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May 15, 1942 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-05-15

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. . . By



AT THE TIME this column was set to print, the Board of
Regents had not yet met for final consideration of the pro-
posed physical education program to be established here at
Their meeting will come this weekend, and their approval of
whatever plan is set before them, we believe, will come with it.
By this time, a definite plan has been decided upon to be pre-
sented to the Regents. Just what this proposal is, cannot be
accurately said. But it can be guessed.
In all probability, the Board of Regents will pass judgment
on a plan calling for active physical hardening of every male
student on the Michigan campus, to all practical purposes.
Included Twill be all those who have registered for selective
service and all those who have enlisted in the reserve corps of
either the Army or Navy or their various affiliates. Of all the
proposals that were being considered, this one seems to be the
most logical and the most beneficial.
gan men will go into effect immediately at the start of the
new third term, the summer semester-meaning that the actpal

date for its inception will be June 15. There will be no class
cutting as there was in freshman gym. Each and every male
student who falls into the circumference of the great circle es-
tablished to surround him and make a better physical specimen
of him will be compelled to participate in the program.
LIFE for the typical Michigan man will mean, at first, one
day of exercise followed by one day of painful hobbling
about and extreme soreness and stiffness of every muscle and
limb. Then the next day he'll go back to his phys ed'class, and
once again the gymnastics will take their toll and once again
he'll spend the succeeding solar and lunar periods nursing his
minor aches and pains.
But that won't last too long. In a few weeks he'll begin not
to notice the stiffness because it won't be there. The calis-
thenics will come much easier, and his body will lose that flab-
biness to replace it with hard, solid muscle. He'll become physi-
cally fit and a healthier person for it all. His total time spent
getting physically hardened a week will amount to four-and-a-
half hours, split up into three 90 minute periods.
And that time will pay dividends. The program itself cannot

help but pay rich dividends to a nation at war. The Army and
Navy are expanding their branches and allowing college men
to enlist in the reserves until graduation, at which time they
will be sent to Officers' Training School. And the fighting men
that graduate from Michigan will be -physically equipped to
fight. Valuable time will not be wasted getting them in shape,
and the job of winning will be more expediently and efficiently
carried out.
DRIFTWOOD AND SPLINTERS: The Benchcomber, having
finally attained the .500 percentage mark on predictions by
calling the turn in the Preakness after rambling in the grand-
stand during the Derby, slides once again out to the end of his
bench to foresee the future. He hopes to stay on this time.
The New York Yankees will again win the American League
pennant . . . they haven't started to hit yet, and at this writ-
ing are on top of the heap . . . so look what it's gonna be
like when DiMaggio and Keller start to pound the horsehide
. Cleveland will fold like they did last year, and the Redsox
and Tigers will capture second and third place respectively . . .
give the Indians fourth, and then take the Whitesox, Browns,

Senators and Athletics.
Brooklyn and Pittsburgh will fight all the way down to the
wire in the National, and barring injuries it will be the Dodgers
beating out the Pirates who won't be able to withstand a whole
season . . . St. Louis will find out it should have kept Johnny
Mize but will still wind up third, followed closely by Cincinnati
. . . Boston fifth, Giants sixth, Cubs seventh and'Phillies the
usual last.
BOB UFER, ace Wolverine track star, will come to be recog-
nized as the greatest cinderman in the nation before he
graduates from this University . . . he can run as fast as any
from the 100 to the 880 events . . . Dick Wakefield, the famous
Michigan slugger who sold his services for $50,000 to the Tigers
last year, will make good in the bigtime as soon as he gets over
his fielding awkwardness.
Michigan's tennis team will repeat as Big Ten champ, and
the golf squad may surprise everyone by taking the Conference
title here next week . . . and Ben Smith should win the in-
dividual championship . . . if there is a better golfer in the
Conference, he hasn't teed off in a match yet.






_ n

OSU Favored
In Conference
Cinder Meet,
Michigan, Indiana, Illinois
Fight On Even Terms
For Runnerup Honorst
Injuries Threatens
Varsity's Chancest
For the first time in seven years
the track teams of Michigan and
Indiana are not the leaders in the
Western Conference track and field
meet Saturday at Evanston. Taking
over the lead as favorites for the
events is the well-balanced team
from Ohio State. The Buckeyes will
seek to end this domination of Big'
Ten track by the two schools.,
The Ohioans came up surprisingly
fast during the past year with such
stars as Captain Ralph Hammond
and Bob Wright to lead the Buck-
eyes. In a dual meet a week ago,
Michigan lost to this strong team,
81 2/3 to 40 1/3.
Teams Fight For Second
Consequently with the OSU team
seeded in first place the real battle
will be between three teams for the
second place. Michigan, Indiana and
Illinois all have equal chance to
clinch this berth. Each team has its
stars. Each team has some sure point
winners. So, according to Coach Ken
Doherty these potential second place
winners can each get about 28 points
according to past performances. He
added that the second berth may be
on about 28 points. Ohio State should
get about 50 markers if pre-meet
dope sheets are reliable.
Michigan's star in the 880 yard run,
Dave Matthews rates a good chance
in beating the defending titlist,
Campbell Kane of Indiana. Davey
has been running consistently with
some of the fastest times of his track
career. Kane, on the other hand,
hasn't shown as well in early spring
runs. He holds the National Colle-
giate title and the present Big Ten
record in the event. The mark stands
at 1:51.3. The Indiana star's best
time this year was 1:55.4 which does-
n't compare with the best perform-
ance by Michigan's Davey who cov-
ered the distance in 1:53.8.
Ufer Heads Quarter Milers
In the quarter mile Bob Ufer of
Michigan heads the list of entrants
and undoubtedly is the favorite. Even
though he was defeated in the 440
yard run last weekend his previous
performances warrant a careful con-
sideration of the Wolverine runner's
ability. "Hose Nose" broke the Amer-
ican indoor record this winter in the
event with the time of :48.1. On the
cinder track at Columbus last week-
end, however, Russ Owen, Buckeye
ace, outran the Michigan quarte-
miler in :48 flat. One defeat doesn't
eliminate Ufer by any means. In
fact he will be aiming for the Big
Ten outdoor record that has been

Wolverine Nine Seems
Again Headed For Title
Varsity Will Be Tested In Illinois, Chicago Games
This Weekend; Michigan, OSU Tied For Lead

He'll Clear The Path For Touchdowns -I

Michigan Hard Hit



With the Big Ten baseball race at
the halfway mark, Michigan's scrap-
py nine seems to be headed for their
second straight Conference title.
The battle for the crown has nar-
rowed down to a four-way fight be-
tween Iowa, Wisconsin, OhioState
and the Wolverines with Coach Ray
Fisher's crew tied for the lead with
Ohio State each boasting of a record
of five victories against a single de-
feat. Iowa is in third with eight wins

woefully weak Maroons. These four
games will be a real test forCoach
Fisher's squad, especially the pitch-
ing staff.
The starting hurling assignments
will fall on the shoulders of Irv 'Pro'
Boim, Mickey Fishman and Bill Cain.
The WVol verin e mentor isi undecided
who he will start in the second game
against Chicago, but lie is likely to
come back with Boim.
Michigan closes its season on May
29 and 30 with games with Ohio
State. As the Big Ten race shapes
up now, that series might decide the
winning of the title. If the teams
should split the series, there would
likely be a three-way tie for the
Piteiing Improves
Two weeks ago Coach Fisher was
worried over his mound crew as the
Varsity dropped three out of four
games, one-to Indiana-a Confer-
ence tilt. However, Boim and Fish-
man mace the old "Vermont Wizard"
smile as they turned in a five- and
a one-hitter, respectively, against
Northwestern last week.
Fishman's one-hitter was a heart-
breaker because he was within one
pitch of a no-hit classic. With two
men out in the ninth inning, Wild-
cat Ed Hirsch singled for the only
This year's team isn't quite as
strong as the squad that copped the
title for the Wolverines last year, but
is a well-balanced nine. They rank1
second in batting in the Big Ten
with an average of .290 and are field-
ing at a .945 average, which is the
(Continued on Page 4)


When the Wolverine grid squad oper:s their season against Great
Lakes next September 28, they will be led by George Ceithaml, power-
ful captain-quarterback. A senior hailing from Chicago, Ceithaml suc-
ceeds All-American fulback Bob Westfail as captain. In his freshman
year George won the coveted Chicago Award trophy as the most out-
standing player on the squad and his brilliant play for the past three
seasons has since justified the honor accorded him.

Doc May Ends
Long Service
To Retire After 41 Years
As Head Of Michigan's
Phys. Ed. Department
Doctor George A. May, the diminu-
tive human stick of dynamite, is re-
tiring after 41 years as head of the
physical education department.
Throughout his long successful career
he has constantly stressed physical
fitness, and even now, at 70 years,
Doe is'in the peak of condition.
He says, "The secret of success at
Michigan is cooperation. A 50-50
basis is necessary for both instructor
and student." To exemplify this co-
operative spirit the mighty little man
works out with his students at least
three times a week. He begins with
the Indian clubs, then calisthenics,
and then a twenty minute workout
on the apparatus. Doc finishes up
with a half-mile jog around the track.
He says, "Athletics should be de-
velopmental, with rope climbing and
weight lifting to develop the arms."
As he puts it, "An athlete must have
that little drop of dynamite."
Born In Philadelphia.
Doc May was born in Philadelphia
in 1872. As a youth his one ambition
was to become a major league ball-
player. He hob-nobbed with many
minor league baseball men around
the city of Brotherly Love. Doc had
the ability to make the grade, but he
says, "I never grew up." So to com-
pensate for his lack of height, he
joined the gymnasium in Philadel-
phia and began developing his body.
Doc met five famous international
athletes here, and he exclaims, "I
made up my mind to be as tough as
they were." After two years he
achieved his goal by winning a con-
test in Philadelphia. "I could then
high-jump five feet and six inches,
and that was in long pants at that!"
he commented.
While in Philadelphia, Doc May
won the Indian club and fencing
championships. Just for good mea-
sure, he kept in shape by giving ex-
hibitions. One he remembers espec-
ially was at the old Chicago World's
Because of his undying spirit and
stamina, Doc was offered a position
at Yale University in 1896. For two
years he coached the Yale gymnas-
tic and basketball teams, winning the
gymnastic championship at the East-
ern Intercollegiate Meets. He studied

In June
Wolverines Have Veterans
In Backfield Positions;
Must Fill Holes In Line
Fritz Crisler Needs
Reserve Material
(Daily Sports Editor)
Facing a tough ten-game schedule
in the fall and dealt a hard blow by
the graduation of five first-stringers,
Michigan's football team ended its
annual spring training grind last
Saturday with many unsolved prob-
lems and a still-glowing hope of re-
peating as one of the greatest grid-
iron aggregations in the land.
Gone from Coach Fritz Crisler's
powerful eleven are such stalwarts as
fullback Bob Westfall, center Bob In-
galls, tackle Rube Kelto and ends
Harlin Fraumann and Joe Rogers.
Last year the Wolverines were in
practically the same spot as now.
They had lost Tom Harmon, Forrest
Evashevski, Ed FrutighRalph Fritz
and Milo Sukup. But they came up
with new strength to fill the gaping
holes left by the departure of the 1940
team, and Michigan retained its lau-
rels as one of the nation's best.
Prospects Dimmer
This year, however, on the basis of
showings during the spring drills, the
Maize and Blue prospects do not
seem as bright as they did a year ago.
In recent years, the reserves have
never been banked deeply, and this
grid campaign will find that situa-
tion aggravated rather than allevi-
ated. Crisler needs linemen and
needs them badly. He has no strong:
second team to hurl into the fray
when the first-stringers get injured
and are unable to continue. This
year the Wolverines must rely on
60 minute men to pull them through
their most difficult schedule of years.
There are no outstanding linemen
like Merv Pregulman and Julie'
Franks, who surged to the fore as
sophomores last season, coming up:
from the freshman ranks. The year-
ling backfield candidates look more
promising for Big Ten competition,
but if any Tom Kuzma's or Paul
White's will develop is still unknown.
Three Vets In Backfield
In the backfield, Crisler has three
veterans who will be in the starting
lineup when the Wolverines make
their public'debut against the Great
Lakes Naval Training Station Sep-
tember 28. Kuzma and White, the
sophomore sensations of a year ago,
will hold down the halfback posts,
and with a season's experience under
their belts these two speedy huskies
should be making the headlines with
boring regularity Saturday after Sat-
urday. Kuzma took Harmon's place,
and made the fans forget the Hoosier
Hammer last year. White, hampered

I-l Offers Varied Athletic Program
n ~ _____________________________

in 10 games and Wisconsin has played
only four tilts, winning three.
Vital Test This Weekend
Michigan's big test comes this
weekend when they play four games
in as many days. Today and tomor-
row the Varsity tackles a strong Illi-
nois nine in a two-game series at
Champaign. After the game on Sat-.'
urday the Wolverines will travel to
Chicago, where they will play a
double header on Monday with the

One of the things that has helped
make summers enjoyable for those
who go to school at that time, has
been the advantage of participating
in the University Intramural Sports
Program. This year will be no excep-
tion, and University of Michigan stu-
dents will have the opportunity of
entering into the activities.
Intramural sports will be a separ-
ate function, having nothing whatso-
ever to do with the proposed Physical
Fitness program that is almost cer-

tain to go into effect this summer.
The set up will be completely volun-
tary, and is designed entirely for the
enjoyment of those who will toil at
their studies during the new third
Larger Scale Activity
There will be a regular plan of
organization as in the past, but it
will be on a much larger scale than
ever before. With a great many stu-
dents returning, leagues will be form-
ed, and fraternities, residence halls
and independents will vie for the

various championships.
As has always been the Intramural
policy, everything shall be based up-
on competition. There will be many
more tournaments than ever in such
sports as softball, tennis, golf, and
horseshoes. This is in direct con-
trast to the proposed Physical Fitness
Program which has an emphasis on
calisthentics and endurance. The
more competitive spirt than can be
aroused, the more successful the pro-
gram will be.
(Continued on Page 2)


Ever since World War II started,
sports writers throughout the nation
have been bemoaning the future of
American athletics.
The chief reasons they advance
for this pessimistic outlook are:
1) All physically capable men will
be taken for the armed forces.
2) Teams won't be able to get the
necessary athletic equipment to car-
ry out their programs.
y) Fans will not have time to go

sporting personalities are still active-
ly engaged in their favorite pastime.
In major league basball, for ex-
ample, we see that men have been
deferred from service because of age,
dependents, minor physical disabil-
ities and for a number of other rea-
Therefore we can assume that men
engaged in professional athletics will
be taken for the military forces in
much the same ratio as they are
taken from any other walk of life.

the reserve branches of the Army,
Navy and Marines.
Latest reports from Washington
say that these special programs for
college students will continue for the
duration, consequently we can expect
collegiate sports to continue at their
present pace.
If anything college athletic pro-
grams have been expanded since the
Here at Michigan we have already
arranged to meet the Great Lakes

program, and especially major league
baseball and college football are vital
in keeping up the nation's moral.
Hank Hatch, Wolverine equipment
manager, says that aside from a few
odds and ends, Michigan will have a
full stock of all needed athletic equip-
ment. Recent statistics by the As-
sociated Press indicate that crowds
have not started to fall off at our
baseball parks. Quite to the contrary
they have increased in many instan-
ces. Only last Sunday 184,879 fans
,-,-,,,wi the Anipriv.n n ~n'r'atinn1

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