Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.00, by mail $5.00. REPRZSENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTUIJNG sV National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO . BOSTOP - LOS ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Editorial Staff Homer Swander Morton Mintz . Will Sapp "harles Thatcher George W. Sallade . Bernard Hendel Myron Dann . Barbara deFries B Edward J. Perlberg Fred M. Ginsberg Mary Lou Curran Jane Lindberg . James Daniels . Managing Editor . . . Editorial Director . .City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor . . . . Sports Editor . . Associate Sports Editor Women's Editor Rusiness Staff Business Manager Associate Business Manager Women's Business Manager . Women's Advertising Manager Publications Sales Analyst *ThislIs War'! By TOM THUMB IT'S AMAZING how many of us haven't the we've GOT to win. When a fireman comes to slightest idea what war is. rescue you from a burning house, you don't ask But it's obvious that some people think it's him his religion. just a game, played ,with chessmen, and when THAT FRESHMAN STAFF TRYOUT is an iso- it's all over we'll just set 'em up again for an- lAT YE M STA d ThOm an on gated example. You find them all over, on other game. They don't realize that this game campus, in the faculty, in Ann Arbor, in the is for keeps. State, in the Country and all over the world. Or, if they do realize it, then they must be But those tactics don't win a war. They lose a out-and-out for the oilher side. At present, I war. And they're going to lose this one for us if am thinking in particular of an editorial a we're not careful. freshman on The Daily tryout staff handed in for publication. In itself, it is but one person's There is a difference between treasonous ob- structionism and freedom of criticism. Obstruc- opinion, but as indicative of a trend it shows toimhclstewrefr ihpasic- well, I believe, the attitude of large proportions tionism heckles the war effort with plans c- of our population. dental to our losing the war, to a negotiated The proposed editorial begins: "Westbrook peace, toward creating disunity in our war ef- Pegler stated in a recent column, 'If our side fort. Free criticism strives to make our country wins the war, Russia will plan the peace of the the epitome of the freedom which it is fighting European continent... .a peace not much differ- to preserve. Democratic reforms can and should ent from that which Hitler has imposed on be made during wartime. We must have as near Poland'." a complete equality as possible. This must be This student editorial is one undeniable bit of everybody's war-when someone feels that he proof of the power that the words of such is left out, then it becomes an "unpopular war," haters and disunifiers as Pegler, spewing such like the one the freshman describes. The Presi- defeatism, wield. dent can't fight a war alone, nor can the work- ers, or the employers, or the tailors, or the vege-. THE EDITORIAL WRITER states later: "Rus- tarians. We must be bound by a spirit of good- sia alone blocks the way to a just peace. Were will which comes only with equality. it not for her, the United States and Britain It is not treason to advocate the abolition would be unhindered in providing the long- of the poll tax and the racial discrimination in sought permanent peace." I might add, Were it the armed forces. It is not treason to ask the not for her the Nazis would be bombing our limitation of incomes to prevent inflation and factories and looting American cities, or, Were to aid the war effort. it not for her we should almost certainly lose But it IS treason for a company to refuse to the war. discontinue a cartel agreement which is aiding The writer continues: 'A war with Russia wil the enemy. It IS treason to exclude Negroes not be popular." You said a mouthful there, from regular service in the Navy. It IS treason buddy. And we all know that a democracy could to tell lies in the public press, therefore inspiring never fight an "unpopular" war, and of course others to parrot the fibs and undermine our it could never hope to win one. There must be c the spirit and the will to win. Further, the writer explains: "Just because AS I SAID BEFORE, some people just can't Russia is also fighting the Axis does not alter realize that we're at war. They don't realize the situation. In these days of non-existing that this may be America's last death-agony, or international morals, a nation must be com- it may herald a rebirth of a greater freedom. pietely without scruples to survive. A war with And they don't realize that they themselves may Russia might be called a stab in the back. We swing the pendulum either way. need no excuses. We can only say that it is a They can yell "Remember Pearl Harbor" and necessary stab. "Keep 'em Flying" till their lungs bleed and they "Since the American people will undoubtedly won't realize it. They can spend 10 -- 20 -- 50 oppose such a war with Russia, it will be neces- percent of their salaries on war bonds and they sary to put them in a frame of mind favorable won't believe it. They can give up their scraps to such a war. It is Mr. Roosevelt's avowed duty and their raincoats and their overshoes and their to so prepare them. It is almost too late to cars and still they won't believe it. begin." Nowhere in this editorial does the writer Not until they get the usual "We deeply regret even seem to give a damn whether we win the that your son . . . " telegrams, will some of war or not. True, he just assumes an Allied vic- them believe it. tory. The rest of them will refuse to believe it But WE CAN'T JUST ASSUME now. We're until Hitler dictates the peace terms in the in danger. It's not: we're going to win, but: White House. DOMINTE SilYS NIdHT EDITOR: CLAYTON DICKEY The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Trade Barriers Must Be Eliminated . . N SPITE OF federal legislation- especially the Interstate Commerce Act-to eliminate discrepancies in interstate trade, there have always been obstacles to the free flow of trade between the various states. State legislatures have in many cases passed laws to help the commerce of their own state at the expense of other states. Most of this is, of course, due to the influence in our state capi- tals of the business, commercial and sometimes farm or labor interests, In a time of total war such barriers are not only selfish but extremely harmful from the national standpoint. Such a mechanized strug- gle as this demands the most favorable condi- tions possible for interstate commerce. We cannot marshall all our industrial forces to the huge extent that is necessary for the carrying on of the war if we have barriers to the free flow of commerce within our own na- tions. We have enough enemies beyond our borders without cutting each others' throats. OUR STATE LEGISLATURES and the inter- ests which prompted such barriers are indeed naive if they think that in the long run they are gaining by restricting trade so as to help them at the present moment. Their selfish poli- cies may net them a few more dollars now, but the harm done to the nation and the war effort may in the long run be catastrophic both to them and to America as a whole. Joseph B. Eastman, national director of de- fense transportation. has asked that the states remove these barriers. If they do not, it will be up to the federal government to force them to do so.o .Irving Jaffe LETTERS To THE EDITOR Bomber City Opposed To the Editor: May I suggest that Hale Champi- on's editorial of this (Saturday) morning's Daily, ridiculing opposi- tion to the government's proposed housing plan in the Cherry Hill dis- trict, though academically clever, is somewhat lacking in information. Perhaps there are politicians who fear an influx of Democratic votes; perhaps some realtors are unduly concerned with property values. But there are other reasons for opposi- tion to the plan as now proposed- which is the only opposition the city council expressed. The sewage from 6,000 houses can- not be disposed of through septic tanks without grave danger to the whole surrounding area. If a sewage system is installed which merely pours raw sewage into the Huron River, the health of every community near the lower river will be jeopardized and riparian property values greatly diminished. If a modern disposal plant is built, the cost will be far beyond anything contemplated in the government's plans. Moreover, if the housing is truly necessary at all, it is needed prompt- ly. Is it conceivably likely that under existing conditions a city of 6,000 houses, with a sewer system and dis- posal plant, could be constructed in time to meet that need? The disrup- tion of labor conditions, if it were attempted, would be appalling. Where, for example, would be housed the swarming builders of housing for the builders of bombers? Whence would come the laborers on housing for other laborers already said to be difficult to find? Yet if the work were not done speedily, with more labor than the locality itself can provide, it would not be done until the need was also done. I need not take space to elaborate other insufficiencies in the plan pro- posed. How are those thousands to get safely across the railroad? Un- derpass? Overpass? Or does not the government care? Here again, if any- thing is to be done, the time element intrudes-as it intrudesnalso when one thinks of pavements necessary for a city of 6,000 houses, of stores, of schools, of all the feet-on-the- ground, practical details of a habit- able city. People who oppose what the gov- ernment so vaguely proposesare self- interested, of course, but not neces- sarily beyond the point of taxpayers and dwellers in the community who believe that the proposal as made is a menace to the health of the com- munity, as well as a serious inter- ference with more practical and more expeditious solutions of the problem - John Barker Waite Answer To Prof. Waite I Professor Waite's added objections to the Cherry Hill project are not valid as we understand the govern- ment proposition. There is no inten- tion of dumping sewage into the Huron River, and the federal hous- ing authority has never yet polluted an area into which it has moved. It seems that the authority is intelli- gent enough to include sanitary engi- neers on its payrolls. Professor Waite also speaks of the time element. It seems to us simple logic that the erection of 6,000 dwell- ings in one place is far superior to its alternative, building them every which way at added costs of from $600 to $1,000. A concentrated town would require far less time and com- plexity of effort than the scattered building of the equivalent housing elsewhere. Of course, there are al- ways,shack towsn. Let's remember that insufficient housing within reasonable transpor- tation distance of Willow Run is an admitted fact, in other words, that the houses will have to be built somewhere. Once that is established, it is easily seen that no matter how or where the houses are constructed there must be a certain disruption of labor. That applies to building 'bomber city' or Ypsilanti's Michigan Ave. shack town. As to the housing of builders, Pro- fessor Waite, the same reasoning ap- plies. You'll have to house the extra builders no matter where you build the houses; so if there's going to be a lot of trouble, let's make the trou- ble worth it. The other government insufficien- cies which you so blithely pass over I do not know. I know only that if an underpass is needed, it will be built; if an overpass is needed, it will be built. I think you assume too much that the government is still on a PWA basis or rather a WPA basis. ' They know what they need, and they're getting it. No petty Wash- tenaw County opposition-no matter what the cause-is going to stop it. We're doing things in a big way these days and we might just as well get used to it. After all, it's not just big, it's good. Maybe the present plan is not per- fect, but it's the closest to being big enough, good enough, and lasting enough. These aren't the good old days. We're doing things a bit differ- ently now. And 60,000 of something "IA ONLY BEING PATRIOTIC. If W DONWT GO TO THE t CAN SPEND MY !MONEY IN SAVIN4GS STAMP! *, - Buy, NO ° I I ,...._ I . " , , ..-- Co'ntributed IN the American .SocietV of .Magazine Cartoonis~ts. . DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN E PROM-' ?S. 1. I ,i / C (Continued from Page 2) That 1,100 pastors in a Scandinavian country are restating their Christian belief and insisting upon serving their congregations with a worship and a message untainted by totalitarian ideas is very revealing. It was the Lutheran people who, as German Christians, allowed the state, as such, to go unmolested so long as Church and Bible were kept free. This religious laissez- faire was supposed to have weakened the na- tion. Evidently many Lutheran leaders both in Germany and in Scandinavian countries kept moral courage alive and interpretation definite. The report by Dr. William Paton entitled "Continental Christianity in War Time" records that recently in western Germany, fifty young men, though not recognized by the "official" church, were ordained to preach. They are to be supported by unofficial "collections." This means far more in Germany where establish- ment has prevailed than in American where we have had two centuries of experience at reli- gion supported by gifts. Of course, there is a + MUSIC+ I ' great falling off of Christian leadership, the number of theological students in Germany hav- ing dropped from the formal annual enrollment of 2,500 to 400 this year. Count von Galen, Catholic Bishop of Munster, according to a reliable report, preached a series of sermons in August, 1941, pointing out that the Gestapo is "disrupting the unity of the na- tion and justice is being abolished." Those ser- mons place this Bishop in the rank of Pastor Niemoeller, who has been confined to a concen- tration camp at Dachau for many months, be- cause of 'his insistence upon freedom to offer ministerial leadership to his people without di- rect dictation from the Minister of Propaganda. In these incidents, we have some indication of the contrast. The religious leaders in England and the United States are in a very different case. Ordained men in this country, while asked to register and to fill the posts of Chaplaincy in all the divisions of the armed forces, are not subject to the Selective Service Act. Conscien- tious objectors are provided either non-com- batant assignments or permitted to serve in camps of objectors. For most people, the major issue is the prac- tical one of how to teach religion during a war epoch: Chaplains in the camps have just sent regular reports under the caption, "The Guard- ians of Freedom" and all ministers are being, asked to keep in touch with the Chaplains so that every man in the service may have personal attention. Also, the United Service Organiza- tion-a combination of several religious agen- cies, Catholic, Jewish and Protestant, with the aid of the government-has developed both housing of these activities and personnel for leadership. The work, after some hesitation at first, is progressing admirably at the present time. Hence, the debatable issues so nobly faced by many clergymen abroad must be met daily in Democratic countries, but within a frame of reference based upon the Anglo-Saxon theory .-f justice by courts. - Edward W. Blakeman, D~ies Family On The Payroll Representative Martin Dies has received a lot of publicity on his investigation of un-American- ism, but he has received no publicity regarding the fact that members of his family are on the May 12, 13, and 14. in Room 222 Westo Engineering Bldg., 1:00-5:00 p.m. 1 Payments must be completed on allI orders at this time. This is the only time announcements will be distrib- uted. There are none for sale as only enough to fill previous orders are available. P The University Bureau of Appoint-n ments and Occupational Informatione has received notice of the followingt Civil Service Examinations. Lasti date for filing application is noted in each case: Detroit Civil ServiceI Stableman (Male), salary $1,584I per year, May 12, 1942. Institutional Attendant (Male), salary $1,518 per year, May 11, 1942. Complete announcements on file at the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4.f Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information t Academic Notices Physics Colloquium on Monday, May 11, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1041 Randall Laboratory. Professor R. T. Liddicoat of the Department of En- gineering Mechanics will speak on "A Problem in Analytical Dynamics." Zoology Seminar on Thursday, May 14, at 7:30 p.m. in the Amphitheater of the Rackham Building. Reports1 by Mr. Jack S. Dendy on "The Fate of Animals in Stream Drift When Carried into Lakes" and Mr. Ross Hardy on "Soils and Mammalian Dis- tribution in Southwestern Utah,. Chemistry 85E: The 9 o'clock dis- cussion section will take the blue- book Monday in room 1042 East En- gineering Building. M. 11. Gillette Doctoral Examination for William Marvin Hoad, Economics; thesis: "Real Estate Prices; a Study of Resi- dential Real Estate Transfers in Lucas County, Ohio." Monday,. May 11, West Council Room, Rackham, 4:00 p.m. Chairman, W. A. Paton. By action of the Executive Board, the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doctor- al candidates to attend the examina- tion and he may grant permission to those who for sufficient reason mnight wish to be r ~esent. C. S. Yoakum Doctoral Examination for Malai 1-uvananciana Political Science; thesis: "A Study of Certain -Aspects of the Australian Labour Party." Monday, May 11, East Council Room, Rackham. 3:00 p.m. Chairman, J. K. Pollock. By action of the Executive Board, the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doctor- al candidates to attend the examina- tion and he may grant permission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum Concerts Carillon Concert: For the recital at 7:15 this evening, Professor Percival Price, University Caril- lonneur, has arranged a program of Australian airs, compositions for carillon by Alexander Burnard and John Gordon, and British and Ameri- can airs which are popular in the land "down under." Complete pro- grams of the entire spring series of recitals on the Baird Memorial Car- illon are obtainable in the lobby of Burton Tower and the office of the School of Music. The regular Tuesday Evening ge- .corded Concert in the Men's Lounge of the Rackham Building at 8:00 p.m. will be as follows: Bach: Toccatas and Fugues for Organ. Beethoven: Symphony No. 7, in A Bach, Franck, Leach, Widor and Karg-Elert in his recital at 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 13, in the Pres- byterian Church, Washtenaw Avenue. The public is cordially invited. Exhibitions The Ann Arbor Art Association presents its Nineteenth Ann Arbor Artists Exhibition May 1 through May 13, 2-5 afternoons and 7-10 evenings, daily, except Sundays, in the galleries of the Rackham Build- ing. Thirteenth Annual Exhibition of Sculpture in the Concourse of the Michigan League Building. Open daily until after Commencement. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Carol Ar- onovici, Director of the Columbia University Housing Study, will lec- ture on "New Concepts of Commun- ity Planning in Theory and Practice" at 4:15 p.m., Monday, May 11, in the Rackham Lecture Hall under the auspices of the College of Architec- ture and Design and the Depart- ment of Sociology. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: M. Pierre Cot, former member of the French Cabi- net, will lecture on the subject "The Present Situation of France," under the auspices of the Division of Social Science, on Thursday, May 14, at 4:15 p.m. in the Kellogg Foundation Institute Auditorium. The public is cordially invited. William J. Mayo Lecture: Dr. R. K. Ghormley of the Mayo Clinic, Roches- ter, Minnesota, will give the William J. Mayo Lecture on Friday, May 22, in the Hospital Amphitheatre at 1:30 p.m. The title of his presentation will be "A Clinical Pathological Study of Back Pain." Lecture: Professor Peter J. W. De- bye, Chairman of the Department of Chemistry, Cornell University, and Nobel Prize winner (1936), will lec- ture on the subject, "The Coagulation of Colloids", sponsored by the Amer- ican Chemical Society, on Tuesday, May 12, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 303 Chemistry Building. The public is cordially invited. Events Today Graduate Outing Club will meet today to arrange for the summer program. It is important that all members and prospective members who will be here this summer attend this meeting, since the club facilities will not be available if the club is not organized. This meeting will be held regardless of weather in the clubrooms, northwest door of Rack- ham Building at 2:30 p.m. If the weather is favorable, the group will hike to Third-Sister Lake. Small charge for supper. Coming Events Junior Mathematics Club will meet Wednesday, May 13, at 8:00 p.m. in 3201 Angell Hall. Plans for next semester will be made and the Mount Pleasant trip discussed. Anyone in- terested is invited and refreshments will be served. Mathematics Club will meet on Tuesday, May 12, at 8:00 p.m., in the West Conference Room, Rackham Building. Mr. Samuel Kaplan will speak on "Homologies in Metric Sep- arable Spaces," and Professor Carver will speak on "Air Navigation Rou- tine." Varsity Glee Club: All members in good standing are invited to the an- nual banquet to be held in the Michi- gan Union, Thursday, May 14, at 6:15 p.m. Final refund of music de- positsvwillnbem adetues ustfoc SESTERDAY'S final two concerts of the May Festival series brought two changes in pro- gram policy, one of which, the omission of the concertized opera on the closing night, has been sorely needed for years, the other, one for which we can see absolutely no justification from any standpoint. The afternoon program was all- Rachmaninoff, and just why the traditional all- Brahms program should have been omitted this year in deference to the former composer is difficult to perceive. The program opened with the symphonic poem, "The Isle of the Dead," this was followed by the Symphonic Dances, Op. 45, and closed with Mr. Rachmaninoff himself playing his SeconcQ Piano Concerto, in C minor. The Symphonic Dances, though of tremendous eclat and brilliance, and containing moments Qf real beauty of melodic line, are pretty sterile throughout from a musical standpoint. We sat through page after page of furious scraping of catgut and pounding of pigskin which, when all was over, meant little and accomplished less. If. as the program notes stated, Mr. Rachmanin- melodic invention. But there is lacking through- out a treatment of thematic material which gives continuity and meaning to the music. Mr. Or- mandy read all the works, particularly the first, with a balance of color, a definition of melodic line and a graduation of dynamics and intensity which made all of them really better than they are; in the hands of a lesser conductor and or- chestra this music coud become pathetic. And so we ask, perhaps somewhat wistfully, "Why not stick to Brahms?" The evening program opened with, Mr. Or- mandy's transcription of the Bach C major Pre- lude, Intermezzo and Fugue. This fine transcrip- tion realized fully the linear contrast and de- lineation and the orchestration, as well as being technically good, retained a unit of mood and continuity of the line. So sublime and truly magnificent was the reading of the great Beethoven Ninth Sym- phony by Mr. Ormandy, the Philadelphia Or- chestra, University Choral Union and the solo- ists that a technical discussion or appraisal of