FAGEI x4 t THE MiCI1GAN DAILY P txtt40, tYi t l GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty Washington Merry-Go-Round By DREW PEARSON and ROBERT S. ALLEN Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University, year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the' use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.00, by mail $5.00. NEPRSBNTKD FOR NATIONAL ADVERTIaING BY. National Advertising Service, Inc. College hnblishers Representative 420 MADisoN AvE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO * BosTO . LOS ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Editorial Staff LEmile Ge.6 Alvin Dann David- LachenbAch Jay McCormick Qerald E. Burns Hal Wilson . Arthur 1i1 Janet Hiatt Grace Miller Virginia Mitchell B Daniel H. Huyett James B. Collins Louise Carpenter Evelyn Wright . . . . Managing Editor .Editorial Director City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Sports Editor Assistant Sports Editor Women's Editor . Assistant Women'a Editor * . . .Exchange Editor Business Stafff . . . Business Associate Business . Women's Advertising . Women's Business Manager Manager Manager Manager V. NIGHT EDITOR: HOMER SWANDER The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Students' Attitude Shows Rationalization . . CONSIDERABLE COMMENT, gener- ally unfavorable, has arisen as a result of the reprinting in yesterday's Daily of portions of an article by Dr. Karl Litzenberg pertaining to the lethargic attitude of college students in connection with the present world holocaust. In view of the antagonistic reaction of some students it would be wise to clarify the issue at hand and its relation to students in the University. The two greatest objections seem to be di- rected at Litzenberg's statements to the effect that the students take no interest in world af- fairs and that change in their fun-seeking atti- tude must be directed toward eliminating the "endless procession of parties and dances" which make up -such a great part of the college pro- gram.: N RESPECT to the first, these students main- tain- stubbornly that they are interested in what is going on, that they read the daily papers and listen to the radio regularly. They even go so far as to admit that they discuss among them- selves the problems we are facing and attempt to formulate solutions. But how far does this carry them toward actually showing an interest in the situation? Maybe they do know how far the Japs have advanced toward such and such a, objective, and perhaps they are aware that Washington is in a muddle as to decisions on labor and wage policies. But too often the stu- dents do not consider the whys in these cases; they are content with knowing superficially what is going on without questioning the reach of effects of each policy. HIS'may sound trite, but nevertheless it is true in too many cases. We have been given an'opportunity to continue our college educa- tions not merely to train us for future profi- ciency in the various professions but also to give us the basis for material contribution both to these professions and to the welfare of the world as a whole. It is the students' blindness to their very important position in formulating policy both now and in the future which as Litzenberg states has caused them to regard tlhe classroom and library as "necessary but relatively unimportant features of college life." If; the students took their responsibility as seri- ously as they should, and could, they would see that what they are supposedly learning through the classroom and library mentioned, beyond preparing them for future usefulness, is really giving them a basis for interpreting strategy in such fields as geography, economics and social adjustments, for present as well as future use. T HE STUDENTS in great part feel that they have been mortally wounded by seeing their friends leave for parts unknown and by having to speed up their studies in a shortened school year. This is a superficial attitude, born of ra- tionalization and defeatism. We cannot now feel the real effects of the war. This "cry-baby" whining isn't going to help us comprehend the size of the situation any better. As for the proposed elimination of "parties and dances," we feel sure that Litzenberg did not mean, as so many students seem to think, that we are expected to adopt long faces and morbid looks and feelings. On the contrary, it is clearly evident that we must keen un both sirit and WASHINGTON-In 1937 Franklin Roosevelt raised one of the most controversial issues of his nine years in office-the contention that older mnen were not qualified to serve on the Su- preme Court of the United States. THAT ISSUE precipitated weeks of Congres- sional debate and literally tore the country apart. It split the Democratic Party, and some of the wounds from that battle still have not healed. During the Supreme Court fight, the authors of this column published a book called "The Nine Old Men,"' which made it quite clear that for better or for worse we concurred with the President that older justices should give way to younger men, just as army and navy officers are required to retire after reaching age 64. And having sided vigorously with Roosevelt in the Supreme Court fight we cannot be accused of inconsistency when we state that we think it is equally prejudicial to the public good for older men to retain important cabinet positions-es- pecially in time of war. A Supreme Court justice has vitally important decisions to make. But he has weeks in which to make them. He can discuss the issues pro and con with his colleagues if necessary over a period of months. However, a Secretary of State, War or Navy in wartime must make decisions affecting the se- curity of 130,000,000 people and must make those decisions in hours or even minutes. There fore, if President Roosevelt believes older men are not qualified to make much more deliberate legal decisions, then even more are old men un- qualified to make immediate wartime decisions affecting the safety of the nation. Four Old Men T PRESENT, the President has in his cabi- net four men over seventy or in their late sixties holding important wartime positions. They are: Henry L. Stimson, 75, Secretary of War. Cordell Hull, 70, Secretary of State. Frank Knox, Secretary of the Navy. Jesse Jones,'68, Secretary of Commerce and in charge of war loans for rubber, aluminum and tin, which may mean defeat or victory. THESE MEN are among the President's closest friends and supporters. Some have been with him a long time. They are men of great dis- tinction, dignity and charm. But if the President is correct that older men cannot function as The Senate Feathers Its Nest . . THERE ARE some men in the Ameri- can government who are willing to jettison their own interests for the furtherance of the war effort. Their representation in the United States Senate could well be increased. With a Gallup poll showing 84% of the people against them, with nearly every newspaper in the country finding them an easy butt for ridicule, United States Senators spent valuable war time before repealing their abor- tive pension grab. The floor of the Senate has echoed to such statements as D. Worth Clark's "I would rather be hanged as one of a group of 'selfish politicians' than as one of a pack of cowards and fools." If this is indicative of Senator Clark's total attitude towards the emergency and the emergency legislation he is holding up, then the choice should not rest with him., Senator Maloney, who also voted for this legal hi-jacking of the national Treasury, dropped his principles in a hurried scramble to regain his constituency's good graces. "Many people of the country seem to have last faith temporarily in the Congress," Maloney declared, "and that faith 'nust be quickly -restored." "Many people" is a very elastic term, but no more generalized and vague than national "faith" in Congress. ANOTHER DEFENDER of the pension, Sena- tor Mead, pleaded that the bill was neces- sary so that "a poor man could adopt a career of public service." Senator Mead's statement is almost inflammatory, with its inferences of loose finances and wasteful spending being nec- essary to holding Congressional office. If a man cannot follow the dictates of his judgment on $10,000 a year, then his influence is more para- sitic than constructive. The optimism of the Senate is the most en- couraging aspect of the entire debacle. Here is a group of men who feel that the government will one day be able to retire them on a lavish pension when that government is now fighting for its life under the guidance of a nest- feathering Congress. The Senators should real- ize that soaring defense bond sales have not yielded reparation for Pearl Harbor, Manila and Singapore. Nor is the great American sense of humor (Sinclair Lewis' "Oh yeah" spirit or Hugh Gibson's glib dialect comedy) strong enough to laugh off the Normandie, the quagmire at Wil- low Run, the delayed issuance of top priorities to aircraft manufacturers, and the loud snores heard from many of our military and naval leaders. Every minute that the Senate spent on this Big-Ender vs. Little-Ender debate means a stop- page in legislation necessary for the survival of America in its present form. If this ridiculous hedging and political back-scratching continues in the 77th American Congress, it will certainly be unworthy of its position as the last American Congress. - Dan Behrman efficiently, then all the more certainly men around seventy have not the physical strength or alertness to prosecute an all-out war against the most alert, ruthless and resourceful enemies this country has ever faced. Furthermore, whether the President was right or wrong in his arguments regarding the age of Supreme Court justices, it remains a fact that some of his older cabinet members have made mistakes of judgment regarding our raw materials, regarding our relations with France and China, which if committed by regular army officer would have been court martial offenses in any other administration. Board Of Elder Statesmen THEREFORE, we suggest that the President be consistent with his Supreme Court theories and elevate his older cabinet officers to a Board of Elder Statesmen. For instancb, he might take a leaf from the book of Bernard Baruch, who did such a bang- up job as head of the War Industries Board in the last war. Time after time Baruch has been offered an important defense, job in Washing- ton; but time after time he has refused. Baruch is 72, says he is not as strong as he used to be, contends he can be far more useful to the war effort if he remains independent, drawing no salary, but free to criticize and make sugges- tions,. So once a week Baruch comes to Wash- ington, drops in on his old friends in the War, Navy Departments, and the OPM and ."gives them hell." As a result he has made himself one of the most useful men in the entire United States. Equally useful could be a Board of Elder Statesmen composed of Henry L. Stimson, Cor- dell Hull, Jesse Jones and Frank Knox. Add to them, Bernard Baruch with his wartime experi- ence and Charles Evans Hughes with his experi- ence as Secretary of State and Chief Justice of the United States, and the nation would have a board of advisers completely independent of politics, completely free to criticize anything which went wrong, capable of making sugges- tions to the President himself. Elder Statesman Hull CHAIRMAN of such a board might be Cordell Hull. Mr. Hull will go down as one of our great Secretaries of State. His job on reducing tariffs and pioneering for trade treaties alone will insure him of a place in history. In recent months, however, Mr. Hull has lacked some of his old fire and energy. Close friends say that the war has depressed him, and not for months have they seen him smile. Perhaps it was this nervousness and fatigue which caused him to make the unfortunate statement about the "so-called" Free French, a statement for which he subsequently apologized and which was a serious rebuff to the inde- pendent governments of France, Greece, Jugo- slavia and all the others which we are encour- aging to resist Hitler. Joseph Szigeti, Violinist Tartini, Concerto D minor; Schubert-Friedberg, Rondo, D major; Franck, Sonata A major; Dvorak- Kreisler, Slavonic Dance in G minor; Seriabin-Szi- geti, Study in Thirds; Lie-Szigeti, Snow; Kodaly- Szigeti, Intermezzo from "Hary Janos"; Mompou- Szigeti, Maidens in the Garden; Stravisky-Dsh- kin, Russian Dance from "Petrouchka." Mr. Szigeti's recital in Hill Auditorium last night presented one of Ann Arbor's biggest musi- cal disappointments of this season. The entire performance was from beginning to end almost completely uninspired and waned from the mon- otony of a seemingly unvarying dynamic level. Though possessed of a fine technique, and bas- ically a sound musician, Mr. Szigeti has an ex- tremely small tone, and saw away as he will in the most difficult of bravura passages, he can- not get beyond its unfortunately short limits. ks to quality, his tone is very beautiful, well-pois- ed and delicately balanced in piano and up to mezzo-forte passages, but beyond that it losesits focus and resonance in the artist's striving for intensity and volume. At no point in the range of the instrument is there present that brilliance and lustre so necessary to fine fiddle playing and interpretation. Much of the blame for these faults can probably be placed on Mr. Szigeti's extremely stiff bow arm and inflexible bow wrist; that he is capable of the techniue he possesses is truly amazing under the circumstances. How- ever, he should be given credit for a solid and even articulation and a general surety and true- ness of intonation. We could probably suggest some substantial improvements in the programming, which pre- sented all the music before intermission and ended with a conglomerate miscellany of gener- ally musically sterile tidbits calculated to dis- play the artist's virtuosity. It was here that Mr. Szigeti's lack of inspiration and real artistic vir- tuosity was most in evidence, for the entire group was of unvarying monotony and even suffered technically in places. From the standpoint of programming the high point of the evening was the Franck A major Sonata. It should be emphasized that this is a sonata for piano and violin, not a violin sonata with piano accompaniment. This point seemed to be occasionally overlooked by last night's art- ists. The entire sonata suffered mainly from a too straight dynamic level, a lack of proper shading, often poor balance between the instruct ments and a subjugation of the piano, and too sudden and poorly approached climaxes. What DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 0, 1 Now don elk'- &- _All___ -- ! . FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1942 VOL. LI. No. 100 Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices Monday, February 23, holiday for the University ington's Birthday which Sunday, Feb. 22. "It's practical+ a shovel, and enough, I'll admit, but somehow a bucket of sand, a coil of hose don't seem exactly right to give the Browns for their housewarming." will be a for Wash- comes on In view of the emergency, from and after the date of this publication all automobiles and trucks owned by the University (excepting Hospital ambulances), by whatever depart- ment previously operated, are to be regarded as pooled and under the entire control and direction of Mr. E. C. Pardon, Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds. Mr. Pardon will allocatethe use of these cars and trucks to such University pur- poses as are appropriate during the war emergency and will supervise such use to any desirable extent. The pooling of this University equipment is for the period of the emergency or until further orders from the un- dersigned or the President and Re- gents. Shirley W. Smith, Vice-President and Secretary Home Loans: The University In- vestment office, 100 South Wing, will be glad to consult with anyone con- sidering building or buying a home or refinancing existing mortgages and is eligible to make F.H.A. loans. Library Hours on Washington's Birthday: On Monday, February 23, the Service Departments of the Gen- eral Library will be open the usual hours, 7:45 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. The Study Halls outside of the building and the Departmental Libraries will be closed. W. G. Rice, Director Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Attendance report cards are being distributed through the departmental offices. Instruc- tors are requested to report absences of sophomores, juniors, and seniors to 1220 Angell Hall, on the buff cards which are now being distributed to departmental secretaries. Green cards are being provided for report- ing freshmen absences. All fresh- men attendance reports should be made on the green cards and sent directly to the office of the Academic Counselors, 108 Mason Hall. Please note especially the regula- tions concerning three-week absences, Skillful Operation . .. Pearl Harbor left Americans with a deeply-disturbing sense of careless- ness in high places but with no doubt of American courage. Now we know, as full reports reach us of the attack on the Marshall and Gilbert Islands on Feb. 1, that the Navy can plan and act with what a naval spokes- man at Pearl Harbor yesterday de- scribed as "Swiss-watch precision." The Japanese were taken by sur- prise, their ships sunk at anchor, many of their planes destroyed on the ground, others shot down flying. Our own losses were small. This feat shows that we can strike far into the Western Pacific. It as- sures protection for the route be- tween the American coast of the1 Pacific and New Zealand and Aus- tralia. Above all, it proves the value of attack. Before the war America L.._ .] _ .7nfn . - _-n - .nln r - nn ' and the time limits for dropping courses. The rules relating to ab-d sences are printed on the attendances cards. They may also be found on page 52 of the current Announce-o ment of our College, E. A. Walter o Assistant Dean Househeads, Dormitory Directors,L and Sorority Chaperons: Closing hourS for Sunday, February 22, is 12:30 a.m. and for Monday, February 23, ist 10:30 p.m. Jeannette Perry, i Assistant Dean of. Women The approved closing hour for wo- men attending the Medical Ball is 1:30 a.m. Jeannette Perry, Assistant Dean of Women8 Identification cards for new stu- dents who enrolled the second sem-o ester may be obtained by calling at Room 2, University Hall. Seniors in Engineering and Busi-v ness Administration: A representa-I tive of Bethlehem Steel Company,Q Bethlehem, Pa., will interview Sen- iors of the several. Departments of Engineering and the School of Busi- ness Administration on Tuesday and3 Wednesday, February 24 and 25, for prospective positions in steel produc-t tion, mechanical and electrical plan-t ning, coke and by-products, fabri- cated steel construction, shipbuild- ing, research, development, manage-t ment.t Descriptive booklets and applica-i tion forms are available in each de- partment office. Interview time schedules are posted on Mechanicall Engineering bulletin board. - Interviews will be held in Room , 218 West Engineering Bldg. Information regarding require- ments and examinations for teach- ing positions in the Toledo, Ohio, public schools is on file at the office of the Bureau of Appointments. All applications for these positions must1 be in the hands of the Superintend-1 ent of Schools, Toledo, Ohio, by March 1.- Bureau of Appointments and1 Occupaitonal Information. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments has received notice of the fol- lowing United States Civil Service Examinations. Assistant Inspector of Hulls, $3,200, until further notice. Assistant Inspector of Boilers, $3,- 200, until further notice.1 Physician, $4,000, until further notice. Safety Instructor (Bureau of Mines First-Aid or Mine-Rescue cer- tificate necessary, $1,800, March 30, 1942. Further information may be ob- tained from the announcement which is 'on file at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall, office hours 9-12 and 2-4. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information Academic Notices University Oratorical Contest: The University Oratorical contest will be held on April 3. The preliminary contest will be held March 13. This contest is open to all sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Further in- formation may be had at the Speech Office, 3211 Angell Hall. All interested are cordially invited. .adnatrc fnAunt in n iaat. All Friday, 4:00-5:00 p.m. Each student must call in person to receive his refund slip. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architee- ture and Design: The work of Pyn- son Printers, consisting of books, pan- els, labels, posters. Ground floor corridor cases. Open- daily 9 to 5, except Sunday, through March 2. The public is invited. Ann Arbor Art Association: An ex- hibition of regional art and craft as represented by the work of Jean Paul Slusser and Charles Culver. painters, and of Mary Chase Stratton and Grover Cole. potters. The Rackham Galleries. Open daily 2-4 and 7-9 except Sunday through March 4. The public is cordially invited to see this important exhibition. No admission charge. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Eduardo Braun-Menendez of the Instituto de Fisiologia, University of Buenos Aires, will lecture on the subject, "The Me- chanism of Renal Hypertension" (illustrated) at 4:15 p.m., today in the RackharnAmphitheater, under the auspices of the Department. of Physiology. The public is cordially invited. University Leeture. Dr. A. I. Lev- erson, of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Past ,President of the American Geologists, will lecture on the subject, "Petroleum Reserves and Discovery" (illustrated), under the auspices of the Department of Geology on Tuesday. Feb. 24, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphi- theater. The public is cordially in- vited. University Lecture: Yves Tinayre, noted authority on vocal art, will be heard in "Confessions of a Musical Treasure Hunter" at 8:30 p.m. Mon- day, February 23, in Lydia Mendels- sohn Theater. His lecture is spon- sored by the School of Music and is open to the general public. Tickets cm be secured by calling at the office of the School of Music. Mr. LeRoy Colby of the Romance Language faculty will be the next speaker ,in the series of lectures spon- sored by La Sociedad Hispanica. His lecture in English, on "Some Similari- ties between Portuguese and Span- ish" will be given today at 4:15 p.m. in Room D of Alumni Memorial Hall. All members are -urged to attend. Events Today International Center: The French Round Table will meet tonight at 8:00 at the International Center. The discussion, "Languages: Where a Little Knowledge Is Not A Danger- ous Thing" will be led by Robert Sethian. American Country Dance Group will meet at 3:15 p.m. today in Barbour Gymnasium. Men and wo- men students interested in partici- pating are invited to join this group. Ballet Club meeting today at 3:15 p.m. in Barbour Gymnasium. Men and women students with some ballet training are invited to join this group. JGP Publicity Committee meeting today in the League Grill. Come any time between 3 and 5. This does not include the art committee. The Abe Lincoln Co-operative will hold a Bond-Scholarship party this evening, 8:00-11:30, at 802 Packard Street. All are invited. Outdoor Sports: Flexible Flyer sleds are available for coasting and may be obtained at the Women's Athletic Building. Westminster Student Guild will have a six weeks Lenten Bible Course led by Dr. Lemon. It begins tonight, 7:30-8:30, in the Lewis-Vance Par- lors. The general topic is "How to Know the Bible." Westminster Student Guild: George Washington Party in the Social Hall tonight from 8:30-12:00. New stu- dents are cordially invited. Memorial Christian Church (Dis- ciples): Tryouts for the Easter play "Peter, the Rock" will be held at the church, Hill and Tappan Streets, tonight at 7:30. Rabbi Jehudah M. Cohen, Director of the B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation will speak this evening at 8:15 on "Of Youth and Our Time," at the Hillel Foundation, Oakland at East University. Conservative Services will begin at '7:45 p.m. The J.G.P. ushering committee will meet at 4:30 today in the League. Bring eligibility cards. Wesley Foundation: Open House tonight at 9 o'clock. There will be a group leaving the church for the Coliseum at 7:30 and they will return for Open House later. Association Coffee Hour today at Lane Hall at 4:00 p.m. Episcopal Students: Tea will be served for Episcopal students and their friends at Harris Hall this afternoon, 4:00 to 5:30. ...