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May 14, 1942 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-05-14

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Intermittent Rains,


Sir iAu


Gandhi 'Non-Cooperation'
Policy Condemned ..


VOL. LII. No, 170



New Reserve Plan Offered By A rmy,

New Requirements
To Be Less Rigid
' Official War Department an-
nouncement yesterday of the long-
awaited Army Enlisted Reserve Corps
for college students brought disclos-
ure from University officials that
"we have both expected and prepared
for this new deferred service pro-
"Less rigid requirements than pre-
viously announced deferred service
plans issued by the Navy .and Army
Air Forces, will probably bring a
large response," declared these offi-
University Participates
Little doubt concerning University
participation was expressed, and it is
expected that this new deferred en-
listment plan will go into effect as
soon as definite arrangements can
be made with the Army officers in
charge of the program.
The plan is scheduled to include all
services in its enlistment of 80,000
college men, and in execution it will
operate along the lines of the Navy's
V-1 program. In an attempt to
bring as many students as possible
within its scope, many previously
stringent physical and educational
requirements may be relaxed.
3,500 To Qualify
Only 3,500 students will survive a
qualifying examination at the end
of the sophomore year, while the
other 45,000 will be sent to training
camps with only a draftee's status.
Those still under 20 will, however, be
returned to civilian life.
It is emphasized that once in the
program, a student is in the Army
for good, and that leaving school will
mean immediate call to active train-
ing as_ a priyate. No present ROTC
or NROTC plan will be affected.

SRA Director Appointed
Head Of Service Camp
Kenneth Morgan Is First Faculty Member Classed
As Conscientious Objector By Local Draft Board
Kenneth W. Morgan, director of the Student Religious Association,
yesterday announced his appointment as director of Quaker-sponsored
Public Service Camp No. 32 in West Campton, N.H.
The first University faculty member to be classified as a conscientious
objector, Morgan issued a statement before his Tuesday departure, declar-
ing, "I am going to this camp because I was classified in 4-E by the local
Selective Service Board. Although almost none of the administrative staff
or faculty of the University of Michigan agrees with my position as a paci-
fist, at no time has any pressure been brought to bear on me. The demo-
cratic right of freedom of conscience has at all times been respected."
Now 33 years old, Morgan was born in Montana and is a graduate of
Harvard. In 1936 he spent a year in India living as a monk and studying
4, non-violent techniques in various

Plea For Just
Peace Issued
ByPope Pius
Pontiff's Speech Admits
Lack Of Immediate
ProspectFor Pact
VATICAN CITY (from Vatican
broadcasts), May 13. - UP) - Pope
Pius XII appealed to the world'st
leaders today to conclude a peace
"on principles of justice and modera-
tion even if it does not seem to corre-,
spond to aspirations." but he ac-
knowledged that "there is no imme-
diate hope of peace."
He addressed his peace appeal
with impartiality to all belligerents
and with equal affection for all sec-f
tions of all peoples." But In an ear-1
lier section of his address the Pope1
attacked the anti-Christian methods
of the leaders of "some countries"
who are "bent on replacing right by
force "
Pontiff's Anniversary
The Pontiff, speaking on the 25th
anniversary of his consecration as a
bishop and one the eve of the Feast4
of Ascension, was addressing the
world by radio. Afe spoke, he said,
while "people are living in painful
anxiety, waiting imminent military
operations" and anticipating "the
menace of greater destructive weap-
But, he said, "We well know how in
the state of things today there would
be little probability of success in
formulating detailed proposals for a
just and honorable peace."
"While one side bases its hopes
on results achieved," he observed,
"the other side bases its hopes on
the outcome of future events."
In his remark attackding the foes
of Christianity the Pope ,aid:
Christian Law Replaced
"Today in some countries those in
authority bent on replacing right by
force trump up against Christians
the same infringements of law which
the Caesars of the first century pre-
tended to have found in Peter and
Paul and a countless line of innocent
victims who are now effulgent with
a halo of virtues.
"The crime trumped up against
Christians is always the same-their

House Raises
Soldiers' Pay
To $50 Scale
Final Figure Is Estimated
At $42; -House-Senate;
Group To Decide Issue
WASHINGTON, May 13. -(JP)-_-
The House stuck to its $50 monthly
scale for men in the lowest ranks in'
the Army-Navy pay raise bill today'
but indications were that the final
figure would be $42.
With House approval, given with'
one dissenting vote, the measure now'
goes to conference to bring it into
conformity with the rates approved"
by the Senate. The Senate bill calls
for $42 and leaders said the plan was
to adhere to that figure,
The House yesterday increased the
amount to $50, adopting an amend-
ment by Representative Rankin
(Dem.-Miss.), who said such action
might avoid a bonus fight after the
war. A roll call vote of 331 to 28
today ratified yesterday's action. The
measure then was passed with only
Representative Disney (Dem.-Okla.)
voting against it.
A private now receives $21 monthly
for the first four months. $30 for the
next eight and $40 monthly after a
year's service, while an apprenice
seaman gets $30. The bill, under
present, conference plans, would in-
crease all these rates to $42.
It also provides increases for all
grades of enlisted men.
With the same increases for equiv-
alent naval grades, first class pri-
vates now receiving $36 would be
raised to $48 by the Senate bill and
$54 by the House bill. Corporals now
receiving $54 would be paid $66 under
both measures.
Brown's Nanu, Ration
Card 'Just Plain Folks'
Senator Prentiss M. Brown carried a
gasoline rationing card today, and
prepared to get along on 45 gallons
between now and the end of the cur-
rent ration period July 1
He said he turned down an "X"
card allowing unlimited purchases.
When Brown went to the Capitol
rotunda, the registrant handed him
an "X" card, but he asked for "the
same card as the ordinary fellow is
getting," Brown said. The Michigan
Senator drives daily from his hotel
to the Capitol and beck.
Japanese Shipping
Hit By Allied Planes
tralia, Thursday, May 14.-A)-Al-
lied bombers in a 1,300-mile round
trip above northern Australia sank
a 3,000-ton Japanese ship at the
Japanese-occupied Dutch island of
Amboina, and set two others afire,
General MarArthur's headquarters
announced today
* * *
SAN FRANCISCO, May 13.-(!P)--
Allied air forces have scored a suc-
cessful attack on Japanese shipping
in the Netherlands East Indies, the
Melbourne (Australia) radio an-
nounced tonight in a broadcast
picked up by CBS.
PORT, Canada, May 13.-(/)-
Fourteen crew members from one
of the two ships sunk by torpedoes

Hindu monasteries - at this time
coming into contact with Gandhi
several times. Returning he acted
as director of the National Council
of Religion in Higher Education un-
til his selection in 1937 as the first
director of the Student Religious
In his statement, he stressed the
hope that "in the Civilian Public
Service Camps we can, by resolutely
doing good and not evil, by laboring
hard at reconstruction and reconcili-
ation, win for ourselves the privilege
of working in more dangerous areas
in order to demonstrate that the way
of pacifism is far more efficient and
effective than violence or wafias a
means for solving social conflicts."
Defining pacifism as "a disciplined
way of life determined by that belief
concerning the nature of God," Mor-
gan added that "it is a precise and
effective instrument for reconciling
personal and social conflicts by per-
suasion, sacrifice, a willingness to
suffer rather than to inflict suffering,
and by adhering to means which are
consistent with the ends sought."
In summary Morgan points out,
"It is not possible to perform the
acts of war, nor submit to any au-
thority but God, if one holds that
France Sends
U.S. Decisiont
On Martinique
VICHY, Unoccupied France, May
13.-(P)-The Vichy government of
Pierre Laval disclosed tonight that it
had sent a note to the United States
in reply to "new demands" by Wash-
ington which, it said, tended to mod-
ify the presenat status of Martinique
and the Antilles.
There was no indication in the
communique as to what Vichy has
told the United States, although it
was stated that the American repre-
sentations (made in an endeavor to
positively neutralize the French Car-
ibbean island area) gave rise to
"grave questions."
(In Bern, Switzerland, the con-
fused political maneuvers which have
been going on in 'Vichy and Paris
between Laval on the one hand and
high German representatives on the
other were interpreted in some quar-
ters as indicating the Vichy Chief of
Government has struck new obstacles
in his program of full French-Ger-
man military collaboration.)
Todays communique said Laval,
before replying to the U.S. note, had
conferred with Marshal Petain, the
Chief of State; with Admiral of the
Fleet Francois Darlan, Chief of
Armed Forces, and with his naval
and colonial secretaries.

Ration Heads
To Prosecute
Gas Violators
Special Card Acquisitions
Under False Pretenses
Give Rise To Warning
Lansing Confirms
(By The Associated Press)
The barbed term "gas hog" took its
place in the lexicon of the average
Easterner yesterday to describe that
variety of the motorin species who
insists on getting alarger government
gasoline ration than he legitimately
With its aclvent came the prompt
threat of criminal prosecution for
fraud by rationing officials who
viewed with dismay increasing evi-
dence that a lot of citizens with no
plausible reasons had argued them-
selves into "X" cards granting them
unlimited quantities of fuel.
Nation Of Liars
A school official at Springfield,
Mass., noting the preponderance of
applications for B-3 cars which grant
a liberal supply, expressed his feel-
ings in the matter by saying:
"Rationing is producing a nation of
Lee S. Buckingham, actirig ration
administrator for New York City, an-
nounced that all rationing cars would
be investigated there at the con-
clusion of the three-day registration
period ending tomorrow to determine
whether any had been obtained
through misrepresentations.
The Albany, N.Y., war council
directed that all "X" cards be checked
by police when registration is over.
The U.S. Attorney at Boston said
he would prosecute "100 per cent"
every gasoline chiseler found.
Figures Not Available
Accurate figures on the progress
of registration were not available,
but here and there came reports in-
dicating an unusually heavy rush for
the more liberal cards. Arnon D.
Thomas, chairman of the New Haven
(ConnJ district board, said an "ap-
palling" number of motorists obtained
"X" cards.
At the end of the first day's regis-
tration in Philadelphia, 33,538, or a
little more than 24 per cent, received
"A" cards permitting three gallons
a week; 9,683 got B-1 cards; B-2, 12,-
918; B-3, 66,776, and X, 14,492.
Similar breakdowns into specific
classifications were not immediately
available from many cities.
Lansinig Confirms
Michigan Shortage
LANSING, May 13 -(P)- It-
meaning gasoline rationing - can
happen here, says P. J. Hoffmaster,
state supervisor of wells, despite pop-
ular misconceptions that Michigan
has lots of oil on hand,
Hoffmaster asserted today that
Michigan's oil demand is far in ex-
cess of what we can produce," and
added "when people say there can't
be rationing of gas in Michigan be-
cause we have plenty of our own oil,
they don't have the true picture.,"
Michigan, ie said, produces daily
slightly more than 64,000 barrels,
while its consumption is approximate-
ly 140,000 barrels a day.
On the basis of regional demand,
he said, the State's shortage is better
than 100,000 barrels. He pointed out
that Illinois once produced 450,000
barrels a day but now only yields
300,000 barrels a day and that trans-
portation from the southwestern pools
"gets steadily worse.''

, ,

0 200
e4 NIq2Oys
e L
ANK ARA i n s
" r IRAN sI A"
Activity on the southern Russian front, between Kharkov and
Kerch (1), where spring has firmed the terrain, was assayed as pre-
liminary t a long-heralded German offensive attemt. On the Northern

London Sources Discount
German Victory Claims
Of Battle With Russians
Red Troops Resist
Intense Air Raids
LONDON, May 13. - (W) - Ger-
many's continuing attack on the
Crimean Kerch Peninsula took on
the form tonight of the opening
thrust in a coming Nazi offensive
from at least three points toward the
oil wealth of the Caucasus, an offen-
sive backed by 2,000,000 of Hitler's
best combat troops now reported
massed in the Ukraine.
Informed London sources, although
discounting German claims of hav-
ing broken the Russian lines, cap-
tured 40,000 prisoners and "decided"
the battle of the Isthmus in an as-
sault employing 2,000 dive bombers,
said the Germans now could be ex-
pected to smash at Rostov from Tag-
anrog, above the Sea of Azov, and to
attack in force southeast from Khar-
Sea Of Azov Reached
In late broadcasts the Germans
claimed they already had reached the
Sea of Azov in a northeasterly pene-
tration of Russian Crimean defenses,
cut Red Army communications from
the rear, destroyed or damaged a
Soviet evacuation fleet and destroyed
183 Red planes in combat.
As for Kerch itself, where German
troops under General Fritz Erich von
Mannstein have been smashing for
five days at the Russian army of
Lieut.-Gen. D. T. Kozlov, competent
London informants said "the key to
the situation is in the air."
"If the Germans can control the
air they can keep the Russian Black
Sea fleet away, smash resistance on
the Peninsula and prepare to jump
the strait to take the Caucasus de-
fenses, of Rostov from the rear," one
source said.
But, he added, if the Russians
could maintain air parity there was
little likelihood of outstanding Ger-
man success even if Kerch at the
eastern end of the peninsula were

Unrelenting Nazi Attacks
Upon Crimean Peninsula
Herald Spring Offensive

, * ,

front (2), Russians said that they
on Leningrad.

expected a renewed German drive

Income Tax
Levels Slashed
By Committee
WASHINGTON, May 13. - (iP) -
Unexpectedly, the House Thys and
Means Committee decided today to
slash individual income tax exemp-
tions to $500 for single and $1,200
for married persons in an effort to
raise billions of dollars to finance
the war effort.
By a vote of about 2 to 1, the mem-
bers abandoned the present levels of
$750 and $1,500. The action would
bring millions of new taxpayers to
the collection windows - starting
with the single man 'who earns about
$10 a week.
To Consider Higher Taxes
The committee coupled with the
reduced exemptions retention of the
earned income credit, which the
Treasury Department had proposed
to abolish. The lowered exemptions
apply to both normal and surtaxes.
Chairman Doughton (Dem.-N.C.)
said the committee would proceed to-
morrow to consider higher normal
and surtax rates, Until the rates are
determined there can be no estimate
of what revenue the lowered personal
credits would produce. The Treasury
has asked for $3,400,000,000 more
taxes from individuals.
Today's action brought closer to
a decision the question of whether
a sales tax would be taken to the
House for a vote.
Make Argument
Two proponents of that levy said
that the dipping into the low income
brackets would make strong argu-
ments against a sales tax, which ad-
mittedly would fall hardest on the
same workers.
"But, if we are going to raise
$8,700,000,000. as the Treasury has
suggested, we still will have to have
a sales tax," one of them said.
By a vote reported to have been
21 to 4, the committee also rejected
the Treasury's proposal for elimina-
tion of the present oil depletion al-
lowance in an attempt to raise $80,-
Garg's Pulp Issue
Hits (Campus'sToday
"True Conlessions - of Michigan
students" can be released at last!
The Gargoyle now tells all, in the
new pulp magazine issue to go on
sale today at campus posts.
A parody of the entire dime-novel
field, the May Garg has incorporated

Last French
Air Minister
Pierre Cot Will Lecture
On Conquered France
In KelloggFoundation



Appearing under the auspices of
the Division of Social Science, Pierre
Cot, Air Minister in the last French
Cabinet before the German invasion.
will lecture on "The Present Situa-
tion of France" at 4:15 p.m. today
in the Kellogg Foundation.
Cot has had a varied career in
French politics, serving in six dif-
ferent governments, including those
of Leon Blum, Edouard Deladier and
Paul Reynaud. He was a well-known
member of the Radical Socialists,
French liberal party during these re-
Following the fall of France, Cot
with other prominent French leaders
was indicted for so-called "war
guilt." He escaped trial, however, by
fleeing to the United States.
Before entering politics, he was a
professor of public law and was also
at one time assistant delegate to the
League of Nations and Undersecre-
tary of Foreign Affairs.
Since his arrival in America, Cot
has written several magazine articles
on aerial warfare and has lectured
in many American colleges and uni-
Netmen eek
Big Ten Title
Michigan Rated Favorite
Over Maroons, Wildcats
Closing the most successful sea-
son of their history, the Wolverine
netmen yesterday entrained for Col-
umbus. Ohio, confident of winning
their Big Ten title for the second
straight year,
Most of the teams Michigan faced
this season were strong only in the
top three singles and consequently
Hammett and Porter faced the tough-
est opposition of any of the Wolver-
ines. Despite this Hammett won
seven matches while losing only four
and Porter finished with the excel-
lent total of 9-2.
Two Wolverines will be defending

BERLIN (from German broad-
casts), May 13.-(P)--German and
Rumanian troops have broken a
12-mile fortified Soviet line across
the neck of the Kerch Peninsula
in the Crimea, capturing 40,000
prisoners and annihilating encir-
cled groups of Red soldiers, the
Germans announcedi tonight.

just LikeT 1 e Movies:
Alpha Tau Omega Plays Host
To Stage Star Edith Atwater

taken, for the the Germans would
not be able to negotiate the few miles
across the strait.
Moscow dispatches indicated that
comparatively few units were en-
gaged on the restricted front across
the Kerch Peninsula, which measures
only about ten miles at the narrowest
Scant military advices reaching the
Soviet capital. from the Crimean
front mentioned only the intensifi-
cation of German air raids-said by
Berlin to involve the most planes ever
concentrated over so small an area-
and told of Russian aerial assaults
against motorized enemy columns
moving along the roads.
There was no mention of specific
land fighting in the Crimea and the
only news of the southern front in
general was an official announce-
ment that one unit had occupied an
enemy defense zone, annihilated 150
Germans, taken a number of pris-
oners and captured considerable ord-
Battle Concluded
The German High Command said
the battle was "concluded" with de-
struction of enemy forces encircled
and overrun and that "remnants" of
the Russian peninsular force were
being pursued toward the tip of the
In addition to more than 40,000
prisoners, the Germans claimed the
capture or destruction of 197 ar-
mored cars, 598 guns and 260 air-
craft. German commentators broad-
cast that the Germans were now
well beyond Parpatsch, in the neck
of the Kerch Isthmus at its narrow-
est point, that German artillery had
broken the first Soviet defense lines
and that infantry was being thrown
into the assaults
The Russian defenses near Par-
patsch were described as wide, deep
anti-tank trenches, with several lines


White shirts, smart ties, and '
day-best" suits were the order of the
day at the Alpha Tau Omega house
yesterday, when fifty men played
host to Edith Atwater, now starring
in "No Time for Comedy" at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, at a
Tribute was paid to Miss Atwater's
charm by everyone present, as the
"line formed to the right" to meet
this attractive exponent of dramatic
art. All were agreed that she would

Brown, '44E, said "ummm--but she's
The surprise of the evening came
when Miss Atwater was offered a
cigar. One of the brothers had "hung
his pin" and was treating the house.
Her reply was, "they aren't my
brand"--but she accepted one.
Miss Atwater admitted that she
was fascinated by the event. "This
is the first time I have been in a
real fraternity house, and I am duly
impressed," she said.
During the course of the dinner,
Miss Atwater was entertained by sev-
eral Michigan and ATO songs. An

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