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May 20, 1942 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-05-20

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
, College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42

Homer Swander
Morton Mintz .
Will Sapp
Charles Thatcher
George W. Salladt
Bernard Hendel
Myron Dann .
Barbara deFries

Editorial S
Business St

. Managing Editor
. Editorial Director
. . . 'City Editor
. . Associate Editor
. . Associate Editor
. . Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
* . Women's Editor
. Business Manager

Edward J. Perlberg

Fred M. Ginsberg . Associate Business Manager
Mary Lou Curran . . Women's Business Manager
Jane Lindberg . . . Women's Advertising Manager
James Daniels . . . Publications Sales Analyst
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers only.
NYA Should Include
Out-Of-School Youth . .
T HE RECENT recommendations of
the Policy Committee of the Amer-
ican Association of Social Administrators to
take the school age, out-of-school, unemployed
youth from the hands of the NYA and turn
them back to the schools, is one which edu-
cators and youth will reject if they have their
eyes open.
Such a move on the part of our social ad-
ministrators would only make youths' situation
worse, if drastic changes were not made in our
educational system at the same time. This rec-
ommendation assumes a number of things about
our modern schools that are not true.
It takes for granted that the schools are
ready to take the added responsibility. The
truth is that the basic conditions which
caused youth to leave are still incorporated
in our educational system. It has never
been sympathetically active with the needs
of these youths, and instead of adding tech-
nical and practical subjects to the tradition-
al curriculum, or what would be better,
revising the out-moded academic program
to meet modern problems, has been anxious
to reject them. Therefore our educational
system is no more ready to take care of
these young people than it was when they
left the school-room.
In addition, the modern school teacher is
not prepared to adjust herself to the special
needs of these students. Training has made
our teachers subject-minded instead of pupil-
minded. They are not prepared to alter the
principles and methods they have been taught
to, use. If the NYA youth were put back in the
schools, teachers would expect them to fit into
their plans, instead of changing the plans to
fit the students.
Until the schools can build a curriculum to
meet these new needs and until our teachers
are prepared to accept new standards and prin-
ciples - a process which will take a long time ---
the education of these youths should be left in
the hands of the National Youth Administra-
BUT THOUGH we reject the schools as an
immediate solution, the fact remains that

THERE IS NO TIME for mushy, sentimental
farewells to Michigan or Ann Arbor. There
is too much real sentiment, too much really sad
news for me to improvise some foul-smelling
As,.a matter of fact I'll be darned glad to
leave this school and if I never see Ann Ar-
bor again that's soon enough for me.
I'm through school now, so I'll go out and look
for a job. If I get one I'll work till fall. By then
I'll be in the Army.
And now as I look back it seems impossible
to realize that now I actually want to be in the
Army. I always hated khaki clothing, I never
played with toy guns or soldiers. As long back
as I can remember, I detested militarism.
I always told myself that when they started
beating the drums for the next war I would
resist. Why? Because I don't believe in war.
War doesn't settle anything. It just lines the
pockets of a few profiteers and plunges the rest
of the world into death, destruction and panic.
I used to tell myself that when they started
playing the national anthem and waving the
flags and marching down Main Street, I'd keep
my senses. I'd have enough brains not to fall
for that stuff.
But here I am with a tingling in my fing-
ertips when I hear The Star-Spangled Ban-
ner, with a joy in seeing our men march-
ing. How come?
The answer? Perhaps that we were attacked
and that we didn't do the actual attacking. If
that's the case, thank God for Pearl Harbor!
Would we still be quarreling and bickering over
here and writing anti-war editorials if it weren't
for Pearl Harbor? I don't know. I don't know
how much of it anyone could stand.
NOW THAT we're fighting, let's remember that
we're not fighting the Japanese people or
the German people, but we're fighting fascism.
We're fighting fascism because we are convinced
that it is opposed to all our standards of decency,
because we believe in democracy. Because we
have to, let's keep surging until we reach the
final victory.
But war does things to young men. Many
mern came back from the last war calloused.
crude, with none of the finer sensibilities they
had when they entered. They still talk of their
killings in the last war. They talk of the super-
iority of American stock to German stock and
Japanese stock.
This talk is stupid. "American stock,"
even if there were something that answers
to that name, is not superior to any other.
We're not one iota better than the Japanese
people, or the German people. That's a
scientific fact.
It is extremely unfortunate that we have to
kill so many of our fellow human beings - our
equals - but we have to do it, so let's do it
right. But never once think that you are shoot-
ing the Jap or German because he is bad or
sinister or inferior; you are killing him because
he is part of a machine. He represents every-
thing that is hideous, without being hideous
himself. When you shoot the Jap, remember that
he is dying for the cause of democracy every bit
as much as you would if you were shot.
Remember that every Jap killed, every
German blown to bits, dies for democracy
as much as our boys do.
DEATH is the same for all humans. If Hans
dies defending a doctrine which lives on
blood, he is none the less dying for our doctrine
which lives on liberty and justice for all.
As soon as you personalize your hate - as
soon as you hate the enemy soldiers rather than
their masters - you are subscribing to Hitler's
there are defects in the NYA that should be
remedied. The American Youth Commission pre-
sents a more satisfactory and practical solution
- expand the NYA program to include a wider
group of young people (it now includes only 8
per cent of the school age, out-of-school unem-
ployed youth), give them better-trained teach-

ers, increased health benefits and recreational
It will not be easy to get support for these
measures but it is vital that we recognize
the need for expansion. Until our educa-
tional system is adjusted, these youths must
receive the better care and training which
will come from the hands of an unproved
National Youth Administration.
- Charlotte Conover

doctrine. Race hatred is not welcome in the
United States, and it makes little difference
whether you hate the Jews, the Negroes, the
Germans or the Japs. The principle is the same.
When we go around saying that the Japs are
naturally inferior, Hitler has won half the bat-
As we fight for democracy, let's believe in
democracy. Let's make it live in fact, as well
as in theory. Let's not compromise with our
high ideals - let's even set them higher.
That's the only way we can win this war.
Let's become more democratic during this
war - it will help us win. Let's abolish the
poll tax in the southern states. Let's really
give the Negroes their freedom, and let them
serve alongside their white brothers in the
armed forces. Let's stop running this war to
make money for ourselves. This is our last
chance. We cannot fight a war for democ-
racy without using democracy as our strong-
est tool.
IT'S BEEN NICE writing for you all year, and
I've enjoyed giving my frank opinions. I sin-
cerely hope that we may always be able to give
our frank opinions. That is what we're fighting
for. - Dave Lachenbruch
Morgan Defended
To the Editor:
In light of the recent editorial attack on Ken-
neth Morgan published in the Ann Arbor News,
the undersigned members of the Board of Gov-
ernors of the Student Religious Association feel
obliged to make a statement of the Board's
From the outset Mr. Morgan has been frank
and honorable in making known to the Board
his stand as conscientious objector. Following
the outbreak of war in December, he declared
himself ready to resign his position if the Board
thought his stand prejudiced the work of the
Association. It should be unnecessary to state
that the Board's desire to have Mr. Morgan
continue as Director should not be construed
as an endorsement of his stand as conscientious
objector. The Board's position has been that
Mr. Morgan was entitled to freedom of con-
science. It is known to the Board that Mr. Mor-
gan has not used his position to influence the
views of students on their obligation to the state
in time of war. There has been no prosely-
tizing campaign on his part. As between Mr.
Morgan and the students there has been mu-
tual respect for and tolerance of divergent views.
The Board is satisfied that Mr. Morgan has
done an effective piece of work as Director of
the Student Religious Association. He has gain-
ed the respect of students because of his earn-
estness, sincerity, modesty, courage and sense of
intellectual integrity. For these same reasons
he has enjoyed the confidence of the Board.
Insofar as the editorial criticism reflects upon

(Continued from Page 2)
College of Architecture:
All Classes, May 26 at 12 noon
School of Business Administration:
All Classes, May 26, at 12 noon
School of Education:
All Classes, May 26, at 12 noon
College of Engineering:
All Classes, May 26, at 12 noon
School of ;Forestry:
All Classes, May 26, at 12.,noon.
Graduate School2:
All classes, May 26, at 12 noon
College of L., S~, & A.:
All classes, May 26, at 12 noon
School of Music:
All classes, May 26, at 12 noon
College of Pharmacy:
All classes, May 26, at 12 noon
Office of the Dean of Students
Library Hours between the Second
Semester and the Summer Term: In
the interval between the close of the
second semester and the opening of
the summer semester, the General
Library will be open from 8:00 a.r.
until 5 :00 p.m., with the exception
of the period from June 8 to 15,
when the building will be closed cor-
pletely while extensive repairs are
in progress. All departmental and
collegiate libraries with the excep-
tion of the Transportation and the
Engineering Libraries will also be
closed during this interval.
Warner G. Rice, Director
All contestants for Hopwood prizes
are requested to call for their manu-
scripts at the Hopwood Room this
afternoon or Thursday morning, May
21. Copies of the judges' comments
on individual manuscripts may be
obtained at the desk.
R. W. Cowden,
Director of the Hopwood Awards
LaVerne Noyes Scholarships: Pre-
sent holders of these scholarships
who desire to apply for renewals for1
1942-43 should call at 1021 Angell
Hall and fill out the blank forms for
application for renewal.
Frank E. Robbins
All Students, Registration for Sum-
mer Term: Each student should plan
to register for himself in the gym-
nasium during the appointed hours.
Registration by proxy will not be
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar
Registration Material: College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts;
School of Education; School of Music;
School of Public Health. Students
should call for summer registration
materials at Room 4, University Hall,
as soon as possible. Please see your
adviser and secure all necessary sig-
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar


By Lichty

Registration Material: College of
Architecture and Design. Students
should call for summer registration
materials at Room 4, University Hall,
as soon as possible. An announce-
ment will be made in the near future
by the College giving the time of con-
ferences with the classifiers.
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar
Freshmen and Sophomores, College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
Students who will have freshman or
sophomore standing at the end of the
present semester and who plan to re-
turn either for the summer term or
the fall term should have their elec-
tions approved for the next semester
that they expect to be in residence,
as soon as possible. There will be
little or no time to sign up returning
students during the registration peri-
ods preceding either of these semes-
ters, so it is strongly urged that this
be taken care of now. You may make
an appointment with your counselor
by telephoning Extension 613 or by
calling at the Office of the Academic
Counselors, 108 Mason Hall.
Arthur Van Duren, Chairman,
Academic Counselors.
All students who expect to become
candidates for a Teacher's Certificate
in January, May, or August 1943
should call at the office of the School
of Education for an application blank
for admission to candidacy for the
teacher's certificate, which is to be
returned by Monday, May 25.

Men Students: Fifteen men are
needed to distribute commencement
programs in Yost Field House on May
30, 1942. Anyone interested should
call at the Registrar's Office, Room
4 UH.
Undergraduate Women: Students
are reminded of the regulation that
they are expected to leave twenty-
four hours after their last examina-
ation. Permission for any other ar-
rangement must be secured from the
Office of the Dean of Women.
Jeannette Perry,
Assistant Dean of Women
R.O.T.C.: Sophomore and senior
members of the ROTC can obtain re-
funds on their uniform deposits up
to and including Friday, May 22.
All students registered with the
University Bureau of Appointments
are requested to leave their summer
addresses at the Bureau before leav-
ing campus. The Bureau should also
be notified immediately if a new
position is accepted by the candidate.
Male students should keep the Bureau
informed of any changes in draft
status as up-to-date information is
essential if a position is desired.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information,
201 Mason Hall
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments has received the following in-
formation concerning United States
Civil Service Examinations.
(Continued on Page 6)

"Somehow, I had the idea that here in Australia they carried
the young in a pouch!"



--A Review

Mr. Morgan's courage and
warranted and unjust.
Urie Bronfenbrenner
William H. Clark
Joseph C. Hooper
William M. Laird
William A. McLaughlin

good faith it is un-
Jacob Sacks
Constance Taber
Erich A. Walter
A. Jean Westerman
Paul G. Kauper,

Senior Ball Band
To the Editor:
To the "little" boys who wrote yesterday's note
to the editor, and to the bigger people who did
not-the band selected for Senior Ball was, at
the time, the . finest available for that date.
Please remember:
1) that time is not a factor: bands will not
accept a one-night stand regardless of price, if
they are on location or working on a picture.
2) that national defense prohibits the charter
of planes and buses and does not permit the
stopping of special trains except for emergencies
affecting the war effort.
3) that Senior Ball is being held on May 29th,
Decoration Day week-end-when every amuse-
ment park and hotel in the nation attempts to
blossom forth with a "name" band, not for one
night, but for limited engagements. For these
reasons, the bands the committee had contacted
before the ticket sale were either unable to or
unwilling to accept a one-night stand here at
Ann Arbor.
The Senior Ball committee had purchased Ted
Weems from the management of the Blackhawk
in Chicago for this special engagement. He has
a newly-organized outfit that we felt would
"click." The fact that we have now been able to
secure another band makes little difference. In
keeping with our pr6mise, the committee has
gone "all out" to give the campus what we be-
lieve will be the finest setting yet to be given a
Michigan class dance. We will have, weather
permitting, an outside dance floor.-And please
remember, the proceeds of this, as all other class
dances, go to various student aid and war relief
r__... X11-... - v - en rtn ..;1If A4l_ _

By John Brinnin. MacMillan's, 1942, $1.75
John Malcolm Brinnin's poems
cover a wide and interesting range
of experience from love and place-
description to dissertation, and a
range of expression from the lyrical
to the dramatic. They make a fairly
impressive first book.
However, the first reading of hisl
book left me vaguely uneasy, without
a center for intelligible criticism, and
a sense of something lacking. All
the technical proficiency one could
possibly ask for was there, the most
complex forms did not seem to give
the writer any trouble, there was
much well observed and carefully de-
scribed detail, many striking and of-
ten just turns of phrase; yet I was
at a loss, even after re-readings, to
know what Mr. Brinnin really
thought about anything.
This is not to say that there is an
absence of either emotions or atti-
tudes, but, on no given one of these
did one feel the will of the artist
working to understand them, to or-
ganize them in spite of themselves.
For example, Mr. Brinnin tells us he
is troubled by disbelief, but the qual-
ity, quantity, or origin of it is left
to description in the form of dra-
matic stances: that is to say, con-
temporary disbelief is posed against
traditional belief and man's disorder
against nature's calm. Since T. S.
Eliot popularized the one approach
and Rilke the other it is well to re-
member that their effects are based
primarily upon a profound examina-
tion of values, and if juxtaposition is
to be finally telling the reader must
feel that these values are understood,
which is something all the detail in
the world will not make up for. For
example: we read in The Heroes that
the present no longer expects the
heroes that the past took for granted,
ever to appear; in A Letter modern
chaos is contrasted with "the com-
munication of the earth. As quiet as
the opening of a wing"; in the rather
touching poem Rowing in Lincoln
Park the beauties ofa childhood
scene are contrasted with the same

volume is occasioned mostly by the
fact that its abundant virtues cry
for a more complete expression, and
a certain lack of probing stands in
the way of this. A poem cannot de-
scribe flux by merely holding up a
mirror to flux. It is not necessary
to be didactic or a poet-with-a-
message, but a desirable tension oc-
curs in a poem when the poet's nec-
essary will to organize clashes with
the chaos both outside him and
within; nor is that chaos ever as
formless as he at first imagines.
Mr. Brinnin at present is best on
a simple lyrical level, especially when
he is not straining to be modern or
effective: a line like "Tears, the last
impatience of desire" (The Parting),
has a quality of directness found in
the best of Robert Graves' poetry.
But the urge that Brinnin has to
constantly expand his medium be-
yond the lyrical requires a greater
suppleness of thought than he seems
to command at the moment.
The result is an injury to his com-
mand of language. Since lines and
passages where the sentiment is sim-
ple seem to require an expansion for
this larger medium, the expansion is
apt to accomplish itself in terms of
elaborations in diction. At times
the results are striking: "Among the
candelabra, high-branched, cold,/
This baroque jail of her fine agony"
(Visiting Card for Emily), "To him
whose adolescence, signed with ruin,/
Roars through the suburbs of experi-
ence" (Litany for Friends). But of-
ten the result is a loss of accuracy, a
romantic and insufficient use of
words, as "The halt, intransigeant
throat"' (Galatea), f'What heresies
parade our sun's/Unscrupulous pa-
vilians" (John the Baptist), where
Mr. Brinnin seems to have read Hart
Crane to disadvantage.
often a phrase is expanded unnec-
essarily, as "I too will cut the element
of air," where "Element of" contrib-
utes nothing but four syllables. Too
Often also Mr. Brinnin's figures are
used for the sake of a singular ex-
plosion rather than for the integra-
tion of the poem. If he is cultivating

where a battle took place: admittedly
it is harder to make poetry out of
such flatness, but that difficulty is
half the joy of writing poetry, nor
does the obliqueness really rescue
the thought in the end.
In a poem like At the Airport where
Brinnin, I think, succeeds brilliantly,
the effects are subdued and organ-
ized, as they are for the most part in
Vermont: 7 p.m. In this last poem
the success is due too, to an exam-
ination of attitudes, a clearer under-
standing that the external world to
the artist must be more in any form
than the setting for an attitude.- Mr.
Brinnin also recognized that one who
wishes to "erect a summer house of
myth/ To shade him from the ele-
ments of love/ Is naked of resource"
(Every Earthly Creature), yet in spite
of these recognitions he constantly
attempts a realization of his art in
terms of art and its attendant myth-
ologies. I doubt, for example, that
Martha Graham could really have
been the revelation she is described
as being in two of the poems, espe-
cially since in Imperial Gesture for
Martha Graham the poem takes on a
would-be earthiness from the modern
dance that Mr. Brinnin would seem
to have discredited upon examination
in Vermont: 7 p.m. Certainly Mr.
Brinnin realizes that ."flowering in
the culture of decay" (Death of This
Death) is not as simple or as natural
as he makes it sound, and requires
constant redefinition.
This is, of course, only Mr. Brin-
nin's first book and it would not be
worth detailed criticism if it were
not indicative of a sharp and ambi-
tious talent. It seems to me that his
best bet for development lies in two
directions: pruning of diction and
deepening of thought, and I believe
that one will follow the other, lead-
ing to real compression and real
elaboration. Perhaps also it would
be profitable for him to cease at-
tempting the deliberately modern,
and to cultivate his sensibility so
that it determines his style, instead
of vice versa.


Dean Lloyd was overheard to remark that
-Petticoat Fever was "the silliest thing I've ever
seen." We observed that a good share of the
audience seemed to be "eating the show up,"
especially Michael Whalen's hammy attempts
to be "cute." This column is becoming a con-
stant source of vitriole, but unfortunately the
two presentations of the Drama Season have
been far from impressive. Petticoat Fever is a
favorite of high school directors, light, frothy,

Sder Miss Evans' and Mr. Whalen's noses.
Fortunately, this week's play gives strong evi-
dence of better direction. This week's offering is
superior in its pacing. On the other side of the
balance sheet, the lack of successful stage de-
signing is still noticeable.
Madge Evans is lovely but wasted in her role.
To paraphrase one of Dorothy Parker's cliche,
"The role runs the whole gamut of emotion from
A to B." Her work in The World We Make two
years ago was excellent, but the role of Ethel

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