Little change in Teamrture.
sfilr igazi
NYA Should Include
Out-Of-School Youth
VOL. LII. No. 175
Annual Hopwood
Contest Winners
Awarded Prizes
McCormick, Obermeyer
Early Win In Fiction;
Other Fields Rewarded
Famous Writers
Serve As Judges
Seventeen University students di-
vided more than $6,000 in prize
money yesterday in the eleventh an-
nual Avery and Jule Hopwood crea-
tive writing competition.
Major and Minor awards were
made in the divisions of drama, es-
say, poetry and fiction.
Fiction .. .
Majors: Jay McCormick, '42, of
Detroit, $750 for "November Storm";
Raymond Robert Early, Grad., De-
troit, $750 for "Mightier Than the
Sword"; Rosemary Jean Obermeyer,
Grad., Iron Mountain, $750 for
"Golden Apples of the Sun"; and
Leslie G. Cameron, Grad., Petoskey,
$400 for "My Mother Is a Carpenter"
Minors: Hilda Jane Slautterback,
'44, Fremont, Mich., $200 for "Kin";
William J. Kehoe, '44, Spencerport,
N.Y., $100 for "A Part of Being";
and Burton S. Gavitt, '42, Detroit,
$100 for "Call Me Hidalgo."
Essay .. .
Majors: Awards of $400 went to
the following: Mrs. Laia Hanau,
Grad., New York. City, "Two Dollar
House"; Lois Helene Van der Meulen,
Grad., Ann Arbor, "Fugue in E
Minor"; Celia Hwaguen Chao, Grad.,
Shanghai, "All Condescension Aside";
and G. Nelson Bentley, Grad., Ply-
mouth, "Song of the Sightless Heart."
Minors: Awards of $150 went to
the following: Virginia Mary Wal-
cott, '42, Ann Arbor, "The Diviner's
Rod"; and Anthony Stampolis, '42,
Kalamazoo, "Illusion and Reality."
Majr Jk Brithell, '42, Detroit,
$500 for his 'play, "Brita."
Minor: Alvin Lamkay Ureles, '43,
Rochester, N.Y., $150 for "Two One
Act Plays."
Poetry .. .
Major: Robert E. Hayden, Spec.,
Ann Arbor, $500 for his manuscript,
"The Black Spear."
Minor: Elmer Samuel Moon, '44,
Detroit, $150 for "Another Darkness
or Another Light."
Six of the 17 winners were re-
peaters in Hopwood competition. In
winning a fiction major award, Jay
McCormick received his fourth
The awards were announced yes-
terday afternoon following the an-
nual Hopwood lecture, presented this
year by John Crowe Ransom, poet,
critic and editor of the "Kenyon
Judges of the essay contest were
novelist Louis Adamic, Freda Kirch-
wey, editor of The Nation, and James
Truslow Adams, historian. Fiction
judges were A. J. Cronin, Bernard
DeVotoand Mildred Walker Schemm,
a former Hopwood winner.
The poetry competition was judged
by three persons well-known in the
world of poetry-Marianne Moore,
George Dillon, John Neihardt. Drama
judges were John Anderson, critic,
Paul Osborn and Carl Van Vochten.
Red Army Moving
Ahead At Kharkov
As Nazis Attack
MOSCOW, Wednesday, May 20.-
(A-The Russians announced today
that the Red Army still was rolling
ahead on the Kharkov front, but ac-
knowledged that a German counter-'
offensive had begun 80 miles south-
east of that key point in the Izyum-
Barvenkova sector.
On the Kerch Peninsula the com-
munique said the Russians still were
battling the Germans in the vicinity
of the port of Kerch. (The Ger-
mans officially claimed the occupa-
tion of the entire peninsula and the
destruction of three Soviet armies
The German counter-stroke south
of Kharkov was some 30 miles east
of Lozovaya, an important junction
on the north-south Nazi highway
Board Selects
Daily Staff
For Summer
* * *
Homer Swander, '43, of Kalamazoo,
was named managing editor of the
Summer Daily yesterday, as the
Board in Control of Student Publi-
cations announced appointments and
plans for the summer session. Swan-
der was recently appointed to the
same position on the 1942-43 Daily
At the same time the, Board an-
nounced other students who will be
in charge of The Daily for its pro-
posed ten-week summer run. Edward
Perlberg, '43, of Standish, will be
business manager, with Fred M.
Ginsberg, '43, of Detroit, acting as
assistant business manager.
City editor of the editorial staff
will be Will Sapp. '43. of Novelty, 0.
Also on the edit staff are Bernard
Hendel, '43, sports editor; Barbara
De Fries, '43, women's editor; Hale
Champion, '44, Leon Gordenker, '44,
John Erlewine, '44, and Robert Preis-
kel, '43, night editors.
The Board announced plans for a
ten-weeks Summer Daily, to start
June 16 and to be published five days
a week, Wednesday through Sunday.
Although there will be no subscrip-
tions taken, adequate free distribu-
tion will be assured to give everyone
access to the paper.
At the meeting yesterday the
Board also announced appointments
of W. (Buck) Dawson, '43, and Ben
H. Douglas, '43, as editors of the
Summer Directory. Dawson and
Douglas were recently named man-
aging editor and business manager,
respectively, of the 1943 Michigan-
Any student who would like to
work on the summer publications is
urged to report to the new editors.
Previous experience is not a nec-
essary requisite.
Class of '42
To Graduate
OnMay 30
Degrees To Be Presented
To 2,000 At Exercises
In Yost Field House
Two thousand University students
will graduate May 30 in what many
officials prophesy will be a final fare-
well to Michigan'sdhundred-year-old
pattern of higher education.
A graduating class that came to
college during a great social revolu-
tion is going to commencement in a
nation that is at war; there were
8,000,000 unemployed in their fresh-
man year, the nation now pleads for
every man.
With rare exception, the 1942 grad-
uate, man or woman, has had his
immediate future laid out before him
for many weeks. There will be no
job-hunting-that era of college
graduation faded from the American
scene when the gears of war first
began to spin.
Here's the report on that by Dr.
T. Luther Purdom, director of the
Michigan "job-placement bureau;"
For every engineer who will grad-
uate there are at least 20 well-paying
positions available;
The new doctors, dentists, nurses,
pharmacists, and botanists are only
a trickle when a flood is needed;
Coeds--for the first time-can
have any kind of employment they
desire. Airplane factories, drug
stores, industrial offices-all industry
-has joined in one frantic appeal for
all the female help that can be sup-
Civil service jobs by the thousands
are open to economists, political sci-
entists, lawyers and their kind.
Without exception, the men have
registered for Selective Service, and
many of them received deferments
only until they could complete their
education. Approximately 75 men
will be commissioned immediately as
officers in the U.S. Naval Reserve.
Turn to Page 7, Col. 1
Class Of '42 To Be 98th
In History Of Michigan
Michigan's 2,000 candidates for de-
grees, their parents and friends and
hundreds of returning alumni will
participate in the 98th Annual Com-
mencement Week, which will be held
Thursday, May 28, through Saturday,
May 30.
Commencement exercises will take
place in Yost Field House rather than
in Ferry Field, as a war economy
measure. Senior Swing Out, a tra-
ditional highlight through the years,
has been abandoned by action of the
Men's Judiciary Council.
Commencement exercises are sched-
uled to begin at 6:45 p.m. Saturday,
May 30. The academic procession
will assemble at 5:40 p.m. as follows:
literary school, Main Diagonal walk
between Library and Engineering
Buildings; Education, walk in front
of Physiology and Pharmacology
Buildings; Engineering, Main Diag-
onal walk in Engineering Court.
Architecture, Main Diagonal walk
in Engineering Arch (behind Engin-
eers); Medical, Diagonal walk be-
tween Chemistry Building and Libra-
ry; Nursing, Diagonal walk between
Chemistry Building and Library;
Law, East and West walk, west of the
intersection in front of Library;
Pharmacy, East and West walk, west
of the intersection in front of Library
(behind law).
Turn to Page 7, Col. 2
Take ig Ten
Golf Crown
Jim McCarthy Of Illinois
Beats Out Ben Smith
For Medalist Honors
Great Lakes Team
To Play Nine Today
The Michigan linksmen, paced by
Ben Smith and Capt. John Leidy,
won their sixth Western Confer-
ence golf crown yesterday on the
University course when they finished
three strokes aheaddof secondsplace
Minnesota. Maize and Blue squads
previously won five championships
in a row from 1932-1936 during the
era of Johnny Fischer and Chuck
Kocsis, and in this, the 23rd Big
Ten tournament, the Varsity had
a four man total of 1,255.
The biggest upset of the tourney
was provided by Jim McCarthy, a red
headed Irishman from Illinois, who
finished with 301 strokes to take in-
dividual medalist honors as Ben
Smith and Gopher Spero Daltas
deadlocked for second place with
303 each.
McCarthy, who had not won his
letter up until the meet had started,
was not even given an outside chance
to take the title by pre-tourney dope-
sters. It was a close battle all the
way, both for individual and team
honors. Ben Smith was by far the
favorite at the beginning of the
morning round, when he led the oth-
er two by a stroke, for it was ex-
pected that his opponents would
wither under the pressure.
But the determination of the Irish
had not been reckoned with, and
the Illinois star finished the morn-
ing round with a 76 to go one up on
Smith who had a 78. Daltas prac-
tically bogeyed himself out of the top
three when he carded an 82 for the
third 18 hole round, but he made an
amazing comeback in the afternoon
to card a 74 and tie Smith for sec-
ond place.
The last 18 holes saw McCarthy
Turn to Page 3, Col. 1
Michigan Nine Set
For Great Lakes
Riding high after copping four Big
Ten tilts and- the Conference lead,
Michigan baseball team will clash
With the pride of the Navy, the Great
Lakes Naval Training Station nine,
at 6:45 p.m. today. It is the first
twilight game in the history of the
For the benefits of exam-con-1
scious fans, Coach Ray Fisher de-
cided that a twilight tilt would give
everybody an opportunity to see this
important game.
Led by Lieut. Mickey Cochrane,
who piloted the Detroit Tigers to
American League titles in 1934 and1
1935, the Sailors boast of the most1
powerful batting order that the Var-
Turn to Page 3, Col. 5
Heads War Board '
Doo little Given Congressional
Medal For Daring Tokyo Raid
Hero's Son Is Michigan Man Planning To Follow Dad's
Army Life; Set To Enter West Point July 1
WASHINGTON, May 19. -() attack. Crews who had volunteered
The recent American air-raid on Ja- for a "hazardous, important and in-
pan was revealed today as a foray teresting" mission, without knowing
which found American airmen flying Japan was the objective, manned
so low they could see the amazed ex- them. They trained especially for
pressions on faces below, dropping the mission for weeks even before
bombs when within sight of the Im- leaving the United States.
perial Palace in Tokyo and leaving "They were the finest group of of-
a swath of destruction 40 miles long ficers with which I ever had the good
and five to 20 miles wide, fortune to be associated, and that
Its leader was Brig.-Gen. James H. goes for the enlisted men, too," said
Doolittle, "Jimmy" Doolittle,. the Doolittle, who was unstinting in his
famous speed record holder of the praise both for the courage, effici-
days of peace. President Roosevelt ency and accuracy.
pinned a Congressional Medal of Turn to Page 7, Col. 7
Honor to his tunic at the White
House and with that ceremony, num- War Hero's Son Proud
erous details of the attack were dis- , .
closed. Of Dad's Tokyo Rad
Direct hits left a nearly completed A proud Johnny Doolittle was still
cruiser or battleship near Tokyo in wandering around campus in a daze
flames. The Mitsubishi Aircraft Fac- after hearing the news that it was
tory at Nagoya was strewn with in- his dad, America's newest war hero,
cendiary bombs. Industrial concen- Brig.-Gen. James H. Doolittle, who
trations, shipyards, docks, fuel stores, led the recent raid on Tokyo. "Yip-
collections of fuel tanks, ammunition pee," was the first thing Johnny
dumps at Yokesuke, Kenagawa, Kobe blurted out when he heard the news
and Osaka, all felt the destructive ef- over the radio yesterday afternoon.
fect of explosives made in America. Doolittle, a freshman engineer, re-
On Doolittle's behalf the War De- cently received an appointment to
partment issued a statement, and West Point and is scheduled to enter
later, the slightly built, balding flier July 1. He had planned on entering
held a press conference. From the the academy last summer, but he
two, newsmen pieced together this broke his leg in an automobile acci-
story of the raid: dent and was still on crutches when
A squadron of B-25 medium bomb- itc e timetoos
ers was specially equipped for the iAmedtito
Asked how it feels to be the son
of the recipient of the greatest war
decoration our country gives, the
Congressional Medal of Honor, John-
, ny beamed, "Naturally if makes me
Over nvas1 pretty proud and I sure got a big kick
out of it."
f Contine t A scrapper like his dad, Johnny
Of was co-captain of the boxing team
01 ' n~in ilL at Culver. Hoping to follow his fa-
ther's footsteps along other lines as
Attlee Promises Offense, ( well, Johnny has concentrated on
But Members Criticize aeronautical engineering courses
while here at Michigan and plans to
War Policy Of Churchill join the Army Air Force upon grad-
uation from West Point. For he says,
LONDON, May 19.-()P)-Domin- "I'm itching to do my share along
ions Secretary Clement R. Attlee with dad and all the rest."
Plans Now Being Drafted
By WPB; Will Probably
Go Into Effect By July
Pipeline Demands
May BeDropped
WASHINGTON, May 19. -()-
Nationwide gasoline rationing by
July 1 to slow down automobile
wheels estimated to be wearing out
irreplaceable rubber at the rate of
250,000 pounds a day arose today as
a distinct possibility.
President Roosevelt indicated at
his press conference that country-
wide rationing was being considered
and immediately after he had spoken,
word came from War Production
Board sources that the board had
directed Joseph B. Eastman's Office
of Defense Transportation, in con-
sultation with Petroleum Coordina-
tor Harold Ickes and Price Adminis-
trator Leon Henderson, to draft plans
for such a step.
WPB Impressed By Data
If the plan is definitely adopted,
July 1 would be the logical date for
its inauguration since that is the
time the stop-gap rationing system
now in effect in the 17 Eastern states
is scheduled to be replaced by a per-
manent program to last probably for
the war's duration.
The War Production Board-was re-
ported impressed by data to the ef-
fect that American motorists were
burning up tires and tubes at the
rate of 45,625 tons a year and that
there are no prospects for synthetic
rubber to augment present stocks
before late 1943. The wearing out of
tires now on the road might cause
serious impairment of war production
in plants where many workers must
depend upon their own cars to reach
their jobs.
Tank Cars To Be Freed
Although rubber conservation
would be the principal reasn for any
nationwide gas rationing, the WPB
was understood to have had in mind
also that'thereduction of oil ship-
ments to 'Central and Western states
would free numbers of tank cars for
hauling gasoline and fuel oil to the
East, where the shortage is critical,
and also would lessen some of the
burdens on the railroads entailed by
heavy movement of tank cars.
The diversion to the East of tank
cars and other facilities now serving
interior states also might end de-
mands for the construction of a new
pipeline from the southwest to the
Atlantic Coast, a project twice vetoed
by the old Supply Priorities and Allo-
cations board because of the steel it
would take to build it.
Ickes had planned to send to the
WPB this week a new application for
priorities on steel to build the pipe-
line, trimming the amount sought in
the previous estimates. Ickes also
announced a broad program to relo-
cate existing pipelines in order to in-
crease the eastward flow of petroleum
by 200,000 barrels a day.
Cab Calloway
Is BallChoice
New Senior Ball Selection
Forced After Protests
Cab Calloway superseded Ted
Weews as the official maestro of
this year's Senior Ball yesterday as
long-distance telephone wires smoked
following that precedent-smashing
decision designed to pacify irate tick-
With the change came a half-hour
advance in the time for the Ball,
dancing now being scheduled for-9:30
p.m. until 2:30 a.m. instead of from
10 p.m. to 3 a.m. as previously an-
Although Weems' band was the
only one available when the annouce
ment was made last week, the intense
dissatisfaction of the campus forced
the reopening of negotiations, Ball
Chairman Tom Williams, '42E, stated,
and Calloway was secured after a se-
ries of long-distance calls yesterday
Already signed for a benefit en-
gagement in New York the afternoon
of May 30, the day following the
Gas Rationing For Nation
To Conserve On Rubber
Considered As Possibility
promised a sharply inquisitive House
of Commons today that Allied offen-
sive action would be taken against
Germany "in due course," but insur-
gent members angrily called this a
"schoolboy essay" and demanded
that Prime Minister Churchill ap-
pear to face their criticism of war
Members of Churchill's own Con-
servative Party joined in the attack.
The war debate, which started
mildly and ended with a storm of
charges of slackness in the war ef-
fort, came just as victory-starved
Britain was encouraged by arrival in
Ulster of tens of thousands of addi-
tional United States soldiers with all
the weapons of war.
A reliable military observer said
the Allies now had the balance of
military power in Western Europe
but the vigorous debate in Commons
brought out only hints as to when
and how it will be used.
Attlee, speaking for the Govern-
ment in lieu of Churchill, refused to
say when a Western Front might be
opened, but asserted:
"Every month increases our
strength. In due course we shall
change from the defensive, which we
still have to hold in many areas, to
the offensive."
I - - i
FDR Hints More Men
To Be Sent To Ireland
-- ---- -- 11
i .
With this issue The Michigan
Daily suspends publication until
June 16.
WASHINGTON, May 19. --(A)--
President Roosevelt aroused new con-
jecture as to the purpose of concen-
trating American troops in Northern
Ireland today with a statement
strongly implying that more are to
be added to the thousands already
Speculation centered upon the
much-discussed possibility that ulti-
mately the forces there are to be
used for opening a second continen-
tal front against the Nazis.
Contingents of American troops
started arriving in Northern Ireland
in January. Yesterday it was an-
nounced that a force larger than the
previous ones had arrived safely.
At his press conference today, Mr.
Roosevelt was asked for comment
and replied that there would more
in the future.
Subscribers, to The Michigan
Technic may obtain their copies
of the May issue, or any back
copies, any time today in the of-
fice of The Michigan Technic.
Crisler Reveals More Details
On New Physical Fitness Plan
Further details of Michigan's new
physical hardening plan, under which
virtually every male student will go
through an intensive program of
muscle development, were announced
yesterday by H. 0. "Fritz" Crisler,
director of athletics.
All available athletic facilities of
the University will be used in the
program, which goes into operation
June 15, Crisler said, adding that
facilities will be adequate for the de-
mands. Waterman Gymnasium, Yost
Field House, Ferry Field and the
Sports Building were listed by Cris-
ler as probable centers for the activi-
ties of the thousands of students af-
fected by the program.
Crisler explained that the one and
one-half hour sessions will be sched-
uled during both morning and after-
noon periods so that students will
have no difficulty in fitting the train-
ing course into their programs. The
schedule of sessions for the Summer
Term will be published either in the
coaching staff and of the regular
physical education staff. Included in
the program will be gymnastics, cal-
isthenics, running, wrestling and oth-
er body building athletic activities. It
is likely that all students will be re-
quired to pass swimming tests while
taking the program.
Asked whether he would remain at
the University to direct the new pro-
gram next fall rather than accept a
post at Great Lakes Naval Training
Station, as has been rumored, Crisler
declared that he had "No comment"
to make. Also unconfirmed is the
possibility that the intstructing staff
for the program will include physical
instructors from the Naval Reserve
Specialists' Class V-6.
In explaining the purpose of the
program, Crisler declared: "Since
Dec. 7 the term 'physical fitness' has
taken on new meaning for civilians
and soldiers alike. Army and Navy
authorities have reported that many
Local Broach Workers Continue
Strike For Government Control
Robert Matthews, '43, president
of the Men's Judiciary Council, has
been named chairman of the new
Student War Board. Charlotte
Thompson, '43, president of the
League, will be secretary.
Navy Swears Kipke
Into Flight Reserve
DETROIT, May 19. -U(P)- Harry
Kipke, whose football exploits both
as a player and coach brought him
Continuing their demands that the
Government take over the plant, more
than two-thirds of the approximate-
ly 300 day workers at the American
Broach and Machine Co. were out on
strike today, according to CIO esti-
According to James Morgan, CIO
representative, Lieutenant Sparks of
the War Department visited Ann
Arbor yesterday to investigate con-
ditions at the plant, and a statement
is expected from the Government
today concerning future control of
urged that the day men did not go
into the plant. No violence was re-
"Almost all the men now working
are on the assembly line, and nearly,
every one of the skilled workers, such
as the grinders, is on strike," said
Edwin Hills of the CIO.
Strikers' statements were keynoted
by the belief that the only way to get
production up at the plant was to
settle the issue quickly. They all
agreed that output was far below
capacity, and that the mediation