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May 19, 1942 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-05-19

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IMS$DAX , MAY,. 19~, 191

lp, Alr4l-gatt atlq


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
It or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein aso reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc-
, Colkze Pvblishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42
Editorial Staff

Homer Swander
Morton Mintz .
Will Sapp
Charles Thatcher
George W. Sallad6
Bernard Hendel
Myron Dann.
Barbara deFries

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. . . . City Editor
. . . Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
. . . Women's Editor

Business Staff
Edward J.~Periberg . . . Business Manager
Pred M. Ginsberg.. Associate Business Manager
Mary Lou Curran Women's Business Manager
Jane Lindberg . . Women's Advertising Manager
James Daniels . . Publications Sales Analyst
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers only.
A Tribute
to Prof. Sunderlatid . .
social and political progress, can
only be established by unrelenting vigilance, per-
severance and idealism. Such traditions have
grown with the University's student publica-
tions, from their earliest days in the back rooms
of professional printing shops to their present
maturity in the most thoroughly equipped and
modern student publications building in the na-
During the past 25 years, the Michiganensian
has developed into the only college yearbook
with an all-student business, art and editorial
staff. and has been awarded many first-class
ratings by the National Scholastic Press Asso-
During the past 25 years, the Gargoyle has
become nationally known as the best illustrated
of collegiate humor magazines.
During the past 25 years, Perspectives has
come to rank with the best in literary magazines.
During the past 25 years, the The Michigan
Daily has been recognized as the outstanding
college newspaper. It has won the highest
awards of Sigma Delta Chi, national professional
journalism fraternity, and the Pacemaker Rat-
ing, highest award given by the Associated Col-
legiate Press.
These records sta'nd as testimony not only to
our traditions, but indeed as a tribute to the
quarter-century of invaluable service of one
man-Prof. Edson R. Sunderland. It is his name
that will always be synonomous with these years
of growth through guidance-guidance achieved
only by Professor Sunderland's unstinting inter-

WASHINGTON-John L. Lewis has set the
stage for his long expected blow-up with Phil
Murray and the CIO.
That's the real purpose behind the special
United Mine Worker Policy Committee meeting
next Monday. Lewis' announcement said the
pow-wow would consider vacation and other
war problems affecting the union. But that
was only window dressing.
Lewis secretly has far more important business
up his sleeve. He's bent on venting his fury on
Murray and the CIO.
Inside word is that charges of disruption, dis-
loyalty, etc. will be placed against Murray before
the Policy Committee-which is made up over-
whelmingly of hand-picked Lewis henchmen.
Also that a long list of complaints will be made
against the CIO.
Purpose of the two moves will be to lay the
foundation for ousting Murray as UMW ,vice-
president and for withdrawing the UMW from
the CIO.
Murray Supporters
Murray plans to attend the meeting. So does
Van A. Bittner, head of UMW District 17, and
Pat Fagin, head of UMW District 5, both staunch
Murray friends.
Bittner has been in Lewis' bad books since
the West Virginian refused to knuckle down
and go along with Lewis when he bolted to
Wendell Willkie. Several months ago, at a UMW
Executive Board meeting, Lewis instigated an
investigation of Bittner by a hand-picked com-
mittee. Nothing more has been heard of this
maneuver, but it is expected to pop up again at
the Monday conference.
Bittner and Fagin are tough fighters and
veterans of many union wars. With any kind of
a chance, they'll give Lewis plenty battle for
his money.
Divided Counsl
But the big question is what kind of a chaince
Murray and his backers will have.
To begin with, the Policy Committee is stacked
overwhelming against them. Most of the mem-
bers owe their good-paying jobs to Lewis and
as he has long demonstrated, he is absolutely
ruthless with those beholden to him who don't
do his bidding.
Secondly, there is a division of views within
the Murray camp on the course he should pursue.
Some are advising that he go before the Com-
mittee with a blasting denunciation of Lewis
and then resign. Others are urging that he de-
nounce Lewis, but stick it out and defy him.
These advisers contend that for Murray to
resign would be playing squarely into Lewis'
hands: enable him to make the claim that
Murray didn't dare face a showdown. On the
other hand, by meeting Lewis head on, it is
argued, Murray would force Lewis to carry the
fight to the UMW rank and file, to whom the
miner chief would have to justify his isolation-
ism, his attacks on Roosevelt, and his recent
attempts to raid other unions.
What Murray will do is his secret. But if
Lewis starts anything, the fur will fly hot and
Note: Government authorities view the dis-
turbed internal UMW situation with concern.
They fear that if the fight goes to the rank and
file, which is tough, independent and battle-
scarred, the battling may seriously retard coal
production. Authorities are 100 percent behind
Murray and if he needs any help he'll get all he
asks for-and then some.
(:ivet Of W Firds
South Carolina's crusty Senator "Cotton Ed"
Smith has a little routine he invariably goes
through when he enters the special elevator
reserved for senators in the Capitol
If ie wants to go to the Senate restaurant, 1e
directs the elevator operator, "Let me off at the
feed trough." If Smith is headed for the Senate
chamber he says, "Take me to the cave of the

Note: Smith's pat description of the Senate
comes very fittingly from him. He is one of the
long-winded and bellow-voiced members of the
NYVA-CC'C (<insolidviohn
'1'i o lriii c'umsi i( red I('( :il;olidatiol of the Na-
fiol~l 'ouUf.h Adiiiin:i::ra tion and the C(C is
4 1o))1 It 0 hke place.
Federal Security Administrator Paul McNutt

has approved the plan and an executive order
has been prepared for the President's signature.
Roosevelt has been in favor of the consolidation
for a long time.
Likely head of the combined agency is Aubrey
Williams, able and popular NYA director.
A veteran Administrationite and one of the
most efficient executives in Washington, Wil-
liams has powerful backing for the job on Capi-
tol Hill from both Republicans and Democrats.
One of the remarkable things about Williams is
that although he is a staunch New Dealer, some
of his strongest boosters are old-time Republi-
One thing that impressed Peruvian President
Manuel Prado during his visit to the Capitol
was the linguistic talent of the legislators.
Twenty-seven House members addressed the
Peruvian chief in Spanish when they filed by to
shake his hand. One member who proved him-
self especially adept was Representative Richard
M. Kleberg of Texas.
Prado also showed himself an able linguist.
In addition to speaking English fluently, he re-
plied easily in French when Representative Aime
J. Forand of Rhode Island addressed him in that
Later, the Peruvian grinningly told House
leaders: "Had I known there were so many Rep-
resentatives who would have understood, I would
have delivered my speech in Spanish."
To the Editor:
The recent announcement that Ted Weems
and his orchestra will play for the Senior Ball
leaves only the conclusion that a substantial
refund should be paid to ticket holders. It is
doubtless safe to say that those who paid four
dollars for tickets expended that money in ex-
pectation that the band would be of the calibre
of Glenn Miller, Harry James or Benny Good-
man, bands which were voted upon during the
ticket sale.
But to foist on the students a band of no more
quality than has red Weems for the price of
Glenn Miller is not fair exchange. Surely Weems
is no, better than some of the bands which play
for the two-dollar dances held at the Union
where the ticket sales have to be limited to
something like 300 instead of 1,250.
Whoever is responsible for the dilly-dallying
in hiring bands should discover that top-notch
bands cannot. be secured only two weeks in ad-
vance. The date of the Senior Ball was known
in February and that was the time to make ar-
rangements for a good band. Surely past ex-
perience at the Senior Ball shows that chances
of financial loss are hardly feasible. Also, the
competition for orchestras by colleges through-
out the nation during the last part of May and
the early weeks in June forces a dance commit
tee to make arrangements early if the party is
to have outstanding music.
We regret that the last dance of the 1941-42
year will wind up on such a sour note,
Gene Gilmore, '42
John Friel, '44
A. S. Buchberg, Grad,
Don Westfall, '43
Mate by ad(Ii(
L AST WEEK the luisitut for Educa-
tion by Radio held its annual ses-
sion at Columbus. O. There were plenty of top-
ics and problemls discussed but there was one
question that was especially prominent. It was
the query, "Should Americans be made to hate?

And if so, should they just hate the enemy gov-
ernments or the enemy people individually?'
Today we are fighting another war for democ-.
racy. We are fighting the German, Italian-and
,Japa miese governments, their principles and
ideals, It is not I e citizens of these countries
we :re1 ighllini.. Yet it 5L'Psi15 that American
10, I'wslfi s a lcinemai are all trying to
:iut ill a hate lo'r prol lr hir : il 1.
'I'llw' elfect, of , his poFga-la u ay show ef-
ct hfvorable toI tc1 goveruujmteit noW titu t what
will effect be on the post-war peace? Surely
it will not be pleasant.
F hate for individuals is instilled in people to-
day there is little hope for a long post-war
lcace. If parents are taught to hate now, their
children will go O l hating in the future.
It is not the Jal ese fa rmer we 1hate but the
,Japanese governmnent, its imperialism and ideals.
Nor is it, the German scientist, composer or art-
ist; we despise but rather the Nazi government
and its principles.
Rev. Edward J. Flanagan, the Father Flana-
gan of Boys' Town, has denounced the hating of

(Contnucd from Pag 2)
Junior class, May 26, at 12 noon
Senior class, May 23, at 5 p.m.
College of Architecture:
All Classes, May 26 at 12 noon
School of Business Administration:
All Classes, May 26, at 12 noon
School of Education:
All Classes, May 26, at 12 noon
College of Engineering:
All Classes, May 26, at 12 noon
School of Forestry:
All Classes, May 26, at 12 noon
Graduate School:
All classes, May 26, at 12 noon
College of L., S., & A.:
All classes, May 26, at 12 noon
School of Music:
All classes, May 26, at 12 noon
College of Pharmacy:
All classes, May 26, at 12 noon
Office of the Dean of Students
All Students, Registration for Sum-
mer Term: Each student should plan
to register for himself in the gym-
nasium during the appointed hours.
Registration by proxy will not be
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar
Registration Material: College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts;
School of Education; School of Music;
School of Public Health. Students
sould call for summer registration
materials at Room 4, University Hall,
as soon as possible. Please see your
adviser and secure all necessary sig-
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar
Registration Material: College of
Architectur and Design. Students
should call for surmer registration
materials at Room 4, University Hall,
as soon as possible. An announce-
ment will be made in the near future
by the College giving the time of
conferences with the classifiers.,
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar.
All contestants for Ilopwood prizes
are requested to call for their manu-
scripts at the Hopwood Room Wed-
nesday afternoon, May 20, or Thurs-
day morning, May 21. Copies of the
judges' comments on individual man-
uscripts may be obtained at the desk
R. W. Cowden,
Director of the Hopwood Awards
All students who have won Hop-
wood prizes will be notified before
Tuesday noon.
R. W. Cowden,
Director of the Hiopwood Awards
Freshmen and Sophomores, College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
Students who will have freshman or
sophomore standing at the end of the
present semester and who plan to re
turn either for the summer term or
the fall term should have their elec-
tions approved for the next semester
that they expect to be in residence,
as soon as possible. There will be
little or no time to sign up returning
students during the registration peri-
ods preceding either of these semes-
ters, so it is strongly urged that this
be taken care of now. You may
make an appointment with your
counselor by telephoning Extension
613 or by calling at the Office of the
Academic Counselors, 108 Mason
Arthur Van Iuren, Chairman,
Academic (ounselors.
All students who expect to become
candidates for a Teacher's Certificate
in January, May, or August 1943
should call at the office of the School
of Education for an application blank
for admission to candidacy for the
teacher's certificate, which is to be
returned by Monday, May 25.

M edic l T~tIfi e'chn~cic iU :
A liii L(t number of i aboratoiy
I'ra ining 'ellowships of t(e W. K.
JKellogrg Foundation, aying $62.50
per montIh, are now available to qual-
ified senior and gra duuate women to
c nable them to co1plete their traill-
ing in an approved hospil al. Further
information andtl a pplication blanks
may be secured at the Office of the
Department of Zoology, room 30891
N.S. (. R. LaRue.
Men Students: Fifteen men are
needed to dist ribute comnlnlcemiellt
prograins in Yost Fieldtf Ilouse on May
30, 1942. Anyone int e'reste(I should
cull 1t 1te iReg istrar's Office, l oom
4 tll1.
Phi jIi Ia pla: tuy: ;m y le
nbt;ini ;e at othi o ' ft r;eict rr lvry, ( >
:('J~a torly. oil WV(' ;lay azl Ilitus-
day of thils week.
Life Saving for Women: Those
students who have not called for cer-
tificates or badges arme urged to do
so at once, at Roon i 15Barbour
The lniiversity Kureinur o Appoiiti
inmnts has received the fotlowitg in-
formation co)lcerning United Sta e
Civil Service Examinaimons.
Amendment to Alnrounemntlt, No
133 of 1941 (Unassembled), closing
receipt of applications from men and
extending the period for women for:
Technical and Scientific Aid, $1,440
Lo $2,00 (losing date for men will

". .. And to our new workers all we ask is that you give these ma-
chines the same serious, concentrated, all-out attention you would
a slot machine!"


By Lichty

nounced. Announcement amended
to allow those enrolled or who have
completed a course in engineering
drafting under the Federal Office of
Education Defense Training Program
to apply.
Amendment to Announcement No.
219 (Unassembled): Junior Chemist,
$2,000. Closing date for men will be
June 1, 1942. Applications from wo-
men will be accepted until all posi-
tions filled.
Further information may be ob-
tained from the notices which are
on file in the office of the Bureau
of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall,
office hours 9-12 and 2-4.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information.
A c demic Notices
Ihistory 120 Final Examination will
be given Wednesday, May 20, 8-10
a.m.; Room 215, Angell Hall,
Mathematics 6 (Prof. Anning) will
have its final examination in Room
1042 East Engineering Building on
Saturday, May 23, 10:30-12:30.
lygiiene 101: The final examina-
tion for the 8:00 o'clock Monday,
Wednesday and Friday Section of
Hygiene 101 will be held Friday,
May 22, from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
in Room No. 35 of Angell Hall, in-
stead of the Health Service Lecture
Education C1 Final Examination:
Tuesday, May 26, from 2:00-4:00 p.m.
Ioom Assignments, German 1, 2,
31, 32: Friday, May 22, 1942, 10:30-
German I. All Sections: 101 Eco-
nomics Building.
German 2. Pott, Diamond, Philipp-
son: 25 Angell Hall. Ebelke, Winkel-
man, Willey: C Haven Hall. Van
Duren. Gaiss: D Haven Hall.
German 31. All Sections: 1035 An-
ge11 Hall.
(German 32, Van Duren: D Haven
1:all. Wahr: 301 U. Hall. Eaton: 306
U. Hall. Diamond, Graf: 2225 An-
gell Hall.
Room Assignmeiits for Finals in
Mathematics, College of.L.S. and A.:
The following classes will have their
examinations in the rooms specified.
All others will meet in their regular
Math. 7, Sec. 2, Raiford, 18 Angell
Math. 7. See. :, Stabler, 2203 An-
gell all.
Math. 1 1~ . 1, Elder. 2029 Angell
Math. 12, Sec. . Beckenbach, 18
Angell H-ail.
Math, 12, Sec. 5, Myers, 2219 An-
gell Hall.
Math. 13, Sec. . Myers. 229 Angell

Make-up examination, for unavoid-
able examination conflicts only, will
be given Friday, May 22, 7-9 p.m.,
in Rooms 25 A.H. and 1025 A.H.
Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex-
amination: All students expecting to
elect directed teaching (Educ D100)
next semester are required to pass a
qualifying examination in the sub-
ject which they expect to teach. This
examination will be given again on
Saturday, October 3, at 1 o'clock.
Students will meet in the auditorium
of the University High School.
Defense training course for women
in Surveying, Mapping and Photog-
rametry: A thirteen-week E.M.S.D.T.
course will be given at the Univer-
sity beginning July 6 to train women
for U.S. Government positions as En-
gineering Aid, Photogrametric and
Topographic option. Civil Service
positions beginning at $1,440 to $1,800
per year are assured to those suc-
cessfully completing the course. En-
trance requirements are two years of
college training with major study in
engineering, architecture, physics,
chemistry, mathematics, forestry, or
geology. Three and one-half years
of college study in any other field
will be accepted if the applicant has
had trigonometry in high school or
college. Further information may be
obtained from Miss Ethel A. McCor-
imick, Michigan League.
The University Musical Society an-
nounces the following concerts for
Choral Union Series:
October 20, Don Cossack Chorus,
Serge Jaroff, Conductor.
October 29, Gladys Swarthout,
November 8, Cleveland Orchestra,
Artur Rodzinski, Conductor.
November 19, Albert Spalding, Vio-
December 3, Artur Schnabel, Pian-
December 9, Boston Symphony Or-
chestra, Serge Koussevitzky, Conduc-
January 18, Josef Hofmann, Pian-
February 16, Jascha Heifetz, Viol-
March 2, Detroit Symphony Or-
chestra, Sir Thomas Beecham, Guest
March 17, Nelson Eddy, Baritone.
Golden Jubilee May Festival:
May 5, 6, 7, 8, 1943. Six Concerts.
The Philadelphia Orchestra; Uni-
versity Choral Union, the Youth Fes-
ival Chorus, and soloists
Handel's~'"Messiah." December 13.
Choral Union, University Orchestra
and soloists, December 13.
Third Annual Chamber Music Fes-
tival. The Roth String Quartet, three
concerts, January 22 and 23.
Alec Templeton, Pianist, Febru-
ary 25.
Charles A. Sink, President
Student Kecital: John Wheeler, a
pupil of Palmer Christian, and ac-
onmnpanist for the Men's Glee Club
and Choral Union, will present an or-
gan recital in Hi1 Auditorium at 8:30
tonight. His program will include
works by Frescobaldi. Bach, Franck
and Sowerby.
The public is cordially invited.
The regular Tuesday Evening rec-
ord concert in the Men's Lounge of
the Rackham Building will be discon-
tinued until after the examination
Thirteenth Annual Exhibition of
Sculpture in the Concourse of the
Michigan League Building. Open
daily until after Commencement.

est, a keen intelligence
Emile Gele
Alvin Dann
David Lachenbru
Daniel Huyett
James Collins
Jay McCormick
Gerald Burns

and matchless devotion.
Uomer Swander
Morton Mintz
clh Will Sapp
Edward Perlberg
Fred Ginsberg
Charles Thatcher
George Sallad6

. .. ... - ------ - -

The Norwegian legation in Washington points
out that students have joined their teachemrs in
resisting Nazi domination; a case in point,. th
"Stavanger incident," When Stavanger' studrl ts
heard their school was to be taken over by Nazi
troops,. they sneaked into the school building.
stripping it of fixtures before the Nazis arrived.


Math. 14,
Math. 14,
Angell Ball.
Math. 47,
h all.
Mat h 5:3,
South W'ij',
Amjigo] hall.

Sec. 2, Elder. 302 Mason
Sec. 3, Copeland, 3011
Sec. 3, .'o, 3003 Angell
hiw. 3. Eilciiberg. 405
;'c. 3, Bradshaw, 3011

Paul 1H. Douglas:Semp. FideiS
PAUL 1. DOUGLAS, private, United States Sacrifice, integrity of imrpose, devotion to a
Marine Corps, has taken the place of Paul H. common cause--all these are matters they do
Douglas, doctor of philosophy, university profes- not comprehend.
sor of economics, 5th Ward alderman, and civic Dr. Douglas believed in a cause a (ase fo
leader. which Pvt. Douglas is willing to fight. Long hew
His enlistment, despite his '0 years of age and fore the war came to this henisphere lIe saw the
his upbringing as a Quaker, presents a strikig menace inherent in tme Fascist philosophy. I
contrast to the sordid stories of selfishness, somght to awaken the Midwest to those dangers.
chiseling and pseudo patriotism which occasion- The war came. Immediately after the fall o
ally crop up, For Paul Douglas sought neither a France he tried to enlist but was rejected o
soft billet in the armed forces, a desk job with account of his age. Some people thought he


Ilis tory 50: Final exarnina tori, Sat-
urday, May 23, 8-10. Adams to Loud,
B, Haven Hall. Luckham to Zahn,
101 Economics Building.
V. W. Crane
Iinal ExaIination, EVIghlish I anid
11, Wednuesday, May 20, 8-10 a.m., as
English I
Arthos, 3 All: Bacon, 35 All; Cal-
ver, 406 MH; ['cake, 35 All.
English II
Bader, 201 UH; Baum, W Phys Lee;
Bertram, W Phys Lee; Boys, W Phys
Lee; Copple, W Phys Lec; Engel, 305
SW: Everett.1025All: Fast.102

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