tv 15, i. THE A I Pr 'FTrZ : 'E i~Y 15~ 1942 PA(~ TTJUI"E I I Regular CPT Training Course 'To Open For Surnrnier Sessiohs University .students attending the Summer Session wil have an oppor- tunity to participate in the regular Civilian Pilots' Training Program of the Civil Aeronautics Administration at the University. The training program, begun a few years ago by a Government money appropriation with the idea of de- veloping civilian aviation, has en- joyed a rapid growth. The complete program at present consists of four consecutive training courses: elemen- tary, secondary, cross-country and instructor, totalling about 200 hours of flying. The elementary course, spread over a period of 10 to 12 weeks, contains 72 hours of ground school work plus 35 hours of actual flying. It is tak- en by those who wish to use it as a stepping stone to Army or Navy service, by those who wish to use it in conjunction with a career in the aviation industry and by those who wish to continue with the other CPT courses. Entrance Requirements Entrance requirements have been drastically reduced in the past year, and it is now possible for freshmen with 15 hours of college credit to take part in the program. Other require- ments are that the applicant must be a male citizen of the United States, Geology Students Use Camp Davis For Field Studies although a limiteda number of Pan- American scholarships are available, and must have attained his 18th but not his26th birthday. In addition, the applicant must be able to pass the required physical examination and must obtain the written consent of his parents if un- der 21 years of age. He must neither be on active duty nor awaiting or- ders in the .Army, Navy or Marine Corps. Upon Completion Upon successful completion of the elementary course, a student will re- ceive a private pilot license for small aircraft up to 80 horsepower and is eligible to take the Secondary Course. This consists of 108 hours of ground school work plus 40 hours of flying time. Students who are enrollpd in this program must take a pledge to apply for service in the Army or Navy up- on completion of the training. Visiting Faculty p7eeeh aCl"sses Summer term and summer session schedules for both graduate and un- dergraduate work in the Department of Speech have been announced by Prof. G. E. Densmore, head of the de- partment. Besides the courses offered by some of the regular instructors, other classes will be given by a visiting faculty. These instructors will in- clude Horace Armistead, prominent Broadway scenic artist; Claribel Bu- ford Baird, Professor of Speech at Oklahoma College for Women; Lucy Barton, designer and teacher; How- ard Bay, Broadway designer of "The Little Foxes," and Nancy Bowman, director of dramatics at Mount Clem- ens High School. Other members of the visiting fac- ulty will be Frederic Oliver Crandall, chairman of the Department of Speech at the Mississippi College for Women; Olive Lockwood Crandall from Columbus, Miss.; Donald Er- win Hargis, instructor in speech and radio at the University of Oregon; William Kel'Am, one of the best scene builders in New York City and Charles H. Meredith, managing director of the Dock Street Theatre, Charleston, S.C. a In addition to the regular courses of studyespecial activities which are of practical value to students and teachers of speech has been arranged. Outstanding among these are theatre arts, speech clinic, broadcasting stu- dio, anatomical laboratory, a course in the supervision of high school for- ensic contests, graduate symposiums departmental assemblies and student- faculty luncheons and teas. Law To Offer Three Plans Speeal, Half, Fall Term g Will Be Given Attempting to meet the needs of all its students, the Law School will offer three different plans of study besides the regular term this summer. Those who need or wish credit without taking the full summer term may enroll instead for a half-term. The first half will commence June 15 and end August 5, the second half beginning the next day and continu- ing through September 26. In addition, a special ten and a half week session running concur- rently .with the first half of the sum- mer term has been arranged for ad- vanced students who have been in attendance on the school's three- summer and two-year course. Such students will elect six or seven credit hours during the first half of the summer term. Then for three weeks more they will engage in a spe- cial research program under the su- pervision of members of the law fac- ulty. Only visiting professor this sum- mer will be Prof. Roy William Mac- Donald of the Southern Methodist University School of Law. He will teach courses in tria and appellate practice to advanced students during the second half of the summer term. Business School To Open New Degree Plan Explaining that the war has effect- ed the curricula and plans of the School of Business Administration, Dean Clare E. Griffin announced that the school will not function during the Summer Session but will con- tinue its regular program during the summer semester. The summer term, he said, will be divided into two periods and courses will run for eight weeks. In this way students can change courses after the first eight weeks and con- sequently they will be afforded a broader education. A student with two years of col- lege credit may enter the School of Engineering scholarships, normally given upon a yearly basis, will also be "telescoped" this year in order to conform with the University's war= time, three-term program. Sophomores, juniors, seniors, and freshmen alike all have equal oppor- tunity to win no only recognition for their hard work but also a substantial remuneration in the form of the many scholarships which are bestow- ed each year. One of the oldest of the scholar- ship awards is the Cornelius Donovan Scholarship, which was established in 1922 and is given to meritorious stu- dents who are working their way through college. Requirements in- clude citizenship, a minimum of 45 hours at the University, and partial or whole self-support. T J e-h Boyer fund. used for War Upsets Scholarship Basis the benefit of a member of the junior or senior class in the Engineering college who is wholly or partiaily self-supporting and an American Cit- izen, was established in 1938 by a gift from Mrs. Henry E. Candler Open to freshmen and sophomores are the Robert Campbel Gemmell Memorial Scholarships, founded in 1926. Available to the same group is the Harriet Eveleen Hunt Scholar- ship, established in 1937 by Ormond E. Hunt. Qualifications for these awards generally are citizenship, partial and entire support, and a minimum of 15 hours credit at the University. The Frank Sheehan Scholarship in aeronautics, founded in 1929 by Mil- dred Sheehan in memory of her brother, are available to aeronautical engineers. | Station Opened For Research The Biological Station, for teach- ing and research in botany and zoolo- gy, will continue this year in its thirty-fourth term as a regular part of the Summer Session of the Uni- versity. The station, owned and maintained by the University since .1909, con- sists of a forested area of approxi- mately 7,000 acres and lies between Douglas and Burt Lakes with a total frontage of more than six miles on the two. Situated in the transition zone between the evergreen forests to the north and the deciduous hard- wood forests to the south, it has the advantage of possessing vegetatior typical of both regions. Members of the station live in one- room cottages, equipped to accommo- date three persons. Each is provid- ed with screened doors and windows heating stove, beds, mattresses, chairs table, electric lights and other item. of equipment. Board is provided al the dining hall. Business Administration this sum- aLe tJ'.J.i'- . Y-- - - mer, and by September 1943 he will be able to receive his bachelor of business administration degree. ByyFountain Pons June 1944 he can earn his master of Typewriters business administration degree. Dean Griffin asserted that prac- tically all the courses of the school terial for war time use. Two courses, 302 South State Street especially, will deal with the prob- lems of business serving war needs. "Quality and Service" These are the industrial mobilization and industrial cost accounting sub- jects. Lectures by campus leaders, Student Supplies -- Leather Goods Army and Navy officers and others will be included in the curricula. L. l Believing that field instruction is fundamental to a satisfactory train- ing in geology whether it is intro- ductory and cultural or advanced and professional, the University has pro- vided an area with a wide diversity of geological phenomena for that purpose. Camp Davis, located in the valley of the Hoback River, is 20 miles southeast of the town of Jackson and 75 miles south of Yellowstone Park in Wyoming. The elevation is 6,113 feet above sea level, and the summer climate is almost perfect for field work. 1 i, 5 ,t Speech courses are also open to graduate students and to qualified undergraduate students above the rank of freshman at the National Music Camp at Interlochen. Laboratory work in radio and dra- matics will be offered at the Camp. The courses offered are operetta workshop, which is designed pri- marily for those interested in the problem of directing high school Dr college operetta; drama workshop, a practical course in theatre arts and radio workshop, which deals with var- ious phases of practical radio work. iF «~' ., ,. '%'. ': a A.S ., .'4 ,sK° ' $ , . . to J: , s ' S - __ s 1,> . s ' 4. r, . rk. 'i a_ ,wm6 i l i I i I i r I I "Up and Doing Cottons 'p to wear under the summer sun and moon CASUAL COTTONS for campus, captivat- ing dance frocks . . . Play clothes definitely not for shrinking violets ... They just make you want to get out and play ... And most important of all at down-to-earth prices, it's fun to buy them. Slack suits, play suits from $3.50. Slacks from $2.50. Shorts from $2. Cotton dresses . . . seersuckers, ging- hams, chambrays, flowered chintz dir- ndls, linen dicky suits from $4. Sizes 9-17, 10-44. ( , ( GS ( = 3~ x e j o>y f, f ri "fy/ , ' c _~ .vnr3r.... INV Cotton dance frocks from $12.95. i -I ' b , , vf;' s f , >ti<: Four seasons - spring, summer, fall and winter, Michigan co- eds look to COLLINS, Ann Arbor's fashion leader, for the clothes they love Four reasons-for at COLLINS they find Quality . . . Style . . . Dependability . . . Friend- 'a SUMMER ACCESSORIES . . . summer costume jewelry pins . . . bracelets . . . beads . . . lapel gadgets . .. gloves from $1. Bags from $2. Hose from $1. Sox at 39c. I . ly Service. '. y/ ::'."-% Q V. /~1I~XT T C, i