Air Force Reserve, V-i Offer
Enlistments To College Men
Jewish Leader
Will Address
L, _ .
How To Enlist In,
V-1, Naval Reserve
Qualifications: Be a freshman or
sophomore between the ages of 17
and 19 inclusive, a citizen of the
United States and unmarried.
1. Secure a note from the Regis-
trar's Office, Room 4, University Hall,
certifying that you are enrolled in
You will be placed on inactive status
until the end of your sophomore
year, when you will be given the op-
portunity to apply for enlistment in
either V-5 (Aviation Cadet) or V-7
(Deck and Engineering Officer).
Io w To Enlist Int
Air Force Reserve
the University. I Qualifications: Be a student in
2. Go to the Ann Arbor Armory,.I good' standing in an accredited col-
Fourth and Ann streets, for a pre- loge, between the ages of 18 and 26
liminary examination, inclusive (18 and 31 for meterolo-
3. If you are found eligible, you gists), a citizen of the United States
will go to the Health Service for a and unmarried.
physical. 1. Secure a birth certificate or oth-
4, After you pass the Health Serv- er satisfactory evidence of age and
ice exam, you will go to Detroit with citizenship.
a group at the Government's expense 2. Secure three letters of recom-I
for a final examination at the Naval mendation.I
Armory. 3. Fill out application blank in
5. Have your parents sign a par- triplicate. These may be obtained
ents' consent blank for presentation from the War Board Information
to the Naval examining board. Blanks Center, Room 1009, Angell Hall. If
may be secured at the Ann Arbor you are under 21 years of age, you
Armory or at the office of V-1 Coor- must have one of your parents sign
dinator Russel C. Hussey, 108 Mason your application blank as evidence
Hall. of consent.
If the Naval examiners accept you, 4. Present yourself with these cre-
you will be sworn in at the Detroit dentials before the Air Force Exam-
Armory as an apprentice seaman in ining Board on one of its periodic
the United States Naval Reserve. visits to Ann Arbor. The Examining
Board will be at the Health Service
May 12, 13 and 14.
Famed Author If accepted by the Examining
Board, you will be sworn in as a pri-
To Speak Here vate in the Air Force Enlisted Re-
serve. You will be placed on inac-
tive status and will not be called to
J. C. Ransom Will Deliver active duty until graduation or with-
drawal from college, except in case
Annual Hopwood Talk of necessity as determined by the
Secretary of War.
John Crewes Ransom, distinguished -- --
author and editor of the "Kenyon ['. ,
Review," will deliver the eleventh IS su ',
annual Hopwood address on "The On
Primitive Language of Poetry" at S ale4p M 9 tcia y
4:1d5 pu. May 19, in the Rackham
Following Ransom's'lecture, win-
ners of the literary competition will Frustrated females of Michigan
be named and $8,000 in prize money will find the answer to their prob-
distributed. As usual since the con- lems at last. The Gargoyle staff has
ception of the contest in 1931, made taken pity and will provide a "Friend-
possible through the bequest of the ly Corner"- "Port of Lonely Hearts"
late playwright, Avery Hopwood, '05. in the May issue to be released on
the major and minor awards will be Thursday.
presented in the fields of poetry, Pen pals of all sizes and mentali-
drama, fiction and essay. ties will be available for the lovelorn
Ransom is author of "The World's as the Garg inaugurates a new fea-
Body," "Aesthetic Criticism," and ture as a part of its "pulp magazine"
co-author of "Intent of the Critic." number.
Henry Monsky, national president
of B'nai B'rith, will speak at the
banquet of the Michigan B'nai B'rith
Lodge convention at 6:30 p.m. today
in the Union Ballroom.
The convention is being held in
Ann Arbor this year in honor of the
fifteenth anniversary of the found-
ing of the University of Michigan
chapter of Hillel. The banquet will
also combine the annual Hillel hon-
ors dinner, at which the fraternity
or sorority and the junior and senior
students who have cooperated most
with Hillel during the past yqar will
receive awards. Two $75 hostess
scholarships for the corning year will
be presented.
Mr. Monsky, who has been presi-
dent of the Supreme Lodge of B'nai
B'rith since 138, is well-known for
his work in numerous social welfare
organizations and has been for many
years a member of the board of trus-
tees of Father Flanagan's Boystown.
He is considered one of the leading
Jewish speakers of the day.
President Ruthven will also be
present at the banquet to welcome
the convention guests.
More than five hundred B'nai
B'rith members from cities through-
out Michigan are expected to assem-
ble in Ann Arbor for the convention.
At luncheon they will hear Prof.
Preston W. Slosson speak on "Build-
ing Morale In' a Nation at War."
Preceding the banquet in the eve-
ning, they will be conducted about
the campus and the Hillel Founda-
tion Building. Bob Burstein, '43, is
in charge of the tour.
Hillel members will present a short
program of entertainment at the
banquet. Hal Cooper, '44, will act asf
master of ceremonies, and 915 Oak-
land, a League House, will present
the skit they performed in Hillelza-
poppin'. The Hillel choral group, un-
der the direction of Donna Weiss,.
'43, will sing.
Reservations may still be had by
contacting Neta Siegel, '45. Persons
not attending the dinner are welcome
to come and hear Mr. Monsky, who
will speak at 8:15.
Aunua Lan H ll Fee
TO Be 0I)ll c "te'VC(I IOahlV
Approximately 70 students will be
present at the Annual Association
Supper sponsored by the Student Re-
ligious Association at 8:00 p.m. today
in Lane Hall.
The supper is being held in honor
of Mr. Kenneth Morgan, director of
the Association, and of the outgoing
Association Council.
William Muehl. 4^h, will be toast-
" P E R F E C T'-"Four O" in the navy means perfection. That's
what the boys call their adopted sweetheart, Renee Haal.
-Courtesy Ann Arbor News
Francis lcrer, star of S. N. Behrman's "No Time for Comedy,"
('efninrg tomorrow night, holds his rare Afghan hound, Ahmed, on
lea h as i e 'w k to actress Doris Dalton, with her French poodle,
Goilige', in th: cor, tyard of the League.
Outing Club Will Meet
What will probably be the last
meeting of the Graduate Outing Club
for this semester will be held at 2:30
p.m. today. The group will assemble
near the rear northwest door of the
Rackhan Building to discuss plans
for the coming summer's program.
The emphasis is on the lighter side
of intellectual pursuits as the Garg
blazes boldly forth with futuristic
stories, Western thrillers and mys-
tery chillers in its new number.
Features of all sorts will bring into
the open new phases of campus life,
with special iphoto pages on the ini-
tiation of honor societies and women
in sports.
- ---
A -GAR DEN UN G GO T H ESE COLLEGE G IR LS-weliesley college girls at Welles-
ley, Mass., took up their shovels and hoes to plant victory gardens as their part of the war effort.
C U R L E R S -;Dodging metal
priorities, Ann Sothern uses old
fashioned rag curlers, says-they
work as well as metal ones.
There's a point to her thrill!
<) 45
~r /
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f 1~
i- f#
For your thrill,
make it a Point
to read..
The new Love Story, the Wild West, and
the Astounding Stories, all-rolled-into-one
in the May GARGOYLE'S Pulp Magazine
On Sale Thursday, May 14
N O R T H A T L A N T I C S E A S C A P E-A United States destroyer on patrol off the Grand Banks, Newfoundland, steams
through sea and early morning mist. Cold arctic winds sweeping down over the warm Gulf Stream creates the low-hanging fog,
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