:. __ _ __ _THE MICI41GAN iJAItY- FRJJMA; NTH 15; VrV 4g~ *igtrlcuuaily Letters To The Editor 11 w _ " . F*34r.wow-Asm - - -.6-mwj i Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the'Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.00, by mail $5.00. REPRESENTEDF OR NATIONAL AOVERTISING DY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADIsoN Ave. NEW YoRn. N. Y. CUICAGO -.BosToN * Los ANGSLS * SAN FANcisco Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Editorial Staff Homer Swander Morton Mintz Will Sapp, Charles Thatcher George W. Sallad6 Bernard Hendel Myron Dann . Barbara deFries Edward J. Perlberg Fred M. Ginsberg Mary Lou Curran Jane Lindberg . James Daniels . Managing Editor Editorial Director City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor Women's Editor Business Staff ..Business Manager Associate Business Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Publications Sales Analyst NIGHT EDITOR: LEON GORDENKER The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily, staff and represent the views of the writers only. Nelson Must Clean WPB House. . W HEN Donald Nelson was made sole director of the War Production Board last February, visions of efficiency, co- ordination and, above all, of actual production appeared before both the people and the press. Nelson assumed his tremendous task of to- ordinating the vast United States war produc-- tion effort with words that radiated confidence and an attitude that should have made red tape men tremble. His oft-quoted words tell their own story. "Hours are important. Every minute counts. I pledge my word to the American peo- ple that I will knock down indifference and in- tolerance wherever I find it." Those were big words for a man setting out to reorganize the decadent OPM. Enthusiasm was high for many persons in- terpreted this action as the end of government vacillation with regard to industry. Wiser heads, however, withheld judgment until Nel- son should apply those words to such incum- bent obstacles as Jesse Jones and William Knudsen. Early in the life of the WPB it became evident to the public that all was not going well. Came the aluminum and magnesium scandals which smelled of things worse than intolerance and indifference, yet guilty parties did not begin to go. The report of the Truman Committee, whose yeoman efforts were chiefly responsible for the creation of the WPB, showed that things were seriously wrong in the control of aircraft pro- duction. The investigators of that committee found that persons directing aircraft production knew little if anything about it. Nevertheless, do-little Merrill C. Meigs, ex-Hearst publisher, remains in charge. Festering spot toward which most adverse criticism is directed is the department control- ling durable consumer goods. Here representa- tives from industries are allowed to dictate the terms of their own plant turnovers from civilian to war production. They have allowed the re- frigerator, typewriter, furniture and many other industries to continue producing-using essen- tial materials-as if there were no war. Latest WPB scandal is to be found in the automobile industry where, under the guise of creating a stock pile of spare parts, produc- ers have successfully prevented the complete change-over to war production-not to mention making a good bit of change on the side. Only one man, Robert Guthrie, struck out against these unwise and costly practices. This man was demoted and allowed to resign. Guth- rie's only sin was intolerance of biased official action. Offering a feeble excuse for his poor staff, Nelson recently stated that dollar-a-year men no longer wanted to join his staff because of the adverse criticism from the press. Patriotic dol- lar-a-year men, we must say! To date the press has been pretty gentle Russia A Force For Peace To the Editor: Irving Jaffe's considered reply to the incred- ible Mr. Walsh was intelligent and much to the Point. Since Mr. Walsh's shortcoming is appar- ently a marked lack of knowledge of current history, it would have been impossible for Mr. Jaffe to untangle and correct his muddled think- ing in a few column inches, but Mr. Jaffe is to be commended for a fine critique. I merely want to add a critical consideration of one of the more unfortunate of Mr. Walsh's speculations. He says: "In 1933 ..President Roosevelt said, 'I trust that our nations may cooperate-for the preservation of the peace of the world.' Less than six years later the Rus- sla armies had marched into Finland in one of the most infamous, etc." This jump of six years totally ignores the time between 1933 and 1939; it ignores Ethiopia, Spain, Austria and Munich. I think that any sort of investiga- tion of the history of this period will convince Mr. Walsh that the Soviet Union, during these years, was the only major power which at- tempted to further the ideal expressed by President Roosevelt. During those tragic years when Hitler had his own way, the Soviet Union, through its chief diplomat, Maxim Litvinoff, strove to unite the democracies of Europe into a united front against Fascism, a front which would have effec- tively checked the Nazi aspirations for expan- sion. I suggest that Mr. Walsh remember this name, Litvinoff, and that he read something about the man, perhaps in that late issue of Time (very conservative). Joseph E. Davies re- ports, (Mission to Moscow, p. 109) that Litvinoff in 1937 stated "that the only hope for the pres- ervation of European peace was a prompt, firm' declaration of the democracies of Europe that they were standing together for peace-that if the United States were to join in such a declara- tion it would mean not only European peace but world peace as well, as it would also settle the Japanese question." The Soviet Union, of course, was not success- ful in its effort to prevent the war, and the causes for its failure can be found in the quality of the governments of France and England. One of the results of the sabotage ofcollective secur- ity was the necessity for protecting Leningrad by annexing portions of Finland.. I think that if Mr. Walsh had not seen fit to pass so blithely from 1933 to 1939, he would not have written his incomprehensible editorial. Mr. Walsh should read more widely, even the highly liberal New Republic might teach Mr. Walsh something, if he can find any copies later than 1939. Finally, it is truely regrettable that Mr. Churchill does not trust Mr. Stalin. British. Prime Ministers, though, have been notable these past few years for trusting too many people. Hitler, for instance. - Robert L. Chapman, '43 Reactionary Influence To the Editor: ALTHOUGH I believe that campus reaction has thoroughly refuted the illogical views of Mr. Walsh, I would like to consider one of the aspects of the editorial. Whether it is plain lack of understanding of the crisis through which America is passing, or plain stupidity, or the blind ravings of one who fears the "Reds" more than he does the Nazis is of no concern. What is of concern is that Mr. Walsh has quoted Westbrook Pegler, and has been influ- enced by this labor-baiter's views. Pegler, Hearst, McCormick, Patterson are daily hin- dering this nation's war effort by injecting into us suspicion of our allies. Every day in the week, 33,000,000 American readers are subjected to the poison of these ap- peasers. Hearst and Patterson have been thor- oughly exposed by "PM" as falling directly into that group of publishers whom Archibald Mac- Leish called America's sixth column. The Satur- day Evening Post prints anti-Semitic and anti- labor articles; it incites class against class, Jews against gentile, Negro against white. McCormick of the "Chicago Tribune" has done all in his power to make us hate the British, despise the Chinese, and fear the Russians. They are daily carrying out Hitler's axiom of "divide and con- quer." America, fighting in complete unison with the British, China and Russia, will emerge vic- torious. America, isolated from her allies, cannot survive this war. And yet every day in the week these Hitler-lovers continue to in- ject their poison into American minds. Mr. Walsh's editorial is the result of the harm these appeasers are doing. Let us follow their reasoning one step further to its logical conclusion. They say, "We cannot trust the Russians-that after the war we will have to fight Russia." Then why should we send aid to Russia in the first place? This last state- ment is what the appeasers hope the American people will think if they accept the first two premises. r7iT-V dare tn Coavthese thinao tf the ov vime Not Treason To the Editor: The Daily editorial page has been dull reading this year. It took George Walsh, a freshman, to stir us up and get us away from the Soph Prom, Friday night quiet-hours, new movie theatre level of college controversy. Mr. Walsh, with an editorial advocating that America take on Russia after she gets through with the Axis, really started something. If the letters already printed are any indica- tion, all of these outraged citizens are calling Walsh a Nazi, a Fascist, a perverter of national unity, and a few things less polite. Take Al Weeks, '45. "Mr. Walsh.. .would you rather write for Herr Goebbels or Herr Swan- der?" - .. "a worse crime" . . . "tear down mor- ale" ... And Marvin Lerner, '43: "Sixth column" - "The publication of Walsh's editorial is dan- gerous . . . " David Stevenson, '42, in a more humorous vein: "If Mr. Walsh keeps up the good work, there is no reason why he can't share the German air waves with Martin Dies, or land a job on the Beobachter.. ." I am not defending Mr. Walsh's position. But I am defending his right to say what he thinks, to criticize national policy, in print. Russia's attitude at the peace table will mean a lot when the war is over. Her peace aims may be a far cry from our own, and she will be a factor to be reckoned with. Walsh, in advocat- ing that we formulate our attitude toward Rus- sia now, may be wrong, but he is hardly Fascistic, When Tom Thumb says, of the first real controversy The Daily has started this year, lashing at Walsh's editorial: "It is treason to tell lies in the public press, therefore inspiring others to parrot the fibs and undermine our cause.. my first reaction is: "If this be treason . .. let's have a little more of it on The Daily editorial page." - Jim Conant, '44 By TOM THUMB THE FINE THING about radio is that it renders so much service to the public. -The National Association of Broadcasters stated that "the ra- dio, through advertising, is the great- est informational medium that the public has ever known." Yes, there's no doubt about that. Proof is found in those charming in- formative commercials. For instance: "Emily Froitzboinder, Girl Dog- catcher, is brought to you by Goo, the only sure-fire guaranteed stuff. Goo gives guaranteed relief in four ways. It is better because it is composed of ingredients. Just think of it, Mrs. Housewife-Goo is composed of gen- uine ingredients! Like a doctor's pre- scription, it is a compound! Com- pounds always give sure relief, es- pecially if they are composed of in- gredients! In addition to all this, Goo contains an analgesic, sodium acetylsalicylate! 'Remember Goo- it's Goo for what ails you!" Yes, I must agree with the NAB. You certainly learn a lot from radio commercials. IT will certainly be swell to graduate and be out in the cold, cold world. There is no dean out there, I under- stand. The influence of, having a dean, whether he comes in contact with you or not, is extremely oppres- sive. Out in the world, all we have to do is lick Hitler. At least, there are no deans. I have been in school four years and two summer sessions now, and I can truthfully say that I learned nothing useful except the knowledge I picked up in Mr. McGeoch's Music 41. You can tell me it's my own fault. I'm sure of that. But I did have fun and mebbe I'll get a dimplomy, too. * * * Besides, I know the difference be- tween an esker and a drumlin. *, * * . And if I should be on some quiz program and I choose the geology questions and the $64 question is: "What is the difference between an esker and a drumlin?" I'll probably be too tongue-tied to answer anyway. Now that I come to think of it, I've forgotten the different between an esker and a drumlin anyway, so let's skip it. ONE of the 605 fan letters in to- day's mail asks me to name the 10 most famous people I've known at the University of Michigan. Without a moment's hesitation, I would say: Reuter Ames, Fontaine Rey, Jr., Chow Ling, H. G. W. Hoffmeister, Gamos Snorl, Raymond G. Worf, Hatfield Marlboro, Percy Bysshe Rasmussen and Berton Manos. You might wonder why I left out Tom Harmon. There are times when I wonder myself. * * .* $ Well, anyway, out in that cold, cold world there will be no deans. Al- though I am temfpted to say: "You're a better man than I am, Gunga Dean," I shall refrain, thereby omit- ting what would probably be the funniest remark ever printed in this column. * * * Add famous last words: "I believe that only by going to war against Russia can the United States and Great Britain hope to realize their dream of a lasting peace." GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty Vessel Fireman A2, salary, $130 per month, May 21, 1942. Vessel Fireman A2, salary, $130 per month, May 21, 1942. Vessel Oiler A2, salary, $130 per month, May 21, 1942. ,Complete announcements on file at the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall. Of- fice hours: 9-12 and 2-4. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received notice of corrections in salaries announced for recent Michi- gan Civil Service positions. They are hereby corrected as follows: Vessel Porter C1, $110.00 per month. Vessel Steward B, $132.00 per month. Cabin Steward B, $126.50 per month. Ordinary Seaman Cl, $110.00 per month. Amounts To Treason To the Editor: ..ms. ...,. aw .... ....,,... , ,... __ .-...._._-.... _ "What a swell day, Gert!-flowers blooming, birds singing, men whistling!" America and the United Nations can lose the war. In fact we can lose it in 1942. The Nazis have thrown four million troops against the Russians in a desperate attempt to strike a knockout blow this summer. An Axis victory over Russia will leave Hitler with a treasure house of raw materials with which to subjugate China and India in the shortest period. America will be left alone to face a gigantic Fascist mili- tary machine determined on world domination. It is obvious, then, that America's existence as an independent and democratic nation is imme- diately. involved in the present Nazi spring of- fensive. A victory for the Fascists abroad will mean a victory for the Fascists at home. It follows, therefore, that George Walsh's edi- torial, whether he realizes it or not, amounts to treason. His statement amounts to treason because it creates disunity at a time when a united war effort is paramount; it spreads Axis-inspired rumors about our ally, the Soviet Union, whose battle against the Fascists has given the world a new hope for the future; it hampers the creation of a Western front which is so essential to the destruction of the nerve center of the Axis in 1942. George Walsh maintains that when the war is over the U.S.S.R. will stab America in the back. This is untrue. Harry Hopkins, Lord .Beaver- brook, Stafford Cripps and Ambassador Davies have indicated, that on the basis of past experi- ence and present fact, the Soviet Union has hon- estly subscribed to the Atlantic Charter. As for its aims in the present war, they were clearly stated by Mr. Stalin last November and repeated in every speech since. He said: "We have not and cannot have such war aims as the seizure of foreign territories, the subjugation of foreign peoples, regardless of whether it concerns peo- ples and territories of Europe or peoples and territories of Asia, including Iran. Our first aim consists in liberating our territory and our peo- ples from the German Fascist yoke. We have not and cannot have such war aims as imposing our will and our regime on the Slavs and other en- slaved peoples of Europe who are awaiting our aid. Our aid consists in assisting these people in their liberation struggle against the Hitler tyr- anny and then setting them free to rule on their own land as they desire. No intervention what- ever in the internal affairs of other peoples." This statement stands in perfect harmony with the war aim declarations of the United Nations. General MacArthur has stated that the hopes of civilization rest upon the worthy banners of the courageous Russian army. The hopes of civil- ization rest also upon the banners of the British, American and Chinese armies. The statements of George Walsh and the appeasers in America make no contribution to the important job of winning the war. -- Harry Stutz, Grad. Democracy is alien to these people. They have accepted completely the Nazi ideology. Thre is nnly one way to ston thes edefentists Able month. Vessel month. Vessel Vessel Vessel month. Vessel month. Seaman A2, $143.00 per Fireman A2, $143.00 per Oiler A2, $143.00 per month. Officer I, $190.00per month. Officer II, $230.00 per Officer ha, $280.00 per DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) turn either for the summer term or the fall term should have their elec- tions approved for the next semester that they expect to be in residence, as soon as possible. There will be little or no time to sign up returning students during the registration peri- ods preceding either of these semes- ters, so it is strongly urged that this be taken care of now. You may make an appointment with your counselor by telephoning Extension 613 or by calling at the Office of the Academic Counselors, 108 Mason Hall. Arthur Van Duren, Chairman, Academic Counselors. l Vessel Operating Engineer I, $190.00 per month. Vessel Operating Engineer II, $230.00 per month. Complete announcements on file at the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information 'The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received notice of the following Civil Service Examinations. Last date forfiling application is noted in each case: Detroit Civil Service Technical Aid (Male - Female) (General) (Business Admin.) (Med- ical Science), salary $1,716 per year, June 8, 1942. Jr. Engineering Aid-Male & Fe- male, salary $1,914 per year, June 8, 1942. Jr. Traffic Engineer-Male, salary $3,168 per year, June 8, 1942. Assistant Traffic Engineer, salary $3,900 per year, June 8. 1942. Senior Traffic Engineer, salary $2,376 per year, June 8, 1942. Student Public Health Nurse, sal- ary $1,584 per year. Applications will be accepted until further notice. General Staff Nurse, Relief-Fe- male, salary $1,848 per year. Appli- cations will be accepted until further notice. Motorman (Male), salary 79c to 84c per hour, depending on assign- ment. May 22, 1942. Auto Repairman, male, salary 90c per hour, May 21, 1942. Intermediate Typist (Male), sal- ary $1,650 per year, May 20, 1942. Assistant Public Service Attend- ant (Male & Female), salary 35c to 65c per hour, May 19, 1942. Assistant Public Service Attend- ant (Male & Female), salary 35c to 65c per hour, May 19, 1942. Academic Notices Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet on Saturday, May 16, at 10:00 a.m., in Room 319, West Medical Building. "Pantothenic Acid" will be discussed. This will be the last seminar meeting of the current sem- ester. Final Examination, English I and II, Wednesday, May 20, 8-10 a.m., as follows: English I Arthos, 35 AH; Bacon, 35 AH; Cal- ver, 406 MH; Peake, 35 AH. English II Bader, 201 UH; Baum, W Phys Lee; Bertram, W Phys Lec; Boys, W Phys TL.e Conn1e. W Phys Lee: EngeL 305 UH; Weisinger, 101 Ec; Wells, 1025 AH. Make-up examination, for unavoid- able examination conflicts only, will be given Friday, May 22, 7-9 p.m., in Rooms 25 A.H. and 1025 A.H. Electrical Engineering 23n, Ele- mentary Radio, will be repeated dur- ing the Summer Term if a sufficient number of students request that it be offered. E.E. 23n is a course in radio for students of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts, and for other students without technical background. It consists of lectures, laboratory, and code practice.< There are no prerequisitesdand it gives four hours' credit. Will any student who is interested please telephone the Electrical Engineering Department, Ext. 443, or call at .Room 274 West Engineering Building. Defense training course for women in Surveying, Mapping and Photog- rametry: A thirteen-week E.M.S.D.T. course will be given at the Univer- sity beginning July 6 to train women for U.S. Government positions as En- gineering Aid, Photogrametric and Topographic option. Civil Service positions beginning at $1,440 to $1,800 per year are assured to those suc- cessfully conpleting the course. En- trance requirements are two years of college training with major study in engineering, architecture, physics, chemistry, mathematics, forestry, or geology. Three and one-half years of college study in any other field will be accepted if the applicant has had trigonometry in high school or college. Further information may be obtained from Miss Ethel A. McCor- mick, Michigan League. All students who expect to become candidates for a Teacher's Certificate in January, May, or August 1943 should call at the office of the School of Education for an application blank for admission to candidacy for the teacher's certificate, which is to be returned by Monday, May 25. Doctoral Examination for Richard Gerstell, Forestry and Conservation; thesis: "The Place of Winter Feeding in Practical Wildlife Management." Today, 2045 Natural Science, 2:00 p.m. Chairman, H. M. Wight. By action of the Executive Board, the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doctoral candidates to attend the examina- tion and he may grant permission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. C. S.Yoakum Education C1 Final Examination: Tuesday, May 26, from 2:00-4:00 p.m. Doctoral Examination for Herbert Reuben John Grosch, Astronomy; thesis: "Integration Orbit and Mean Elements of Jupiter's Eighth Satel- lite." Saturday, May 16, Observa- tory, 10:00 a.m. Chairman, A. D. Maxwell. Doctoral Examination for Famee Lorene Shisler, Greek and Latin; thesis: "The Technique of the Por- trayal of Emotion in Greek Tragedy." Saturday, May 16, 2009 Angell Hall, 9:30 a.m. Chariman, W. E. Blake. By action of the Executive Board, the Chairmen may invite members of the faculties and advanced doc- toral candidates to attend these ex- aminations and he may grant per- mission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum Concerts Recital: Victor Hildner, a student of Palmer Christian, will give an or- gan recital in Hill Auditorium to- night at 8:30.to which the public is invited. The program will include works by Boehm, Frescobaldi, Bach, Franck, Widor and Liszt, and is giv- en in partial fulfillment of the re- mii.-on+c f thoMauar oM. - ir. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received notice of the following Civil Service Examinations. Last date for filing application is noted in each cafe: Michigan State Civil Service Vessel Porter Cl, salary, $100 per month, May 21, 1942. Vessel Steward B, salary, $120 per month, May 21, 1942. Cabin Steward B, salary, $115 per month, May 21, 1942. Vessel Operating Engineer I, sal- ary, $160 per month, May 21, 1942. Vessel Operating Engineer II, sal- a1rvl A0 ner month Mav 91 1049 l