-w -- -~ - - -- -- --w-- - - w.- - -.---- - - 19Jx THE MICHIGA~N DILY ThmSDAY, MAY 19, 1842 Inside Europe - Bylines Who Watched. The Axis At War War With U.S. Shocks Nazis, SaysReporter Declaration Of Hostilities Stuns German Leaders, Marks Policy Reversal Had To 'Sell' War By LOUIS LOCHNER (Associated Press Correspondent) Hitler could have made no greater mistake or created no greater in- ternal stir than by his declaration of war on the United States the (norn- ing of Dec. 11, 1941. The Fuehrer completely flabber- gasted the German people. Apparently he also so effectively stunned even his own intimate fol- lowers that Propoganda Minister Paul Joseph Goebbels, hitherto a master mind at propaganda, for once failed correctly to estimate German psy- chology. For weeks and months the Nazi slogan in response to unfriendly acts by the United States had been: "We won't let ourselves be provoked." Even after Japan attacked the United States German friends and acquaintances in every walk of life insisted that Hitler would merely of- fer a declaration of solidarity with Japan but wouldn't go beyond that. Hitler Sells War Hitler had been able to "sell" his war to the German people by claim- ing- That the Poles seized the Gleiwitz radio station before German troops moved; That the British and French de- clared a state of war existed with Germany; That the British already were on their way to Norway when, for "pro- tection of Denmark and Norway, he sent his forces into those countries; That Holland, Belgium, Greece and Yugoslavia plotted against Germany and already were on the move when he forestalled, them; That the Russians already were mobilized against the Reich when at the 11th hour he parried with a counter-stroke. The rank and file of German peo- ple-even those millions who do not approve his policies-thought Der Fuehrer too "smart" ever to declare war. Says FDR In Dotage President Roosevelt was represent- ed especially as, a man already in his dotage. Give him a little more rope--so the Germans were led to believe-and he would hang himself. Above all, don't play into his hands, was the watch cry. He wants war, it was said-in fact "Roosevelt is run- ning after war"-so don't do him the favor of giving him a war. And then on Dec. 11 the astound- fng, the amazing, the unbelievable thing happened-Hitler declared war. This was like an ice-cold shower to the German people. Their leader was slipping. Although he had promised the "completion of the greatest victory in history during 1941," which every Teuton interpreted to mean a vic- torious p&ace after but two years of war, he now told the people to get ready for a prolonged conflict. Incidentally this conflict to date, according to best estimates available, has meant 2,500,000 casualties for Germany, of which three quarters of a million are dead. Hitler Psychological Mistake Correspondents who consider themselves acquainted with German psychology also believe it was a grave error to present the German people withe the fable about the heart dis- ease of Field Marshal Gen. Walther von Brauchitsch as a Christmas gift. Large sections of the German peo- ple look to soldiers of the old school of which von Brauchitsch, a disciple of the late Col.-Gen. Werner von Fritsch, was an outstanding repre- sentative as their last hope to stave off the worst aspects of Nazi domina- tion over an enslaved people. Von Brauchitsch's "resignation" and Hitler's assumption of the su- preme army command acted like a bombshell. The removal of the mar- shal further put the German people in the doldrums. Besides, the older generation re- inembered but too well how the United States in 1917 gave the deci- sive turn to the last World War. Would history repeat itself? That was the question on millions of lips. At a time when people in Germany were freezing for want of coal and when no more "real" wool was avail- SEN IOS1 You can still obtain When Hitler Spoke To U.S. Reporters Interned Correspondents Describe France, Italy Under German Yoke -_ _ _ This historic picture shows Louis Lochner (whose sensational story of Germany at war appears at the lift) talking with Hitler at a press conference in 1932. In his story filed from Lisbon-after leaving Ger- many with other diplomats and reporters there when the war broke out - -Lochner describes the tremendously unhappy German reception of Hitler's "greatest blunder," war on the United States. able and furs were practically unob-, tainable, Goebbels four days before Christmas asked the nation to give up pelts and other warm things and have them shipped to the Russian front. German people couldn't believe their ears. Only a few weeks previously a weekly newsreel had been brought out showing how soldiers were being furnished with everything needed for the winter. That news reel even then was run- ning in thousands of smaller houses which received their film later than metropolitan theatres. Clearly, some- body somewhere was lying. Goebbels and his newsreel didn't jibe. In an address he blamed the win- ter for the unusual appeal. That again was a contradiction of some- thing he had said in his own ministry. Admits Scant Christmas Gifts Admitting that Christmas gifts vere scant and scarce this year and the traditional candles were missing because all available supplies had been sent to the Russian front, Goeb- bels suddenly warned the people not to forsake their leaders and the fight- ing troops as they had done in 1918. It was decidedly poor psychology to remind Germans of their defeat in 1918 so soon after the declaration of war on the United States. It was even worse psychology to admit the possibility of a recurrence of 1918. From early 1942 and until our de- parture in mid-May one depressing fact after another was revealed to the German people by Hitler and his lieutenants. The Ukraine, according to the Ger- man press on Feb. 25, wouldn't yield tangible agricultural results until 1943. Before the Russian campaign every German had been led to believe that grain and other raw materials would pour in from the Ukraine from the moment of its conquest. Promises Soviet Defeat Speaking on the German Memorial Day, March 16, Hitler told his people the Russians definitely would be beaten this summer. A month and 10 days later in an address to the Reich- stag he promised that German trans- portation in the East would be better next winter than last. This was a wet blanket for millions of Germans and seemed to indicate Hitler expects to face another Russian winter. -N~he Reichstag speech was a blun- der in another way: It revealed even to the most obtuse how far all per- sonal liberty had gone and how one man abrogated not only all legislative and executive powers but even all judicial prerogatives to himself. At the same time that Nazi propa- gandists poke fun at Winston Churchill's consistent reminders to the British people that he has no- thing to offe. them but "blood, sweat and tears," Hitler, Goering, Goebbels and their satellites are calling upon their German co-nationals for great- er sacrifices even than those de- manded by the British Prime Minis- ter of all Britons. Call For Greater Effort In season and out of season, Nazi spellbinders are telling the German nation that more economic sacrifices, greater labor, increased exertion, more stoppages of industries regarded as nonessential, and the loss of more blood, more lives, and more limbs are in store. This year started out with Reich- marshal Hermann Goering's appeal to the nation culminating in: "The future can be mastered only by a people which, with iron determina- tion, is ready to make every sacrifice,j willing to fight without fear of death and labor with the utmost exertion. We are ready to face the new year even though it demand greater sac- rifices of everyone than hitherto." From time to time, the idea of sacrifice gave way to an appeal for patience if the war is longer than expected. Thus Goebbels told Aus- trian Nazis, "Good things need timeI for ripening and developing. That is true, too, of New Europe. One mustI not assume that a world empire built' up through three centuries topples within three months. But one blow after another will strike the British Empire so long until one day it will fall to the ground." France - - - By ALVIN J. STEINKOPF (Associated Press Correspondent) LISBON-Seventy-four bedraggled citizens of the United States-diplo- mats, news correspondents and their families-arrived in Lisbon after five months of internment in Germany. Their four-day journey through the Rhine Valley, France, Spain and Portugal was supervised to the Span- ish border by the Gestapo, but de- spite the strictest of control there were numerous incidents cheering to Americans who for long months had longed to shake the German dust from their shoes. Occupied France-the Marne Val-. ley, Paris, Biarritz-was found to be a land of deep emotional depression. As glimpsed by homeward-bound Americans, France was spiritually prostrate, but there were a few .in- cidents indicating that here and there the spark of hope survived. Frenchman Throws Rock The French did not know that our train was a diplomatic special. South of Paris an indignant Frenchman shied a rock through a dining car window, scattering shattered glass over the tables. The trainman said the French often did such things, on the theory that all special trains were carrying Germans. One lively French peasant obvious- ly had heard about our train in some manner: He stood in his field and merrily waved the Stars and Stripes. Before the train reached Paris a bold French airman slipped aboard past the guards and rode with us for an hour. In moving phrases he asked that America help to the utmost. "You are France's last hope," he ksaid. Police Slip Up At Biarritz, where the travelers remained for a day at a seaside hotel, the German police slipped up a little. Several of us managed to take an unescorted walk through town. "You can't even buy a shirt," a bar- ber complained. "Everything is reserved for Ger- mans," said a girl in a shop which used to sell silk stockings. "All cognac has been sent to Ger- many," wailed a barman. Biarritz teemed with German sol- diers. They do not have to salute on the beach, so that sunbathing of- ficers will not have to rise. Along the Corso a French cat arched her back and spat at a dog with a German soldier. "Even the cats get the idea," chuckled an idling fisherman. At Biarritz there was a last im- pression of war: Busses taking the party to a train moved among Ger- man soldiers who were slipping from building to building, apparently working out some problem in street fighting. Planes roared low over the house- tops and coast artillery fired into the Bay of Biscay, sending up great splashes out near the horizon. Germans Practice War On the beach, which in peacetime was one of Europe's smartest fashion promenades, German soldiers were digging themselves into the sand. Burning smudge pots covered the city with a dense, evil-smelling smoke !screen. The whole thing looked like a practice maneuver to repel a landing. It also looked like a show that might have been staged for the benefit of the departing Americans. The French said there had been no previous operations on such a scale and the idea apparently was to try ALVIN 1. STEINKOPF m * Eye Witnesses Italy . . . By RICHARD G. MASSOCK (Associated Press Correspondent) LISBON.-Benito Mussolini is lead- ing a hungry, disillusioned and apa- thetic Italy in an unpopular war againsti the United States. The war's unpopularity has been manifest in various ways to Ameri- cans who waited five months for repatriation after the Duce of Fasc- ism uttered the fateful words that placed his people at war with yet an- other enemy last Dec. 11. Italy's future as an ally of Ger- many and Japan is unpredictable. Collapse Unlikely A collapse from a food shortage within this year or the next seems unlikely. Neither does an economic breakdown seem imminent, because of assistance being given by Ger- many in this sphere. Without any organized opposition under competent leadership, the Fascist regime probably is secure for some time to come. Yet the war against the United States is unpopular and some observ- ers see in Italy a people who dislike their German allies and who care nothing for the Japanese-a people who are looked upon for potential assistance when and if an American- British Army lands in Europe to crush Hitlerism. Would Welcome Allies In fact some say that half the Italian people now would welcome such an Allied invasion as a possible means of freeing them from the humiliating grip held by the Ger- mans. Not a single anti-American demon- stration-even an officially organized one-has been reported in Italy. Many Italians in all walks of life have sought on occasion to tell Americans of their personal friend- ship. We are regarded as only nominal or friendly enemies. Few are the Italian families that do not know some relative or friend who has found opportunity and a better way of life in the United States. Respects To Roosevelt Shortly before I left Rome an Italian of only casual acquaintance, knowing I was about to leave, em- braced me with Latin effusiveness and said: "Give my respects to Mr. Roose- velt." And, mind you, this incident oc- curred despite the presence of a near- by guard. The incident was rare, but the sentiment was not. Hitler Orders Big Increase In Agriculture Nazi Farmers Far. Behind In 1942 Food Schedule After Grueling Winter By ERNEST G. FISCHER (Associated Press Correspondent) LISBON, May 18.-German farm- ers, who are at least three weeks be- hind schedule on their 1942 crops, have been ordered to increase the production of vegetables, vegetable fats and potatoes. At the same time, Reichmarshal Hermann Goering told growers that the 1941 acreages in grain and sugar beets must be main- tained Unfavorable weather, insufficient fertilizer, the shortage of manpower and horsepower, and tardiness in the delivery of seeds are obstacles delay- ing this program. Goering - called last winter the "longest, worst and most stubborn in more than a hundred years" and ac- knowledged that spring farm work was "later than usual." In addition to the extreme tem- peratures and late thaw, fertilizer deliveries were delayed during the winter because transportation facili- ties were tied up with war traffic. German farm experts said that the phosphorous fertilizer available was only 33 per cent of the amount used in 1933 and that nitrogen supplies were only 76 per cent of the amount distributed in 1938-1939. The most serious difficulty, how- ever, appears to be the shortage of labor and German sources estimated that at least 600,000 laborers were needed. Already 1,000,000 of the 2,100,000 foreign workers in Germany are employed on farms and in for- estry projects. In addition, 800,000 prisoners of war are used in agri- culture. Farm labor is not at its full effi- ciency because, according to German figures, 53 per cent of the workers in farming and forestry are women, many of whom work in the fields only part time. SENIORS! Order your Subscription for the Michigan Alumnus NOW $2.00 for 1 year 2' RICHARD G. MASSOCK Ti:ese two veteran war corres- rondents were interned when the Axis Powers declared war. Arriv- ing at Libon en route home they tell amazing stories of what's hap- pening on the inside of the Axis. Masseck describes a war-weary Italian people in vivid detail while Steinkopf writes of "spiritually prostrate" Franee through which he journeyed. to scare us with a demonstration of German military power. All contacts with the French were fleeting and furtive or casual. Citi- zens obviously were suspicious of strangers, but the impression was that France was thoroughly unhappy, yet could do little against the Nazi domination. Some Frenchmen said, however, that opposition still was keenly alive around St. Nazaire, where fighting continued -bitterly for some days after a recent British com- mando landing. At Hendaye the party changed from the cramped German train to wide-gauge Spanish cars. The Ges- tapo uniforms diappeared, the black- out was lifted, and meals trebled in size and quality. - -- --- Shorthand and Typewriting FOR COLLEGE PEOPLE A special intensive streamlined SUMMER COURSE in SHORTHAND and TYPEWRITING, arranged to meet our present emergency, will commence June 15 and continue for twelve weeks. Send for information. 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