fTSDAY, M4fAV19, 1942 THlE MICHIGAN DAiLY rAGE I4ME Plans Outlined WAA Had Humble For Orientation As Athletic Commit Start In 1893 tee Of League I Summer Program Discussed At League Meeting Yesterday At a meeting held in the Kalama- zoo Room of the League at 5 p.m. yesterday, plans were outlined for summer orientation by Virginia Cap- ron, '43, chairman of the freshman program, and Gloria Donen, '43, transfer chairman. Beginning at 10 p.m. June 10, the transfers will have their first meet- ing in the Kalamazoo Room of the League while the freshman program begins the same day at 12:30 p.m. Because only a small group of transfers are expected to enroll here for the Summer Session, a limited program will be in force. Advisers will be stationed in the League all day to answer the questions of the women. If the need arises, they will be organized into groups Freshman orientation for the sum- mer will be similar to that of the fall term. Regular groups will be headed by advisers. They will take the new students on tours of the campus, answer problems, and help in regis- tration. The program will last from June 10 through June 15. Advisers have not yet been chosen, but many of them will be picked from the list al- ready appointed for the fall. Alpha Sigma Phi recently elected their officers for the coming year. John Averill, '43A, was elected presi- dent; Robert Yoder, '43A, vice-presi- dent; John Erpelding, '43, treasurer; George Wolf, '45, secretary; Lincoln Aldridge, '44E, corresponding secre- tary, and James Conquillard, '45A, custodian. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 4) The Hopwood Lecture: Mr. John Crewes Ransom, author, and editor of the "Kenyon Review," will give the Hopwood Lecture today at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Lecture Hall. An- nouncement will also be made of major and minor Hopwood Prizes for 1941-42. Events Today The Romance Language Journal Club will hold its final meeting for the year today at 4:15 p.m. in the East Conference Room of the Rack- ham Building, Professor C. P. Wagner will speak on, "Some Oriental Sources and An- alogs of the Caballero Cifar." The chairman for next year will be elected. Graduate students and others in- terested are invited. Christian Science Organization will meet tonight at 8:15 in the chapel of the Michigan League. Dramatic Season: "Petticoat Fev- er," starring Michael Whalen and Madge Evans, opens tonight at the Mendelssohn Theatre. Matinees will be on Thursday and Saturday at 3:15; evening performances tonight through Saturday at 8:30. Tickets for all performances are on sale at the theatre box office. Dramatic Season Ushers: There are still a few openings for ushers for Thursday and Saturday matinees. Those interested get in touch with me as soon as possible. Helen Manchester Coming Events Choral Evensong: The Senior Choir of the First Methodist Church will present a Choral Evensong on Sun- day evening, May 24, at 8 o'clock in the Sanctuary. Guests on the pro- gram will be the Slauson School Chorus, directed by Miss Roxy Cowin. and Emily Mutter Adams, Detroit violinist. Mary Porter Gwin is the organist and Hardin Van Deursen is the director. The public is cordi- ally invited. .. By PHYLLIS PRESENT Beginning as an athletic committee of the League in 1893 with basketball the only sport, the Women's Athletic Association has grown into an or- ganization with membership auto- matically open to every woman on campus, with a fine building of its own and with facilities for some 15 sports. Most of the present activities of the WAA have an evolutionary his- tory. Lantern Night grew out of a pageant and a field day and last year's "Michelodeon" was the result of a Penny Carnival staged in 1935. Broke With League In 1906 the organization broke with the League and continued on its own. Basketball games were still the main attraction and admission was charged to attend the games. All meetings of the executive board and other committees were held at Bar- bour gym, while the Palmer Field "little white house," which is still be- ing used, served to house equipment and as an escape from sudden down- pours. Pins designed of an "M" super- imposed on "WAA" were sported by the members of the organization, which had a closed membership. Numeral sweaters were awarded to those achieving 100 points. Lantern Night Originated A reaffiliation with the League came in 1910, and Lantern Night or- iginated about five years later. A final break with a new constitution came about during 1916. At that time eight sports were being offered, in- cluding golf and riding. The first' Engagements Are Announced Over Week-End The engagement of Doris Rogers, '44, daughter of Mr. Dorman L. Rog- ers of Saline, to Theodore Williams Hart, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Hart of Detroit, was announced Sat- urday at a tea given in the Ethel Fountain Hussey Lounge of the League. No date has been set for the wedding. Both Miss Rogers and Mr. Hart at- tended Michigan State College, where the latter was a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity. Miss Rog- ers transferred to the University this year and is a Delta Gamma pledge. Mr. and Mrs. Fra k Quisenberry Rioux of Detroit have announced the engagement of their daughter, Mary Audrey, '43, to 2nd Lieut. Irl D'Arcy Brent II, son of Lieut.-Col. and Mrs. I. D. Brent of Detroit. The date for the wedding has not yet been set. Second Lieutenant Brent is now stationed at Fort Knox, Ky. While attending the University he was a member of the Union Executive Council, Scabbard and Blade, and took part in the Union Opera. He is affiliated with Theta Delta Chi. formal installation of WAA Board of- ficers was a highlight of 1918. In this same year, WAA decided to become affiliated with the Athletic Conference of American College Wo- men, and tennis tournaments with j the Michigan Agricultural College were dispensed with as intercollegiate competition was against the princi- ples of the national organization. In 1921, rifle courses were added, and swimming became one of the many sports offered. Cooperation be- tween the association and the de- partment of Physical Education came about at this time, and Dr. Margaret Bell became a strong assistant in the activities of WAA. It was through her help that the organization suc- ceeded in getting a regular incomeS for WAA from the Palmer Field Fund. WAB Completed Banner year was 1927, when * the W.A.B. at Palmer Field was com- pleted. With new energy the organ- ization then began to undertake sev- eral projects. Freshman playday and fashion show during orientation week became one of the big events. Even before that, WAA handbooks were printed and distributed to freshman during registration. The outstanding event of 1929 was the National A.C.A.C.W. Conference held April 24, in Ann Arbor. The University WAA played host to 300 delegates from 35 states. Open membership, making every woman in the University automati- cally an inactive member, finally came about in 1930. Active member- ship in the association was still lim- ited, due to the fact that 5 points and dues were required for this. House Zoning Instituted League house zoning took place soon after, and Installation banquet in conjunction with the League be- came part of the WAA tradition in 1933. Lantern Night, which has been an event every year since 1915, is now the biggest and most tradition- ally developed of all WAA activities. The well-known drive for funds to build a women's swimming pool be- gan in 1936, and is one of the main projects of the WAA at the present time. However, even during the war period, work on the project will not be terminated, although other im- portant projects will also be stressed. For during this time, the WAA real- izes its importance in building up the endurance of the women of the University. War Poster Display To Be Held In Dorm An exhibition of war posters of the United Nations is on display in the Winchell House lounge, where it was placed for a tea entertaining the faculty on Sunday, May 17. Originals sent from Russia are fea- tured in the display which is the be- ginning of a collection of current war posters. The exhibition will be continued for ja few days with the exception of some pieces. It will then be put on display in the library. Rates 'A' For Finals : C * ,'*/ 3 a I s r r - Crisp Dress Is Morale-Lifter Morale will be at its lowest ebb around campus for the next week or so; at least after you come out of that first final, things will look plen- ty black. The sun won't really shine for you until you leave the last blue book, but measures can be taken to pick up your spirits in spite of the semester end. A cool, crisp cotton dress and a fresh sprig of flowers in your hair will give you extra confidence when you face your prof on Wednesday morning. The classic shirt-waist with buttons down the front is a perennial favorite for college women who wish to look neat and business- like as well as charming. White Gold Is Stolen CHICAGO, May 18.--V-A bot- tling company complained today, with all the indignation the circum- stances impelled, that timely thieves had stolen 22,700 pounds of sugar during the weekend. WAA To Hold Fashion Show Board Plans Sports Review For Freshman Women Sept. 30 Plans for the WAA "Fashion Show and Sports Demonstration" for freshmen, to be held Wednesday, Sept. 30, at Palmer Field, are now being made by the WAA Board. Clothes for all sports, date dresses, campus wear and defense -iotk will be modeled, according to Esther Stev- ens, '44. Sports managers of the WAA Board will be the mannequins for the sports clothes, and women on campus will be asked to model the various other outfits. Dr. Margaret Bell, head of the Physical Education Department for women and Nancy Filstrup, '43, presi- dent of the WAA, will speak to the freshman group over a public address system. Following this, demonstrations of the sports offered by the Physical Education.Department and the WAA will be presented on Palmer Field. The various demonstrations will be planned by the following people: Betty Hagan, '44, archery; Marjorie Giefel, '44, badminton, and Barbara Wallace, '45, golf. Continuing the list of sports man- agers are Nancy Bercaw, '43, field hockey; Dorothy Lundstrom, '45, out- door sports; Sybil Graham, '44, rid- ing: Helen Clarke, '43, softball; and Josephine Lloyd, '44.-tennis. Enlisting Of Women In New Army Unit Opposed By Bishop FALL RIVER, Mass.--(/)-Bishop James E. Cassidy of the Fall River diocese today stood opposed to en- listment of women in the armed forces of the United States. Attacking the newly passed bill for a women's auxiliary Army corps, Bishop Cassidy told a congregation at confirmation ceremonies in St. Patrick's cathedral yesterday that he hoped no Catholic woman would join the corps. He declared the corps was opposed by teachings and principles of the Cathohc Church. Order your Subscription Michigan Alumnus NOW Bicycles For Adults To Be Rationed Soon WASHINGTON. -(/P)- The gov- ernment will begin rationing bicy- cles in about three weeks, the Office of Price Administration announced over the weekend. At the same time, OPA amended its orders freezing bicycle sales to permit manufacturers to ship to dis- tributors in preparation for rationing. Children's bicycles were not affect- ed by the freeze and will not be ra- tioned. All dealers, distributors and manu- facturers are required to report their inventories, as of May 8, to OPA's inventory unit in New York. Buffaloes Roam Again In Montana EKALAKA, Mont.-IP)--Nine un- invited buffaloes roaming this south- eastern Montana range basin have brought a major mystery and a lot of crop damage. Everybody thought the last buf- faloes-in this area were exterminated 50 years ago. The only known sur- vivors were in a protected herd at Miles City, but a check showed this herd intact. But wherever they came from the intruders are making themselves at home, ripping out fences if necessary to get to more luscious crops. I Graduation Gifts NECKWEAR--- Frilly and Plain. $1.00 -$2.00 J EWE LRY- -Hand-made sterling sihvcr, .$1.00 and up 4 )" t"?.a r $' .1 {j \ LINGERIE Slips - $1.98 and up. KAYSER HOSE GLOVES- Nylon ,loves. $1.00. HANKIES- 25c and up 7 ) I 1 SouTHSTATE STREE.r OPen iuitil 6:00 $200 for 1 ycar I, - l~J L! ~- in 1 6:7_ { . N 1 LIQ 4 rt o0 . 0r+ i :x r -' V °d0 ib a J -" ; \\ L i:.: YY// ,. r, o :.: V f A° 4 s Y ., j _ ,. 1 0 OL at- )Q 1 C ,B *i cu r uo ill callIs for QI dsress t Stay on Sthe* /5 Fl> nAI WHITE! WHITE with COLOR or AM DTRMIcm See torn owf -,, 49 and r' seen Y, Vv lp cend Mcr no,e EI ltd ,-\ i ' ' r .__ i ... ' i I I ' I ' ' ;$ s' { ... (c1 Ic1 (I I j i tf I= uI Iy e- Uaryivdy Dotted Swiss Wf fC ClI Pique Printed Linen .1 IcK) kf 2 295 w ,, ' f"'a SOME ca11re ewomen tiro gettinga side tracked in trivial jnbs. Others smarter and just as patriotic are staying on the main line -- via Kath. ain? Gibbs secretarial training - to key positions where their college education is of practical daily value in the victory effort. Never enough college women with Gibbs training to meet the demand! * College candidates have choice of Special Course for College Women or Optional (shorter) Course. 0 ..- ...o.,,m,,,nm r nenina 1y 6 pocrltlii/y /()sU' ('11'cry 1/Hay spu;jxoscd by /ihc Iri~alu'l Sc asot. March price level now in effect. i I ii L ,{ --....... ,.- w,-- I