FRIDAY, MAY 15; 19420 TII~MICHIIGAN DAILY Exiled French Cabinet Member CallsFor Aid To Underground (Continued from Page 1) refused to arbitrate as. compared to only six where labor refused,, arbi- tration. Cot defended labor by saying that "the most active in the underground now are the workers-the organized workers." Cot, who was indicted at the Riom war guilt trials, declared that "the Vichy government" repre- sents a small and shrinking minority of the French people." The recent coming into power of Pierre Laval is a logical step-in the German occupation. Cot described the first step, the government of Petain and Darlan, as a requisite for conditioning the French people to German rule. "Hitler is a smart worker and the use of the aged Marshal Petain arouses less suspicion in America.. furthermore, Marshal Petain was the only one able to create this condition in France."~ However, he went on to explain, a stronger man was needed for 'the second period.' Laval was chosen not because he is more of a fascist than Petain but because he is a more shrewd and unscrupulous man. Pe- tain was an honest but unconscious tool. "Laval has no scruples at all," Cot declared, "He is the most hated man in France. His personal fate is tied to Hitler's, and for this reason he will grant Germany every bit of help! short of war." 1 Cot predicted cooperation with Hit- ler to this extent: 1. Laval will use- the French fleet to convoy cargo boats across the Mediterranean Sea. 2. He will use the French Navy and Army to defend French territories and even take territories, held by DeGaulle. DAILY OFFICIAL r (Continued from Page 6) west of Ann Arbor on the Huron River Drive. There will be games and supper will be furnished by the Club at 5:30 p.m. Those planning to attend will please register in Room 2014 of the Kellogg Building. Trans- portation will be arranged for those who do not have a way to go. This is the final student activity of the year and everyone is urged to attend.; Alpha Kappa Delta Picnic origin-' ally scheduled for Portage Lake will be held at Dexter-Huron Park on Sat- urday, May 16. Cars will leave Hav- en Hall at 2:30 p.m. Senior Society: A picnic meeting will be held Saturday, May 16, from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. for all old and new members. Meet at the League at 4:00 p.m. It is imperative that all members be present. Bring money for the food. All R.O.T.C. Cadets will report to the R.O.T.C. Headquarters at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 16. Old clothes will be worn. Post-War Group Maps Plaits The Michigan Post-War Council The reorganized executive council yesterday formulated plans for a is composed of Pat McGraw, '45. comprehensive summer's program Herbert Heavenrich, '44E, Clifford embracing outdoor picnic discussions Strachlcy, '44, Karl Kessler, Grad.. of the problems of the peace. John Baker, '44, Fern Rice, '43, and The first discussion to be held un- Gloria Donen, '43. der the reorganized group will take Three new groups, the Intercoop- place on June 25, after the beginning erative Council, the International of the summer term when Mark Center and the Engineering Council Dresden, assistant in the physics de- have been admitted to membership in partment will lead discussion. the council. While quality is never out of date, Style and Fit are esseni- tial. You are assured of both if we become your tailor. FG It119 South U1nivcrSu.y Al :ERI (;, k~lA~kI(~, 1.LANIN ASSOCIATED PRESS DPOCTU RE NE WS ci PROCLAMATIO'N Irfli~w th/c I r rd olnlion tof c pc i wctmdic al 'authoritiex indlirates /Il /he c'ccs of th ive.) antesi yfir ub %/adrd liti i1'no(obhiltblood coiilit acceordi,, tothe e'ltablisiled h1ornt of valmefor blood bauzk. donors, and /ll~ar'I e 'oi'ri,i,1 bodl y for u 'omce/i .i udts, lhal is the)(' ount.i]of the Lagle, h~t ac it due cogniz anrce of this si/na/ion, and has issue d sundtcry rides for guidcer w of samte Coeds wi/h particular regard to food, exercise and hours for ext ra-currwcidar acliuly par/ici- patio/i1; andc //(,4e ~srea ivr (/11( lsundcl ry ii'cs/iga/ionts ir/icl(,a/(' Ihalaitei (/1,11 o oi/ acngpo eludes' the c ('A /wcii/it of approxiita/e/v 1 62 V foot Pounds of ('Ilergy),- whicl) samei( may be re- 14lwc(d by the ceon snu P/ionl of a suitable (111(1easily assimidl/d 10fo'o ii/aiuiig 18320) calories (or a / 'as u//aie lf acsi/ile /herecof )i i G R 1 M -P R A C T 1 C E,.Waring protective_ equipment, these Camp. Wolters, Tex., soldiers fence' with dummy rifles bearing dummy tips. It's tough,- bruising practice for a grim war ,job. EGG -CELLENT-Thisbtl- die. at George R. Parker's Mon-, mouth Junction, N.J., fiarm proudly wears an "E". awardled by Marteal Oglesby as nation's hens exceed government pro, duction quota. FORSAKES BROWN DER BY-Al Smith laidaside his famed brown derby as he bought a war bond show ticket. l(li It h/aso m 'c esli ed 1) ),th) e 'c u/it e (:oI rit 4ofJ theAIi~h,.an i lw'o i eel ini an E-/ raiordlimiar y ,Scsson, Ihat theI(, ounildof the luoii, issue ltins 1puulaialiun : /t ti, tiali ont ,Soiaturdl vi ay '10, be/n ee,; i/1wc hon rrs of 9 o' clock, in the ic 'eniing aand 1 2 midn ight , tlwre n ii be %(rc , J e(tor frol t /) ,n t , / )11 llii of said Uion ic(Trani'41c ( (11(5of /i'/ cI>V!P I1/ /10 intake ito ('b'/Ji( abouT ie ,n/tiotted coedk to / ri/i imore or less /i/ut/y I/on th (/lcriian(d i/fliakv their ica )' to thel doors of thei various domiciles atl the ltnle in f(erred by Iellleagute (C. cliil, aIN closi/ng hou rs." ',loftt .ii 'ct five / -~ 1 a } 3 . { ve} h L ' S}S ., .- . :..'Y, Jo~ t.,:: : ":,. K 'i L } .