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February 20, 1942 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-02-20

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Student Actors
Will Entertain
At Fort Custer
Players To Give Comedy
At Request Of Soldiers;
Leave For Camp Today
Play Production -students will leave
today for Fort Custer to give the
first of two performances of "George
Washington Slept Here" for the en-
tertainment of soldiers there.
According to Miss Ethel McCor-
mack, social director of the League,
the army men, particularly the dra-
matic group out there, have been
clamoring to see the show for some
time. With Miss McCormack as in-
termediary the final arrangements
have been made and the players are
all set to go.
The Kaufman-Hart comedy, which
has been presented here very suc-
cessfully on two different occasions-
by the Michigan Repertory Players
last summer and by this same Play
Production cast last month-has had
a total local audience of approxi-
mately 5,200. With the two per-
formances today and tomorrow that
will be swelled near to the 7,000 mark.
The entire defense benefit is under
the auspices of the United Service
Organizations for National Defense,
Inc., which will provide transporta-
tion facilities for the cast and crew
on both days and also dinner.
The showings will be held in the
U$O Club Theatre in Augusta, a
town just outside the army camp.

Spanish Club
To Hear Colby
Lecture Today
Speaker Will Emphasize
Aspects Of Portuguese,
Spanish Likenesses
Presenting the third lecture in the
La Sociedad Hispanica series, Leroy
Colby of the Spanish department will
give an address, "Some Similarities
between Spanish and Portuguese," at
4:15 p.m. today in Room D, Alumni
Memorial Hall.
Emphasizing the importance of a
knowledge of Portuguese today, Colby
will describe the various aspects of
the language. He will trace its de-
velopment, along with Spanish, from
Latin, showing the differences and
similarities of the two languages.
Colby will center his attention on
Brazil, for it is the only Portuguese-
speaking nation in South Amer-
ica. It is necessary, therefore, in our
relations with Brazil to have Amer-
icans trained in speaking and writing
Portuguese. A fact of practical im-
portance is that any person speaking
Portuguese can understand Spanish
and vice versa.
Facilities for student instruction
here in Portugese will be sketched.
Colby will deliver his speech in Eng-
lish, but linguistic comparisons will
be made in the original languages. It
is not necessary, 'however, for stu-
dents to know either Spanish or Por-
tuguese in order to understand the
entire lecture.

Famed Artist Dies

Pan-American Speech Contest
Is Open To University Students



Grant Wood (above), famed
painter of "American Gothic" and
other portrayals of the American
scene, died in a hospital in Iowa
City, Ia., on the eve of his 50th
birthday anniversary. He was also
a professor at the University of
Hillel Director
To Talky Today
Cohen To Discuss Social
Problems After War
Featuring a talk on the problems
ahead of youth, Rabbi Jehudah M.
Cohen, director of Hillel Foundation,
will talk before Hillel's Fireside Dis-
cussion Group at 8:15 p.m. today at
the Foundation.
Titled "Of Youth and Our Time,"
Rabbi Cohen's talk will involve the
social and psychological problems
which will be present during the
post-war reconstruction. Sugges-
tions of the possible solutions will be
After the subject is introduced, a
forum discussion will take place with
questions coming from the audience.
Regular conservative religious serv-
ices, led by David Crohn, '43, and
Jack Lewin-Epstein, '43, will be held
at 7:30 p.m.
Brumm To Make Radio
Talk On Wartime News
"The Press and Defense," will be
discussed by Prof. John L. Brumm
of the journalism department at
10:30 p.m. today in a broadcast over
WJR continuing the University policy
of weekly talks by faculty men on
the "United for Defense" program.
Professor Brumm, as his contribu-
tion to the defense talks, will describe
the affect of the war upon the daily

National Meet To Be Held
To Foster More Study
Of American Relations
In order to stimulate among col-
lege students a widespread study of
Pan-American affairs, the Office of
Coordinator of Inter-American Af-
fairs is sponsoring a national extem-
pore-discussion contest for arl col-
leges and universities in the United
The Department of Speech and the
International Center of the Univer-
sity of Michigan are cooperating in
sponsoring the intraschool meet and
also the state-wide district confer-
The local directors of the prelimin-
ary contest have emphasized the fact
that all eligible students of the Uni-
versity are permitted to participate.
It is an all-campus affair and not
restricted to members of the Speech
This contest has been divided into
four sections. So that the selection
of delegates to the district confer-
ences can be made, all institutions
will hold intraschool conferences.
The winners of the district meets will
participate in regional conferences,
and the delegates chosen from this
contest will enter the national finals
which will be held in Washington,
D. C., May 1. According to present


By The Gunner



'' 1

LAUNDRY-2-1044. Sox darned.
'Careful work at low price. 2c
CASH for used clothing; men and
ladies. Claude H. Brown, 512 S.
Main St. Phone 2-2736. 5c
suits, overcoats, typewriters, musi-
qal instruments, ladies' furs, Per-
sian lamb, mink, watches, dia-
monds. Pay from $5 to $500.
Phone Sam, 3627. 229c
ing. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308
S. State. 6c
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Company, phone
712. 7c

LOT from owner. Between Brooklyn
and Hill, State and Washtenaw, re-
strictions under $7,000. Not more
than $1,000. Phone 5539.
MISS ALLEN-Experienced typist.
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935
VIOLA STEIN-Experienced legal
typist, also mimeographing. Notary
public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland.
FOR part time fountain work, either
male or female help. 1219 So. Uni-I
versity. 249c
PERMANENTS, $3.00-$7.00. Sham-1
poo and set, 65c all week. Gingham
Girl Beauty Shop, 302 S. State.
Phone 2-4000.

- -

:k . 4

44 4
° AI

Four University men will be grad-
uated soon from the Air Corps Ad-
vanced Flying School at Stockton,
Calif., to join the expanding Army
air arm.
The four are: Robert C. Will-
iams, of Flint; Lynn C. Riess, Jr.,
Detroit; Norman C. Appold, De-
troit; and Albert S. Hale, Mayfield,
Class 42D, the largest class of avia-
tion cadets to be trained at Goodfel-
low Field, Tex., will graduate four
other Michigan men from the basic
school to the advanced training next
These are Marion E. Sprout, '40,
Ralph A. MacMullan, '39, James
T. Stewart, '41, and David B.
Cavan, '38.
Upon assignment to an advance
field in Texas they will receive in-
struction in pursuit, bombardier, or
observation flying, after which they
will join a fighting unit of the air
force or become instructors for the
thousands of new cadets.
* * *4
Revealed in the Michigan Forest-
ems' news letter is a compilation by
Prof. W, F. Ramsdell of the forestry
school indicating the names of at
least 115 recent alumni, last year
seniors, and ex-students who are
now enrolled in Uncle Sam's armed
Included among these names were
'War-Tirmte' Hannah
Bucks Legislature
Wins ly One Hour
EAST LANSING, Feb. 19. -(P)-
The State Board of Agriculture, gov-
erning body of Michigan State Col-
lege, met behind closed doors today
and handed a clean bill of health to
President John A. Hannah in wake
of legislative criticism of his support
of "war" time for Michigan.
Prior to the closed meeting, it was
rumored several board memgers
woould urge Hannah to follow the
suggestion made by Rep. Maurice E.
Post, Republican, Rockford, in an
open letter that he resign as presi-
dent of the college "for the good of
the school and the farm industry of
the state."
Members emerged from the session
and announced the board considered
the matter a closed incident.
On Friday, Feb. 20
rand his
will be at the
Michigan League
for the Second Annual
k W
' f



I' s me to1
[he time has come when you can go out for an extra-curricu-
lar activity. The Michigan Daily Business Staff, as one of the
most outstanding activities on campus, offers valuable busi-
ness and advertising experience coupled with enjoyable and
interesting work. We invite you to attend our meeting to=
day at 3 o'clock at the Student Publications Building.


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