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February 21, 1942 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-02-21

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- - - - -.-w--- - - ___

. SATUR". -EBRUARY- 21, 1942


McCarthy's 14 Points Sweep Varsity Cindermen To 58-46 Triumph Over Nol

Fre Dame

(Continued from Page 1)
hurdles, Frank MacLear grabbed up
a point in the pole vault, Roosevelt
Stiger followed McCarthy in the
broad jump and Ernie Leonardi and
John McKean, running 13 seconds
faster than they had ever done be-
fore, dashed home second and third
respectively in the two-mile run.
Added to all this was outstanding
performance of Buel Morley and
Johnny Kautz in the record-smash-
ing mile relay team. Morley ran a
50.8 opening leg-his best time-and
Kautz, running the quarter mile for
the first time in competition, blazed
through to an excellent 50.7 before
handing the baton to Al Thomas.

Thomas carried on with a 50.7 leg but
as he slipped the stick into Bob Ufer's
outstretched hands, Michigan was
three yards behind,
Running like a frightened deer,
Ufer finally caught the Irish anchor-
man, Capt. Ray Roy, going into the
second lap and romped home in the
fast time of 48.8. The quartet's time
of 3:21 knocked one full second off
the existing meet record set by the
Wolverines back in 1939.
The fleet-footed Ufer, running very
easily, brought the crowd of 3,000 to
its feet as he finished the 440-yard
run 10 yards ahead of Notre Dame's
George Schiewe and Roy in 49.2 to
lower the meet record eight-tenths of
a second. The former mark of 50

seconds was set by Ross Faulkner of
Michigan in 1939.
Thomas came through with flying
colors. In the 60-yard dash he nip-
ped Capt. Al Piel and Notre Dame's
Jay Gibson in 6.4, and in the 65-yard
low hurdles the Detroit speedster
took a second place, finishing behind
Bill Dillon, Irish timber-topper. Piel,
still recovering from a foot injury,
displayed evidence that he is round-
ing into shape as he came in just
one step behind the fast-stepping
Dave Matthews continued his rapid
improvement over last season as he'
led the pack all the way in winning
the 880-yard run in 1:57.2. The jun-
ior half-miler, who didn't even place!

in the Conference meet last year.
was only two-tenths of a second off1
the meet mark.
Michigan's Bob Segula earned him-
self a tie with Jack Wiethoff in the
pole vault by leaping 12 feet 6 inches.
In his first attempt at this height
Segula cleared the bar but knocked
it off with his arm as he was coming
Leading the Irish with 10 points
was Oliver Hunter who took first in
the mile and first in the two mile.
The two mile event was a thrillr
from start to finish. Hunter led for
12 laps, then lost it to Michigan's
Leonardi who in turn lost it to his
teammate McKean. With one lap to
go, the Irish distance star turned on

the heat ands
20 yards aheadc
The Irish's J
to pre-meet expc
the shot-put wi
712 inches, whi
break the ime
Watson, former'
1939. After the
husky Notre D
stepped up to t
shot over 50 fee
Wolverine Ge
took second pl
45 feet 4 inches,
Varstiy center
squad, took thin
an inch behind

sprinted to the tape During the course of the opening
of Leonardi. indoor home meet of the 1942 season,
im Delaney lived up the finals in the Fraternity relays
eetations by winning were run off. Anchored by speedy
th a heave of 49 feet Don Robinson of Fritz Crisler's foot-
ch however. failed to ball team, the Chi Psis finished five
t record set by Bill yards ahead of Phi Gamma Delta,
Wolverine captain, in Sigma Phi Epsilon and Phi- Delta
event was over, the Theta.
wame athlete calmly The evening was a huge success as
he circle and put the far as Michigan followers were con-
t. cerned. Ken Doherty expressed satis-
eorge Ostroot barely faction over the times of his aggre-
ace with a heave of gation, but ordered the cinder team
while Wally Ziemba, to report for practice this afternoon.
on the Irish grid j And as Wally Weber, assistant grid
d just one-quarter of coach and chief scout, said after the
the Maize and Blue meet, "It was a great day for the










Bulldogs Given
Edge To Take
Year's Classic

* Tank World Series
0 Michigan Vs. Yale
Daily Sports Editor
* * * *

stars fit


Court Squad Rated Underdogs
In Second Iowa Game Tonight

(Continued from Page 1)

Varsity Undefeated
At Stake Against


(Continued from Page 1)


to rack up the most remarkable rec-
ord in the history of intercollegiate
swimming, 35 consecutive dual meets
without a loss. Tonight that near-
miraculous streak goes on the block.
Never in swimming history has one
dual meet had so many individual
stars competing. It can safely be said
that no all-star team taken from
every other college outfit in the na-
tion could match the all-around bril-
liance of either of tonight's contest-
The last time Yale was beaten in a
dual meet encounter was in 1939
when Michigan's national titlehold-
ers, hitting their peak of the year,
swept them aside like so much dust.
Not only that but the Wolverines
have barely edged the Bulldogs for
the National Collegiate champion-
ship the last two years in a row,
as well as holding a three to two vic-
tory margin in the dual meet series
between the schools.
Tonight the lightning Eli speed-
sters will be out to even the score.
Confident of victory and grimly de-
termined to sweep every event, the
mighty Yale destroyer intends to
scuttle the Michigan crew in a man-
ner which will long be remembered.
But equally grim and determined,
fully cognizant of the Bulldog edge
on paper, the plucky Wolverines will
shoot the works to retain their long-
standing supremacy of the natatori-
al world,
For the fastest times of the eve-
ning all eyes will be focused on three
freestyle matches, the 220, the 100,
and the 440. Facing Capt. Howie
Johnson of Yale in the 220, Wolverine
Johnny Patten will meet the tough-
est test of his career. The Eli leader
holds the national title, but in Pat-
ten he will battle the man who is be-
ing groomed to relieve him of his
Sharemet Vs. Johnson
In the 100 yard freestyle, Johnson
will match strokes with Maize and
Blue freestyler Gus Sharemet. The
Michigan senior has been far below
the form of his sophomore year when
he was acclaimed the greatest in the
country, and today that honor has
been showeredon Johnson's head.
But the Great Gusto has been hitting
his stride of late and may conceiv-
ably pull an upset win.
Patten once again will carry the
Maize and Blue hopes in the 440, this
time in the face of a strong Yale
challenge hurled by Rene Chouteau.
The Eli Frenchman is considered the
best in the country at this distance,
but the husky Wolverine junior will
extend him far more than any other
man in the nation could before the
quarter-mile post is reached.
Best Collegiate Divers
Likewise not to be overlooked is
the diving contest where T-Bone
Martin will duel Yale's Jim Cook.
The two best collegiate divers in the
country, these two may well furnish
an advance indication of the next
national champion.
With the intense rivalry between
these two teams at a white hot pitch,
anything can happen. The popular
odds range anywhere from five to
one on down with Yale in the favor-
ite's seat, or else the Eli supporters
will give a Michigan backer from ten
to three points.
But the odds can be wrong. To-
night will tell the tale.
Robinson Kayoes Berger
NEW YORK, Feb. 20.-('P)-Chalk-
ing up his 28th straight triumph in
his unbeaten run as a professional,
skinny Ray Robinson stopped sturdy

ENOUGH adjectives concerning to-
night's Michigan-Yale swimming
classic have been tossed around to
keep a thousand linotypers going
double time. Boiled down, they indi-
cate one indisputable fact: tonight
is the World Series of collegiate
So great is the corner that this
dual meet has on the nation's nata-
torial talent that a team compris-
ing the combined personnel of
these tank titans would almost
without doubt be able to turn back
an all-star outfit of aces from every
other college in the country.
YALE rolled into town yesterday
morning, set up headquarters in
the Union, and took a double work-
out in Michigan's flag-bedecked pool.
In between some of the Bulldog aces
went to the movies; some went to the
track meet; others just sat around
and talked swimming.
A five minute conversation with
the Eli tankmen would convince any-
one-perhaps even Matt Mann him-
self-that Yale hasn't a chance of
losing. The Bulldogs are confident,
supremely confident. They have that
same undefinable air of certainty
about them that characterized Min-
nesota's football team. They aren't
cocky, not boastful, but just, plain
confident. What's more they're put-
ting their money where their mouth
There's considerable Yale cash
in town-but few takers. Betting
on swimming meets is a rare thing
in the Midwest. But several of the
invading entourage are loaded
down with the green stuff and
checks from friends back at Yale.
They are backing the Eli blue to
the hilt.
CONSIDERED from all angles to-
night's meet resolves into just one
thing: Yale's record versus Michi-
gan's reputation. Few swimming
combinations have ever turned in
such sensational clockings as this
Bulldog crew. In every event their
best performances of the current sea-
son better those of corresponding
Wolverine tankmen for this year.
The evidence is here in cold, concrete

in that indefinite, but sometimes all-
important category, known as spirit,
will to win, a never give up attitude.
It has won or lost countless athletic
events. It may be the deciding fac-
tor in this one; it may not.
The swimming record compiled by
Michigan's rulers of the collegiate
waves is unparalleled in history. For
the last eight years tne Wolverines
have snatched the National Collegiate
crown. For the last 35 dual meets
Matt Mann's champions have been
undefeated. They have been just
that in every sense of the word-
champions. And so they will remain
until they are defeated.
The defeat may very likely come
tonight. But Matt and every one of
his swimmers has vowed that they
will explode every ounce of avail-
able energy, exploit every possible
winning measure in defense of
their record.
HERE IS HOW Michigan might
win the meet-but it will take al-
most superhuman effort on the part
of a few key men:,

in January, and they are out for
a repeat performance.
Last season when the Michigan
forces travelled to Iowa City they in-
flicted a stunning 40-29 'defeat on
the Hawkeyes and caused them to
crack wide open. It was also in that
game that Big Jim Mandler, leading
scorer on the Wolverine five, tallied
19 points against the close-knit de-
fense of the Hawkeyes.
But no matter how one looks at
it, the Michigan quintet will be the
underdog in tomorrow's contest.
Iowa's basketball team has the best
offensive average in the Conference-
47.4 points per game-while it has
held its opponents to 42.8 points per
game. Michigan, on the other hand,
has only been able to get 35 points
per battle and have let the opposition
score 45 points per clash.
For the first time in 10 days the
Wolverines will be playing with their
regular team. Leo Doyle, who scofed
11 points in the first Iowa game this
season, will be back in his usual guard
spot in the starting line-up. The
lanky junior has missed two battles
because of an eye injury.
Assistant Coach Ernie McCoy, who
is in charge of the team in Ooster-
baan's absence, -indicated he would
start Capt. Bill Cartmill and either
Mel Comin, Chicago junior, or Wally
Spreen, playingt his first season on
the Varsity, at the forward positions.
Mandler, out to make his final bid
for Conference scoring honors, will



hold down the pivot post, while dim-
inutive Don Holman, whose play of
late has been the
shining light in
the Wolverine
defeat, will team
up with Doyleat
the other guard

Williams, eager
to improve the
Hawkeye stand- :xi.,
ing in the Big Tom Chapman
Ten, will stick to high-Scorer
the same lineup he started against
Northwestern last week when Iowa
eked out a 40-44 win over the Wild-
Wendell Hill and Tom Chapman,
leading Hawkeye scorer, will hold
down the forward posts while Milt
Kuhl, who is competing in the tri-
angular track meet between Iowa,
Northwestern and Chicago here to-
night will play at center. Rounding
out the Iowa quintet are co-captains
Vic Siegel and Rudy Sonderquist who
will play guards.
Tomorrow's meeting between the
two schools will mark the 28th time
they have met on the hardwoods, with
Michigan finishing up on the long
end of the score 19 times.
* * *
Michigan Pos. Iowa
Cartmill (c) F Hill
Comin F Chapman
Mandler C Kuhl
Doyle G (c) Siegel
Holman G (c) Sonderquist

Wolverine Mat
Squad Invades
Indiana Today
The University of Indiana mat
team's seasonal batting average at
this exact moment is .500. Within
about 12 hours it should have drop-
ped to .400.
The Varsity matches cross faces
and go behinds with the Hoosiers this
evening, and the latter's record of
two won and two dropped is not one
boasting of surging power. The two
credits were chalked up Ohio Univer-
sity and Vanderbilt, who come under
the heading of pipes; while the en-
tries in the debit column were sus-
tained against Purdue and Kansas
State. Which wouldn't after all bode
too much ill for the Bloomington boys
except that they absorbed a very
thorough 24-5 pasting from the same
Kansans which were previously tied
14-14 by Michigan.
The one real bout of the evening,
if the Indiana coach doesn't pull
some slippery stuff in shifting weight
divisions, will be Harry Traster's light
heavyweight go against our Capt. Jim
Galles. This may be a repeat of the
titanic battle this duo waged in last
year's Conference meet wherein Har-
ry was barely nosed out by a single
There is also a former high school
champ known as Chee-Chee Obrado-
vich who promises to give Ray Deane
a gay old time this evening, win or
Apart from this duo however it ap-
pears that the Indiana eight man
crew will be cake to -a Wolverine
squad which has been eating plain
bread so far this season.

Last night Dave Matthews con-
tinued the brilliant display of half-
mile running he first unveiled a
week ago against Michigan State.
May Be Key Manr

Medley Relay-Michigan
Skinner, Gus Sharemet).


220-Yard Freestyle-First, Patten,
(M) ; second, Johnson (Y);: third,
Kelly (Y).
50-Yard Freestyle-First, Burton,
(M) ; second, Pulleyne (Y) ; third, J.
Lilley (Y).
Diving-First, Martin (M) ; second,
Cook (Y); third, Thompson (Y),
100-Yard Freestyle-First, Johnson
(Y); second, Gus Sharemet (M);
third, Pope (Y).

150-Yard Backstroke-First,,
nenbatim (Y),; sec'ozd, Reidf
third, Horlenko (M).



100-yd free style
50-yd. free style
220-yd. free style
440-yd. free style
Breast Stroke
Back Stroke
Medley Relay
400-yd. relay


200-Yard Breast stroke - First,
Skinner (M); second, Twigg-Smith
(Y); third, Meyer (Y).
440-Yard Freestyle-First, Patten
(M) ; second, Chouteau (Y) ; third,
Stewart (M).
400-Yard Freestyle Relay-Yale
(Kelly, Pope, F. Lilley, Johnson).
SUCH a schedule of summaries
would give a final total of Mich-
igan, 38; Yale, 37. Obviously the bur-
den will fall most heavily on a pair
of Wolverines, Jack Patten and Gus
Sharemet. Jack will have the terrific
task-if Michigan is to win-of tak-
ing the 220 against Howie Johnson
and the 440 against Rene Chouteau,
doubling against fresh men in each
event. Gus will anchor the medley
relay-which the Wolverines abso-
lutely must win if they are to be in
the meet at all-and then swim the
100 against the fastest man in the
nation, then come back to anchor
Michigan's final relay quartet.
Ev'ery Wolverine likewise has a
tremendously difficult assignment.
The going will be rough. But they
are champions until proven other-
wise. The pressure is still on Yale.

Gus Sharemet may be the man
who holds the key to tonight's
swinuning imeet with Yale. The
Wolverine star will swim on both
relay teams and will oppose Eli ace
Howie Johnson in the 100 yard

.es/i f




.. --

NOW take Michigan's side. Of ne-
cessity it is a much more in-
tangible asset. It has to be classified
Free golf lessons for men will be
offered between 3:30 and 4 p.m. in
the I-M Building Monday through
-Ray Courtright, Golf Coach



Well Done, .Lads, Well Done!

Mile Run-Won by Hunter (ND);
second, Conforti (ND); third, Inger-
sol (Mich.) Time 4:21.3.
60-Yard Dash-Won by Thomas
(Mich.); second, Piel (Mich.); third,
Gibson (ND). Time :06.4.
440-Yard Run - Won by Ufer
(Mich); second, Schiewe (ND); third,
Roy (ND). Time :49.2.
Betters meet record of 50 seconds
formerly held by Ross Faulkner of

Wiethoff (ND) and Segula (Mich.)
12 feet, 6 inches; third MacClear
(Mich.) 11 feet, 6 inches.
Shot Put-Won by Delaney (ND)
49 feet, 7 inches; second, Oostroot
(Mich.) 45 feet, 4 inches; third, Zi-
emba (ND) 45 feet 3% inches.
High Jump-Tie for first between
O'Rourke (ND) and McCarthy
(Mich.) 6 feet 31 inches; third,
Murphy (ND) 6 feet 11/8 inches.
Broad Jump-Won by McCarthy

Here is the only
to a fine dinner, Just step in
and order any meal on our
mcnu. You will then be en-
joying the best food in town
- for now Mrs. Flautz is
again preparing our meals.
We don't cook
ratit food

and another thing
The Michigan Daily Business Staff offers the opportunity
to combine the enjoyment of an extra-curricular
activity with obtaining valuable business experience.
We invite all eligible freshmen and sophomores who
are interested to call at the Student Publications
Building early next week.
The Michigan Daily







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