_ _ _ _r
Local Schools
To Get Health
Training Plan
Board Votes To Introduce
Swimming, Exercising,
Hygiene Information
Hasley Supports Bill
Declaring that "the American
youth in comparison with German
and Japanese youths is physically.
unprepared to fight," Otto Haisley,
superintendent of schools in Ann
Arbor, supported a proposal, passed
by the Board of Education at a
meeting Tuesday night, providing for
a program of . intensified physical
training for all male students in city
Haisley said that Col. William Ga-
noe, head of the University military
science department, advocated "step-
ping up" the physical programs in the
schools. Dr. Warren E. Forsythe of
the medical school, he added, is also
in favor of the change.
The new wartime physical fitness
program will be divided into three
units: (1) physical activity, (2) swim-
ming and (3) health information with1
special reference to personal andI
camp hygiene.
Alertness Stressed
In this program physical and men-
tal alertness and ability to give orders
and obey them will be emphasized in
the "School of the Soldiers" taken
from the Infantry Drill Regulations
and will consist primarily of position
of the soldier, general marching tech-
niques, facings and alignments.
All male students in Ann Arbor
schools will be required to take two
hours of physical training, two hours
of swimming and one hour of health
education each week. Special ex-
emptions will be allotted to students
participating in interscholastic sports.
Cost of the program is estimated
at $2,000.
Pr.ority Asked
Official forms have been sent to
the Board of Education by the State
Board of Control for Vocational Edu-
cation as an initial step toward ex-
tending a priority rating on machin-
ery for school shops training individ-
uals for defense work.
Woodwork shops in Ann Arbor
schools are busy making model air-
planes for the government. Many
University students interested- in
making model planes are also partici-
pating in this project. Plans for 501
types of aircraft, both Axis and
Allied, have been sent to schools to
be made in miniature to scale.
Models made in Ann Arbor will be
sent to Grosse Ile where they will be
used to train pilots in identification,
range and cone of fire.
Cavalry Group To Join ROTC
In Mock Battle In Arboretum
* * *
Defenses Will Be Tested
By Attacking Regiment
In Maneuvers Saturday
A hard riding cavalry unit will step
up the tempo of Arboretum warfare
tomorrow, when the Cadet Officers
Riding Club joins in the mock attack
on the city.
Garrisoned only by a single com-
pany, Ann Arbor defenses will be
tested in the mock battle against the
entire ROTC regiment in the largest
maneuvers of the year. Company L,
special drill company of the regiment,
commanded by Lieut. Henry C. Loud,
'43E, will be the defenders and the
Arboretum area the battleground.
According to the original plan, a
squadron of twelve planes was to
participate in the attack. However,
the air support has been cancelled
by the authorities.
Supermen of the mock fray will be
the cavalry, who since they can not
be replaced, will continue to ride
whether they are technically fatali-
ties or not.
Captained by Captain Neil G. Sper-
hake,. '43F&C, the well trained group
of horsemen will act as flank pro-
tectors and messengers. The train-
ing in cavalry drill which the club
has received each Saturday, will be
demonstrated at the maneuvers.
Signal Corps cadets will provide
all communications for the attacking
forces, and as was originally planned
were to direct the aircraft.
Actual boundaries of the battle
field are as follows: the Huron River,
Washtenaw Ave., Arlington Drive
and Geddes Road.
Medical Needs
Stated B Dean
Dr. Furstenberg Proposes
Broad Post-War Plan
Sound Experts
To Meet Here
Syuposi un Will Discuss
Air Raid Alert Signals
With a symposium on air raid
warning devices as the main feature
of its program, the Acoustical Society
of America will open its 27th bian-
nual meeting today in the Rackham
The symposium, to be held at 10
a.m. tomorrow, will consist of six
papers read by researchists of cor-
poration laboratories and the Office
of Civilian Defense.
Today's sessions at 10 a.m. and
2 p.m. will be devoted to papers on
the general subject of acoustics.
The Society's dinner at 6:30 p.m.
today at the Barton Hills Country
Club will be highlighted by the pre-
sentation of a $100 award to Dr.
Richard H. Bolt, defense research-
ist at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology. The award, which is be-
ing presented for the first time, is
in recognition of contributions of
younger men to acoustics.
The Wright Sonovox, a device
which makes various sounds and
noises into words, will be demon-
strated at the evening session at 8:30
p.m. today.
(Continued from Page 4)
ing under Professor Arthur Hackett
of the School of Music.
Thirteenth Annual Exhibition of
Sculpture in the Concourse of the
Michigan League Building. Open
daily until after Commencement.
William J. Mayo Lecture: Dr. R. K.
Ghormley of the Mayo Clinic, Roches-
ter, Minnesota, will give the William-
J. Mayo Lecture on Friday, May 22,,
in the Hospital Amphitheatre at 1:30
p.m. The title of his presentation
will be "A Clinical Pathological Study,
of Back Pain."
The lopwood Lecture: Mr. John
Crewes Ransom, author, and editor1
of the "Kenyon Review," will give the
Hopwood Lecture on Tuesday, May,
19, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham
Lecture Hall. Announcement will
also be made of major and minor
Hopwood Prizes for 1941-42.
Een fIs Today
Westm'iinster Stude iiGuild wl 1
meet at fIhe chur'ch at 8 o'clock to-
A Physicist and his assistants will
deinonstrate and explain the phe-
noinenom of making any noise talk.
legibly at 8:30 p.m. today in the.
Rackhan Amphitheatre.
The method involved in making
glasses, pots, pans, clocks, trains,fog-
horns, airplanes and any other sound
speak is really very simple, accord-
ing to Mr. John A. Cory, nanager of
Wright Sonovox, Inc.
Simple Equipment
With nothing more than regular
radio transmitter equipment, two
small black discs that operate, on a
principle similar to that of a loud
speaker and Miss Julie Kimberling
who holds the discs against her throat
and silently articulates the desired
words, an automobile horn can say
"Get out of my way!'
Completing Mr. Cory's group are
Miss Sally Thorson, who acts as
dramatic director and Mr. Willigm
E. Brennan, engineer in charge of
the equipment.
The Sonovox, which has found ever
increasing use in broadcasting, ad-
vertising and movie sound effects,
was first conceived by Gilbert Wright,
son of the novelist Harold Bell
Wright, when he was writing movie
scripts in 1939.
Eerie Effect
In one section of the movie a son-
orous voice was to be dubbed in quot-
ing a morbid refrain that would effect
a gloomy atmosphere to the scene.
Wright felt that if he could make a
sound in the scene make the words
rather than a human voice, the re-
sult would be more effective.
He called the assistance of an en-
gineer, and together they developed
the original Sonovox units, which,
night for an out-of-door evening of
fun at the Island Fireplace. In case
of rain there will be Open House at
the church at 8:30 p.m.
Episcopal Students: Tea will be
served for Episcopal students and
their friends at Harris Hall this
afternoon, 4:00 to 5:30.
Wesley Foundation: Annual Ban-
quet honoring the Seniors tonight at
6:30 o'clock in the Social Hall of the
First Methodist Church. Mr. Ralph
Hileman of the Detroit Y.M.C.A. will
be the speaker. Reservations may be
made by calling 6881 before noon to-
Cwiting Events
Public health Club Picnic: A plc-
oac for all students and faculty in
the School of Public Health will be
iwld on saturday, May 1I. at the
1llron-Dexter Park, about Q Miles
(ConImu wd on Pagc 7)
with slight changes, are still used as
models today.
Although the war has hindered re-
cent development of the Sonovox, it
has also opened the way to work with
the Army Signal Corps, which might
lead the way to other Army work.
Although tonight's lecture was or-
iginally scheduled as part of the pro-
gram of the spring meeting of the
Acoustical Society of America, be-
cause of its general interest, it was
opened to the public.
Following the demonstration, there
will be an explanation of the Sonovox
and an opportunity for the audience
to ask questions concerning any
points about which they may still be
Music School Orgauist
Will PlayHere Tonight
In partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the degree of Master
of Music, Victor Hildner, student
from Detroit, will present an organ
recital at 8:30 p.m. 'today in Hill
Mr. Hildner, who has studied un-
der Palmer Christian, will offer
works of Boehm, Frescobaldi, Bach,
Franck, Widor, and Liszt. This pro-
gram is open to the general public.
Kitchenware, Clocks Will Orate
In Sonovax Exhibition Today
knd take advai
our 25% discou
dl early hats -
nnd medium in
.nd navy.
East Liberty
m Theatre Bldg
tage of
nt on
- snal
. m , .., , . ,, _ _
Navy Casualty List
Reports Ann Arbor
Listed as missing, in the Navy De-
partment's third casualty list of the
war, was Floyd K. Nelson, of Ann Ar-
bor. Nelson, a seaman, first clad,
was one of three officers and 72 en-
listed men from Michigan announced
as missing in the report. His-.nearest
relative is Clarence F. Ramsay,
1447 Washington Heights, guardian.
From Long Beach, Calif., conies
the report that William W. Witliff,
of Port Huron, University student
who left in November of 1940, has
been made a squadron commander.
- . i
Read The .DailyClassifieds!
AleeorlloI I
So. Need*I ForAxe'Powerj
"Rehabilitation of the medical pro-
fession is one of our major post-war
responsibilities," stated Dr. Albert C.
Furstenberg, dean of the medical
school, speaking before a session of
the Adult Education Institute yester-
day in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
"It will be necessary to distribute
medical men equally among the peo-
ple in order to give every person ade-
quate medical attention," continued
Dean Furstenberg. "Although there
are 16,000 doctors in the country at
present there is no oversupply of
I medical men if they will do their job
in the new reorganization."
The other two responsibilities of3
the medical school during wartime
cited by Dean Furstenberg were the
speeding trainimg of young men and
women to become proficient in medi-
cal skill, and the large scale promo-
tion of medical research. "'The trend
in the medical school," lie further
stated, "is to cut down on the number
of science courses in pre-medical er-
ucation and h've a more Iberal,'
well-rounlel prograniinstear," and
t" )('lu1drd by adrvis;ing pt-c-mcd sKu-
dents to consider thisl in plann1ing
The tenth annual Adult Educa-
tion Institute will Open its la(t day of
sessions with a discussion on "Voca-
tional Education in Wartime and
After," tomorrow at 10 a.m. In the
afternoon session Jan F. Hostie will
lecture on "The Basis of Lasting
Peace After the War."
The five day conference is taking
place under the auspices of the Uni-
versity Extension Service and the
Michigan State Federation of Wo-
men's Clubs.
Real Home Cooking
First Floor Booths
Second Floor Table Service
n attractive Williamsburg Rooms
615 East William. . Ann Arbor
The government needs hundreds
of meteorologists as an important
part of the nation's air forces. Ac-
cording to Prof. Ralph L. Belknap,
of the geology department, "Weather
conditions are a factor in from 50 to
75 percent of the accidents involving
military aircraft, and thus the me-
teorologist must fill an important
place in the war effort."
At present there is a demand for
three to four times as many trained
meteorologists as are available to fill
the needs of the Army, Navy, the
weather bureaus and the commercial
air lines.
The particular demands of the
armed forces are for two types of
meteorologists: those who are adept
at forecasting and observing weather
conditions; and those who under-
stand the theory and principles of
meteorology adequately to be quali-
fied as instructors.
Primary reason for the present
shortage of tr1aiflemd meteorologists is
thle loug iraining period required.
Draining of all available sources of
trained pe'rsonnel by the government
to set up training schools in meteor-
ology for the armed forces has fur-
the' complicated the situation.
Beginning with the Fall Term inj
October the University will inaugu-
rate an eight-semester course of
study leading to a bachelor of science
degree in meteorology. According to
Professor Belknap. "A student can--
not have too much mathematics andI
physics as a background for a career
in this field." Included in the re-
quirements for the degree will be:
meteorology, 14 hours; climatology,
3 hours; calculus, 8 hours; and
physics, 16 hours. Knowledge of Ger-
man and Russian is helpful but not
The University's meteorology de-
gree will qualify students for a one-
year program of study in meteorol-
ogy, which is required before the
status of trained meteorologist is
reached. Part of students' expenses
while pursuing the graduate program
are paid by the government.
Graduate work in meteorology is
offered at the Massachusetts Insti-
tue of Technology, New York Uni-
versity, the University of Chicago,
the University of 'California at Los
Angeles and the California Institute
of Technology.
Upon completion of the gra'dlwite
course, students are assigned to serv-
ice with the Army, Navy or th'
United States Weather Bureau. braPiI
boards are being requested to deler
students who are taking meteorology
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