THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. FERUARY 1. 1S42 . . . R d .I - . . . . . : . . . . : s a u . - . . . . : R . . s . « . . . . . . ._ . . [ .* R I - e 9 ir ig tn tti1 THE REPLY CHURLISH' By TOUCHSTONE i J---)5 I tI_ _ ; Editedand managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Mondy during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.00, by mail $5.00, IE)ERr,+l ..;+OR NATIONaL ADVERTI3ING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADIsON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CCAGO . BOSTON " Los ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Editorial Staff Emile Ge16 Alvin Dann . . David Lachenbruch Jay McCormick Hal Wilson Arthur Hill Janet Hiatt Grace Miller Virginia Mitchell . . . . Managing Editor . . . .Editorial Director . . . . .City Editor . . . . Associate Editor * . . Sports Editor . . Assistant Sports Editor . . . . Women's Editor . Assistant Women's Editor S ., . Exchange Editor Daniel H. Huyett James B. Collins Louise Carpenter Evelyn Wright Business Staff Business Manager Associate Business Manager . Women's Advertising Manager Women's Business Manager NIGHT EDTIOR: WILL SAPP The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Congress Delays OCD Solution. . WAVING Dies Committee reports with both hands, our unfortunate Con- gress has again sailed head-on into a dispute complex beyond its comprehension, and is now turning a delicate and important situation into a. teapot tempest. Apparently impatient to take a whack at pblicity-getting civilian defense, Congress with iti habitual sound and fury-as usual signifying nothing-has brought forth no valid criticism of the already highly-complicated Office of Civilian Defense set-up. Instead its professional pp-offs have yelled 'pinko' and 'incompetent' until a well worked-out, sane solution of OCD problems has been endangered. It must be here stated that there are many things about the OCD which need correction, but that Congressional blow-hard viewers-with- alarm are serving no practical function, but rather are interfering with administrative prob- lems in an extremely inconvenient manner. T HERE ARE about three principal ways in which Senator Tobey-you remember, the census-hater-and pals have been doing their -best to make a political issue out of the vital civilian defense appropriation. Number one way is accusing patriotic, willing, and loyal American citizens of having 'pinko' tendencies. Perhaps this is the best place to interject the case of Joseph Lash vs. Senator Tobey, et al. On one hand we have Joe Lash who stopped being 'pinko' in 1939 as witness the record of his disbelief in the Finnish War and his urging of action against the Axis even when the Rus- sians-his so-called source of inspiration-Were on that side. In contrast we see Tobey's com- paratively recent conversion to the necessity of all-out war. SIMILARLY we find that the much-maligned Melvyn Douglas has been labeled 'radical' by the Dies Committee and its supporters in Con- gress for his assistance to the Spanish loyalists- the first anti-fascist fighters-and his unswerv- ing loyalty to the cause of labor. For activities like these members of Congress see fit to con- fuse almost beyond hope the problems of OCD. Our staunch representatives have not been content with such activity alone. They have also through various and sundry innuendoes and insults endangered the early removal of Mayor LaGuardia and Mrs. Roosevelt in favor of Dean Landis. By implying that the aforementioned two were incompetent-which they are not-- they have raised a delicate question of saving face. Mayor LaGuardia, who should be running New York and has practically admitted it, and Mrs. Roosevelt, who should be speaking to wom- en's clubs on morale are in a position where changes will reflect on them. Whether or not that is undesirable is not the question. The question is will they allow themselves to b placed in such a position, a question that except for Congress would never have entered the dis- cussion. By misled comments and partisan activitis. Congress has threatened the welfare of vital civilian defense. By a complete lack of tact and common sense Congressmen added to the grow- ing evidence that they are more interested in th fa11 lectins than in the wfar nf thi BRIEF COMMENT on finals and the rapid re- opening of classes, to be read with a slight sighing motion and a hopeless gesture with the hands, palms up: "Well." THAT HOUR has been bothering me for quite a while. As long as it was still there, and all I knew was that one day, when the people who always know when those things are supposed to be done, said now is the time, it was all right. I would set my clock ahead and that would be that. An hour never means much unless you haven't got it, but now that I have sprung from my bed with a shout of jubilation on the first Monday morning sans hour, I miss it. I miss it a lot. I can extend my sympathies to Holland, Mich., for now I am almost prepared to go on Central time too. All of a sudden somebody tak- .g away an hour. It's a violation, by the lord larry. Some of the boys held a farewell party for the hour, on Sunday night. They fortified them- selves well, and then sat down to wait, and mourn the passing of the hour. It was a cheer- ful wake, tinged by occasional laments. Regret- ful voices recalled other hours, wasted in one way and another, and said by heavens and earth if they had that hour or those hours now they'd sure use them for something or other, they weren't sure just what. Anyhow, said the Re- publican, when Landon gets in there he'll give it back. This piece of information was greeted not at all, for the giving back of an hour seems some- how so silly that it could not arouse so trivial a response as partisanship. Lash Opponents Condemned* * * N THE PAST FEW YEARS, any j young person who rose from the crowd and began to think out loud in a manner which disturbed certain righteous, reactionary members of the "older generation," was at once practically smothered with sonorous indictments and wailing screeches of "red and radical and Communist." Some, however, refused to smother. One of these was Joe Lash, secretary of the Interna- tional Student Service. Under almost constant attack from the Dies Committee, anti-New Deal congressmen and reactionary newspapers, Lash has firmly maintained his position as a staunch liberal in the vanguard of the nation's progres- sive youth movement. But the last round of the battle has been won by those who are determined that youth shall not think for itself, for they recently prevailed upon the U.S. Navy to reject Lash's application for a commission. IN CHOOSING to listen to the Dies Committee, which led the attack, and other Congressional reactionaries, the Navy has lost a potentially excellent officer. If the Navy wants men who are convinced of the justice of this war, then Joe Lash is their man, for he has been one of the most active interventionists in the nation during the past two years. Of course, objection to the youth leader is based, not upon his foreign policy views, but rather upon the entirely false assertion that he is a Communist. Reactionaries of the Dies- Ford-Hoffman (all of whom have denounced Lash) variety evidently go on the assumption that if a person once-several weeks, months or years ago-was seen in the company of a Com- munist, then that person is, was and ever shall be a "red." For every accusation refers back to the time when Lash was president of the Ameri- can Student Union and in this capacity was associated with numerous young Communists. Lash readily admits that he cooperated with the Stalinists. But he did so only before the Nazi-Soviet pact. Since that time (August, 1939) he has fought his former associates with as much vigor and with infinitely more intelligence than the men who are now denouncing him. One glance at the actual record-which the Dies Committee chose to disregard-shows that this is so. LASH publicly and privately denounced bth the Nazi-Soviet pact and the Soviet invasion of Finland. He firmly supported the Adminis- tration at a time when the Communists were denouncing Roosevelt as a "war-monger." He was booed from the platform at an American Youth Congress in February, 1941, for speaking up against the Russians. And only recently he wrote an article for the magazine "Threshold" in which he condemned any attempt to renew the old "united front." If this is what, in the gentlemen's opinion, represents "boring from within," then there are a lot of us who are working for Moscow. While the reactionaries have been labeling Joe Lash a "red," the Communists have been attack- ing him just as vigorously for what they call his "selling out" and his "treachery." A paragraph from the Young Communist Review is indica- tive: "Although her royal highness (Mrs. Roose- velt) did not appear herself, her lackeys were there in full force to make their master's voice heard. Joseph Lash, one-time student leader now recruited at $4,000 per year by the opposi- tion to do their dirty jobs, was on the spot to make a few 'all-out-aid-for-Britain' speeches." THUS, when one considers the actions of Lash in the past two years and the words of the Communists themselves, the reactionaries' ac- cusation can scarcely be credited with even a grain of truth. Their entire attack is just ont more evidence that all too many of the older generation, a sizeable section of our Congress, and a large number of our newspapers do not actually believe in real freedom of thought where young people are concerned. Whenever youth thinks a new thought, whenever youth dares to disagree with its "elders," these men become afraid. They become afraid that some of the SOMEBODY else started to argue with a level- headed guy. "Whatta you mean, it'll be all right after the first day?" he said. The level- headed guy said well, even if he lost an hour's sleep the first night, he'd go to bed an hour ear- lier the next night, and after that he wouldn't notice anything wrong at all. "I will not," yelled the first guy. "Nobody's gonna tell me when I go to bed and when I get up. I lose an hour, every day I lose it. Don't tell me it just takes one day. That hour's gone every day from now on." The level-headed guy tried to eplain. Look, he said. the sun comes up and goes down, and a clock just measures something or other (I was confused by all this, and I agreed tacitly with the first guy), and actually you can't lose an hour even if you tried, because time is just a measure of something and whatever they do to the clocks, you still have just as much time. "Bunk," the first guy replied. "I get up an hour earlier. I go to classes an hour earlier. I get through classes at five o'clock every after- noon. Between classes and supper time there's an hour when I don't do anything. Now there'll be two hours when I don't do anything. Two hours a day, just wasted." He sat back and lit a cigarette, and made a moue. No, said the rais- soneur, you'll eat supper at six o'clock by the new time, and there'll only be an hour from five to six, so you still only waste an hour. "The hell I do," said the champ. "I won't eat until seven- from now on." SOME OF US talked about whether you lost a day or gained a day when you went across the Pacific Ocean, and the decision reached was that nobody ought to monkey with the Pacific Ocean nowadays except in the line of duty, and be- sides, all you had to do either way was just keep meridianally on your way the rest of the trip around and somewhere you'd pick up or drop off that day. The conversation was abandoned as unfitting to the contemplation of our own, per- sonal hour that we were about to lose. An astron- omy student drew some charts. Somebody said let's play cards. That, said another, is expressly forbidden in the official rooming house contract for men. He went and got his contract to prove his point, and some of the boys said they didn't care what happened to the hour, they were get- ting to bed anyhow, and it would be gone in the morning. Everybody wondered what the clocks would do, especially that downtown -one that strikes all night-whether it would go bong bong, and then right away bong bong bong, or if it would just go bong bong bong and let it go at that. When I took by nembutal the level-headed guy was still arguing with the other guy. He was getting sore now. "Goddam it," he was yelling, "the sun comes up, doesn't it? "An hour earlier," said the other guy. That one had him. So long until soon. music PRORAM: Brahms-Academic Festival Over- ture; Brahms-Symphony No. 3 in F major; Ravel-LeTombeau de Couperin; Bach-Weiner- Toccata in l major. W ITH the appearance here of the Minne- apolis Symphony Orchestra last Tuesday evening, Ann Arbor concert-goers heard an orchestra, and a conductor as well, both tech- nically and musically improved over their pre- vious performance. For last year not only was their playing sloppy from the standpoint of at- tacks, releases, etc., but we felt that the execu- tion of the compositions lacked cohesion and clarity. Such things as too abrupt dynamic changes and the failure on the part of the con- ductor to conceive what he was playing as a unified whole gave an episodic and incoherent character to the music. Tuesday evening, however, few of these former weaknesses were in evidence. From the stand- point of ensemble the men played, as a whole, with fine orchestral feeling. It must be realized that the Minneapolis orchestra cannot compare with the other orchestras to which Ann Arbor audiences have been accustomed. It simply does not have the personnel, therefore the profi- ciency, which the larger cities can afford. Yet for the size city which it represents it can only be applauded. IF there is any criticism at all to be made of Mr. Mitropoulos it is for something for which he cannot very well be reprimanded, and is only this: He is too big for his orchestra. His grasp of music, his comprehension of a composition, is so complete, so all-perceptive, that his orches- tra, too engrossed in the technical problems of what they are playing, cannot quite keep up with him, musically and artistically speaking, of course. With such an orchestra as the New York Philharmonic or the Boston Symphony Mr. Mitropoulos is able to give a reading which much more nearly expresses his feeling and inter- pretation of a piece of music, for the players are more free in their ability to concentrate on the musical problems, the technical ones not both- ering them. Our criticism of last year's concert is based mainly on the fact that Mr. Mitropoulos, too enveloped in the task of driving on his players to the intensity and passion which he himself feels, paid too little attention to the technical presentation of the music. Though this fault was greatly improved over last year, the prob- lem is still present. THE READING of the Brahms F major sym- phony was excellent. Though this is not a work of great depth or meaning, it contains some of the most beautiful and moving .of all Brahms' music, and requires from beginning to end a delicacy of balance and exquisite phrasing which are not easy for a conductor to obtain, Though not generally realized, the music of Brahms is extremely difficult to conduct and DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 194 VOL. LII. No. 91 Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices Income-Tax Consultation: The lo- cal office of the Internal Revenue Department, 608 Ann Arbor Trust Building, will be open for consulta- tion on questions relating to the income tax from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., January 26 to February 18. From February 18 to March 16 the local office will furnish consultation service at the Main Street offices of the Ann Arbor Commercial and Savings Bank and the State Savings Bank, from'10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. daily. Telephone inquiries cannot be answered from the banks. This in- formation has been furnished by the local office of the Internal Revenue Department for the benefit of mem- bers of the faculties and staff who may desire advice in connection with the preparation of their federal in- come-tax reports. Shirley W. Smith Notice in re University Property Removed from the City or off Uni- versity Property: Any University representative having charge of Un-~ versity property should give notice in advance to the Inventory Clerk, Busi- ness Office, University Hall, when such property is to be taken outside the City of Ani Arbor or of Uni- versity property for use in any Uni- versity project, as, for example, the W.P.A. A loss recently occurred on which the University had no insur- ance because of the fact that no notice had been given to the Inven- tory Clerk that such property had been taken to the location where it was in use, and the property was therefore not covered by the insur- ance policy. Shirley W. Smith Change in Telephone Numbers: As a result of the formation of the War Board, the telephone number of Miss Edith Smith, Budget Assistant, has been changed to 2197. The War Board telephone numbers are 2143 (professor Heneman, Executive Direc- tor) and 2196 (Mr. Tibbitts, Secre- tary). Please save delays by observ- ing the above changes. Members of the Faculty and Staff,' Your attention is called to the fol- lowing Resolution adopted by the Regents on May 23, 1941: Resolved, That it be the policy of the University of Michigan with re- gard to: (1) A member of the staff on indeterminate tenure who enters the Federal Service in the present emergency that such member shall apply for a leave of absence in ac- cordance with the provisions of the Bylaws of the Board of Regents, (2) A member of the faculty or other em- ployee not on indeterminate tenure who is called into the service of the Federal Government during the pres- ent emergency shall be deemed to be on leave of absence without salary for a period not longer than the end of the present term of appoint- ment. Upon release from Government service the University will if possible reemploy such person at the begin- ning of a semester or academic year as may be practicable and in a posi- tion as nearly comparable as pos- sible with the former position. What- ever tentative understanding may be reached by a department Chair- man with a member of the staff should be put in writing with copies filed with the appropriate Universi- ty officers. Chairmen of departments are ad- vised to weigh carefully the neces- sity of filling positions made vacant by the national emergency and to attempt to make provisions for the return of members of the staff. Campus Mail 'The campus mes- senger service is receiving from cam- pus offices a large quantity of .mail with insufficient, and in some cases illegible, addresses. Obviously, this not only delays delivery of the poor- ly addressed mail but also all other mail, as directories must be consult- ed by the messengers. With frequent changes in personnel the problem has become increasingly difficult. The cooperation of everyone toward the elimination of this problem is solicit- ed. Registration for Selective Service, 1. Date of Registration, February 16. One day only, 2. Who Shall Register. All male stu- dents born between the dates of Feb- ruary 17, 1897 and December 31, 1921 inclusive. Anyone who fails to regis- ter must individually bear full re- sponsibility for this failure. Individuals who have previously registered for the Selective Service Act do not reregister at this time, Foreign students must register and give country of citizenship, Those who have alien registration cards must give the number. Those who have taken out first citizenship pa- pers only are not citizens of the Unit- ed States. Students whose permanent home addresses are in Ann Arbor, members of the faculty, administrative staff, or other university employees within the age limits should register in the U " Fisk U.ti. i',L. 011, Ail VI I 1t-:. / '7 ) , "They're our new aristocracy! That's Smith who sells used cars, Jones from the retreading place, and Snitkin of the Elite Junk Yard!" GRIN AND BEAR IT r' rya F f J ,-4 - reserve corps; and members of the advanced corps, senior division, ROTC, are exempt from registration. 3. Place of Registration. Please register according to the school in which you are enrolled, as follows: L.S.A.: Alumni Memorial Hall. Engineering School: 348 West En- gineering Building. Medical School: Recorder's Office. College of Pharmacy: 250 Chemis- try Building. K School of Dentistry: Exhibit Room, Kellogg Institute. School of Education: 1431 Univer- sity Elementary School. College of Architecture: Library, Architecture Building. Law School, School of Business Ad- ministration, School of Forestry and Conservation, School of Music, Grad- uate School, School of Public Health: Students in these six Units will reg- ister in 116 Hutchins Hall. 4. Time of Registration: Registra- tion offices will be open at 7 a.m. and will not close until 9 p.m. Since reg- istration is being handled by volun- tary workers who receive no pay, stu- dents are requested whenever pos- sible to register between the hours of eight and five in order that a mini- mum staff may take care of other hours. Please register at the earliest possible moment. 5. Registration Certificate: Each registrant will be given a registra- tion certificate which he should carry at all times, "as he may be required to show it from time to time." Change of Address After Registra- tion: Each student who changes his address at any time after registration should address a communication to the Selective Service Board in his home city indicating his new address. This is the individual student's re- sponsibility and cannot be borne or shared by anyone. Robt. L. Williams Home Loans: The University In- vestment office, 100 South Wing, will be glad to consult with anyone con- sidering building or buying a home or refinancing existing mortgages and is eligible to make F.H.A. loans. Choral Union Members: A regular rehearsal of the Choral Union will be held tonight at 7:00 o'clock, in the School of Music Auditorium. Choral Union Vacancies: There is room in the Chorus for a very limited number of TENORS and BASSES. Applicants will please call at the of- fices of the University Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower for try- out appointments. Thor Johnson, Conductor .I-Hop: Those who failed to secure their J-Hop programs may do so by bringing their Hop tickets to Room 2, University Hall during the current week. A number of articles were found in the Intramural Building, and may be redeemed by the owneis at Room 2, University Hall. W. B. Rea, Auditor of Student Organizations. Alien (Enemy) Registration: The Office of the Counselor to Foreign Students has received the regulations as to alien enemies pertaining to registration as follows: All German, Italian, and Japanese nationals (persons born in these countries or in Autria who have not received FINAL papers of citizenship and have not yet tak- en the oath of allegiance to the Unit- ed States before a Federal Judge) are required to file application for a Certificate of Identification at the Ann Arbor General Postoffice be- tween February 9 and February 28, inclusive. Failure to comply with the new regulations may be punished by severe punishments including possible internment of the enemy alien for the duration of the war. The alien enemy must furnish the following documents and information at the time of the application: 1) the within 30 days of the date they are submitted. They must be on thin paper, unmounted, and unretouched, and must have light background. They must show the alien with- out a hat and full front view. Snapshots and group or full-length photograph will not be accepted; 3) the alien enemy must be prepared to fill in a questionnaire concerning himself. The Counselor and the Assistant Counselor will be glad to help the persons concerned in the above regu- lations with regard to any questions or problems arising out of the regis- tration or application. Prospective Applicants for the Combined Curricula: Students of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts wishing to apply for admis- sion to one of the combined curricula for September 1942 should fill out applications for such admission as soon as possible in Room 1210 Angell Hall. The final date for application is April 20, 1942, but early applica- tion is advisable. Pre-medical stu- dents should please note that appli- cation for admission to the Medical School is not application for admis- sion to the Combined Curriculum. A separate application should be made out for the consideration of the Com- mittee on Combined Curricula. Edward H. Kraus. College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Schools of Education, u- sic, and Public Health: Students who received marks of I or X at the close of their last term of attendance (viz., semester or summer session) will receive a grade of E in the course unless this work is made up by March 12, Students wishing an ex- tension of tine beyond this date should file a petition addressed to the appropriate official in their school with Room 4 U.H., where it will be transmitted. Roht. L. Williams, Assistant Registrar Seniors, Juniors, Sophomores, Ap- plicants for Commissions in United States Marine Corps. Second Lieu- tenant W. L. Batchelor, United States Marine Corps, will be at the Naval R.O.T.C. office (North Hall) at 9:00 this morning for the purpose of in- terviewing applicants from the Uni- versity of Michigan for entrance, to the United States Marine Corps Can- didates School for Commission and will be available for such interviews through Thursday, February 12. Seniors, Juniors, and Sophomores are eligible 'for such commissions, Applicants must pass required physi- cal examination and meet certain other qualifications. All those interested should per- sonally visit the Naval R.O.TC, office on days February 10-12, inclusive, between hours 9:00-12:00 a.m. and 1:30-4:30 p.m. for further informa- tion and interview, Students, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Students whose records carry reports of I or X either from the first semester, 1941-42, or (if they have not been in residence since that time) from any former session, will receive grades of E unless the work is completed by March 9, Petitions for extensions of time, with the written approval of the in- structors concerned, should be ad- dressed to the Administrative Board of the College, and presented to Room 4, University Hall, before March 9, E. A. Walter, May 1942 Seniors, School of Edu- cation, must file with the Recorder of the School of Education, 1437 U.E.S., no later than February 14, a statement of approval for major and minors signed by the adviser. Blanks for the purpose may be secured in the School of Education office or in Room 4 U.H. The American Association of Uni- versity Women Fellowshin. in honor By LicIly