cooperation through this body and through the Interfra- ternity Council, not only with each other, but with the University and its authorities; as this is a democracy, Jones To Open SRA Lectures Wedn11esda y Opening the Student Religious As- sociation's lecture series on religion in the war and its role in the peace after the war, Dr. Rufus Jones, noted Quaker theologian, will speak on "Constructive Service across the World in Wartime" at 4:15 p.m. Wed- nesday in the Rackham Lecture Hall. Now nearing his eighties, Dr. Jones is professor emeritus at Haverford College. He received his early college education there but has taken de- grees at Harvard, Yale, Oxford and Heidelberg. Dr. Jones is chairman of the Amer- ican Friends Service Committee. In 1917 he was one of the principle or- ganizers of that group During the first World War the organization ac- complished monumental work in child feeding and reconstruction in France, Germany, Poland, Austria and Rusia. The most publicized ac- tivity of the committee during the present conflict has been the estab- lishment of Civilian Public Service Camps for conscientious objectors. Despite his many activities and ad- vanced age, Dr. Jones has found time to write numerous religious works, and is the author of "Studies in Mys- tical Religion," "Spiritual Reformers in the 16th and 17th Centuries," ( "Quakers in the American Colonies" and "Later Periods of Quakerism." now is the time for ie to function, with eachmember thinking of con- structive suggestions as to how all can improve the individual and group effectiveness in winning the war. At the next meeting,which will be held in the near future, the IAC in- tends to elaborate upon this program and make it more all-inclusive and of a more definite character. The whole problem will at that time be discussed with representatives of the student Interfraternity Council and the entire membership of the IAC. Nathan S. Potter of Psi Upsilon was reelected president of the group, while H. Seger Slifer, national secre- tary of Chi Psi, was reelected secre- tary. Other members who voted for the resolution and program were: A. B. (Continued on Page 6) British Pianist To Give Concert Thursday Night Well-Known Blind Artist, Templeton, To Present First Appearance Here Alec Templeton, the sensational British pianist, will make his Ann Arbor debut in a special concert un- der the auspices of the University Musical Society at 8:30 p.m. Thurs- day in Hill Auditorium. Although a serious musician of notable technical ability and inter- pretation, Templeton is best known as a musical humorist. A frequent radio performer, he has appeared with most of America's outstanding orchestras. Last summer he played at the Robinhood Dell before more than 13,000 people. Templeton was born in Wales in 1910. He composed his first piece at the age of four. When only 13, he won the British Broadcasting Cor- poration prize. Templeton has ac- quired degrees at the Royal Academy of Music and the Royal College of Music. Competing against 8,000 entrants, he once won a pianocon- test sponsored by the London Daily Express. The British pianist has toured the countries of Europe likea medieval minstrel, playing the masters both seriously and satirically and vocally mimicing famous figures as well as fads. He first came to the United States in 1936 and is now a citizen of this country. Uruguay Coup Defeats Foes Pres. Baldomir Crushes ThreatenedUprising MONTEVIDEO, Feb. 21.--(IP)- President Alfredo Baldomir, backed by Uruguay's army of 17,000, strengthened his rule over this re- public today with a swift defensive coup to prevent the leading foe of inter - American cooperation, Sen. Luis Alberto Herrera, from maneuver- ing himself into power. In dramatic actions shortly before dawn, the President dissolved Con- gress, ordered troops to surround the Parliamentary Building and other public places, canceled leaves of other soldiers and called off an election set for March 29. General Julio Roletti, Minister of War, resigned and Foreign Minister Alberto Guani assumed his duties. Uruguay, a leading proponent of cooperation with the United States and its allies, severed all relations with the Axis at the recent Pan- American conference in Rio de Jan- eiro. Its bases on the broad Plate River separating this country from Argentina are strategic. Uruguay's tiny navy was held in readiness after Guani conferred with Rear Admiral Carlos Baldomir and the President met with his Cabinet in an extraordinary session this morning. Army's New Bomber Gets Baptism Of Fire WASHINGTON, Feb. 21. -()P)- The Army's new dive bomber re- ceived its first officially reported baptism of fire in the continuing bat- tle nfBali. Navy Widens Training Plan ForColleges By DAN BEHRMAN In a widespread expansion of its V-1 and V-7 programs, the United States Navy will enlist approximately 80,000 college men per year between the ages of 17 and 19, it was an- nounced yesterday. The new program will enroll as seamen second class, men who can pass the physical examination for naval enlisted personnel and continue in college for the equivalent of two academic years on an inactive duty status. Suggested curricula for V-1 men include physical training, math- ematics and physics. After one and a half years of col- lege work, during their second sopho- more semester, men in the V-1 class will be given a Navy comprehensive examination and tested for Reserve Officer physical standards. Approxi- mately 15,000 men per year will be thus transferred to V-7 status and allowed to continue their work up to a bachelor's degree. Of these 15,000 men, approximately 5,000 will be accepted in standard engineering courses with the remain- der taking Navy-approved curricula. The entire group will be given Re- serve Midshipman training for a Naval Reserve commission after graduation. Twenty thousand men per year (Continued on Page 8) Speech Society To Aid Student War Decisions Sigma Rho Tau Schedules Conference To Discuss New Summer Session Designed to help students who are in doubt about attending the sum- mer session or who have other prob- lems occasioned by the war, Sigma Rho Tau, engineering speech society, will sponsor a "Counsellors' Confer- ence" at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Union. Guest counsellors for the evening will be Prof. R. L. Morrison and Prof. J. S. Worley of the transportation engineering department, Prof. R. S. Hawley of the mechanical engineer- ing department and an unnamed representative of the military science department. To further pertinent discussion, a question box will be placed in the Engineering Arch tomorrow and Tuesday, and students are urged to submit any question which they would like to have taken up. It is probable that the topics con- sidered will be the advisability of attending the Summer Session, the question of three-year degrees, post- war employment, financial problems and other questions. All engineers and architects are invited. In Fierce NavalStruggle N I- Russians Claim Successes Along Entire Front, Report Advance On Feodosiya; Filipinos Resist Occupying Troops (By The Associated Press) The United Nations took the offensive yesterday in the Far East. American and Dutch naval and air craft attacked Japanese invasion forces off the idyllic isle of Bali with devastating effect and the battle there was said by observers in Batavia to be rapidly developing into the top naval engagement of the war in the East, even more important than the Japanese disaster in the Straits of Macassar more than a month ago. In Burma, American and British fliers strafed Japanese troops in the Bilin River sector and bombed transport columns and supply dumps farther back. In the Philippines, Gen. Douglas A. MacArthur reported increasing un- rest among Filipino civilians, who are harassing occupation forces of the Japanese on Luzon Island. But the principal news was at Bali, which lies acress a mile-wide stretch of water from Java, headquarters of the United Nations High Com- mand, and location of the all-important naval base at Soerabaja, just 120 miles from Bali.' Accurate accounting of the losses and successes was impossible due to the vast and overlapping activities of the sea and air farces. The overlapping communiques indicated that at least five Japanese cruisers, three destroyers and five transports had been sunk or damaged by the American and Dutch forces in the air and naval battle off eastern Java. The Japanese losses may have been even greater. The Allied communiques mentioned no Allied naval losses. The various communiques on the battle follow: Naval action-one Japanese cruiser and one destroyer hit by torpedoes, which blew up on6 of the warships; another Japanese cruiser damaged and set on fire. Air action-one Japanese cruiser "stationary and on fire" after two direct hits with heavy bombs; "several direct hits" on two cruisers and two destroyers; one large transport sunk, a "number of hits" on four others; three Japanese fighter planes shot down, two Allied fighter planes lost. Russians Report Gains Along 1,700 Mile Front MOSCOW, Feb. 21.-(,P)--Valiant Russian troops attacked furiously along the entire 1,700 mile warfront tonight, killing Germans by the, thousands and piling up gains which the High Command is expected to announce dramatically on the Red Army's anniversary Monday. The only specific hints of victory came from the extreme ends of the frozen front. The British radio said the Russians forced a new landing on the Crimea and were advancincr toward the port of Feodosiya, the :nly important point recaptured by: the Germans during their winter re- verses. Around the besieged czarist capital of Leningrad, the Russian communi- que told of great destruction of Nazi positions and 'the slaying of 1,200 enemy troops. The Russians stormed through first and second German lines before Leningrad and over- whelmed bitter German counter-at- tacks. The Russians officially listed the destruction of 49 blockhouses, 50 bridges and dugouts, 16 guns and a minethrower and the capture of nearly a hundred pieces of valued German material. For more than a month now, the Russian communiques have listed their gains only vaguely in keeping with Stalin's policy of claiming re- sults only after operations are com- pleted. In observance of Washington's birthday, there will be no Daily Tuesday morning. The next issue will appear Wednesday, Feb. 25. Filipinos Cooperate To Drive Out Invaders WASHINGTON, Feb. 21.-(A')-A rising tide of resistance to the Japa- nese invaders in the occupied areas of the Philippines was reported today by the War Department. A communique said that General Douglas MacArthur had reported that despite the harshness of the Japanese military rule, "the spirit of the liberty-loving Filipinos remains undaunted." Many native informers have mys- teriously disappeared, and a secret ,odcetyknown as "FFF" or "Fighters For Freedom" has been formed to foster civilian resistance. MacArthur's report contrasted with Japanese propaganda announce- raents that a Filipino administration ad been set up to cooperate with te invaders. As an indication of the Filipino state of mind, the communique said that a Japanese proclamation posted in Manila and elsewhere, declaring that ten Filipinos would be shot for every Japanese killed was slyly al- tered to read that ten Japanese sol- diers would lose their lives for every Filipino slain. 4ustralia Prepares For North Coast Attack CANBERRA, Australia, Feb. 21.- (M)-The Australian government, an- ticipating further direct attacks on the mainland by the Japanese, or- dered civilians today to evacuate the north coast naval station of Darwin, potentially a vital supply base in the United Nations' Southwest Pacific strategy. All women except nurses were or- dered to leave. Prime Minister John Curtin em- phasized, however, that he was not invoking martial law. At the same time an official denial was issued of Japanese claims that Allied naval units suffered heavy damage in Thursday's two bombing attacks on the north coast port, at- tacks which constituted the first assaults on the Australian mainland since it became a part of the British Empire. However, all details of damage ac- tually inflicted were withheld as in- formation of possible value to the enemy. Graduate Record Exams To Begin Tomorrow A special form of survey de- veloped by the Carnegie Founda- tion for the Advancement of Teaching, graduate record "exam- inations will be given from 7 to Bishop Looks Ahead To Peace: Committee To Defend America Will Hear Rev. Henry Hobson, Refutes Daily Maroon Indictment: Heneman Declares University Prepares Men For Army Life T '41- Supporters of a post-war order based on international cooperation will find a standard bearer tomorrow when the Rt. Rev. Henry W. Hobson addresses a Committee to Defend America rally at 4:15 p.m. in Rack- ham Lecture Hall. Bishop Hobson, who will discuss "America In War," has won acclaim in his church and on the front lines of World War I. Head of the Dio- cese of Southern Ohio, he was award- ed the Distinguished Service Cross for "extra-ordinary heroism in ac- tion" near St. Mihiel in 1918. With a record of extensive work for the cause of the Allies and the principles of internationalism in re- cent months, Bishop Hobson has also spent much effort in striving for a more unified Christian church. In 1934 he was named chairman of the While admitting that some univer- sities were evidently falling down on the job, Prof. Harlow Heneman, ex- ecutive director of the University War Board, declared yesterday that "Michigan is doing everything it can to give students sound advice about life in the armed service." His statement came in sharp re- buttal to the general indictment re- cently released by the Chicago Daily Maroon as a result of a telegraphic poll of 72 colleges and universities. The Maroon severely criticized Amer- ican educational institutions for "giv- ing no evidence" that they are ade- quately preparing undergraduates for their "inevitable life in the armed forces." R. nV alivnif 4'.n rw ., .f +l.e and counselor has been furnished with a copy of a War Service Bulle- tin which contains complete infor- mation concerning Selective Service, opportunities for specialized services and enlistment and unofficial medical examinations. "If there is something which the adviser does not happen to know," Heneman said, ."the Information Center of the War Board in Room 1009 of Angell Hall is always ready to attempt to answer any questions." So that complete information might be available, the War Board recently sent a faculty man to Fort Custer to go through their induction center and find out just exactly what the army is looking for. The same