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February 19, 1942 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-02-19

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Colby To Talk
On Knowledge
Of Portuguese
Will Compare Language
To Spanish In Lecture
Meeting Here Tomorrow
Realizing that' many Michigan stu-
dents fail to recognize the importance
of the Portuguese language, Mr. Le-
roy Colby of the Spanish department
will discuss the need for a knowledge
of Portuguese before La Sociedad
Hispanica in the third lecture of its
1941-42 series at 4:15 p.m. tomor-
row in Room .Ds Alumni Memorial
In his lecture "Some Similarities
Between Spanish and Portuguese,"
Colby will point out the linguistic
similarities and differences in the
two languages. He will trace both
from Latin, showing how each lan-
guage varied from or retained the
original word forms. Students will
be interested to know that those
speaking Portuguese can understand
Spanish and vice versa.
Colby will deal mainly with Brazil
in describing the Portuguese lan-
guage. Brazil, as few people know,
is the only Portuguese speaking na-
tion in South America. With this
fact in mind, students should grasp
the importance of a speaking and
writing knowledge of Portuguese in
the affairs between the United States
and Brazil.
The main body of the leture will
be delivered in English, except for
comparisons between the two lan-
guages in the original tongues. A
knowledge of either Spanish or Por-
tuguese is not necessary for an un-
derstanding and enjoyment of the
Rodent Trappers
To Pay Dividends
To Stockholders
Anti-trust laws hovered over Power
Vermin Exterminators, Inc., yester-
day when it was revealed that the
mouse-trapping concern had already
paid a 20 percent dividend and was
reaping a fine mouse harvest.
In an official report to the Board
of Directors, entrepreneurs Bob Col-
lins, '42E, and Al Owens, '42, disclosed
that the take over the week-end had
been six mice, and that stockholders
were entitled to a dividend of one
cent per five cent share owned.
Meanwhile speculators gloried as
market values soared from the five
cent par value to as much as seven
cents a share.
With an eye to more business,
crafty entrepreneurs simultaneously
commenced experimenting with two
white mice-named Joe and Elsie-
and it was rumored that they in-
tended to stock the house with hy-
brids which could be caught more
than once, and would thus bring
double returns.

Army Ordnance Association
To Hold Banquet February 26


Extending an invitation to all
members of the ROTC and any en-
gineering students who may be inter-
ested, the University student chapter
of the Army Ordnance Association
will hold its second annual banquet
Thursday, Feb. 26.
Lieut. Col. L. A. Codd, executive
vice-president of the Association and
editor of "Army Ordnance," the or-
Sugar Ration'
To .Aid Teeth,
~1~Jay Declares
America's "sweet-tooth" may suf-
fer from wartime sugar rationing,
but the rest of the nation's teeth will
profit, according to Dr. Philip Jay,
University of Michigan dental au-
thority whose research indicts sugar
as the ring leader of dietary sabo-
teurs responsible for tooth decay.!
Sugar, and sometimes starches,
act indirectly to cause tooth decay,
Dr. Jay said, explaining that their
presence in the mouth promotes the
growth of acid-producing Lactobacil-
lus substances which eat through
the enamel.
By reducing the intake of sugar
in patients, Dr. Jay has been able
to eliminate or greatly reduce the
activity of Lactobacillus and thus
check tooth decay.
Any sizeable reduction in sugar
consumption, such as contemplated
in sugar rationing, should mean less
tooth decay and better teeth for
many Americans, he said.
Rationing will reduce annual sugar
consumption in the United States
from 114 pounds to 77 pounds per
person, according to the Office of
Price Administration.
( dler To Lecture
He -e Wednesday-
Dr. Frederick A. Coller, professor
of surgery and chairman of the De-
partment of Surgery at the Univer-
sity, will lecture on the film, "A Sub-
total Gastrectomy for Intractable
Gastric Ulcers," at a meeting of the
Pre-Medical Society at 8 p.m. Wed-
nesday, Feb. 25, in the Union.
At the meeting plans for a trip
to the State Hospital at Ypsilanti
will also be discussed.
Dr.Collerdis recognized as one of
America's foremost surgeons. He is
a member of several medical societies
and has contributed many articles to
medical journals.
No More Tower-Climbing
LANSING, Feb. 18.-VP)--Climbing
Michigan's forest fire towers, an an-
nual pastime of 30,000 or 40,000 tour-
ists, will be banned for the duration
of the war, the State Conservation
Department said today.

ganization's magazine, will be guest
speaker of the evening, talking on
the subject, "Victory Through Arms
Because of the intimate contact
Colonel Codd has had with produc-
tion work in the past few years, it
is expected that many prominent
men from local and Detroit industry
will be present to hear the address.
Besides his experience with indus-
try, Colonel Codd has his service in
the Explosives, Chemical and Load-
ing Division of the Ordnance Depart-
ment during the first world war from
which to draw material for his talk.
He was chosen associate editor of
the "Army Ordnance" magazine in
1923, and advanced to the position
of editor in 1928. The magazine is
the only publication in the United
States devoted exclusively to indus-
trial preparedness.
This year's banquet will also serve
as a second anniversary celebration
for the Association, as the local chap-
ter was inducted into the national
organization last year when Brig.
Gen. G. M. Barnes of the Ordnance
Department spoke here.
Banquet reservations may be made
through Ray Gauthier, '42E, phone
Noted Lecturer
To Speak Here
Braun-Menendez To Give
Talk On Hypertension
Under the auspices of the Depart-
ment of Physiology, Dr. Eduardo
Braun-Menendez of the Instituto de
Fisiologia, University of Buenos Aires,
will speak at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in
the Rackham Auditorium.
The illustrated lecture, "Mechan-
ism of Hypertension," will be deliv-
ered by Dr. Braun-Menendez in
English, which, it was pointed out,
he speaks fluently. Further, the
subject will be dealt with in the lan-
guage of the layman, so all students.
are invited to attend.
Dr. Braun-Menendez, who spent
time in England studying Cartiology
and studied with Dr. Houssay in
Buenos Aires, is making a series of
lectures in the United States. His
talk here follows a series in Califor-
nia, and from here he will leave for
the East.
Dr. Lemon To Conduct
Lenten Bible Discussions
A special Lenten Bible class will
be conducted by Dr. W. P. Lemon
from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. tomorrow and
every Friday during Lent in the Pres-
byterian Church parlors.
The general theme of the discus-
sions will be "How to Know the
Bible," and all students and others
interested may attend.



Y A N K S K E E P T H E I R H E A D S-- A N D H A T S-Assorted is the headgear of these American soldiers at their base in
North Ireland. Left to right: fatigue hat, arctic hat, old-type tin helmet, fatigue hat, overseas cap, and another fatigue hat.

T O T H E W I N N E R-From Mrs. Ernest Hemingway, wife
of the novelist, Winston Guest receives a trophy for his expert
shooting at a Havana winter trapshoot and pigeon tourney. Guest
is a kinsman of Winston Churchill, a hunter, and a polo star.

F R 0 M M E X I C O W A Y--Defense preparations for Lower
California, that 760-mile-long finger of land that is Mexico's, is
of grave importance to Lieut. Col. L. Cueto Ramires (left) and
Gen. N. Cabera, commanding Mexican aoldiers stationed there.





Number Four in a series published by The Detroit Edison Company

The year 1745 marked the first time
that electricity was collected in quan-
tities large enough to facilitate exper-
ments. The feat has been variously
credited to Bishop von Kleist, dean of
the Cathedral of Comin, Pomerania; to
Pieter Van Musschenbroek, professor
at the University of Leyden, Holland;.
and to Cunaeus, a pupil of Musschen-
broek and wealthy burgher of the city
of Leyden. At any rate, this inven-
tion supposedly owes its name to the
Abbe Nollet of France, who dubbed it
the "Leyden jar."
Musschenbroek set about collecting
the "electric fluid" in a wide-mouthed
flask half-full of water. The flask was
corked, and a wire through the cork
dipped into the water of the jar. The
other end of the wire was connected to
a gun barrel suspended by
two silk cords, and at.
tached to an elec-

trical "spark" machine. After having
charged the bottle, Cunaeus, who was
assisting with the experiment, attempted
to disconnect the wire, and received a
violent shock.
Musschenbroek, writing to his friend
Reaumur in Paris, declared he "would
not take such a shock for the kingdom'
of France." But'the Abbe Nollet re-
peated the experiments before King
Louis XV, sending an electrical charge
through 180 of the King's guardsmen.
Benjamin Franklin, in a letter to Peter
Collinson in 1747, said, "I cannot for-
bear adding a few observatios on M.
Nusschenbroek's wonderful bottle," and
described 10 different experiments that
he (Franklin) had performed. Another
letter told how he used five Leyden jars
to kill a 10-pound turkey. Franklin
added, "The birds killed
in this manner cook un-
, commonly tender."

WAR STEPS UP SIGNAL PRACTICE FOR MEXICANS - At one of their stations in Lower California, these Mexican marines stage signal
drill as part of their training for hemisphere defense, A Mexican air squadron with some Vought "Bell Diver" planes is also on guard there.

Muss Ichenbroek's

' ,

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