THE MICHIGAN 'DAILY"SN AT, MAY 17;3 "4 The WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND By DREW PEARSON and ROBERT S. ALLEN Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year .and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. ,A rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.00, by mail $5.00. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTIS G Y , National Advertising Service, Inc. College Pwublislbers Represetative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON . Los ANGELEs * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 WASHINGTON-Here is the inside Nazi view on the most vital question-mark in all Europe- whether Turkey will go with the Axis or against it. According to a confidential version given by Nazi Ambassador von Papen to George Bonnet, French Ambassador to Turkey, it is absolutely certain that Turkey will fall into line with the Axis. Von Papen indicated that Hitler did not plan to press Turkey until the exact psychologi- cal moment, but when that time came, he was sure Turkey would fall into Hitler's lap like a ripe plum. Von Papen also told the French Ambassador how he, personally, had been working with the Kurdish tribes along the Turkey-Iran border. This border is near the vital corridor up from the Gulf of Persia to the Caucasus, now being used by the Allies for shipments to South Russia. This, of course, is only von Papen's side of the situation. But one thing is important to note. Von Papen has a long record of accom- plishments when it comes to softening a country in advance of a Hitler putsch. He was the man who softened Austria so that all Hitler had to do was walk in. And years before, von Papen got valuable ex- perience in the U.S.A. when he was the Kaiser's military attache in Washington and plotted sabotage against the Allies in the then neutral United States. It was von Papen who planned to blow up the Welland Canal between Canada and the United States, and he was reported to be the brains behind the explosion of the Kings- land, N. J., munitions plant, and the giant muni- tions dump at Black Tom, N. J. So what he says regarding Turkey is impor- tant. Won't Be Long Now Macon Reed, ex-Washington newsman, now a private in the Army, has this to say about the Homer Swander Morton Mintz . Will .Sapp Charles Thatcher George W. Salladi Bernard Hendel Myron Dann Barbara deFries 4 Editorial Staff . . . . Managing Editor Editorial Director . . . . City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor * . . . . Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor . . . Women's Editor Business Staff Edward J. Perlberg . . . Business Manager Fred M. Ginsberg . . Associate Business Manager Mary Lou Curran . . Women's Business Manager Jaue Lindberg . . Women's Advertising Manager James Daniels . . . Publications Sales Analyst The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: BUD BRIMMER Attacks On Conscientious Objector Kenneth Morgan Are Unfair .Lies.. . T"HE SUPER-PATRIOTS are at it again. Not long ago they were de- nouncing Lew Ayres and boycotting his pictures, now they are bitterly attacking Kenneth W. Morgan, director of the Student Religious Asso- ciation, because he, too, has the courage to stand by his convictions even in the face of an unpre- dictable public opinion. Yesterday this feeling of misguided patriotism manifested itself in the Ann Arbor News in a manner which should arouse the indignation of fair-minded students and townspeople to whom Ken Morgan is an outstanding example of hon- esty, courage and the Christian way of life. The News editorial, by implication, accused Morgan-who is registered as a conscientious objector and was recently appointed to the directorship of a Quaker work camp-of cow- ardice, of being an unscrupulous profit-seeker and of using his position as head of the SRA to "impair the survival ability of the people of Michigan ... and influence hundreds of im- pressionable young men and women." The first charge-that of cowardice-is almost absurd. It does not take much actual courage to follow a questionnaire into the Army, to stay in school on one of the many deferred service plans of even to enlist outright in some branch of the armed forces. The courage required in action o this kind is small until the horrors and the in of war are embedded in one's mentality- wich almost invariably comes after enlistment. ]BUT every one of us knows the kind of courage Ken Morgan must have to face a public opin- ion which in the past has shown conscientious o jectors little mercy. There are few of us who have that type of courage. Most of us yield all too easily to "social pressure," but Lew Ayres and 1Ken Morgan are not like the rest of us in this rdspect. The second charge made by the News edi- torial is an absolute and inexcusable lie. Its statement claiming one of the benefits of Mor- gan's position is "reported to be that he will .e paid better than most of the men who are defending his conscience" is an unsubtle at- tempt to impugn his ideals and his motives. It took The Daily one telephone call to determine that: 1. Morgan's salary at the camp will be room and board for his family. All other expenses will have to be met out of his own savings. 2. Mrs. Morgan will also be required to do a good share of work around the camp. 3. Room and board is extremely simple. The family's living quarters will be two small rooms with cardboard walls which reach neither the floor nor the ceiling. Four other members of the staff will live in adjoining rooms separated only by the flimsy cardboard. This, in our opinion, is scarcely "comfortable" living as the News chooses to call it. S FOR the editorial's third charge that Mor- gan used his position as director of the SRA to endanger the survival ability of the people of - . . . -- L B T Z' _1 ,0 t_ A ;i ti.s. - - .. hundreds of' young men and women. And so he has. Speaking as individuals who disagree with his pacifist stand-but do not condemn him for it-we can only say that we wish more young people had been at some time closely associated with Ken Morgan. There would be just that many more sincere and thoughtful persons Working for the good of democracy. There would not necessarily be any more pacifists, for he never attempted to urge his philosophy upon University students. Long before December 7th we were con- vinced that this war was a life-and-death struggle between two diametrically opposed creeds. We called time and time again for a declaration of war by this nation. Now that war has come, we are ready to fight and die for what we believe. We are also ready to fight and die for what Ken Morgan believes. We feel no resentment toward him merely be- cause he is a conscientious objector. Rather, we admire and respect him for the man we know he is-for his courage, his honesty and his sincere devotion to peace and democracy. And we hope that after the war Ken Morgan will again be director of the Student Religious Association at the University of Michigan. - Homer Swander Morton Mintz new military machines which Uncle Sam is so swiftly whipping into shape: "How is it to be in the Army? There is a breath-taking exhilaration in swinging across a parade ground and seeing and feeling the other t columns moving in the effortless, smooth, free march step of the American Army-marching, marching, marching to heaven knows where. At such a moment, and only at such a moment, one gets a flash perception of the true strength of America, a boundless sweep of irresistible power --and I chuckle to myself and think 'What is everybody in Washington in such a fret and worry about?' Mandalay? Lashio? Trifles, boys, mere trifles. We heard the news of their fall with a yawn and got on with our work. Just wait till we ,get started. It won't be long now!" What Happens After The War? At six one morning, Henry Wallace woke up and began thinking about the speech he was going to make in New York. Ideas kept tumbling into his mind. Quietly, so as not to disturb Mrs. Wallace, he reached for the dictaphone and be- gan speaking into it. He dictated to the length of one cylinder, Mrs. Wallace still slept. Next morning he woke again at six, and did the same thing. On the third morning he woke at three-thirty. This time he dictated the re- mainder of the speech, which ran to three thou- sand words. Mrs. Wallace slept on. The Vice President still had two weeks to spare before the speaking engagement, but the thoughts had been simmering in his mind, and he wanted to get them down. He wanted to say- not in words hurriedly thrown together on the way to New York-what he felt about fighting the war to a finish, then making a peace that will stick. Some of the thoughts came from reading Pe- trie's "Revolution and Civilization," which, like Spengler's "Decline of the West," has greatly influenced the Vice President's thinking. Other thoughts came from random dinner-table con- versation. There was a dinner at the Soviet Embassy, when Wallace, sitting on the right of Madame Litvinoff, remarked: "The object of this war is to make sure that everybody in the world has the privilege of drinking a quart of milk a day." Madame Litvinoff replied: "Yes, even half a pint." Wallace made a mental note of that, and em- bodied it in his speech. And when the speech was delivered in New York, the Soviet Ambassa- dor and Madame Litvinoff were sitting by their radio in Washington, listening. When Wallace finished, his audience applauded heartily. Later, Madame Litvinoff told Mrs. Wallace that the Ambassador applauded more than any of them. People's Revolution The general applause to that speech is still reverberating in Washington. Because it was one of the most important speeches of the war. Titled, "The Price of Free World Victory," it was a forecast of world freedom after victory. Wallace has turned out more words than any other member of the Roosevelt family, including the President. But none of his words have been more significant than this speech before the Free World Association in which he said: "Every- where the common people are on the march." It included words of dire warning to Hitler, and also words full of meaning to the future of imperialists, such as: "No nation will have the God-given right to exploit other nations" . . . "The march of freedom of the past 150 years has been a long-drawn-out people's revolution." But especially significant were the words: "Those who write the peace must think of the whole world. There can be no privileged peo- ples." For Wallace himself probably will have a strong hand in writing the peace. Enemy Aliens Some significant things are going on behind- the-scenes in the Justice Department. With the savageness of a commando attack, AttorneA; General Biddle has now launched an offensive against all enemy agents in the U.S.A., has given the green light to Big G-Man Hoover to move wherever he wants. This came after Biddle had been prodded by the White House for dawdling. Now, however, he has gathered large dossiers of sensational and incontestable evidence, and it looks as if several U.S. Fascists would end up behind the bars. Biggest problem Biddle now faces is German and Italian nationals along the Atlantic sea- board. Army brasshats have been demanding that everyone born in Germany or Italy and still unnaturalized be moved west of the Alle- gheny mountains. However, this would mean a mass trek numbering perhaps a million. And alothg the Pacific Coast, even the movement of 100,000 Japanese proved a terrific headache. Therefore Biddle is working on the policy of picking out the dangerous groups among Germans and Italians, but leaving those whose LETTERS To THE EDITOR India Edit Opposed To the Editor: IN HIS EDITORIAL condemning Gandhi and India's policy of non- violent resistance, Clayton Dickey not only proved himself unfamiliar with the Middle Eastern political pic- ture, but even unaware of the true meaning of that leader's philosophy which he sought to deprecate. If we might indulge in Mr. Dickey's name- calling, our first comment on his edi- torial might well be a blanket con- demnation of all of its superficiality and prejudice. But more important than any dis- tortion of the facts, was his very evident misconception of "non- violent resistance." He says "a dozen nations from Norway to Greece stand as evidence that non- cooperation can harass the invader but cannot conquer." Any advo- cate of a thorough-going pacifism could tell Mr. Dickey that none of these nations have even ap- proached a position of true non- cooperation. Though time and space permit but short proof of this, it is clearly demonstrated in the highly efficient German utili- zation of Danish and Norwegian production facilities, staffed and supervised, in the main, by those peoples whom Dickey would class along with the real pacifists of In- dia. While these Europeans to whom Dickey alludes have confined their non-cooperation to industrial sabo- tage and "piddling" night attacks upon German sentries, the Indian people have openly resisted the effi- cient British machine of colonial ex- ploitation. Non-violent resistance has only been tried in one instance, by the people of India against Britain, in which case it has worked better than many of us like to admit. BUT even assuming academically the inferiority of non-violent re- sistance in effectively combating Japanese aggression, how can Mr. Dickey imagine that any other course remains for the Indian people? Throughout the past century of Brit- ish rule, England, in the interests of her own safety, has so effectively eliminated the possibilities of armed resistance that the only weapons India has retained are the courage and determination of her people. But most serious of all of Dickey's errors is his tendency to malign and deprecate the leaders and peo- ples of the Eastern world. He sees the disunity of India as an indica- tion of the same decadence and rottenness that characterized pre- Nazi France, while in reality French diversities were due to dis- interest and apathy, India's to the very intensity and strength of her people's feelings. And finally, he speaks of the "pid- dling courage and inhumanity" of Mohandas Gandhi. If ever a states- man has shown fortitude and a deep concern for his people it is Gandhi. He has spent years in jail; he has starved himself to the point of death for his convictions and his country- men. In what sense is his a "piddling courage and inhumanity?" Surely not in contrast to any of our fat and satisfied Western leaders. WE CANNOT SAY whether the hope of the world lies in the moral stamina of non-violent re- sistance or in the righteous might of the democratic nations. We cannot say whether the pacifist or the sol- dier holds the key to the future. But we can certainly say that little will be added toward the final triumph of democracy by the smug, malignant ignorance of Mr. Dickey's position. Gregor Hileman John Muehl Program Takes Time To the Editor: T HE physical training program for army eligibles approved by the Regents Saturday will in all proba- bility diminish the time available for studies. Moreover, requiring four and one half hours a week from stu- dents who are earning part of their expenses will work a particular hard- ship. As conceived, the plan will al- low for exceptions, but it is to be hoped that if the plan is put into ac- tion, it will be with the full realiza- tion that the academic work must be curtailed as a result. There may still be much spare time among the stu- dents as a whole, but not a few stu- dents find the minutes of their spare time very close to zero because of the demands of present defense activi- ties. Be it understood that the plan is directed toward a very specific prob- lem, and is not, as many students be- lieve, just a vague Good Thing In General like the 12:30 curfew. The student who is drafted will find that the training will considerably ease the difficulties of the army training period. Particularly important is the matter of promotion. College stu- dents who by education are best fitted to be officers, are often notavailable for advancement because they do not fulfill the high physical require- ments. It is of obvious advantage to both Army and individual to have GRIN AND BEj (Continued from Page 2). Automobile Regulation: The fol- lowing schedule will mark the lift- ing of the Automobile Regulation for students in various colleges and de- partments of the University. Excep- tions will not be made for individuals who complete their work in advance of the last day of class examinations and all students enrolled in the fol- lowing departments will be required to adhere strictly to this schedule.: School of Dentistry: Freshman class, May 25, at 12 noon Junior class, May 26, at 12 noon Senior class, May 22, at 10 a.m. Hygienists, May 25 at 4:00 p.m. Law School: Freshman class, May 25, at 5 p.m. Junior class, May 26, at 12 noon Senior class, May 26, at 12 noon. Medical School: Freshman class, May 26, at 12 noon Sophompre class, May 26, at 12 noon Junior class, May 26, at 12 noon Senior class, May 23, at 5 p.m. College of Architecture: All Classes, May 26 at 12 noon School of Business Administration: All Classes, May 26, at 12 noon School of Education: All Classes, May 26, at 12 noon College of Engineering: All Classes, May 26, at 12 noon School of Forestry: All Classes, May 26, at 12 noon Graduate School: All classes, May 26, at 12 noon College of L., B., & A.: All classes, May 26, at 12 noon School of Music: All classes, May 26, at 12 noon College of Pharmacy: All classes, May 26, at 12 noon Office of the Dean of Students German Table for Faculty Members will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Founders' Room Michigan Union. Members of all departments are cordi- ally invited. There will be a brief report by Mr. H. W. Nordmeyer. All contestants for Hopwood prizes are requested to call for their manu- scripts at the Hopwood Room Wed- nesday afternoon, May 20, or Thurs- day morning, May 21. Copies of the judges' comments on individual man- uscripts may be obtained at the desk. R. W. Cowden, Director of the Hopwood Awards All students who have won Hop- wood prizes will be notified before Tuesday noon. R. W. Cowden, Director of the Hopwood Awards All Students, Registration for Sum- mer Term: Each student should plan to register for himself in the gym- nasium during the appointed hours. Registration by proxy will not be accepted, Robert L. Williams, Assistant Registrar Registration Material: College of Literature, Science, and the Arts; School of Education; School of Music; School of Public Health. Students should call for summer registration materials at Room 4, University Hall, as soon as possible. Please see your adviser and secure all necessary sig- natures. Robert L. Williams, Assistant Registrar Registration Material: College of Architecture and Design. Students should call for summer registration materials at Room 4, University Hall, as soon as possible. An announce- ment will be made in the near future by the College giving the time of conferences with the classifiers. Robert L illiams. .1 . Re~g U S Pat (Ht, All Rts. Res. "The army, navy and marines all turned me down--bad eyes!" DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN, Academic Notices History 120 Final Examination will be given Wednesday, May 20, 8-10 a.m.; Room 215, Angell Hall. - Spanish 198: The final examination of Mr. Keniston's section will be held in R.L. 107 on Wednesday, May 20, at 4:10 p.m. Education Cl Final Examination: Tuesday, May 26, from 2:00-4:00 p.m. Room Assignments, German I, 2, 31, 32: Friday, May 22, 1942, 10:30- 12:30. German I. All Sections: 101 Eco- nomics Building. German 2. Pott, Diamond, Philipp- son: 25 Angell Hall.. Ebelke, Winkel- man, Willey: C Haven Hall. Van Duren, Gaiss: D Haven Hall. German 31. All Sections: 1035 An- gell Hall. German 32. Van Duren: D Haven Hall. Wahr: 301 U. Hall. Eaton: 306 U. Hall. Diamond, Graf: 2225 An- gell Hall. Final Examination, English I and II, Wednesday, May 20, 8-10 a.m., as follows: English I Arthos, 35 AH Bacon, 35 AH; Cal- ver, 406 MH; Peake, 35 Al. English II Bader, 201 UH; Baum, W Phys Lec; Bertram, W Phys Lec; Boys, W Phys Lee; Copple, W Phys Lec; Engel, 305 SW; Everett, 1025 AH; Faust, 1025 AH; Fletcher, 209 AH; Fogle, 2054 NS; Garvin, 2054 NS; Green, 202 W Phys; Greenhut, E Haven. Haugh, 205 MH; Helm, 205 MH; McClennen, 1025 AH; McKelvey, 205 MH; Millar, 3011 AH; O'Neill, 1121 NS; Schenk, 302 SW; Schroeder, 3056 NS; Stibbs, 2203 AH; Thein, 3209 AH; Walker, 2234 AH; Weimer, 203 UH; Weisinger, 101 Ec; Wells, 1025 AHl. Make-up examination, for unavoid- able examination conflicts only, will be given Friday, May 22, 7-9 p.m., in Rooms 25 A.H. and 1025 A.H. Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex- amination: All students expecting to elect directed teaching (Educ D100) next semester are required to pass a 'qualifying examination in the sub- ject which they expect to teach. This examination will be given again on Saturday, October 3, at 1 o'clock. Students will meet in the auditorium of the University High School. Defense training course for women in Surveying, Mapping and Photog- rametry: A thirteen-week E.M.S.D.T. course will be given at the Univer- sity beginning July 6 to train women for U.S. Government positions as En- gineering Aid, Photogrametric and Topographic option. Civil Service positions beginning at $1,440 to $1,800 per year are assured to those suc- cessfully completing the course. En- trance requirements are two years of college training with m4jor study in engineering, architecture, physics, chemistry, mathematics, forestry, or geology. Three and one-half years of college study in any other field will be accepted if the applicant has had trigonometry in high school or college. Further information may be obtained from Miss Ethel A. McCor- mick, Michigan League. Doctoral Examination for John William Lederle, Political Science; thesis: "The National Organization of the Liberal and Conservative Par- ties in Canada." Monday, May 18, East Council Room, Rackham, 3:00 p.m. Chairman, J. K. Pollock. By action of the Executive Board, the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doctor- al candidates to attend these exam- inations and he may grant permission AR IT >.. ! / ynt y .. r 6 By Lichty Dominic Says ,' ONE of the chief problems before the psychol- ogy of religion student and arising out of the daily experience of each of us is that of the rela- tion of the ideal to the direction of energy with- in. In a helpful thesis entitled "The Thinking Machine," Herrick pictures the young person as "set on a trigger." He, when in good health, is about to go off. This gives us a starting place. Energy given, the next problem is what happens when it pops. The reply is, an act takes place or a series of actions result. That reply is good as far as it goes. But what is to determine which acts and the direction of the series? One item may be helpful, the apparent rela- tion of the ideal to the drives. ONE may look upon the drives as a push of the race or the whole life stream as from behind. These native drives are rushing through all of us, impelling us to action. On the other hand, being intelligent, having the power to make cer- tain choices, being free in a measure to select the direction in which those actions shall move, we can entertain ideals. That is, one can fix attention and eventually cultivate a love for a remote social or personal condition. Having accomplished this, those patterns which we think of as ideal, desirable and certain to give satis- faction turn about and become a pull forward. Therefore, there are three factors to be guard-