Weather Cooler. L Sir igkr ti ®m VOL LII. No. 171 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1942 Z-323 I I Big Ten Track Meet To Open; Nine To Face IllinoisTeam Tennis Squad Wins Four. Matches At Columbus To Enter Three-Way Conference Title Race Fishman Will Pitch In First Encounter By GEORGE KOZLOFF Five members of the varsity cinder squad will run their last races this week-end for the University of Mich- igan in the Western Conference track and field imeet at Evanston, Ill. The quintet of seniors, led by Cap- tain Bud Piel includes Al Thomas, Johnny Kautz, Bill Ackerman, and Johnny McKean. With Michigan one of the under- dogs in the Conference meet, these men are not likely to end their col- legiate careers in a blaze of glory. Every one of them has seen Michi- gan teams at their best. Some of them helped bring some track titles to the varsity during the last three years. Captain Pe ran for the Michigan team for three years in the sprint events. He was coming up fast until in the end of his junior year a foot injury cut his running short, tem- porarily. This spring the foot re- acted again and hindered the speedy7 captain. But during his varsity com- petition, he figures that he did a lot of running and a lot of traveling. In his junior year alone he estimated a total of 13,000 traveled mies. Of course it was this year that the Wol- verines sent a group of runners to the Pacific Coast for an important invitational meet.-1 Another fast sprinter who the' Michigan tracs fans will miss is Al Thomas. Coming up from Redford High School in Detroit with a fine running record behind him, he be- came a mainstay to the varsity. He ran in all of the dashes. Middle distance runner Johnny Turn to Page 3, Col. 1 Fishman Will Pitch In First Encounter Special to The Daily CHAMPAIGN, Ill., May 14.-Mich- igan's baseball team led by Coach Ray Fisher and Capt. George Harms arrived here late tonight tired after its 350-mile trig, but it still had enough pep to prove to the most en- thusiastic Illini fans that the Wol- verines are confident of knocking the Illinois nine off in both ends of the two-game series tomorrow and Saturday. With the Big Ten baseball race at the halfway mark, Michigan is still very much in the running as it is currently tied for the lead with five wins in six games. Whether the Var- sity can repeat its victory of 1941 and retain the championship may be decided during this weekend when the Wolverines play four Conference tilts in as many days. Monday Fish- er's crew plays a double header Turn to Page 3, Col. 2 Wildcats Set Pace In Net Tournament By BART JENKS Special to The Daily COLUMBUS, Ohio, May 14.-Play- ing much as expected for one upset defeat, Michigan's brilliant tennis team won four of its matches here today to enter a tight three way race with Northwestern and Chicago for the Conference championship. Thesend of the day finds the Wild- cats setting the pace wit*a seven points followed by Chicago with 6 and the Wolverines with 4. Illinois is also among the leaders with five points but is not considered a serious con- tender. The Wolverines won three singles and one doubles match in gaining Turn to Page 3, Col. 4 Glee Club Award For Notable Work Given To Farrand For his outstanding work as a member of the Varsity Men's Glee Club, John Farrand, '42, was pre- sented with the new Paul Taylor Award at the annual banquet of the club, which was held yesterday in the Union. The executive committee also an- nounced the appointment of James Martinique May Disarm Three French Warships Island Government Agrees To Immobilization Of Ships In Caribbean Harbors As Concession To U.S. Russians Hurl Gigantic Offensive Against German-Held Kharkov; WASHINGTONhMay 14.-()-As a concession to the United States, the government at Martinique has agreed to immobilize three French warships at anchor in French col- onial Caribbean harbors. This was reported today in respon- sible quarters, which added that dis- cussions . were continuing on other points involved in this government's request that effective steps be taken to keep the French possessions from becoming a menace to the United Nations. Aircraft Carrier The warships in question are the aircraft carrier Bearn and the cruiser Emile Bertin, at Martinique, and the cruiser Jeanne d'Arc at nearby Guad- aloupe. French Guiana, on the (Naval Hleroes Of Coral Sea return Silent First Casualties Of Battle Land Without Applause At Port In Australia SYDNEY, Australia, Friday, May 15.-(A)-The men who fought the battle of the Coral Sea for the Allies have landed at an Australian port, unheralded. The first casualties of the battle, which may have been the greatest since Jutland, were taken in Army ambulances to an Allied hospital many miles inland. No one was permitted to welcome the returning heroes except the hos- pital staff. Some walked only with assistance. Others were borne on stretchers. Two were carried in, swathed in bandages. Others were shielded only in blankets. Some showed evidence of severe burns. It was a slow, sad procession. These men were all heroes. They had fed the guns in battle and served below decks during the cannonade. One man waved his left arm, his only unbandaged limb, at a group of hospital nurses on a balcony. The first intimation that the sailors who had fought the battle were ashore leaked out in a hotel where three sailors drank silently and then broke their glasses deliberately. "What did you do that for," asked the hotel keeper. "You'd better go away. We're toast- ing comrades who did not come back." Nothing more was said. Army-Navy Relief Drive Begins With Minute Talks Minute men speakers of the na- tion and of Ann Arbor began the Army-Navy Relief Drive last night with 60-second talks in over 14,000 theatres throughout the country. Dr. Glenn E. Mills, of the speech department, was Ann Arbor minute man last night as he spoke before three Ann Arbor shows in a plea to raise money for our armed forces. These talks are part of a six-day experimental plan during which 33 speakers will cover all local theatres. Nazis Gain South American mainland, is also involved in the discussions. Presumably, the immobilization of the warships would involve such steps as the removal of ammunition, fuel or essential machinery parts which could not be readily replaced. Exactly how it might be done was not made clear. Still to be settled apparently, was the future status of some 140,000 tons of French merchant ships and tank- ers. It is reported that orders have been issued by Vi'chy that they be scuttled rather than yielded to the Allies. This government, however, has re- peatedly made it clear that, so far as it is concerned, Vichy's attitude has no bearing whatsoever on the current negotiations. The United States has frankly taken the attitude that under Pierre Laval, the Vichy government will do its utmost to promote the Axis cause. Consequently, all discussions have been pursued with Admiral Georges Robert, the French High Commis- sioner at Martinique, and any consul- tation with Vichy has been pointedly omitted. Probable Strength With the immobilization of three French warships, Vichy's probable naval strength now includes four battleships, 11 cruisers, two aircraft carriers, .50 destroyers and 60 sub- marines. Former size of the French fleet was indicated in Free French representa- tive Dr. Boris Eliacheff's recent re- port that the Free French Navy had taken over 100 army transports, a number of tankers and 40 warships- 15 of which were in the South Pa- cific. In addition to Eliacheff's an- nouncement was the Russian Tass News Agency's recent report that a total of 40 warships which were be- ing built at the time of the armistice had been turned over to the Ger- mans by the French. Although the French denied this, it was suspected that the Germans would regard in- completed ships as spoils of war, us- able at will. Motorists Get Ration Cards Eastern Plans Will Extend To Northwestern States WASHINGTON, May 14.-UP)-As almost 10,000.000 eastern automobile owners made ready to go under card rationing of gasoline tomorrow, with non-essential automobiles "allowed only three gallons a week, this rigid curtailment system was extended to- night to the Pacific Northwest, to be effective June 1. Meanwhile, assurance came' from Petroleum Coordinator Ickes that On Kereb Peninsula * * * * * * * * * KIEVK ,,. KHARKOV\ "+ AarDon Ri KR MENCHUG- \. ' KODNIEPEROPETROVSK TAGANROG O ESSA.:: :::;::$eaof :.::. .z ? GAL-ATI - i AKERCH BULGARIAsKRASNODAR RUMANIA Bck S ...- IIN.. ..... :- ISTANBUL -::::- * TURKEY KARU' - BURSA 0 200 MILES * STALINGRAD ASTRAKHAN *S.R... ...... ::Casplan.~ KISLIAR a MAKHACH K A L A. TIFLIS S BAKU 5 r . London sources regarded the German drive on Kerch as the first move of a grand three-day offensive in which 2,000,000 Nazis would try to conquer the oil-rich Caucasus by attacking in force southeast from Kharkov (1)--this drive backfired into a counter-at tack by the Russians; throwing another army from Taganrog to Rostov (2); and taking the Caucasus defenses of Rostov from the rear after smashing Russian resistance on the Kerch Peninsula (3). Jap Columns Continue Drive In Hard Fight Advance Up Burma Road Slices Deep Into China- British Retreating West CHUNGKING, China, May 14.-(AP) -Heavily engaged yet still advanc- ing through China's back door, Jap- anese columns fought farther up the dizzy, twisting heights of the Burma Road today and, to the west, threat- ened the historic caravan route city' of Tengyueh. One invading column had branched from the main route to assault Ten- gyueh, ancient treaty port of entry for this little-known corner of Free China; the other, despite grievous casualties, was pushing northeast from Lungling, itself 100 miles in- side China, along the Burma Road in the area where it climbs to 7,500 feet through the Kaolikung Moun- tains, then plunges crazily for 5,000 feet to the Salween or Lu River. Salween Bridges The Chinese said they had de- stroyed the Salween bridges and were holding the east bank in strength. Paoshan, east of the Salween and halfway to the Mekong, still was in their hands. Of the situation at Tengyueh, how- ever, it was stated only that heavy fighting was raging. Tengyueh is on the old caravan trail from Burma to China, 100 miles east of Japanese- occupied Bhamo in Burma and 50 miles west of Paoshan. Burma Road The Japanese still on the Burma Road itself captured Taochi and pushed on toward Hungmushu, west of the Salween. (Across upper Burma to the west, the remnant of the roughly-handled British Imperial Armies, after a gal- lant counter-attack in the midst of their tragic retreat, apparently were on the point of escape across India's Assam border.) Treasury Asks For Minimum Income Taxes WASHINGTON, May 14.-(P)--A proposal to put a minimum $5 tax on every person who must file an in- come taxreturn, including millions who otherwise would be non-tax- able, came today from Secretary Morgenthau of the Treasury. The new plan apparently started out with strong support. Morgen- thau said it had the backing of Sen- ator George (Dem.-Ga.), chairman of the Senate Finance Comm~iittee, which is the Senate's tax group. Proposal's Details While details of the proposal re- mained to be worked out the Secre- tary said that it was desirable both to reimburse the Treasury for the cost of handling income ta~x returns and also might raise as much as $100,000,000 of additional revenue to finance the war program. Actually, Treasury officials said, it costs only an average of 50 cents to handle a non-taxable income tax return and about $1.50 to handle the taxable returns. $5 Minimum If adopted, the plan will mean a levy of $5 or possibly more on nearly every employed person in the low in- come brackets. Under tentative schedules of personal- exemptions adopted yesterday by the House Ways and Means Committee, returns would be reqired of all single persons earn- ing $9.60 a week and all family heads making $23 or more per week. The House Committee, modifying a pre- vious Treasury suggestion, voted to cut the exemptions from $750 to $500 for single persons and from $1,500 to $1,200 for family heads, while leaving the $400 credit for depend- ents unchanged. Army To Run All Air Lines Non-Essential Air Service To Be Drastically Cut WASHINGTON, May 14.-(P)-Ac- tual- operation or control of all dom- estic air line., planes will be taken, over by the Army on instructions of President Roosevelt, it was an- nounced today. Disclosing the sweeping wartime steps, the War Department said pas- senger and air mail service would be sharply curtailed but, for the time being, about half of the more thah 300 commercial transport planes would continue commercial opera- tions on scheduled routse. Planes continuing commercial schedules will be subject to orders at any time to undertake emergency military mis- sions. "All routes and services not re- garded as essential to the war pro- gram will be terminated," the War Department said. The announcement said the new order was "about to be put ipto effect" but gave no date. Bomber Plant Is Here To Stay, Foley Says "It is fantastic to assume that a great, modern plant like Willow Run will remain idle in peace-time," said Raymond M. Foley, State Director of the Federal Housing Administration yesterday, rapping fears that Cherry Hills Housing project would become a "ghost town" after the war. Foley, speaking before the 19th annual Adult Education Institute here, said the plant probably would "turn to a giant civilian airplane production." , I II there was no immediate prospect of broadening motor fuel rationing to other areas, unless the Government decided this should be done to save rubber. Car owners formed long lines at schools and other registration places today, in a last minute rush to get their cards ahead of the rationing deadline at midnight. CIO States NLRB Hearings Called In Local LaborDispute lingeredreven there. One dispatch said a river was flooded five miles wide, hampering Russian supply problems. The Red Army was using pontoons to bridge the flood. Airmen Active But the most vital Red action was the drive on Kharkov. After fight- ing a five-month retreat at the be- ginning of the war, the Rusians hurl- ed the Germans back in their big winter offensive and now have had the advantage of choosing their own spring offensive target-Kharkov, a A supplementary Russian com- munique reported that Red airmen on Wednesday destroyed or damaged 120 Nazi tanks on various sectors' of the front. This arinouncement did not make clear whether this was in addition to the 150 tanks knocked out on the Kharkov front. The airmen also reported destroy ing 120 German trucks in their swoops on the long Nazi supply lines. In the Northwest "severe losses" were inflicted on the Germans, the communique said, and one single So- viet unit killed more than 4,000 Nazis. in a 10-day operation. Russian Attacks At Kerch Admitted By Germans BERLIN (from German broad- casts), May 14.-(R)- A German High Command spokesman asserted tonight that the Russian forces em- battled at Kerch had begun counter- attacking on a line 13 miles west of that important eastern Crimean town, and northwvd on the Donets front the Soviet troops were declared attacking strongly with tanks. The Red Army's counter-attacks at Kerch were launched along the "Tartar Ditch," an old line of fortifi- cations. The spokesman said that so far all these counter-thrusts had failed and that German and Ruman- ian troops had forced their way across the old line in a continuation of their week-old offensive. Earlier the High Command in its daily communique said of the Kerch front that "pursuit of the beaten en- emy is being relentlessly continued." University Band To Give Pops Concert Sunday By ROBERT PREISKEL Ann Arbor's first NLRB hearing, called to settle charges that the American Broach and Machine Com- pany "has discriminated against and fired 10 workers," has been scheduled for May 28, according to James Mor- gan, international representative of the UAW-CIO. Asserting that "the company has aided financially and otherwise the American Broach Benefit Associa- tion, making it a company union, and has interfered with the democratic rights of workers to organize," Mor- gan claimed that production at the plantis still "way below the maxi- mum" because of the firing of CIO workers. Charges of company unionism and dicrimination have also been filed against Hoover Ball & Bearing Co., International Industries Inc. and the Economy Baler Co. NLRB represen- tatives are investigating those con- cerns with an eye to including them in the May 28 hearing. Francis J. Lapointe, president of American Brnch again refused tn state all workers who had been fired for CIO activity and promised in good faith to divorce the American Benefit Association from the com- pany. It was to be dibanded, and was no longer to be recognized as repre- senting the employes. "But instead, they have refused to rehire all but one of the men, and have signed a contract with the As- sociation recognizing it as the plant union." "We asked the immediate rein- statement of the men who had been fired," Morgan continued, "and wanted wages to be raised to a sta- tus equal to that in other machine shops in the locality. We also de- manded that the company union be disbanded and that a general elec- tion be held. "The Benefit Association claimed that it was a legal union and that no wage increase was indicated or should be granted." The dispute between the CIO and the American Broach management came on the heels of the greatest or- ganization drive ever staged in Ann Avhor Exiled French Cabinet Member CallsFor Aid To Underground } x s i t i BULLETIN MEXICO CITY, May 14.-UP)- The Mexican Government, in a note addressed to Germany, Italy and Japan, tonight demanded complete satisfaction and a guar- antee of damage reparations" by May 28 for the sinking of the 7,500- ton Mexican tanker Portrero del Llano, recently, threatening other- wise to "take a position in accord- ance with Mexican traditions." * * * ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, Aus- tralia, Friday, May 15.-(IP)--Gen- eral MacArthur's Headquarters announced today that Allied planes had attacked Japanese shipping vac.rd.v a uRnsa.. New Brianin. By HARRY LEVINE "More dynamic action" in the way of substantial physical and moral aid to the underground movements of Europe was called for yesterday by Pierre Cot, Air Minister of the last cabinet of the Third French Repub- lic, before a Kellogg Foundation aud- ience. Cot, who was presented under the auspices of the Division of Social Sciences, referred to Vice-President Wallace's statement that this is a people's war and asked that the peace be "the peace of the common man." "If we want to win this war, we must deserve to win it," he declared. Terming the Atlantic Charter a "document of diplomats," Cot stated that the conauered peoples need to the underground workers. He tes- tified this by branding the Vichy government as a "government of traitors" and declared that "against dictatorship and tyranny rebellion is not only a right but a duty. "It is impossible to expect success- ful revolutions, but it is possible to expect more uprisings, more riots and rebellions,",.he said. The former French executive pointed out that an organized upris- ing in France and North America now might well cripple Hitler's spring offensive drive in Russia.. He esti- mated that a French rebellion alone would divert as many as 30 divisions of crack German troops from the Russian front. Asked to compare the state of Amerina at war with France before