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May 13, 1942 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-05-13

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tUW'T A,~ MAT 13, 1W4

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Federal School Aid Approved
Before Ad Ilt Education Group

A fifty-fifty basis of Federal finan-
cial aid to the states for education,
was the conclusion reached by Prof.
Arthur B. Moelman of the education
school and Prof. W. H. Maurer of the
journalism department, before the
Adult Education Institute which be-
gan its second day of conferences at
9:00 a.m. yesterday in the Rackham
The present system of educational
control, divided among Federal, state,
,and local agencies, must not be re-
placed by centralized control, agreed
the speakers, for centralization was
the first step toward the establish-
ment of Nazi control of the German
people. Complete control of educa-
tion cannot be trusted to any one
The uniformity of our system, de-
spite regional differences in instruc-
tion, the speakers decided, was as
near to centralization as it was safe
for our system to go. I,
At the afternoon session of the In-
stitute, Prof. Preston W. Slosson of
Army Recruits
Depart Today
Selectees To Be Honored
At Colorful Ceremony
By now Ann Arbor selectees have
left the city after a colorful ceremony
given in their honor at 7 a.m. today
under the new Junior Chamber of
Commerce "send off" plan.
Together with the 55 piece ROTC
band the University Marching Band
under the direction of Prof. William
D. Revelli will lead a parade from
Morris Hall to the courthouse lawn
at Main and Huron. The combined
bands total 125 instruments.
At the courthouse Ann Arbor selec-
tees will receive a formal farewell
from Mayor Leigh H. Young and the
Second Baptist Church gospel choir
will sing two songs in tribute to the
leaving men.
Last night a group of Washtenaw
County selectees were honored in a
similar ceremony at the courthouse.
They were the first group to be effect-
ed by the "send off" plan which will
be adhered to every time selectees
leave the city or county.
The ceremony was attended by a
large group of friends and relatives
of the men.

the history department, outlined
England's role in the war and gave
an answer "to the uninformed who
believe England has had only a nega-
tive role in the war," a feeling that
has been growing rapidly in the past
few weeks.
British Failures
"The British have had the best
military success of any of the United
Nations," said Professor Slosson, re-
futing claims that England was "let-
ting the United States pull the chest-
nuts out of the fire."
"The British failures," pointed out
the speaker, "have all been land bat-
tles. This is only a third of our
modern warfare. They have been
triumphant on the sea and in the
Further analyzing England's role,
Professor Slosson attributed her chief
difficulties to a natural love of peace,
unimaginative minds, and that mag-
nanimity which has been character-
istic of the British since its history
Despite these traits, continued Pro-
fessor Slosson, England has proved
her bravery and willingness to fight
for democracy. "We can cooperate
with the British Government with no
misgivings and no reservations," he
concluded, "and with no fear of Brit-
ish post-war domination."
Institute Continues Today
The Adult Institute, sponsored by
the Michigan State Federation of
Women's Clubs and The University
Extension Service, will continue to-
day with a session on "The Housing
Situation in Wartime" at 9 a.m. in
Rackham Amphitheatre. At the fol-
lowing session at 10 a.m. Stuart A.
Courtis will discuss "What is Pro-
gressive Education."
A forum concerning the problem of
food distribution will take place at
11 a.m.
Prof. Debye Talks
Prof. Peter J. W. Debye, world fam-
ous chemist, spoke on "The Coagula-
tion of Colloids" in a lecture yester-
day afternoon sponsored by the
American Chemical Society.
He taught in many European uni-
versities until in 1940 he came
to America to head the Department
of Chemistry at Cornell University.
He was a Nobel Prise winner in 1936
and is famous for his work in formu-
lating the Debye-Hueckel Theory of
Conductivity and the Debye-Hueckel
Theory of Electrolytes.

Three Places Where Japs Got Slapped
'b ..... :::: ..:..:::: ! ONIN
China ''' MANiIL S
engal a eGa ,UA!IS
:- CEYLON " DAVAO . ' . . , . * MARSHALL
'~ ~, .,S
____ " BORNEO-----ILERT---
1U *. NAURV IS. N*,E.
I n d ia A q IOR OR E'.
se AMORES Coral,
o Ce $Wa Sea
W NHM_ lR Iu IJI Is.
AHEUAO ighway iR48A
The War Department has revealed some details of the April 18 devastation spread in Tokyo (1) and
other ropulous Japanese centers by U. S. Army bombers in its first communique giving "Japan" as the
scene of action. Allied headquarters in Australia reported that two Japanese submarines were hit, rais-
ing the seven-day Coral Sea (2) area total to 21 Japanese vessels either knocked out of action or badly
crippled. Chinese troops on the Burma front (3) trapped and then smashed main body of Jap invading
force on Burma Road.

Wartime Mineral Production
Poses Reconstruction Problem

Thomas S. Lovering, University
geologist, thinks that the American
producers of strategic minerals will
welcome a mild form of Socialism1
after this war.
"At the present time," Professor1
Lovering said, "all such mines are
being exploited to meet the increased
demands of industry. High prices;
are now being paid for minerals
which during peacetime cannot com-
pete with the higher grade and cheap-
er goods imported from countries
whose production is closed to us be-
cause of the war."
Production Will Drop
"After this conflict, when the stra-
tegic minerals will again be brought
in from foreign countries," Profes-
sor Lovering continued, "our pro-
duction will fall off drastically. The
problems which will arise from this
crisis will be many and difficult. The
producers in order to offset their
great losses will demand government
subsidies until they have regained
some of the money which they have
put into the wartime production.
Labor finding themselves without
jobs in the mines will also present
their demands."
Professor Lovering believes that the
only way this condition can be pre-
vented is for the government to start
buying up large reserves of the stra-
tegic minerals immediately after the
war is finished, a continuation of
the policy adopted before the war
Stabilizing Effect
"These purchases would have a
stabilizing effect on.both the produc-
tion and prices of the minerals,"
Professor Lovering declared, "be-

cause, although the prices would still
be low, the producers would be get-
ting more for their minerals and the
curve of price and production would
level out much sooner.
"Mineral mnonopolies will certain-
ly prefer this type of socialism," he
emphasized, "than a state of extreme
depression which would otherwise re-
The minerals included in the stra-
tegic group are those which the Unit-
ed States lacks in quantity and
quality. These minerals included
maganese, chromium, tin, tungsten
mercury, antimony, and nickel (be-
cause nickel comes from Canada, its
strategic position is not so much em-
With the exception of tin, these
minerals can be obtained from North
or South America in small amounts
at the advent of a war, however this
production is uneconomic and as soon
as the crisis passes industry turns
to the foreign market.
"This is the situation with all the
strategic minerals in the United
States with the exception of tin.
There is enough of this mineral in
reserve to last for about two years,"
Professor Lovering concluded, "but if
the war is still going on after this
time, the use of tin will have to be
drastically curtailed, especially in the
making of tin plate."
Graduate Is Appointed
Gertrude Stein, recent student in
the Graduate School of the Univer-
sity, is now music director of the
Snyder Park Junior High School in
Springfield, O., it was announced

Shorthand and Typewriting
A special intensive streamlined SUMMER COURSE
in SHORTHAND and TYPEWRITING, arranged to
meet our present emergency, will commence June 15
and continue for twelve weeks. Send for information.
Detroit Busness University
United Artists Building, Detroit

Ransom Plas- i
Hopwood Talk
Annual Literary Awards
To Be Given Tuesday
The delivery of John Crewes Ran-
som's Hopwood address at 4:15 p.m.
Tuesday in the Rackham Auditorium
will keep 57 campus literary hope-E
fuls, contestants in the eleventh an-
nual contest of this greatest of uni-
versity creative writing competitions,
in suspense, while they await an-
nouncement of the winners and dis-
tribution of $8,000 in prize money.
Ransom, editor of the "Kenyon
Review" and author of "The World's
Body," "Aesthetics of Criticism" and
numerous magazine articles, will
speak on the topic "The Primitive
Language of Poetry."
The awards were made possible
through the gift of Avery iopwood,
'05, playwright-author of "Fair and
Warmer" and "The Bat." The be-
quest, which has amounted to near-
ly $10,000 yearly, including the sum-
mer session and freshman Hopwuod
awards, was to be given to "students
who perform the best creative work
in the fields of dramatic wrB ig, fic-
tion, poetry, and the essay ."
Hopwood speakcrs of past years in-
clude Edward Weeks Carl Van Dor-
en, Walter Priclard Eaton and Chris-
topher Morley.
Alpha Chi Sigimia
Chooses Officers;
Braitlh ate Wirs'
Alpha Chi Sigma, professional
chemistry fraternity, announced the
election of its new president, Charles
H. Braithwaite, Grad., yesterday.
Other officers elected were: Ray-
mond Mattson, '43, vice-president,
Lawrence Bartell, '44, master of cere-
monies, Vaughan Koppin. '44E, re-
corder, Robert J. Isler, '43E, histor-
ian, Peter Alexander, '43E, treasurer.
Lawrence Anderson. '43E, house man-
ager, and Robert Voss, '43E, reporter.
Outgoing officers listed were: Wil-
liam Jackson, '42, president, Charles
H. Braithwaite, Grad., vice-presi-
dent, Richard Field, Grad., master
of ceremonies, Peter Alexander, '43E,
recorder, Gaylord Underwood, '44E,
historian, Max Chilcote, Grad.,
At their annual initiation banquet
held last Sunday, the following were
taken into active membership: Ar-
thur Bueche, '45, Robert Isler, '43E,
William Snodden, '44E, Vaughan
Koppin, '44E, Harold Werner, '43E,
and Lawrence Bartell, '44.

Nurses' Aides
Ask Volunteers
To Army Duty
As more and more nurses are being
called to the colors, the need for
Nurses' Aides to make up for the
shortage is being felt keenly in hos-
pitals all over the country.
Washtenaw County is finding it
necessary to train at least 200 Red
Cross Nurses' Aides to take the place
of nurses demanded by the Army and
Navy, and hospital directors are anx-
iously waiting for any help the
Nurses' Aide Corps can give them.
Any woman 18 years old or over
who is physically fit and has the
cquivalent of a high school educa-
tion may register for the course. It
is given by a graduate nurse and con-
sists of three and a half weeks of
lectures and practice on the prin-
ciples of nursing and three and one-
half weeks of actual work in the
University and St. Joseph Mercy Hos-
In addition, Nurses' Aides are re-
quired to take the 20 hour Standard
First Aid course sometime during the
Upon completion of the course,
each Aide is given a Red Cross Nur-
ses Aide Corps Certificate and is ex-
pected to do some volunteer work in
the hospitals and health clinics. In
case of disaster the Corps will do
field work under the direction of the
County Medical Emergency Com-
In the event of an epidemic such
as broke out here during World War
I, there would not be enough trained
nurses to take care of the situation,
and the Nurses' Aides would be badly
needed, according to Marion Mad-
dock, chairman.
Anyone interested may register for
the Nurses' Aide Corps at the Civilian
Defense Volunteer Office in the Ar-
mory or call the local chapter of the
Rled Cross.
Milkmen Go To School
A special two-day training course
for owners and employes of milk
pasteurization plants is being spon-
sored by the University of Michigan
School of Public Health today.


Chills, Romance
Fill New Issue

..___ auwunvrme ,



Will Maizie kill the ruthless mur-
derer or will she be caught in the
killer's trap before the police get
secret agent 144X9's message?
Writing detective thrillers and ex-
citing romance is no cinch-just ask
the Gargoyle editors who have been
found up to their necks in pulp mag-
azines trying to answer such ques-
tions, as they prepare for the May
issue to go on sale tomorrow.
But "True Confessions of Michi-
gan Students," "Secret Agent" and
other thrillers are now in the presses
ready for the public as the Garg staff
emerges with a parody issue of the
entire pulp magazine field.
Readers of "Wild West," "Exciting
Romance," "Fantastic Stories," and
such, will find all the best in dime
novel style between the two covers
of this month's Garg. The staff, un-
der Chan Simonds '42, editor, has
even let the pulp magazine influence
creep into the ads to make the parody
A "Friendly Corner" similar to the
pen pal column found in any popular
dime novel series will further com-
plete the parody as well as provide a
clearing house for lonely hearts.
Photo features of "The Initiation
of Honor Societies" and "Women In
Sports" will be part of the Garg's
picture sections, and cartoons and
drawings will be used throughout.
For a roundup of the best of thrill-
ers, chillers and true confessions,
bring your Garg receipt or 15 cents
on campus Thursday for the current
issue of "Michigan's No 1 humor
Embezzler's Trial Day Set
LANSING, May 12. --()- Circuit
Judge Charles H. Hayden today fixed
May 19 for pronouncement of sen-
tence on Dr. Philip A. Callahan, for-
mer state supervisor of social security
who has pleaded guilty to embezzling
$6,884 worth of state-owned postage
stamps. Judge Hayden said the sen-
tence has been delayed while the
probation department investigated
the case.

rr6e" I11N1BETWEEL N".f
- are turning to buses for efficient war-time transportation
'In-Between" great metropolitan centers-on farms, in
cross-roads communities, in small towns-more than half

116 West Huron..
Phone 2-5511

Garg To Offer
Pulp Take-OffI

of Amrica's people livace ad- work. Grey iWs
of America's people live and work. Greyhound offers the
only transportation service to great numbers . of thM--offers
undupticated service to still greater numbers. More and
more, as private cars are retired, they'll depend on Grey-
hound to keep moving to keep America moving!



Let's have less of that guff
about Spring
Bring your Gal ... like the
bird on the wing...
The Union, it seems,
Gonna feed her
May 16th ...9 till 12...







Y I P P E E '
Wild West Stories
nt as you like them
in the New


Starting TODAY - until they're gone.

Bring receipt or identification card to Student
Publications Bldg. - and HURRY!
OR BUY: There are a few copies for sale at Follett's,
Slaters, Ulrich's and Wahr's bookstores.
/R/ & A E1 v/ ur/ L f kE 1'E f h



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