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May 10, 1942 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-05-10

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Aiton Calls Attitude Of Neutral
Latins Mirror Of Our Isolation

Harmon's '98' Rolls Again

Calling the neutral countries, Ar-
gentina and Chile, a mirror of our
own hesitant isolationism before the
Japanese attack, Prof. Arthur S. Ai-
ton of the history department yester-
day expressed hope that they "may
yet gravitate into the American sys-
tem of united resistance to Axis ag-
The role of America in Latin Amer-
ica "has been one of convincing the
nations of Hispanic origin that we
shared and respected their passionate
nationalism" and could share defense
of their ideals, Professor Aiton de-
Expressing admiration for the re-
markable work of the State Depart-
ment in welding most of Hispanic
America into an armorplate against
Axis aggression, Professor Aiton
pointed out the extreme distances
and old prejudicial views of the
In an article in the Michigan
Alumnus Quarterly Review, Profes-
sor Aiton reviewed the history of in-
ter-American relations over the peri-
od of nationalistic formation-always
emphasizing the need of instilling
confidence toward America in our
distant southern neighbors.
Of Argentina, Professor Aiton stat-
ed that "abou4t eighty per cent of the
people of Argentina are warmly anti-
Axis." He declared that only a small
majority of wealthy conservatives
were now controlling the opportun-
istically isolationist government.
The fulminations of Nazi agents,
the plots revealed through investiga-
tions will "force the government's
hand as an aroused citizenry finally
Prof. Price Will Present
Carillon R ecital Todtay
Featuring music recently published
by the University of Sydney, as well
as other British and American airs
popular in Australia at this time,
Prof. Percival Price will conduct a
Carillon program at 7:15 p.m. today.
The program today will include
three Australian airs by miscellane-
ous authors: "Four Experiments for
the Sydney University Carillon" and
"Preude -Pavan - Pastorale -Pas-
an," by Alexander Burnard; "Fugue"
and "Air for Percival Price," by John
D. Gordon; and the following British
airs: "The Blue Bells of Scotland,"
"Londonderry Air," "Keep the Home
Fires Burning," and "It's a Long Way
to Tipperary."

demands a stronger attitude towardI
those guilty of plotting against theI
safety of the state, be they nationals
or Axis agents," Professor Aiton said.
In Chile where liberals control the
government, "Rios (the leader of the
leftist coalition) must perforce be
slow to the point of gingerliness, since
a large and influential group in Chile
fear social and economic change
more than barbarous aggressors over-
seas, Professor Aiton declared.
Emphasizing that Chile will fight
only "for reasons strictly in line with
national self-interest," Professor Ai-
ton emphasized that the United
States had injured Chile too many
times to expect idealistic responses.
On Campus ...
The installation of officers will be
the business of the luncheon meet-
ing of the University chapter of the
American Institute of Chemical En-
gineers at noon Tuesday in the Sem-
inar Room of the East Engineering
Perry's Chemical Engineering
Handbook will be awarded to the
member receiving the highest score
on the quizzes each meeting, Charles
Thatcher, incoming president, an-
Since attendance will be limited,
all members wishing to attend must
sign the list by 5 p.m. Monday in!
Room 2028 East Engineering Build-
ing. . .
The last in the series of forums
on the question of :Revolution and1

Wide Campus
Support Given
Bomber Fund
Starting with what seemed td be
an insignificant party at the Abe
Lincoln C ooper ative House, the
Bomber - Scholarship project has
grown to campus-wide proportions,
and to date has netted $4,450.08.
A large number of organizations
have cut expenses at dances and
other such affairs in order to con-
tribute even more to the Bomber-
Scholarship than would be possible
One fraternity, Zeta Beta Tau,
passed a resolution assessing those
members who attend its spring for-
mal an extra dollar and fining those
who do not attend the same amount
for the Bomber-Scholarship fund.
Alpha Epsilon Phi cut expenses for
its spring formal and contributed $15
to the fund.
An unusual method of contributing
is being employed by Sigma Phi. Each
active member is contributing 50
(.ents per month.
Phi Delta Phi, a graduate frater-
nity and consequently unable to ben-
Jfit from the scholarships which will
accrue from the fund, has, neverthe-
less, given $113. On the other hand,
Phi Delta Delta, a law fraternity, has
declared itself unable to contribute tc
the fund since the scholarships are
confined to undergraduates.
The goal of $100,000 is still very
far away, admitted Art Rude, '42
chairman of the fund, and he urged
all groups which have not contributed
to do so as soon as possible, and those
which have given something to in-
crease their contributions if at a]l
Lack Of Vacation
Has Not Affected
Students' Healti
The lack of the usual Spring va-
cation had no observable effect or
student health, according to the
monthly report issued by the Health
April was, on the whole, a favorable
month with colds remaining the most
common complaint and 15 cases o
acute appendicitis reported. German
measles continued, but most patient
were either confined to their rooms
or sent home instead of staying in
the infirmary.
Seventy-six cases of the measles
and six cases of pneumonia were re-
ported..Dermatology treatments an
ear, nose and throat consultations
were higher than for a similar period
last year and the year before.


Governor Receives Complaints.
On Plan To Close Ypsi Normal
The problem.of housing thousands proposed closing of the school. Mrs.
of Willow Run bomber plant em- Josephine Gomon, director of the
ployes brought new complaints yes- women personnel at the bomber
terday when the Ypsilanti Board of plant, is attributed with suggesting
Commerce' protested to a proposal the plan as a partial solution to hous-
to shut down the Michigan State ing the workers.
Normal College there in order to use But closing the college wasn't the
campus buildings and dormitories for only proposal to which the Board of
accommodating defeinse workers. Commerce complained. It also op-
Terming the proposal "impractical posed the Cherry Hill Road housing
and unnecessary," the Board sent project, which has been bitterly dis-
criticisms to Gov. Murray D. Van puted throughout Washtenaw County
Wagoner, Frank Cody, chairman of during the past week. The board
the State Board of Education, and urged that as an alternative a plan
William McDowell, Detroit attorney. be adopted to construct permanent
John M. Munson, president of the dwellings in the various towns and
college, will work with a committee cities within the .15-mile radius
of the organization to combat the around the bomber plant.
Announcement .of the Board's op-
position came as a Washtenaw Coun-
SFo)ur Senate Position ty delegation returned from Wash-
Open To Sophomyores ington, where it attempted to dis-
courage the Cherry Hill' housing
Interviewing for the four junior project.
positions on the administrative Representatives of the group who
branch of the revamped Student Sen- returned to Ann Arbor yesterday
ate will take place at 7:30 p.m. 'ues- expressed belief that they had made
day in the Union. some accomplishments in the na-
All eligible second-semester sopho- tion's capital. National defense hous-
mores are qualified' for these posi- ing authorities have asked Mayor
tions. In addition to the juniors and Ross K. Bower of Ypsilanti to call a
the two seniors previously chosen, an special meeting of the Ypsilanti plan-
unlimited number of sophomores and ning commission, city officials and
freshmen will be added to the ad- others interested in the location of
ministrative board. the proposed bomber city.

The famous numerals "98", which Tom Harmon carried on his
back during his football career at the University of Michigan, are
w ith him again, this time on his training ship at the Mira Lome,
flight academy at Oxford, Calif., where he is an Army aviation ca-
(let. linstructor William I. Fernald is explaining the day's training
flight pattern to Harmon in the cockpit before taking off.
Versatile Sergei Rachmaninoff
Thrills Festival Music Lovers

Reconstruction" will feature a dis-
cussion on the "Opportunities for
Intelligent Change" and will take
place at 11 p.m. today in the Unitar-
ian Church.
This topic will be considered by a
panel of students, faculty and towns-
people. Those who will participate
are Margaret Campbell, Grad., Ho-
mer Swander, '43, Prof. John F.
Shepard of the psychology depart-
ment and Leonard H. Young, local
* * *
There will not be a meeting of the
Russian War Relief unit today, as
Mme. Nila Magidoff, scheduled to
speak here, was unexpectedly called



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From all over the country, fromi
Detroit, from New York, from St.r
Louis, people crowded into Hill Audi-
torium yesterday, and the name of c
Sergei Rachmaninoff had plenty to
dowth it.
At 11:00 a.m. yesterday, only three(
hours before his concert, Rachmani-- t
noff drove up to Hill Auditorium,.
regally escorted by Mrs. Rachmani-
noff and his manager. Tall, gaunt,
scmber. he greeted everybody with;
the same solemn expression, as Mae-{
stro Ormandy and members of the
orchestra surrounded him.
Wearing a sporty brown business
iU' Officials To Review
Naval ROTC( Tuesday
President Alexander G. Ruthven,.
Dean A. H. Lovell and members of the
University War Board will review thel
Naval ROTC parade at 7 p.m. Tues-
day on Palmer Field.
Marcirls wil be led by the Unit's
Drum an(I Bugle Corps, and M's.
Rutl1ven will present the colors to
the commander of the company
selected iin cOimpet ition as the color
company for next year.
Members of the Advisury Commit-
tee of the Military and Naval Science
Departments will also be lresent lor
the ((eremnoijes. In the advent; of'
inclement Wcit her, tihwe rievew will .
behld in tlie Waterman Qynnasium.

suit, the 69-yeai composer-pian-
ist didn't even bother to rehearse hiss
part of the concert with the orches-
tra. He sat down and listened to the
orchestra go thlroughi several of his
orchest'al pie,-s. Every so often he'd
rise out of his chair and flail his
arms at the orchestra, supplementing
Ormandy's conducting. The rest of
the while he sat and beat time with
his feet.
Later, after rehearsal, he walked
across campus quite unnoticed and
enjoyed the sunshine. Once he stop-
ped and looked at Angell Hall.
"'What's that building for?" Told of
its classroom value, he nodded his
head thoughtfully Ind kept walking.
Like most great musicians, he does-
n't talk very mch about music. The
one thing he wanted after rehearsal
va's an afen ppr o tathe
could read the Ifo~llow :-up on the Aus-
t ralian naval bat itt.
When he and Mis. Rachmaninoff
arrivid at the Union aft ei' their cam-
pus stroll, they lot their world-wide
glamor-at least to George, the
eighty-two-year-Old (loorman at the
Union. teorge, probably the only
man arouni ( here able to treat Rach-
maninot ilike a young college stu-
dent., -s('i'd the ancient traditior
of barring aidies from entering the
front door of the Uniou.
"But this is Mr. and Mrs. Rach-
maninoff.'' ii \\HS cxliaiined.
"I know.''" >id George nodding as
if lie was takiiig to .somnone wh
said "e was Napolon. "sorry, side
door. picase. And side door i1 was

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