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May 17, 1942 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-05-17

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SUNl"DAlY, MMd171 942~

War Puts Premium On Drama,
Actress Madge Evans Declares


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Wartime places a premium on stage
entertainment, declares Madge Evans,
auburn-haired beauty of stage and
screen, soon to appear in Mark
Reed's "Petticoat Fever" at the Lydia
Mendelssohin Theatre.
Miss Evans, Hollywood in dress and
speech, maintains her husband Sid-
ney Kingsley's belief that "war has
a good influence on drama."
And it's Sergeant Kingsley now for
the playwright-author of "The World
We Make," which starred Miss Ev-
ans in Ann Arbor's 1940 Dramatic
Season. At work at Fort Jay, Gov-
ernor's Island, Kingsley is utilizing
his theatrical knowledge in produc-
ing a novel type of morale program,
in collaboration with Ezra ("Henry
Aldrich") Stone, now stationed at
Fort Upton.
Promoted By Kingsley-Stone
The entertainment promoted by
the Kingsley-Stone combine is of en-
tirely new type, with the soldiers
themselves participating as actors,
directors and stage hands. Talented
men and enthusiastic novices are
being selected from the ranks and it
is hoped that "eventually each regi-
ment will contain its own entertain-
ment unit," so that where ever it
moves, it will have the makings of a
good program.
"It's such a wonderful idea," said
Miss Evans of, her husband's project.
"People who would have had no con-
tact at all with the theatre-some
have never seen a play before-are
now getting a chance to act. And
they're crazy about it. Fresh talent
and interest are steadily developing
in this group.'
Camps Prefer Comedy
Army camp programs "lean more
toward comedy," Miss Evans points
out, "to take advantage of the hilari-
ous audience reaction as the soldiers
recognize a familiar Jack or Bill or
Tom in a new role." United Service

Organization funds provide for
actresses on these camp programs.
Miss Evans herself does her share
in keeping up the armed force morale,
when she goes on hostess duty in the
famed Stage Door Canteen. She de-
scribes with much gesturing and
laughing conditions at this celebrated
rendezvous, where 40 hostesses must
act as dance partners for 1,500 sol-
Dancing 'Great Fun'
"Oh, it's great fun," Miss Evans
claims; "the boys stand around three
or four deep and no matter what kind
of a dancer you are, you'll be over-
whelmed. You can only take a few
steps and somebody cuts in. They
walk all over your feet and each one
dances a little different."
Katherine Cornell. Miss Evans re-
lates, feeling that she was not the
"active type," refused to dance with
the boys and passed out sandwiches l
and coffee instead. Hostesses may
only drink water, as all food is re-
served for the soldiers.
Miriam Leaflaug To Sing
At Rackhan Tomorrow
In partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the Master of Music
degree, Miriam Leaf laug, Grad SM,
mezzo-soprano, will present a recital
at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in the As-
sembly Hall of the Rackham Build-1
For her concert, Miss Leaflaug will
include in her program selections
of Bach, Handel, Purcell, Aubert,
Wolf, and Trunk. She will also ren-
der the "Songs of Ophelia" by
Brahms. These numbers were com-
posed in 1873 for Madame Lewinsky,
who played the part of Ophelia in
Shakespeare's Hamlet. The actress
kept the manuscript as a cherished
relic and finally atithorized their
publication in 1935.

Morale Called
Factor In War
iHimler, Raphael Describe
Treatment Of Hysteria
To .Hygiene Conference
Enemy Plans Cited
"I'd rather have four broken legs
to cope with than one hysterical
With these words Dr. Leonard
Himler, assistant professor of men-
tal health and associate psychiatrist
in the University Health Service, last
week told members of the Michigan
Society for Mental Hygiene and the
Kalamazoo Council of Social Agen-
cies in a joint meeting in Kalamazoo
that morale will win or lose this war.
Dr. Theophile Raphael, of the Med-
ical School and physchiatrist at the
Health Service, also spoke before the
group on mental health and civilian
morale in the war.
These two doctors, both members
of the University medical faculty,
are performing several services to
train Michigan residents in mental
first aid.
Wrote First Aid Pamphlets
Dr. Raphael has written several
pamphlets in regard to first aid treat-
ment of nervous and emotional cas-
ualties during war time. He collabo-
rated with several organizations in
publishing a pamphlet on first aid
for war hysteria telling what to do
with individuals who have a mental
relapse or suffer other mental ail-
ments. This publication has been
distributed to the several hundred
air raid wardens, auxiliary police and
firemen in Washtenaw County.
In the last war the common treat-
ment for hysteria was to throw a
pitcher of cold water on the victim.
This is greatly contrasted today. The
booklet gives very simple instructions
as to what to do for war nerves and
hysteria. It is divided into three
stages: (1) Advance preparation, (2)
handling the emergency situation
and (3) after-care.
In short the pamphlet states that
it is important to be prepared in
advance so that you can act swiftly
and efficiently when the emergency
comes. Secondly, it warns that the
nervous patient is a temporary ci-
vilian casualty. that his problem is
real and not imaginary. Finally it
states that a thorough understand-
ing and proper treatment may play a
vital part in conserving and restoring
one more person for service to his
War And Nerves
This month's issue of the Kiwanis
magazine features an article "The
War and Nerves" by Dr. Raphael and
Mrs. Dorothy Simon Engel of the Ann
Arbor CDVO staff. The article re-
veals that enemy techniques and tac-
tics show that a careful study has
been made by them of nerves and
how every possible advantage is taken
to shatter morale.
Dr. Himler has spread his know-
ledge of war hysteria and mental first
aid through a series of lectures to
various civilian defense organizations
and to school teachers.

Sailors Unload Gold At P arl Harbor

Rates Show Laments
On Drizzles Unfounded
Students who want to insult "dris-
mal" Ann Arbor weather should con-
sult the records first.
According to statistics issued by the
United States Government, and com-
piled over a period of years, Ann
Arbor averages 31.35 inches of rain-
fall and melted snow per year, as
compared to 32.05 for Detroit, 42.99
for New York City, 55.66 for Miami,
and 22.01 for San Francisco.
Ann Arbor has annually about 118
days of precipitation of .01 inches or
more, while Detroit and Miami aver-
age 137, New York 126 and Chicago
124. However the moral is that it
still isn't advisable for Michigan stu-
dents to leave their raincoats home.

Summer German
Club ToOrganize
Continuing a tradition started in
1936, the German department will
offer students an opportunity to prac-
tice speaking and understanding Ger-
man this summer through the activi-
ties of a "German SummerhClub."
Arrangements are being made to
organize language tables under the
supervision of graduate students, and
plans are also being formulated to
draw up a program of activities for
students of the summer term and
summer session.
Outings, excursions, receptions and
social programs including informal
talks, folk dancing, play readings and
singing. will also be offered.



Crewmen of a U.S. submarine which carried ammunition to em-
battled Corregidor right under the Japs' noses and escaped with a vast
amount of gold, silver and securities are shown unloading their valu-
able cargo after returning safely to Pearl Harbor. The Navy re-
leased this picture along with the story of the removal of the islands'
Prime Minister Church ill Says
Beginning Of Victory Is Near

Ahe cute?
Remarks such as that one boost one's
ego. You can be certain of receiving
many of them if you keep up your ap-
pearance. Let us fix your hair and
you may be sure of having a well-
groomed air about you.
Saet/erSAT Ii7 a4
"~Above the Parrot"F
338 SOUTH STATE--8878 1132


.. ______ _..__..___._ ,_ __ _ _._ _ i










For the perfect gift to the graduat-
ing girl, we offer an exquisite selec-
tion of feminine lingerie. We sug-
gest rayon satin slips with frilly lace '
trimming in white and tearose at I
3.95. She will not only be pleased
by your thoughtfulness, but also' by
your exceptional taste.
Nickels Arcade

LEEDS, England, May 16.-,-(IP--
Winston Churchill confidently told
25,000 cheering Yorkshire war work-
ers and farmers today that the be-
ginning of victory is in sight and
promised to "play rough" in repaying
the Axis for any torture inflicted on
Britain and its Allies.
"We have reached a period in the
!war when it would be premature to
say that we have topped the ridge
but we see that ridge ahead now,"
the aggressive Prime Minister said,
"We see that perseverance-unflin-
ching, dogged, inexhaustible, tireless
and valiant -- will surely carry us and
our Allies, the great nations of the
world and the unfortunate nations
who have been subjugated and en-
slaved, on to one of the most deep-
founded movements of humanity
which has taken place in our history.
Have Topped Ridge
"We say they will come to the top
of the ridge and then they will have
the chance not only of beating down
and subduing those evil forces who
have twice let ruin and havoc on the
world, but they will have a further
and grander prospect beyond the
smoke of battle and the confusion of
Utilit Officials
Will ri T jlkneic
Four representatives of utilities
will describe the use of utilities dur-
ing air raids at 8 p.m. tomorrow in
Hill Auditorium in the fifth of a
series of lectures on civilian protec-
tion sponsored by the 'University
War Board and the County Council
of Defense.
('ivilian deIe 1 e 1 O fici h1; 1 'r' de-
scribe t iill(es as one o IiHe mno t vol-
nerable parts of cnununity life and
urge all (citIrens to become iinformed
on what, to do in ('ase of damage by
enemy action.

the fight. That is the prospect that
lies before us."
The war leader, in his third ad-
dress of the week, paid tribute to the
"noble manhood of Russia" and
"our kith and kin Australians who
like ourselves are going to strike a
heavy and successful blow on all who
spring upon us."
Tribute To Russians
The Russians, he said, now were
"at full grips with 'the murderous
enemy, striking blow for blow and
repaying better ones for blows struck
at them."
"Lately the enemy has not been
so ready to come to this island,"
Churchill declared, "first, because a
large portion of his air force is en-
gaged against our Russian Allies, and
secondly, because he knows our ar-
rangements for meeting him."
He taunted the Germans with the
declaration that "none of us is weary
of the struggle."
No Favors Asked
"None of us is calling for any fav-
ors from the enemy," he said. "If
he plays rough, we can play rough
too. Whatever we have got t, take,
we will take and we will give it back
in even greater measure."
The Prime Minister's emphasis on
playing rough underlined his warning
of six days ago that Britain would
spray German military objectives
with poison gas if that weapon were
used against the Russians. It also
called attention to the British Army
plan which is training large troop
inits in commando methods of war-
He paid his respects to "all the
millions of our cousins across the
Atlantic who are preparing night and
day to have their will and rights re-
l -
TWorld NVeis Main
Posted In Library
.News highli ht s for the wck pre-
ceding Monday, May 11, arc now on
display in the form of the World-
News Map posted near the main
desk on the second floor of the Gen-
eral Library.
Important fields of action are num-
bered on the colored map, published
weekly in Chicago. Specific illus-
trated infoi'niation corresponding to
each numbered locality is given below
the miap) proper, including ine 'iones
in all parts of the world.
The ciurrint map features ii udividu-
al maps showing the Japanese lr(
gress from 1930 to the present.
Directly opposite the map is an ex-
hirbit ('alled "War and the Civilian,"
consisting of illustrated mate:ial on
how to fight the fire bomb and pam-
phlets on he solider's life in the Army.


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of the Ball
You c la't iii iiill e catiIII ,
beloved, cottOl formlaIs. I .ght-
weight imteriahs 'xqlUisily ti-F
lored yet alfogether uplmlding~

Speakers and their topics will in-
'lde: Charles It. i lender'son, of the
Ann Arbor offi'e of the M icluigan
C(onol(idal ed Gas Co., gas serv'e ;W.
W. Wil iams. supervisor of overlhiad
in(es of the Deroit, E(iSon Co., C le-.
Iii( power defense jirobleirs:; Col. E,
fL it annari'd. general traffic mnai-
ageir of Midhigani Bell 'Tlephoiue Co.,
telephone problcms and air raid
wari'iui sysi dmi: and~ llar'ison H.
Caswell, manager of the Ann Arbor
City Water Depa,)rt mcnt and chair-
man of the County Council of De-
fense, defense probl ems 'c relating to
locA wvatr x supply.

You'll necd lots of shirts - especially tailored jobs
like these! And more especially because they're made
of Cidlla, Sacony's heavenly fabric (acetate rayon).
It washes, wears, resists wrinkles like a dream. And its
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