TOTU THlE, VI Ol1fAN DATTY MMMAT, 'MAY 14, 1,94Z e Y L 1 sT..wTI.rsD+s. : .MA Y 14 a . s' +4v Ci lit tG [t YT MtI Letters To The Editor Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.00, by mail $5.00. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTIaING BY National. Advertising Service, Inc. ,,,College Publishers Representative 420 MADisoN AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. ChICAGO * BOSTON . LOS AGELE8 * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Editorial Staff Homer Swander Morton Mintz . Will Sapp Charles Thatcher George W. Sallade. Bernard Hendl . Myron Dann Barbara deFries Edward J. Perlberg Fred M. Ginsberg Mary Lou Curran Jane Lindberg . James Daniels . Managing Editor . . Editorial Director City Editor Associate Editor * . .Associate Editor . . . Sports Editor . Associate Sports Editor . . .Women's Editor . Business Staff Business Manager Associate Business Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager . Publications Sales Analyst NIGHT EDITOR: HARRY LEVINE The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Gandhi 'Non-Cooperation' Policy Condemned . . NDIA WON'T FIGHT! Or at any rate the Working Committee of the Indian National Congress has urged upon the Hindu majority a policy of "non-violent non- cooperation--at a time when the Jap invader stands poised on the Bay of Bengal, ready to strike for the richest prize of all The decision is a victory for Mohandas K. Gandhi, but a blow to India's national unity. Seemingly, non-cooperation is to have the same effect in dealing with an armed aggressor as it has had with the British. But powerful factions among the Hindus, under such leaders as Pandit Nehru, have ad- vocated a fighting war against the Japanese. India's great minority-the Moslems-also stands ready to fight. The result is wide- spread dissension in an hour of national cri- sis, such as France experienced before the G'erman axe fell in 1940, or the United States -before unity echoed from the thunder of bombs at Pearl Harbor. The momentous reversion of the National Congreis to the ideas of Gandhi was announced in a resolution, which declared: "In case invasion takes place it must be re- sisted. Such resistance can only take the form of non-violent non-cooperation, as the British Government prevented the organization of na- tional defenses by the people in any other way. "We may not bend the knee to an aggressor, nor obey any of his orders. We may not -look to him for favors, nor fall to his bribes. If he wishes to take possession of our homes and our fields we must refuse to give them up, even if we have to die in an effort to resist him (by non-cooperation) ." The fallacy of non-cooperation is as appar- ent as was American pre-war isolationism. As foolish as it was to believe that this country could remain permanently aloof from the struggles of the rest of the world; so is it foolish to suppose that passive resistance can triumph over battleships, tanks, planes and guns. But, in the words of Gandhi himself, "The s underlying belief (of non-cooperation) is that the aggressor will in time be mentally and even physically tired of killing non-violent resisters." How many non-violent resisters, Mr. Gan- dhi? Do you condemn untold thousands of women and children of India to death through your own piddling courage and inhumanity? You say to your people as much as "If the invader strikes you, turn the other cheek." A tragedy for India should your idea attain na- tional acceptance. The wily Jap would count it a complete triumph to gain so great a con- quest at so slight a cost. A dozen nations from Norway to Greece stand as evidence that non- cooperation can harass the invader but cannot conquer. Other peoples must destroy him on the fighting lines. i (I nAhi ond Vhq fnlntornn Iha to rf Besmirching Contention To the Editor: If a poor plan's scribe like Tom Thumb prompted you to write an Axis propaganda-like editorial "Russia Is the Enemy After the Axis Powers," you, Mr. Walsh, should be ashamed of yourself for that reason alone. However, you have committed a worse crime. You are one of the many people in this coun- try who simply can't get it through their skulls that their nation is at war.. It seems that just about the only individuals that do are either the defense plant laborer or the man in the armed forces. Does not the press, along with the tired, sweating laborer, have its duty in wartime? How could the press be more detrimental to the war effort than printing besmirching con- tentions against our allies? Sir, even if you had fairly constructive proof that our strongest ally, the U.S.S.R., would turn against us after we have punished the European gangsters, you would still have little reason to tear down mor- ale. For after all, that is exactly what you are doing. You don't KNOW that Russia will fight a war with us, do you? You are not as well in- formed as Harry Hopkins or Sir Stafford Cripps, are you? As a matter of fact, you haven't the slightest idea what Russia will do! Moreover, it would seem that self-suffi- cient Soviet Russia would be as war-weary as the rest of us when the war is over. She would be just as anxious to make a just and long- lasting peace as we would. You do not alter my high regard for the pub- lication New Republic by quoting an article from it that is two eventful years old. The question you should ask yourself, Mr. Walsh, is: Would you rather write for Herr Goebbels or Herr Swander? Russia is your enemy and I am Yours, Al Weeks, '45 The ReplyChurlish by TOUCHSTONE ONE of the nicer things about the business is the fans, who though few in number, make up for that lack in loyalty. For the most part they don't want their names mentioned, and the letters they write are for your own edification only. But just to get it on the record, anyone, whatever it is he does to attract the attention of fans, is grateful indeed that they take heed of him, and grateful above all when they con- tinue to take notice of him. The average every-other-day's mail for me contains one invitation to subscribe to a maga- zine, one gripe from a person who never reads that thing I dare to call a column, but had his attention called to this morning's outrage, and would just like me to know where I get off at, and would I like to take the matter up via fisti- cuffs. Then, on the lucky days, there will also be a letter from a lady who would I know prefer to be called F.A.S., who likes what I write or most of it, and has drafted her family into the service too. For two years now, almost since I began to do the column, I have received mail from F.A.S., and though she too has her own quaint temperamental whimsies, occasionally getting mad because I will not reply to her let- ters, she has been one of those God-given people who appear in the nick of time, just when the minimal salary check ceases to be worth it all. F.A.S. has flattered me beyond my merits many times, and many times too she has written let- ters that would have made a hell of a lot better column than I turn out on my own hook. She will not like this discussion of her, but I have to let people know I have had a fan. THEN to the imposing list of three or four which constitutes my impression on the world to date, I must add the name of Norman Anning, who though lacking the steadiness of my num- ber one fan, has sent divers cryptic, but I gather, friendly, notes, especially in re typos in Perspec- tives. Norman Anning, thank you too, and I'll remember about the kittens, of which this might well have been one. The other two fans belong together, and are like myself, not the letter- writing sort. Belong together because they share the same office, and are agreeably con- vinced that I have shown promise. Mentor Wil- liams likes my politics, and Charles Peake likes my E. B. Whitism, both of which set very well indeed on my ego. Wish I had more fans, and of course once in awhile you are bound to please others, but that stands as far as I know, for the list of steady customers. So long until soon. Diplomats Should Learn Madagascar Lesson . . O UR STATE DEPARTMENT is hap- pily engaged in running around Robin Hood's barn again. For those who ex- pected Madagascar to provide a proper example in all future dealing with Vichy, it is sadly dis- Creates Disunity To the Editor: Jaffe's reply to the inane logic contained in Walsh's editorial in Tuesday's Daily was both sane and intelligent. It was an excellent answer to the points which were posed. However, I believe that there is another significant fact contained in that editorial which must be ex- posed. Here was an example of what President Roosevelt has termed the "sixth column" an( that which Archibald MacLeish dealt with in the recent publication of the Office of Facts and Figures. The publication of Walsh's editorial is dan- gerous not only because it tends to create dis- unity between the United States and our ally, the Soviet Union, but also because it is of the tenor that creates suspicion of Great Britain or of any of the United Nations. It is in the same class as the arguments which say that "England will fight to the last Ameri- can" and "China has more in common with the Japanese than she has with us-she will stab us in the back." It is absolutely necessary that we stand united in our struggle against the Nazi Axis barbarism and that we do not allow dissension to sap our energies and divert us from the all-important fight. Victory will come only with unity. - Marvin Lerner, '43 Challenging Writin'g To the Editor: Tuesday's editorial, "Russia is the Enemy Af- ter Axis Powers," is a farsighted and challenging piece of writing and it is to be hoped that Mr. Roosevelt, Mr. Churchill and Mr. Stalin won't take its honest, straightforward program seri- ously. In the event that they do, however, per- haps life in a concentration camp can be beau- tiful.- Mr. Roosevelt ("Mr. Roosevelt is a skillful man") should thank Mr. Walsh for this oh- so-timely suggestion and send forth a barrage of trial balloons to prepare us for the coming war with the only army that has thus far withstood Hitler's forces. Of course, that might make Mr. Stalin distrust Mr. Roosevelt's sincerity, but there must be full accord at the peace table and Stalin would be no loss, even though Hitler drew up the peace all by him- self. This business of announcing a sort of owl- show war with Russia after somebody from Mas or the Publications Building has cleaned up Germany while Russia is bulling burrs out of her tails causes me just a little worry, however. It is easy to see that the Russians are fighting for their lives, but it has been rumored that they are also fighting for the lives of the people of some twenty-five other nations ours included. If the Russians read Mr. Walsh's little piece of wisdom and quit fighting the enemy of that which the United Nations stand for, how in , the world are Mr. Roosevelt, Mr. Churchill and Mr. Walsh going to get those Four Free- doms sprinkled over all the earth? Mr. Walsh, in spite of this oversight, should be encouraged. If he keeps up the good work, there is no reason why he can't share the German air waves with Martin Dies, or land a job on the Beobachter, or, at the very least, on the Chicago Tribune. David Stevenson, '42 WASH I NGTON' MERRY-GO-ROUND By Drew Pearson and Robert S. Allen W ASHINGTON-Inside fact about gasoline is that even after allowing for 50 percent ra- tioning of gas and fuel oil, requirements on the Atlantic Coast will be about 1,200,000 barrels a day. The maximum that can be moved by tank cars, barges and pipelines is about 825,000 bar- rels a day, though this capacity can be increased by the end of the year to 1,000,000 barrels. Thus, there will still be a balance--after ra- tioning, and after increasing the efficiency of existing facilities--of 200,000 barrels a day to be provided for. Thus the new pipeline advocated by Secretary Ickes nine months ago but vetoed by the OPM seems the only answer. If that pipeline had gone through, the Eastern seaboard now would have plenty of oil while the Southwest would not be worried over constantly accumulating supplies of gasoline. Meanwhile, some existing pipelines operating with an East to West flow will be reversed. Meanwhile also, diversion of tank cars to serve the Atlantic seaboard probably will result in some degree of rationin tin Midwest and So ui,l - west. An Early American f[HE PEOPLE OF NEW MEXICO trace their ancestry back to the days of the Spanish. Conquistadors, and some of them back to the Pueblo Indians who lived there even before that. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) To Members of the University Faculties: The Regents' regulations governing the loan of books provide that: "All books borrowed by members of the faculty shall bereturned on or before the first day of December vacation, and on or before the Thurs- day preceding the annual commence- ment." We shall appreciate your coopera- tion in clearing our records of books charged to you in the General Li- brary. In case you have a number of books which you have drawn out for a special piece of research and which it would be inconvenient to return, the spirit of the regulation can be met by bringing in a list giv- ing the classification and volume numbers of each. It will be very helpful, however, if every book which has been in circulation for more than a year is turned in at the Circulation Desk of the Library not later than Saturday, May 23. Warner G. Rice, Director. Information for Members of U.S. Naval Reserve: The Commandant Ninth Naval District has directed that members of the Naval Reserve will not wear uniforms except as provided by paragraph 20-32, Uni- form Regulations, U. S. Navy, 1941, which is herewith quoted: "All mem- bers of the Naval Reserve, when em- ployed on active duty, authorized traiing duty, with or without pay, drill, or other equivalent instruction or duty, or when employed in auth- orized travel to or from such duty, or appropriate duty, drill, or instruc- tion, or during such time as they may by law be required to perform active duty, or while wearing a uniform prescribed for the Naval Reserve, shall be subject to the laws, regula >Lons, and orders for the government of the Navy" R. E. Cassidy, Captain, U. S. Navy Senior Engineers: Those who or- dered commencement announcements may call for their orders today in Room 222 West Engineering Bldg., 1:00-5:00 p.m. Payments must be completed on all orders at this time. This is the only time announcements will be distributed. There are none for sale as only enough to fill pre- vious orders are available, Literary College Seniors: All per- sons who purchased Commencement announcements in Angell Hall last month may pick up their orders in front of Room 4, University Hall, today, 1:30-4:00 p.m. La Sociedad Ilispanica offers two $50.00 scholarships to the University of Mexico summer session. Students interested please apply at 302 R.L. at 10:00 a.m. today anda t 3:00 p.m. on Fi;iday. Any male student of the University who has completed four complete years of work is eligible to receive his Union life membership pin. These pins may be secured at the Union business office. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received notice of the following Civil Service Examinations. Last date for filing application is noted in each case: Michigan State Civil Service Vessel Porter C1, salary, $100 per month, May 21, 1942. Vessel Steward B, salary, $120 per month, May 21, 1942. Cabin Steward B. sahy, $115 per month, May 21, 1942. Vessel Operating Engineer I, sal- ary, $160 per month, May 21, 1942. Vessel Operating Engineer II, sal- ary, $200 per month, May 21, 1942. Vessel Officer I, salary, $165 per. month, May 21, 1942. Vessel Officer II, salary, $200 per month, May 21, 1942. Vessel Officer IIa, salary, $225 per month, May 21, 1942. Ordinary Seaman C1, salary, $100 per month, May 21, 1942. Able Seaman A2, salary, $130 per month, May 21, 1942. Vessel Fireman A2, salary, $130 per month, May 21, 1942. Vessel Fireman A2, salary, $130 per month, May 21, 1942. Vessel Oiler A2, salary, $130 per inonth, May 21, 1942. Complete announcements on file cream and said to the swarthy Cha- vez, "What nationality are you?" "American," declared Senator Cha- vez, "American, since before Plym- outh Rock!" Charley McNary IF it were up to the senatd, Repub- lican Floor Leader Charles Mc- Nary would be renominated unani- mously in the Oregon primary tomor- row. McNary is the most popular man in the chamber--a unique record for a man serving 24 years who never pulled his punches as party leader. No one holds him in higher esteem and warmer personal affection than Franklin Roosevelt. Despite the fact that McNary is the legislative leader of the Monositionwarty, he is one of i ._. ....... ...._.. C' 195?2, Chieago Times.Ins "There's no end to this Jap treachery!--Last night, over short wave, I heard 'em play one of our tunes, without our copyright permission!" i ,, A W4X~t ~ 'De 9V# UT' ft/1 My=7 at the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall. Of- fice hours: 9-12 and 2-4. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information. Academic Notices Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet on Saturday, May 16, at 10:00 a.m., in Room 319, West Medical Building. "Pantothenic Acid" will be discussed. This will be the last seminar meeting of the current sem- ester. Zoology Seminar tonight at 7:30 in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building, Reports by Mr. Jack S. Dendy on "The Fate of Animals in Stream Drift When Carried into Lakes" and Mr. Ross Hardy on "Soils and Mammalian Distribution in Southwestern Utah." Final Examination, English I and I, Wednesday, May 20, 8-10 a.m., as follows: English I Arthos, 35 AH; Bacon, 35 AH; Cal- ver, 406 MHl; Peake, 35 Al. English II Bader, 201 UH; Baum, W Phys Lee; Bertram, W Phys Lec; Boys, W Phys Lee; Copple, W Phys Lec; Engel, 305 SW; Everett, 1025 AH; Faust, 1025 AH; Fletcher, 209 AH; Fogle, 2054 NS; Garvin, 2054 NS; Green, 202 W Phys; Greenhut, E Haven. Haugh, 205 MH; Helm, 205 MH; McClennen, 1025 AH; McKelvey, 205 MH; Millar, 3011 AH; O'Neill, 1121 NS; Schenk, 302SW; Schroeder, 3056 NS; Stibbs, 2203 AH; Thein, 3209 AH; Walker, 2234 AH; Weimer, 203 UH; Weisinger, 101 Ec; Wells, 1025 AH. Make-up examination, for unavoid- able examination conflicts only, will be given Friday, May 22, 7-9 p.m., in Rooms 25 A.H. and 1025 A.H. Electrical Engineering 23n, Ele- mentary Radio, will be repeated dur- ing the Summer Term if a sufficient number of students request that it be offered. E.E. 23n is a course in radio for students of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts, and for other students without technical background. It consists of lectures, laboratory, and code practice. There are no prerequisites and it gives four hours' credit. Will any student who is interested please telephone the Electrical Engineering Department, Ext. 443, or call at Room 274 West Engineering Building. English Honors Course for Seniors: Applications for admission to this course are due in the English Office (3221 A.H.) not later than noon on Saturday, May 16. W. R. Humphreys English 2, Sections 14 and 20: Mr. McClennen will be unable to meet his classes today. English 31, Section 8: Mr. McClen- nen will be unable to meet his class today. * Doctoral Examination for Richard Gerstell, Forestry and Conservation; thesis: "The Place of Winter Feeding in Practical Wildlife Management," Friday, May 15, 2045 Natural Science 2:00 p.m. Chairman, H. M. Wight. By action of the Executive Board, the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doctoral candidates to attend the examina- -tion and he may grant permission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum Concerts Carillon Concert: This evening's carillon recital by Professor Percival Price will be dedicated to Canada, and will include French-Canadian and English-Canadian airs as well as a Fantase to the cann'mn- of Liszt, and is -given in partial fulfill- ment of the requirements of the Master of Music degree. John McAlister, Pianist, will give a public recital at 8:30 tonight in the Assembly Hall of the Rackham Building, in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Music. He has arranged a pro- gram to include works of Schubert, Beethoven, Respighi, Brahms and Chopin, Exhibitions Thirteenth Annual Exhibition of Sculpture in the Concourse of the Michigan League Building. Open daily until after Commencement. Lectures University Lecture: M. Pierre Cot, former member of the French Cabi- net, will lecture on the subject "The Present Situation of France," under the auspices of the Division of Social Science, today at 4:15 p.m. in the Kellogg Foundation Institute Audi- torium. The public is cordially in- vited, Events Today French Roundtable: Professor Per- cival Price invites the French Round- table, International Center, to see and hear his Carillon recital on tonight at 7:00, after which he will explain in French the Carillon. The scheduled meeting for last Friday was not held because of May Festival. The group will meet at Tower Door. Chinese Students, Attention: Dr. B. A. Liu of the China Institute will be in Ann Arbor to meet all Chinese students today and Friday. He will be at the International Cen- ter at 8 o'clock this evening for a conference with the entire group, and will make appointments for per- sonal conferences at the Center for Friday. La Sociedad Hispanica will meet this evening at 8:00 to elect officers for next year. All the members are urged to attend. See Bulletin in League for room number. Mortar Board meeting today in the League at 5:00 p.m. Attendance is compulsory. Interviewing for the League Sum- mer Council will be held today, 3:00- 5:00 p.m. in the Undergraduate of- fices of the League. "No Time For Comedy," starring Francis Lederer, will run through Saturday evening, with matinees this afternoon and Saturday at 3:15. This play is presented by the 1942 Drama- tic Season and tickets are on sale daily from 10:00 to 8:30 at the box office, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The Graduate Coffee Hour has been discontinued for the remainder of this semester. " Catholic Students: Hours for Mass- es today, the Feast of the Ascension -7, 8 and 9 o'clock. Coming Events The Research Club will meet in the Rackham Amphitheatre Wednes- day evening, May 20, at eight o'clock. The papers to be presented are as follows: "Hamtramck Revisited" by Professor Arthur E. Wood and "Mich- igan Politics in Transition-An Areal Study of Political Trends in the Last Decade" by Professor James K. Pol- lock. The annua election of officers will be held. Public Health Club Picnic: A pic- nic for all students and faculty in the School of Public Health will be OW GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty