A Tribute
To Prof. Sunderlandm.
VOL. LIT. No. 174
Smith Paces
M' Linksmen
To Half way,
Big Ten Lead
Blazin' Ben's 146 Snares
Day's Individual Honors;,
Wolverines Hold Stroke
Margin Over Ohio State
Nine Takes Two
At Chicago, 16-1, 3-1
Michigan's hopes for a Western
Conference golf title glimmered faint-
ly, then shone brighter as Ben Smith
and company led Ohio State, the
pre-meet favorites, by one stroke at
the halfway mark yesterday in the
23rd annual Big Ten tournament.
At the end of the morning 18 hole
round on the University course, it
was found that a darkhorse contin-
gent from Minnesota was ahead with
, tour man total of 308, while the
Varsity and the Buckeyes were a
close second with 309 each But the
Golden Gophers faded to third as
the Maize and Blue squad surged to
the front on the strength of Ben
Smith's second 18 hole score of 71,
the lowest of the day, to give the
Wolverines 612 strokes while the Col-
umbus lads had 613.
One Under Par
Not only did Smith turn in a one
under par second round for the low
18 hole medal score, but at the end
of the day's proceedings he was lead-
ing the field for individual honors
with a total of 146. The Maize and
Blue ace, still playing with a heavily
taped shoulder, carded 36-39-75 in
the morning to land in third place
behind McCarthy of Illinois and
Spero Daltas of Minnesota who shot
73 and 74, respectively. Then in the
the afternoon, Smith came blazing
back to tally a 36 on the first nine
and a 35 on the back nine to come
home with a 71.
Daltas, McCarthy Trail
Smith's total, one less than Daltas,
and McCarthy who had 147, might
haver been even lower had he not
three-putted the last green in the
afternoon. Behind the three individ-
.lleders were ilini captain, Jonn-
ny Holmstrod with 148, and John
Krisko and John Lorms of Ohio State
who carded 149 and 150.
Minnesota's third place total was
619. while Northwestern landed one
position behind with 625. The Wild-
cats were spark-plugged by sopho-
more Johnny Stoltz, who carded 155
as Dick Haskell, one of the favorites
Turn to Page 3, Corl. 1
Nine Takes Two
At Chicago, 16-1, 3-1
Special to The Daily
CHICAGO, Ill., May 18.-Michi-
gan's sensational baseball team con-
tinued , to sweep all competition in
sight as they beat the University of
Chicago nine in both ends of a double
header 16-1 and 3-1.
Today's victories gave the Varsity
its second double win in three days
and if the Wolverines can beat Ohio
State May 29-30 in one of the two
games scheduled they will be assured
of at least a tie or the Big Ten
The ptiching in today's games was
every bit as good as the hurling in
the Illini series. Bill Cain was on
the mound for Michigan in the open-
er and held the hapless Maroons to
three hits and one unearned run,
while Dick Savage and Mickey Fish-
man hurled the nightcap and allowed
but five hits and a lone marker.
In the first game the Wolverines
unleashed a 20-hit barrage that made
the Battle of Bunker Hill look like
a board of directors' meeting.
By winning the opener Cain re-
ceived credit for his first Confer-
ence win and displayed enough ability
to make himself a sure winner next
The Varsity really had to play
Turn to Page 3, Col. 2
Course Evaluations
Will Be Featured
In Technic Today
The year's largest issue of Technic,
official engineering college magazine,
will come out today chock full of
illustrations together with a special
article by editor Wiiam W. Hutcher-
son, '43E, showing the results of a
recent faculty evaluation survey.
This article, entitled "Your Grade,
Professor," is in accord with the
magazine's new policy of having fac-
Broach Workers Stage
Wildcat Protest Strike
American Armored Force
One-Third Of Night Shift Walks Out
Against 'Unbearable Treatment' By.
In Complaint
A "wildcat" strike called out 13 men from the night shift at the Ameri-
can Broach and Machine Co. late last night in protest against what work-
ers called "discrimination, riding, and unfair treatment."
Workers were unanimous in hoping that the Government would take over1
the plant. According to Al Eckerle, surface finisher, "If the Army takes
over, we'll say nothing and work as hard as we can and we want a 24-hour
day. We would be damn poor Americans if we didn't."
The State Mediation Board was notified, and a call was made to the War
Labor Board at Washington shortly after the strike.
The workers walked out, demanding that "American Broach recognize
--<:, the USA," without authorization and
against the protests of Edwin Hills,
Captais international representative of the
UAW-CIO, who nevertheless said
^.rthat "we must look at this not as a
- 'strike, but as a protest against intol-
eiable management."
According to Robert Ferri, com-
pany foreman, "the workers pre-
sented no demands. They just walked
out turned off their machines and
when I asked them why they just
said they were striking. Other com-
pany officials could not be reached
by press time.
In explaining his inability to pre-
vent the strike, Hills asserted that
the company "by intimidating work-
ers and fighting the CIO all the way
has weakened our ability to organize
and control the men."
Chief complaints of the men were
refusals by American Broach to rec-
ognize committees representing the
wrers, to submit disputes to arbi-
tration, and to rehire men fired in
direct violation of commitments
madeat a Washington conference.
. .. :::::<:"But they were unanimous in agree-
ing that if, plant managers had not
"put pressure on the boys, intimi-
dated them and continued to ride
them, there would have been no walk-
.. out."
Turn to Page 2, Col. 2
Joins Already F
Russians Push Toward Kharkov
lo Smash German Tank Army
Nazi Aerial-Land Offensive Checked By
As Soviet Armies Slash Wide Arc In
wrmidable_ Army
Gigantic U.S. Convoy Brings Thousands
of Well Equipped Mechanized Troops,
Bolsters English Invasion Hopes
AEF HEADQUARTERS, Northern Ireland, May 18.--)-Shipload after
shipload of American troops equipped for offensive fighting-thousands of
them with tanks and artillery-have arrived in north Ireland to reinforce
the already big United States force here.
Fit and eager for a scrap, these fighting men came over -as public en-
thusiasm in Britain mounted for a second front against Germany on
the continent.
These tanned combat troops brought an array of power-many tanks
and other equipment-in a fleet of transports and supply ships almost as
vast as the largest convoys of the last war.
They were preceded by other formidable contingents which arrived be-
tween late January and early March.
Reinforcement of the rapidly' expanding American garrison followed
closely the arrival of advance units of a Canadian armored division and
_ thousands more men which the Do-
MOSCOW, Tuesday, May 19.--(P)
- Marshal Semeon Timoshenko's
armies of the south, beating down
and rolling over the teamed attacks
of German tankists and parachutists
of the sort that had run wild in
France, were reported early today to
be still advancing on a 100-mile
arc about Kharkov in the Ukraine.
"During May 18," said the Soviet
command's midnight communique,
"in the Kharkov direction our troops
conducted offensive operations and
Less official information earlier
Editor To Give
Hopwood ''alk,
Prizes Today
Ransom Speech Precedes
Announcing Winners,
John Crowe Ransom, editor of the
"Kenyon Review," will deliver the
eleventh annual Hopwood address at
4:15 p.m. today in the Rackham
Auditorium, as 57 literary hopefuls,
* * *
Awards, Prizes
Feature Annual
Athletic .Dinner
Over 175 residence halls stalwarts
were honored last night in the third
annual Athletic Banquet, held in the
East Quad. Included among the
awards for outstanding participation
in interamural sports were plaques
emblematic of various team cham-
pionships, individual medals for
members of all winning teams, and
medals for all event winners in wrest-
ling and track.
Presiding over the presentation
dinner which featured among its
honored guests former Athletic Di-
rector Fielding H. Yost, swimming
coach Matt Mann, track mentor Ken
Doherty, Dr. George May of the
physical education department, and
many others, was Karl Litzenburg,
Director of Residence Halls. Repre-
senting the Intramural Department
were Assistant Director of Intra-
mural Activities Earl Riskey, Wally
Eblen and A. A. James.
After introducing the guests of the
evening and personally handing out
the year's awards, Litzenburg ex-
pressed his gratification at the num-
ber of dormitory athletes who have
also maintained excellent scholastic
records in the past few years. He
pointed out the necessity for such a
desirable combination at the present
time, and in the immediate future
when we "must be tough and must be
Turn to Page 3, Col. 6
had indicated that Timoshenko's left
was nearing Krasnograd, in an area
about 60 miles southwest of Kharkov,
and that his right was moving up
on that Ukrainian metropolis itself.
On the Kerch Peninsula in the
Crimea, the midnight bulletin re-
ported only a continuation of "stub-
born battles in the region of the town
of Kerch," thus not repeating an ear-
lier statement that some parts of
Kerch itself were in Russian hands.
Before Kharkov, said Russian dis-
patches, the bloodiest and most vio-
lent of German counter-thrusts-
where tanks pulling armored trailers
of infantrymen charged the Soviet
line headlong and parachutists were
dropping in single groups numbering
as high as 120-had everywhere
failed to check Timoshenko's pro-
Every Soviet account indicated
that the German command was hurl-
ing every weapon of its explosive ar-
mory into the supreme defensive
The German High Command con-.
ceded a "desperate" Soviet resistance
on the Kerch Peninsula, but claimed
that the defenders there were 'facing
On the Kharkov front, an after-
noon announcement from Berlin as-,
serted that 324 Russian tanks had
been destroyed since May 12. A num-
ber of successful German counter-
attacks, one of which was said to.
have relieved an encircled German
base, were likewise claimed.
In London, a British military com-
mentator, summing up the general
situation, stated that Timoshenko's
left wing already rested on Krasno-
grad, and that the Russian advance
thus was continuing on a 100-mile
RAF Cripples
Prinz Eugen'
Aerial Torpedoes Smash
Powerful Nazi Cruiser
LONDON, May 18. --(P)- The
powerful 10,000-ton German cruiser
Prinz Eugen was regarded tonight as
knocked out of the vital battle of
the Atlantic perhaps for three months'
by the gaping wounds of two or more
aerial torpedoes driven home before
dusk last night by an RAF fighter-
boxer squadron which caught her
slipping along the Norwegian coast.
Reporting that the aerial striking
force reached Norwegian waters
while it still was light, the Air Min-
istry News Service said "the attack
was pressed home in the teeth of
strenuous opposition from a large
force of enemy fighters and heavy
anti-aircraft fire from ships."
One attacking pilot said he saw a
"great pillar of dirty black smoke"
rise from the superstructure of the
cruiser after he sent his torpedo
New Price Head
David Matthews, '43Ed, of Roy-
al Oak, and Alden 'Jinx' Johnson,
'43, Grand Rapids, have been elect-
ed captains of the track team and
tennis team, respectively, for the
year of 1942-43. Matthews devotes
much of his time to swimming but
is a star trackman. He placed
third in the half-mile at the Big
Ten outdoor track meet at Evans-
ton, Ill.
Johnson had the remarkable
record of winning 25 consecutive
matches, including a Conference
(See Stories on Page 3)
Alfred B. Connable, University
Regent, was sworn in yesterday as
Michigan's State Price Adminis-
trator. He will work directly un-
der Arthur Sarvis, Michigan OPA
director. Taking a leave of absence
from the Detroit Trust Co. where
he is assistant vice-president and
manager of its investment analy-
sis department, Connable will
have his office in the Penobscot
building in Detroit. He accepted
the position following an appoint-
ment from the OPA regional of-
fice in Cleveland. He graduated
from Michigan in 1925 and from
the Harvard School of Business
Administration in 1929.
Landers Named Head
Of Revamped Senate
James J. Landers, '43, of Spring-
field, Mass., was elected president of
the revamped student senate at its
last meeting of the semester.
Reorganized this term into a nine-
man policy-forming branch and a
separate administrative staff, the
new senate will continue its activities
at the start of the summer semester.
The head of the administrative
staff and his associate will be an-
nounced early in the summer term.
minion is contributing to the great
land and air force the Allies are mar-
shaling for liberation of Europe and
Many of the United States soldiers
who swarmed ashore in Ulster were
fromsMidwestern and NorthCentral
states, their ranks stiffened and
smartened by the presences of vet-
erans and members of picked units.
Among them were young, tough
men wearing the newest type combat
nelmet. Scores of them, despite their
youth, already have served in the
Far East.
Both the crossing and landings
were without incident.
Men Arrive Fit
The men arrived fit and the dis-
embarkation, carried out in the great-
est secrecy and security precautions,
was smooth and swift.
The great convoy made up of liners
and one-time fancy cruise ships con-
verted to troop carriers apparently
escaped the enemy's aerial eyes
and the troops quickly, disembarked
to disperse themselves among se-
cluded bases prepared for them
throughout Ulster.
The United States Navy, charged
with the most important Atlantic
convoy job in more than five months
of war, kept intact its record of never
having lost a troopship.
The Army also shared in the praise
for the safety of the troops, for the
guns aboard the transports were
manned by soldiers of the Army's
transport service, and the ship's
crews themselves were civilians.
Finest He's Seen
A British officer, to whom the
operation was an oft-viewed scene,
"This is the finest I've ever seen."
The first enlisted man off the first
ship to arrive in this contingent was
Private Marvin O'Neal who said he
was "an Irishman from South Da-
kota"-the town of Philip.
Irishmen on hand to see the arriv-
als quickly explained that "O'Neil-
and surely O'Neal is just an Ameri-
canization," is a revered name in Ul-
On Northern Ireland's coat of arms
is the red hand of Ulster, the symbol
springing from the legend of the
fighting O'Neil clan.
Allied Bombers
Hit Two Transports
tralia, Tuesday, May 19.--(P)-Allied
bombers struck again yesterday at
Japanese shipping off Koepang, Ti-
mor Island, scoring direct hits and
probably destroying two transports,
General MacArthur's headquarters
said today.
One heavy Japanese bomber was
shot down and probably three others
were destroyed, and three fighter
planes damaged when 34 heavy
bombers and 15 fighter'planes at-
tacked Port Moresby in New Guinea.
Minor damage was caused to the
runways at Port Moresby and one
Allied plane was reported mising, the
communique said.
Emphasizes Grave Peril
Emphasizing anew Australia's
grave peril, Commonwealth leaders
today pictured the Allied victory in
the Coral Sea as only a delaying ac-
tion against a Japanese foe already
reassembling a more powerful in-
vasion force for another thrust in
this direction.
Prime Minister John Curtin him-
self declared that "although I have
no fear of the results," Australians
might soon be meeting "the shock
of war upon their own soil."
Forum Has Stormy Session:
U.S. Housing Consultant Defends
CherryHill Project At Meeting
contestants in this greatest of uni-
versity creative writing competitions,
wait impatiently for announcement
of winners and distribution of $8,000
in prize money.
Ransom, author of "The World's
Body," "Aesthetics and Criticism"
and co-author of "The Intent of the
Critic," has selected for his topic,
"The Primitive Language of Poetry."
The awards, made possible by a
gift of the late playwright Avery
Hopwood, '05, author of "Fair and
Warmer," "The Gold Digger" and
"The Bat," will be given according to
the terms of the bequest, "to students
performing the best creative work in
the fields of dramatic writing, fic-
tion. poetry, and the essay.'"
Journal editors and publishing
houses have been quick to recognize
Hopwood talent, and in recent years
many of the outstanding manuscripts
have been published, foremost among
them "Fireweed," by Mildred Walker,
"The Loon Feather," by Iola Fuller,
and "Whistle Stop," by Maritta
50 Per Cent Greater Wear:
Fabric Strengthening Process
Patented By Professor Bartell
Amidst a storm of protests and
questions from Ann Arbor citizens
and local officials last night, at a
special Ann Arbor Community For-
um meeting, Tracy V. Augur, consul-
tant to the Detroit office of the Fed-
eral Public Housing Authority, told
why the Government has adopted
plans for the Cherry Hill Road hous-
ing project and why it intends to
carry them out.
Speaking in a panel discussion in
Pattengill Auditorium of Ann Arbor
High School, Augur asserted that
federal authorities made a careful
study of every problem arising from
the proposed building of the new
6,000 home bomber plant city and
find it is the only solution to hous-
ing the ever increasing army of de-
fense workers being employed at
Willow Run.
Prof. Carl Karlsen, of the Univer-
controls or lose its educational
standing," le declared. If this city
accepts an excess of workers and be-
comes over-industrialized, he pointed
out, it will no longer be an educa-
tional center. He also mentioned that
Ypsilanti will suffer over-expansion
with a doubled population if the gov-
ernment's plans are not accepted.
Representing the Ypsilanti Board
of Commerce, Paul Ungrodt stated
that although the city of Ypsilanti
still does not favor the proposed city
it is willing to cooperate with the
federal government. He referred to
Ypsilanti as the "place where com-
merce and education meet" and
claimed that city has no intention of
over-expansion and that proper pre-
cautions would be taken to keep the
community as pleasant as it is at
present and to maintain its educa-
tional standing.
Terminating' the nanel discussion
Publications Students
Honor Prof. Sunderland
More than 100 University students
participating on publications, former
and present members of the Board
in Control of Student Publications
and other invited guests joined last
night at a banquet to honor Prof.
Edsnn RiSnderland of the Law
Added strength and greatly in-
creased wearing qualities are prom-
ised for ever-scarcer textiles by a new
process recently patented by Prof.
Floyd E. Bartell of the chemistry de-
The new textile process consists of
coating the cloth fibers with a thin,
non-visible synthetic resin. The
treated products retain the same
"feel" but gain new resistance to
Tests have shown that most tex-
tiles will wear fifty per cent longer
after processing. All fabrics can be
treated without harm and fire and
water proofing substances can be
added to the resin to further protect
the cloth.
danger from fumes by making an
emulsion of the dissolved resin in
water. The fabric is dipped into the
emulsion, making possible a thin
coating of the fibers without the
wastefulness of the former process.
Another promising aspect of Pro-
fessor Bartell's process is in the
treatment of cotton thread. The
thread is passed through the emul-
sion under tension, resulting in a
final product closely resembling linen
thread in its qualities.
Difficulty experienced in dying
certain synthetic fabrics invented in
the last few years can be eliminated
by the emulsion process. If the fab-
rics are treated before they are dyed,
their coloring is accomplished effec-
tively in all shadesand hues.