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May 13, 1942 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-05-13

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WEDNESDAY, MAY~ 13, 1944

l rr t. t 1T tt


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
4. College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941.42
Editorial Staff

Homer Swander
Morton Mintz.
Will Sapp
Charles Thatcher
George W. Sa~lad .
Bernard Hendel
Myron Dann .
Barbara deFries

. . Managing Editor
* . Editorial Director
. . . ,. City Editor
. . Associate Editor
Associate Editor
. . . Sports Editor
. Associate Sports Editor
. . . Women's Editor

WASHINGTON-During the public hearings
on the reason for the delay in quantity produc-
tion of synthetic rubber in the United States,
the Truman Investigating Committee held a
secret session at which officials of Standard Oil
of New Jersey were closely questioned.
In the course of this secret interrogation, W.
S. Parish, president of the corporation, declared
that plans for the production of synthetic rub-
ber "were held in a state of suspended anima-
tion" for several months by the Reconstruction
Finance Corporation.
The following are extracts of Farish's hereto-
fore undisclosed testimony taken from the offi-
cial transcript of this secret session:
MR. FARISH: "In June, 1940, to October,
1940, a group of the Advisory Committee
and the Council of National Defense was the gov-
ernment agency selected to consider and promote
synthetic rubber. This committee soon found
that it could make only suggestions which no
one was authorized to carry out, so in the fall
of 1940 the responsibility was turned over to
the RFC.
"This agency worked on the rubber plans with
Standard and other companies, which led to the
completion of. a definite program in January,
1941. These plans called for 75 percent of the
capital to come from the government and 25
percent from industry. They were held in a
state of suspended animation by the RFC for
several months, due possibly, to a desire to save
taxpayers' money. Finally, on June 22, 1941,
Standard was authorized to go ahead with its
part of a new and larger program financed
largely by Defense Plant Corporation."
MR. HOWARD (another Standard official) :
"Our attitude is perhaps best shown on this
matter of plans in this way: in July, 1941, we
were asked by RFC to prepare plans for a 15,000-
ton plant. That work was suspended by RFC a
little later. Despite that suspension we contin-
ued at our own expense on those plans in order
that there might be no delay, and when the war
broke out in the Pacific and we were ordered to
resume work on the plans, they were virtually
MR. FARISH: "I would like to make just one
comment on the general objective, as I under-
stand it, that this sub-committee is dealing with,
and that is, you are trying to find out, has there
been any delay in the production of synthetic
rubber? If there has been any delay, whose fault
is it or what caused it? I simply want to reiter-
ate that I can't find any logical reason why
any rubber company or any oil company would
be concerned with, or be a party to, any delay.

"There has been some reluctance, and I might
say some slow movement, on the part of govern-
ment authorities. My thinking apparatus tells
me there has been, perhaps, some influence at
work that has caused some delay."
SENATOR TRUMAN: "We want to find out
what that influence is and see if we can stop it."
MR. FARISH: "I don't know what has caused
the delay. There has been some reluctance on
the part of the government to push this question
and to put money into it.
Here's one reason this newspaper work isn't
all the fun you may think it is:
* * *
The local Free Press correspondent, whom we
know quite well, trotted over to Ypsi last week
to do a story on a proposal to billet war workers
in the Ypsi Normal dormitories.
In the course of his day of sitting in outer
offices, he interviewed one Miss Drucilla Ran-
som, a nice little girl from.T'ontiac who some
day, she says, will teach kindergarten classes.
What did she think of the billeting plan? She
just didn't know quite what to say. The reporter
then wrote down a few obvious things and asked
her for permission to quote her on those points.
She thought it was a "grand idea" but asked the
reporter to show the quotes to the Dean of Wom-
en. She really couldn't say a word for publica-
tion, she explained, unless the Dean approved it.
The reporter was fluffed off by the Dean.
She wouldn't even talk to him. The reporter,
who doesn't see why any college-age girl should
submit her personal opinions to her Dean, went
ahead and filed some 500 words.
lie put the quotes that Miss Ransom OK'd
into his story and about a week later the FP
received a sharply-worded letter from Miss
Ransom's friends claiming that she had been
misquoted and demanding that the FP print
an apology "just as big as the story." Now the
correspondent is in hot water with his office.
* * *
We dont know too much about Deans of
Women . . . but maybe we're learning fast, eh?
- The City Editor

(Continued from Page 2)
Undergraduate Women: Students
are reminded of the regulation that
they are expected to leave twenty-
four hours after their last examina-
ation. Permission for any other ar-
rangement must be secured from the
Office of the Dean of Women.
Jeannette Perry,
Assistant Dean of Women
Literary College Seniors: All per-
sons who purchased Commencement
announcements in Angell Hall last
month may pick up their orders in
front of Room 4, University Hall,
today and Thursday, 1:30-4:00 p.m.
Any male student of the University
who has completed four complete
years of work is eligible to receive his
Union life membership pin. These
pins may be secured at the Union
business office.
La Sociedad Hispanica offers two
$50.00 scholarships to the University
of Mexico summer session. Students
interested please apply at 302 R.L. at
10:00 a.m. on Thursday and at 3:00
p.m. today and Friday,

( f' ', l f IJv 't'tt Ste! 2 r
fiCLA " R tf F

Business Staff

Edward J. Perlberg
Fred M. Ginsberg
Mary Lou Curran
Jane Lindberg .
James Daniels .


By Lichty

Business Manager
Associate Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager
Publications Sales Analyst

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Doily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Russia No Threat
To Permanent Peace . .
I N HIS REPLY to Tom Thumb yes-
terday, George Walsh entangled
himself in a mass of confusion and con tradic-
tions w ich render his stand not merely unten-
able but ludicrous.
Mr. Walsh decries the selfishness and the ter-
ritorial aspirations of Russia, fearing that they
will stand in the way of a post-war peace based
on the Four Freedoms of Roosevelt.
It is indeed noble of you, Mr. Walsh, to ad-
vodate taking any step necessary to ensure a
post-war world based on the ideals for which
we are fighting. But aren't you just a bit
inconsistent with your nobly expressed ideals.
when you ask us to turn against our strong-
est ally after she has helped us defeat the
Doesn't your conscience hurt you even a little
when you are ptrfectly willing to take advantage
of the fact that Russia will be forced to contnue
her fight against Germany out of pure self-
defense even if she knows that we intend to
"stab her in the back?"
ND don't you carry out your "double stand-
ard" of morality a trifle too far when you so
casually conclude that in the event Russia does
tepem up with Germany after hearing that the
Allies are going to betray her, it will be proof
that she "had never really supported the Allied
You seem to be peculiarly addicted to incon-
grufity, Mr. Walsh, for in the very same sen-
tence you jump from the incomprehensible to
the ludicrously absurd. You say " . .. and this
(Russia's teaming up with Germany) would be
no loss to the Allies." You can't really believe
that, can you Mr. Walsh?
Who has done most of the fighting in this
war? Who has kept the Germans so busy in the
East that they were prevented from invading
England and conceivably even the United States?
What army has been the only successful force
against the German military machine? Would
you really like to fight against both Germany
and Russia, Mr. Walsh?
BUT let us get back to your original premise.
You casually assume that Russian aims are
in direct opposition to the Four Freedoms and
that they constitute a threat to world peace. In
no case up to the present have we had evidence
of that sort. There has not been a single ex-
ample of the internal policies of Russia having
a detrimental effect upon any of the rest of the
You quote the New Republic of almost three
years ago to show that Stalin is attempting to
force Communism upon the rest of the world.
Not only has there been no evidence for that,
but since then it has become clear that our
newspapers and magazines of a few years ago
-even the liberal ones-gave us a more dis-


German Departmental Library: All
books are due today.
Academic Notices
Electrical Engineering 23n, Ele-
mentary Radio, will be repeated dur-
ing the Summer Term if a sufficient
number of students request that it
be offered. E.E. 23n is a course in
radio for students of the College of
Literature, Science and the Arts, and
for other students without technical
background. It consists of lectures,
laboratory, and code practice. There
are no prerequisites and it gives four
hours' credit. Will any student whol
is interested please telephone the
Electrical Engineering Department,
Ext. 443, or call at Room 274 West
Engineering Building.
Zoology Seminar on Thursday, May
14, at 7:30 p.m. in the Amphitheater
of the Rackhara Building. Reports
by Mr. Jack S. Dendy on "The Fate
of Animals in Stream Drift When
Carried into Lakes" and Mr. Ross
Hardy on "Soils and Mammalian Dis-
tribution in Southwestern Utah."
R.O.T.C. Military Science 2: All
students meet at 7 o'clock tonight in
Natural Science Auditorium.
Wm. E. Renner, Major,
Ord. Dept., AdhIutant
Metal Processing 4. Section III:
Neither lecture nor laborat ory classes
will be held today. Claisses will be
resumed at the usual time on Satur-
day, May 16.
English llonors Course for Seniors:
Applications for admission to this
course are due in the English Office
(3221 A.H.) not later than noon on
Saturday. May 16.
W. It. lluiphreys
tia IExamination, ung lish I and
II, Wednesday, May 20, 8-10 a.m., as
English I
Arthos, 35 AH; Bacon, 35 All; Cal-
ver, 406 MHl; Peake, 35 Al.
English II
Bader, 201 UH; Baum, W Phys Lee;
Bertram, W Phys Lee; Boys, W Phys
Lee; Copple, W Phys Lee; Engel, 305
SW: Everett, 1025 AH; Faust, 1025
AH; H Fletcher, 209 AH: Fogle, 2054
NS; Garvin, 2054 NS: Green, 202 W
Phys; Grel lit,, E Haven.
. 1aug,. 205 MH; :Hem, 205 M1;
McClennen, 1025 AH: MeKelvey, 205
MH; Millar, 3011 AU: O'Neill, 1121,
NS; Schenk. 302SW; Schroeder, 3056
NS; Stibbs, 2203 AU; 'Thein, 3209
AH: Walker, 2234 AH: Weimer, 203
UH: Weisinger, 101 Eu W(lls, 1025
Make-lip examina tion, lor unavoid-
able examination conflicts only, will
be given Friday, May 22, 7-9 p.m.,
in Rooms 25 A.H. and 1025 A.1l.

Franklin Mitchell, a pupil of Pal-
mer Christian, will be heard in an
organ recital at 8:30 tonight at the
Presbyterian Church, 1432 Washte-
naw Avenue. The program as ar-
ranged by Mr. Mitchell will include
works by Schmid, Buxtehude, Bach,
Franck, Leach, Widor and Karg-
The public is cordially invited.
John McAlister, Pianist, will give a
public recital at 8:30 p.m., Thursday,
May 14, in the Assembly Hall of the
Rackham Building, in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements of the de-
gree of Master of Music. He has
arranged a program to include works
of Schubert, Beethoven, Respighi,
Brahms and Chopin.
Recital: Victor Hildner, a student
of Palmer Christian, will give an or-
gan~ recital in Hill Auditorium at
8:30 p.m. Friday, May 15, to which
the public is invited. The program
will include works by Boehm, Fres-
cobaldi, Bach, Franck, Widor and
Liszt, and is given in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements of the
Master of Music degree.
The Ann Arbor Art Association
presents its Nineteenth Ann Arbor
Artists Exhibition May 1 through
May 13, 2-5 afternoons and 7-10
evenings, daily, except Sundays, in
the galleries of the Rackham Build-
'Thirteenth Annual Exhibition of
Sculpture in the Concourse of the
Michigan League Building. Open
daily until after Commencement.
University Lecture: M. Pierre Cot,
former member of the French Cabi-
net, will lecture on the subject "The
Present Situation of France," under
the auspices of the Division of Social
Science, on Thursday, May 14, at
4:15 p.m. in the Kellogg Foundation
Institute Auditorium. The public is
cordially invited.
William J. Mayo Lecture: Dr. R. K.
Ghormiey of the Mayo Clinic, Roches-
ter, Minnesota, will give the William
J. Mayo Lecture on Friday, May 22,
in the Hospital Amphitheatre at 1:30
p.m. The title of his presentation
will be "A Clinical Pathological Study
of Back Pain."
Events Tody
Jilnior Mathematics Club will meet
tonight at 8:00 in 3201 Angell Hall.
Plans for next semester will be made

"I don't want to be a killjoy, girls, but in a real emergency wouldn't
it be better to call a doctor?"

UAW Plays Into Enemy's Hands
O THOSE OF US who believe that the great- other this purchasing powe1 must be decreased,
tn1)., irl - uUo ac hot T U AW uld av ' .-it-

est hope for democracy lies in the trade
union movement and have therefole continually
pleaded the cause of labor, it is a bitter disap-
pointment to have to watch one of the nation's
finest unions play directly into the hands of its
most determined enemies. And that is exactly
what the UAW-CIO is doing when it demands
a flat dollar-a-day wage increase for Ford
Thus far Presidellt Roosevelt has been able
to stave off successfully the thrusts of those
Congressmen who insist that there is a need for
drastic anti-labor and wage-freezing legislation.
But he cannot be expected to hold out against
anti-labor pressure if labor itself goes blindly
ahead ignoring the dangers of inflation by de-
manding wage increases in industries which
already pay some of the highest wages in the
nation. We had hoped that the CIO would ad-
here to its announced intention of demanding
more wages in only sub-standard industries
where it has a more than legitimate argument.
Certainly the Ford Motor Company is not sub-
This is just the sort of action for which
reactionary employers and Congressmen have
been waiting. They can now point with glee
to the "selfishness, the greed, the blindness"
of the labor movement-and people will listen
to them. The UAW-CIO has handed them, on
a silver platter, additional arguments against
the unions at a time when such arguments
can be used more effectively than at almost
any time in recent years,
In addition to playing into il hands of 11w
reactionaries, the UAW--by insisting upon wage
raises in the automotive industry--is substan-
tially increasing the dangers of inflation. Al-
ready there is much too great a purchasing
power in the country compared to the amount of
consumer ,goods available. In some way or an-
even reason to believe that the fourth freedom-
that of expression-may in time be greatly in-
And a brief word about the Finnish invasion.
Tf NA-v ,alsi hoecme rlear now that if Russia

not increa- sco e wo1 1tWWUIH vuU.
IN ARGUING in favor of the dollar-a-day in-
crease, the National UAW Ford Council de-
clared: "During the past year the cost of living'
throughout the United States has increased 13
percent, far outstripping any wage increases
and causing every worker in the nation to suffer
a cut in real wages." Such an argument is abso-
lutely invalid. There is no single person or group
of persons who should expect to maintain the
same standard of living during the war as they
did in pre-war lays, The real income of every
one of us must ne'cessarily he lowered-and low-
ered substantially.
This does iot mean tihat the rich should be
allowed to become richer or that profits of big
business should go untouched. Both should be
taxed to the very limit-a 100 percent excess
profits tax and a $25,000 limit on incomes are
certainly not too harsh. This kind of taxation,
however, will not of itself avoid inflation. It
must be accompanied by taxes on lower il-
comes, by wage stabilization, and by a system
of forced savings.
In particular, Ithe plan for forced savings is
of immenlse importance and one which s hold
imendia tely be supported by the labor move-
mlent Commonly called the Keynes Plan, the
program is one in which the worker would re-
ceive a certain proportion of his wages in pay-
ments deferred until after the war. In this way
present purchasing power would be decreased,
thus avoiding inflation. And employes would
have a cushion to fall back on in the event of a
Ist-wvar crash.
Such a prosra tim js the only sensible o1e for
the labor ;novemeiit to follow at the present
time. Instead of demanding wage increases
which cannot possibly be granted if inflation
is to be avoided, the UAW-and other unions-
should insist that the government institute a
system of deferred payments similar to the
Keynes Plan. With such a policy established,
it would then become possible once more to
demand wage increases which could be ab-
sorbed in the forced savings and would not
contribute toward inflation.
Labor leaders and the labl)orers themselves
nmust x ealize before it is too late that the entire
I ....1 ,".; , .<nm 1n 1 i, 11 n a ."o1'oa r-

and the Mount Pleasant trip dis-
ussed. Anyone interested is invit-
ed and refreshments will be served.
Psychological Journal Club: Dr.
Mary C. Van Tuyl will discuss "Pat-
terns of Religious Thinking Revealed
in the Autobiographies of 835 Uni-
versity Students" at the meeting
scheduled for tonight at 7:30 in the
East Lecture Room of the Rackham
Building.. All who are interested are
cordially invited.
Pre-Medical Society: The last
meeting of the year will be held
tonight at 8:00 in the Union. New
officers will be elected and Dr. Rees
will speak on Internship. Refresh-
ments will be served. It is important
for all members to attend.
Graduate Students in Speech: The
Graduate Study Club will meet at
4:00 p.m. today in the East Confer-
ence Room of the Rackham Building.
Reports of the convention of the
Central States Speech Association
will be given.
Pi Lambda Theta installation of
officers tonight, 7:00 to 8:00, in the
Mary B. Henderson Room, Michigan
Women's Archery Club will meet
today on the outdoor range. In case
of rain, the group will meet on the
indoor range in the Women's Athletic
Applicants for room or board In the
Boys' Co-operative Houses will be in-
terviewed at the Michigan Union,
Room 306, tonight, at 8:00. Appli-
cation can be for summer or autumn
school terms.
Interviewing, for the League Sum-
mer Council will be held today and
Thursday, 3:00-5:00 p.m., in the Un-
dergraduate offices of the League.
The German Roundtable, Interna-
tional Center, which meets on Wed-
nesday evenings is discontinued for
the remainder of this semester.
Coming Events
Public fleaith Club Picnic: A pic-
nic for all students and faculty in
the School of Public Health will be
held on Saturday, May 16, at the
Huron-Dexter Park, about 6 miles
west of Ann Arbor on the Huron
River Drive. There will be games
and supper will be furnished by the
Club at 5:30 p.m. Those planning to
attend will please register in Room
2014 of the Kellogg Building. Trans-
portation will be arranged for those
who do not have a way to go. This
is the final student activity of the
year and everyone is urged to attend.
French Roundtable: Professor Per-
cival Price invites the French Round-
table, International Center, to see
and hear his Carillon recital on
Thursday at 7:00 p.m., after which
he will explain in French the Caril-
lon. The scheduled meeting for last
Friday was not held because of May
Festival. The group will meet at
Tower Door.
Chinese Students, Attention: Dr.
B. A. Lit of the China Institute will
be il Ann Arbor to meet all Chinese
students on Thursday and Friday
He will be at the International Cen-
ter at 8 o'clock Thursday evening for
a conference with the entire group,
and will make appointments for per-
sonal conferences at the Center for
Mortar Board meeting Thursday in
the League at 5:00 p.m. Attendance
is compulsory.
All R.O.T.C. Cadets will report to
the R.O.T.C. Headquarters at 1:00
p.m. on Saturday, May 16. Old
clothes will he worn.


[N THTS COLUMN I want; to men-I
tion a few mnisr(ellaneous things
that don't have toI be expanded into
a full column:
First, a rave: T' f is for Cal Tiin-
ney, the radio commentator who is
o CKLW Monday, Wednesday and
Friday nights at 8 p.m. He's a Mu-
tual Network feature. As soon as you
get used to his "folksy" style you'll
find him tops. He'll give you a new
slant on the news events, plus some
items that other comnentators
wouldn't dare say. Example: Re-
cently lie addressed an open letter to
the telephone company, suggesting
reduced rates for boys in Army
camps, provided tChat thley phone
during the "valley' hours, when na-
tional phone calls are at a minimum.
''he next week he received an in-
dianant renlv from a phone company

blood banks for "Negro blood" and
"white blood." Advice to the Red
Cross: all healthy human blood is
rel, and it's a scientific fact that
there's no difference between "Negro
blood" and "ihite blood." An Amer-
iean dying in the field hospital in
Burma doesn't request that he get
"Aryan blood."
* * *
,Whatever happened to all those
Bomber-Scholarship benefits that
were going to come off?
* * *
r 'OM ThUMB'S condolences of the
year go to those all over the
Ulnited States and Canada who
missed this year's May Festival.
The government may order the
press to reduce the size of comic
strips. Apparently Washington is of-
fiially m a t Stmnerman for not

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