?Ah1E 'AvvO T~lEMICHAN fATLY x s 4J]" i " T. n ice ITw % 71- s ,u'I u., *._. . .... .._. y i World Student Servee Drive "Assumes .New Responsibities ,Funds Raised In American Colleges Support Reliel Y_- To Play Here Thursday i Of ForeignColleagues, 'Universities In Exile' By EUGENE MANDEBEROG With thousands of European stu- dents- in prison camps, 25,000 Chi- nese students in need of relief and many former American students- among prisoners of war, the annual World Student Service Fund Drive takes on a new and even greater sig- niificance this year. Last year the W.S.S.F. Drive netted *700 on campus and that contribu- tion towards the national fund aided students throughout the world. This year, however, the needs of the Fund Dr. Leverson Will Give Talk On Petroleum Will Discuss Oil Situation And Probable Supply Of U.S. And Europe Dr. A. I. Leverson, consulting geol- ogist and past president of the Amer-. ican Geologists, will present an illus- trated lecture at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday in the Rackham Amphitheatre on Petroleum Reserves and Discovery. " Sponsored by the University De- partment of Geology, the talk will be of a popular nature, and all students are invited to attend. Discoverer of a new oil field in the region of Tulsa, Okla., Dr. Leverson ,has been active in organizing re- search programs in cooperation with universities and oil companies for the preservation and full use of presert fields.' Dr. Leverson will discuss the gen- eral petroleum situation in the 'nted States and other parts of the Iworld. He will present some avail- able facts on how much oil is now in the ground, and how fast new fields are being discovered. Since two thirds of the world's oil supply is produced in this country, it is of primary interest to those con- cerned with oil production to know whether the ratio of discovery to us- age is equal, where other fields out- side the U. S., may be developed, and in general terms, what the future holds in regard to petroleum produc- tion. Dr. Leverson will present an- ,swers to many of their questions. German Labor May Pa Debts (Continued from Page 1) problems, I firmly believe we may have 100 years of peace; but if they are dhandled in the same old League- of-Nations way, we will be at war again inside of 20 years." - Having only recently returned from Europe, Nichol is at present on leave from the Chicago Daily News. He served as that paper's foreign correspondent in Berlin from Sep- tember, 1940, to June, 1941, and then in'Switzerland until shortly after the declaration of war. A former Daily man, he worked on the first paper to come out of the present Student Publications Building. MICHIGAN are much greater, totaling $100.000 to be used for student relief. Specifically, here is what the W.S.S.F. does: It provides aid to stu- dents and professors'who are victims of war; no relief organization dupli- cates this work. An appeal is made only to American students for sup- port, it does not approach the gen- eral public. It is international, non- sectarian, and .on-political. The W.S.S.F. provides relief plus educa- tion, plus reconstruction. Students Aided Since 1937, $151,000 has been raised by American students. A part of these funds has been used for aid- ing Chinese students, 10,900 of them in 1101 colleges; purchasing food for starving students, largest of all ex- penditures; travel aid has been pro- vided to help students reach trans- planted universities; clothing, medi- cal aid, lodgings, student centers, and self help projects have been pro- vided. 1150 European students have also been given aid from W.S.S.F. money; French, British, Polish and Canadian, prisoners of war received books and study materials last year. Prisoners Taught In addition,'- traveling secretaries have helped men in 106 prison camps. "Universities in captivity" have been set up in Canada and Australia for interned anti-Nazis and German prisoners of war. European refugee students of many irationalities have been supplied with meals, shelter, books or university fees. Since 1937, 400 refugee students have been helped in the United States. But this year the needs of the 'W.S.S.F. have increased to a tre- mendous size. Tens of thousands of men and women in internment camps are in desperate need. Food and cloth- ing are provided, but nothing is done for the mind and spirit. Contribu- tions to the W.S.S.F. will help pro- vide books, recreation and "univer- sities" for these students in addition to giving food, clothing, shelter and medical attention. Both in China and in Europe money is needed to help thousands of students continue their education. Medical Corps Course Offered Designed for students who are soon to be inducted into military service and have no particular training, a non-credit course for Medical Corps helpers is being offered this semester by the Health Service. It is to be understood, the Health Service announced yesterday, that completion of the course does not insure assignment to the Medical Corps. But it is felt that the course will be worthwhile for those students who are unqualified for officers' training. The course, which will be given over eight-week periods, will cover such fields as laboratory work and the use of hypodermics. Those in- terested should apply at the Health Service. Two Airmen Killed TACOMA, Wash., Feb. 20.-(/P)-- Two airmen were killed and three injured today in the crash of an Air Corps bomber from the nearby Mc- Chord Air Base, 15 miles south of here on the Fort Lewis military res- ervation. No Michigan men were in- cluded. Changed Time Doesn't Bother Co-Op House rianleis Boys Uplift Facee OfClocks To 111.Do Nation's War Time Scornfully disdaining the national time change as strictly small-fry stuff, the men of Brandeis Coopera- tive House have set out to show what professional clock manipulators can do if they really get down to business. The gentlemen of Brandeis have decided that they definitely don't like eight o'clock classes-or any morning classes for that matter. So, taking a hint from the government's action, thiey have moved their clocks ahead-not one hour. not two hours -but five hours. Thus was established Brandeis Standard Time. Under the new re- gime all eight o'clocks have become one o'clocks, and no longer is it nec- essary for house members to arise before the luxurious hour of 12:15 p.m., B. S. Time. So great has been the psychologi- cal effect of the move, according to Alvin D. Graham, Grad., a house member, that "Not only do I feel bright and chipper when my alarm rings for my first class, but also on arising I devour a hearty lunch in- stead of breakfast." One of the most important impli- cations of the action is that despite the new University proposal to move women's Friday curfew up to 12:30 a.m. Brandeis men will be able to keep their dates out until 5:30 a.m. WANTED -REAL ESTATE LOT from owner. Between Brooklyn and Hill, State and Washtenaw, re- strictions under $7,000. Not more than $1,000. Phone 5539. WANTED TO BUY CASH for used clothing; men and ladies. Claude 'H. Brown, 512 S. Main St. Phone 2-2736. Sc MEN'S AND LADIES' CLOTHING, suits, overcoats, typewriters, musi- cal instruments, ladies' furs, Per- sian lamb, mink, watches, dia- monds. Pay from $5 to $500. Phone Sam, 3627. 229c MISCELLANEOUS MIMEOGRAPHING-Thesis bind - ing. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 S. State. 6c WASHED SAND AND GRAVEL- Driveway gravel, washed pebbles. Killins Gravel Company, phone 7112. 7c, TYPING MISS ALLEN-Experienced typist. 408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 VIOLA STEIN-Experienced legal typist, also mimeographing. Notary public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland. LAUNDERING LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. 2c HELP WANTED FOR part time fountain work, either male or female help. 1219 So. Uni- versity. 249c BEAUTY SHOPS PERMANENTS, $3.00-$7.00. Sham- poo and set, 65c all week, Gingham Girl Beauty Shop, 302 S. State. Phone 2-4000. TAILORING and SEWING STOCK WELL and Mosher-Jordan residents-Alterations on women's garments promptly done. Opposite Stockwell. Phone 2-2678. 3c LOST and FOUND LOST-Brown purse on Hill Street Friday afternoon. Reward-Call 2-1143. 251c ROOMS FOR WOMEN ONE BLOCK northeast of League, and one block east of Rackham. Facing park. Continuous hot wa- ter. Shower. Tub. Modern. 111 Park Terrace. Tel. 2-1070. CLASSIFIED A IPVERITISENG Laura Ingalls Given Eight Months To Two Years WASHINGTON, Feb. 20. - IW) tenced to p'rison today for failing to Maintaining a defiant attitude to the rgiester a; an agent of the German end, aviatrix Laura Ingalls was sen- government. Alec Templeton, the sensational British pianist, will make his ini- tial bow to an Ann Arbor audience in a special concert under the aus- pices of the University Musical Society at 8:30 p.m. Thursday in Hill Auditorium. Templeton, at 30 years of age, is already acknowledged to be the greatest genius of modern piano entertainment. 'Red Star' Predicts Nazi Fall; Announces Receipt Of Supplies :711, (By The Associated Press) MOSCOW, Feb. 20.-(IP)-Red Star, voice of the Russian army, an- nounced today that an ever-increas- ing flow of war materials is being received from the United States and Britain, and predicted that the gath- ering forces of the three powers would crush the Nazi war machine this year. The newspaper said "The help we are receiving from our allies is grow- ing continuously," and added that "No doubt, simultaneously the mili- tary efforts of our allies will grow." Pointing out that "Germany will be weaker in manpower this spring Eleanor Roosevelt ResignsOCD Post WASHINGTON, Feb. 20. - (P) - Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt resigned from the Office of Civilian Defense today to protect that agency from criticisms by those who, she said, "wish to attack me because of my beliefs." James M. Landis, OCD director, ac- cepted her resignation with a letter praising her for a "vision and en- ergy" that had enabled OCD to carry out its tasks and make citizens ev- erywhere aware that they have a war task to perform. At the height of the recent con- troversy over what many termed the frills and furbelows of OCD, Landis succeeded Mayor LaGuardia of New York, as director, and Mrs. Roosevelty announced she would withdraw as soon as organizational work was completed. than she was last summer," Red Star said Adolf Hitler's spring offensive, if any, was doomed to failure. The army organ said the Germans lost 6,000,000 men in the first six months of the war with Russia and had proportionately even greater losses since then. This would place the total of German dead, wounded and captured at something over 9,000,000 men. Red Star said Germany would not replace such a loss from her man- power reserves or those of her satel- lite nations. Reserves in manpower and ma- terials will spell victory in the end, and Russia; Britain and the United States have more of those reserves than the Axis, the newspaper de- clared. Dispatches from the battlefront continued in much the same tone as all those of recent weeks-reporting the Red army still forging to the west and beating down German counter attacks. From the southern front, where snow is giving way to rain anid warmer weather, there was word of new gains into the Donets Basin, and German counter attacks in one sec- tor were said to have cost the Nazis 1,500 men in three days. (Observers in London said there were indications that the Red army drive to recapture the great Donets industrial center of Kharkov is near a climax, with fighting close to the I city.) Last Day GRETA "TWO-FACED GARBO WOMAN" -- STARTING SUNDAY - e a CHURCH DIRECTORY Saturday, Feb. 21st is "Defense Stamp" Day at MARSHALL'S FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Location: State and William Streets Minister: Rev. Leonard A. Parr Director of Student Activities: Mrs. Vera Bucknell Thompson. 10:45 A.M. Services of public worship in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre of the Michigan Lea- gue. 'r. Parr will preach the sermon on the subject, 'What Do We Need Most?" 5:30 P.M. Ariston League, high school group, will meet in Pilgrim Hall. Dr. Parr, guest speaker, will lead the discussion on the sub- iect, "The Rise of the Christian Church." 7:30 P.M. Student Fellowship in the church parlors. Following a Lenten worship service, Dr. Elzada U. Clover 'will show motion pic- tures of her trip down the Colorado River. Thursday, 4-5 p.m.-Congregational student tea in Pilgrim Hall. UNITARIAN CHURCH State and Huron Streets H. P. Marley, Minister 11:00 A.M. Rev. H: P. Marley will speak on "Journalism in War and in Peace"-the last of a series on American biography. 6:00 P.M. Student Supper. 7:30 P.M. Professor Arthur Smithies of the de- partment of economics will speak on "Eco- nomics and Reconstruction." 9:00 P.M. Social Hour - dancing. CHURCH OF CHRIST Place of meeting: Second floor, Y.M.C.A. Building, 110 N. Fourth Ave. 10:00 A.M. Scripture study. Lesson topic: "Jesus Appoints and Teaches the Twelve." 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship. Continuing a ser- ies of sermons on the general theme "Imi- tators of God", Garvin M. Toms, minister, will preach on the subject: "God-His Light, Knowledge and Life." 7:30 P.M. Evening " service. Sermon topic: "Pure and Undefiled Religion." Wednesday, February 25- 7:30 P.M. Midweek Bible Study. Lesson text: Matthew 7. Everyone is invited to all serv- ices. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 409 S. Division St. Wednesday evening service at 7:30. Sunday morning service at 10:30, subject: "Mind." Sunday School at 11:45. Free public Reading Room at 106 E. Wash- ington St., open every day except Sundays and holidays from 11:30 a.m. until 5 p.m., Saturdays until 9 p.m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Washtenaw William P. Lemon, D.D., Minister Mark W. Bills, Director of Music Franklin Mitchell, Organist 9:30 A.M. Church School. Classes for all age groups. Mr. and Mrs. Class meets in Pig- ott Parlor. 10:45 A.M. Morning Worship. "The Open Heaven" - Lenten sermon by Dr. Lemon. 10:45 A.M. Nursery during morning worship. 6:00 P.M. Tuxis Society will have a discussion 'V on "Hinduism" by Mrs. Thivy. I BETHLEHEM CHURCH (Evangelical and Reformed) 423 South Fourth Avenue, Theodore Schmale, Pastor. 9:00 A.M. Service in German. 9:30 A.M. Church School. 10:30 A.M. Morning Worship, 6:00 P.M. Student Guild. 7:00 P.M. Young People's League. Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.-Midweek Lenten Serv- ice. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH State Street between Washington and Huron Ministers: Charles W. Brashares and J. Edward Lantz Music: Hardin Van Deursen, director Mary Porter Gwinn, organist 9:30 A.M. University Student Class in Wesley Foundation Assembly Room. 10:40 A.M. Church School for nursery, beginners and primary departments. Young children may be left in these departments. 10:40 A.M. Worship Service. Dr. Brashares' sub- ject is "All Colors in Prayer." 5:00 P.M. Wesleyan Guild Meeting for Univer- sity students and their friends in the Wesley Foundation Assembly Room. Dr. Brashares will speak on "Patriotism-Pagan and Christ- ian:" 7:30 P.M. Newly-Weds meet in Parlors. Discus- sion on "Duties of a Husband,",led by Paul Parker. LUTHERAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION sponsored jointly by Zion and Trinity Lutheran Churches Zion Lutheran Church, E. Washington St. at S. Fifth Ave. 10:30 A.M. Church Worship Service. Sermon: "Room for Repentance" by Vicar Clement Shoemaker. 7:30 P.M. Thursday evening. Lenten Services. Trinity Lutheran Church, E. William St. at S. Fifth Ave. 10:30 A.M. Morning Worship Service. Sermon: "Christ and The Cross for the Crisis of Life -when subtle temptation lures." 7:30 P.M. Wednesday evening. Lenten Services. Lutheran Student Association, Zion Lutheran Parish Hall, 309 E. Washington 4:30 P.M. A Cappella Choir practice. 5:30 P.M. Association meeting. 6:45 P.M. Association Forum Hour-Panel Dis- cussion on "Lenten Observance in our pres- ent day." ST. ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Division at Catherine The Rev. Henry Lewis, Rector The Rev. Frederick W. Leech, Student Chaplain The Rev. John G. Dahl, Curate George Faxon, Organist and Choirmaster. 8:00 A.M. Holy Communion. 10:00 A.M. High School Class. 11:00 A.M. Junior Church. 11:00 A.M. Kindergarten, Harris Hall. 11:00 A.M. Morning Prayer and sermon by the Rev. Henry Lewis. 5:00 P.M. Confirmation Class. 6:00 P.M. Evening Prayer and Mediation by Dr. Lewis. COLLEGE WORK PROGRAM Sunday, 7:30 p.m.-Episcopal Student Guild Meeting, Harris Hall. Prof. Palmer A. Throop will sneak on"RobrtGrstet e.lHrbin- I 235 South State ? ENSE BUY UNITED STATES -"INGS ' OND ANDSTAMFS Next to the Stage Theatre I 0, I ' Buy one 10c stamp and get one FREE! with every dollar purchase at our drug, cosmetic, or sundry departments. iv vntir cnrp in VICTOlRY i i I I II I