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May 10, 1942 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-05-10

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Continued Cool.


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Trade Barriers
Must Be Eliminated

VOL. LII. No, 167 ANN ARBOR, MIC IGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1942 Z-323


Jap Army
In Burma
Forced March Recaptures
Former Allied Center;
Drive Threatens Lashio
Japanese Supply
Line Is Smashed
CHUNGKING, China, May 9.-(P)
-A strong Chinese army force which
the advancing Japanese by-passed
in Central Burma has smashed hard
into the exposed rear of the Japa-
nese, recapturing the former Allied
headquarters of Maymyo and driv-
ing against both Lashio and Manda-
lay, the Chinese announced tonight.
This sudden maneuver, involving
a forced march of more than 90 miles
north from Taunggyi, already has
cut off the main communication
route and line of retreat of the Japa-
nese units that pressed so quickly
along the Burma Road into Yun-
nan Province, China, said a com-
Japanese Split
The Japanese in Yunnan had split
into two columns to try to outflank
the Chinese, but one of these columns
already has been wiped out and the
other is vainly trying to break out
of an encirclement, said the Chinese
Giving a broad picture of a start-
ling reversal for the hitherto uni-
formly - successful Japanese cam-
paign in Burma and southwest
China, the Chinese communique and
a military spokesman said that when
the Japanese rushed northward
through Burma they sent one force
eastward along the Burma Road and
another west to complete occupation
of the Lashio-Mandalay railroad and
cut off Chinese troops still in the
Mandalay area.
Chinese Active
But Atzddenly the supposedly trap-
ped Chinese became very active, said
the communique, and the Japanese
forces which had rushed ahead to
cut Chinese communications noware
faced with the danger of being "sand-
wiched" between the Chinese.
"It is expected that this Japanese
column will be liquidated in a few
days," said the communique, ap-
parently referring to the Japanese
who had moved along the Lashio-
Mandalay Railroad.
Lederer Opens
Drama Season
With Comedy

II '.1 - --

U.S. Demands
Neutral Status
Admiral, State I1epartment
Official Check Pro-Axis
Activities On bsland
WASHINGTON, May 9.-(R-)-Act-
ing under the direction of the Presi-
dent, an American admiral and a
representative of the State Depart-
ment are now on the French Carib-
bean Island of Martinique seeking
assurance from the Governor General
there that the island will not be
used in any Vay by Axis forces.
The State Department declined to
state what might happen should the
President's representatives be turned
down, but the announcement did say
that if the French representative
there acceded to American wishes,
that the United States would under-
take to safeguard the interest of
France in the Caribbean area and to
assure that all assets of the Frencl-h
government be held for the ultimate
use of the French people.
Representing the United States at
Martinique are Admiral John H.
Hoover, commanding naval officer on
the Caribbean Sea front, and Samuel
Reber, Assistant Chief of the Division
of European Affairs in the State De-
Their requests were made to Ad-
miral Georges Robert as French High
"Admiral Hoover is authorized to
propose an arrangement whereby the
French flag may continue to fly over
the French Caribbean possessions,"
the Department said in a statement,
"and French sovereignty there will
remain unchanged, and whereby Ad-
miral Robert will continue to be rec-
ognized as the ultimate governing
authority of French Caribbean pos-
Should mutually siJsfactory ar-
rangements be reached with Admiral
Robert as High Commissioner, assur-
ing that the French authorities in
the French Caribbean Atlantic coast
area will not furnish aid or comfort
to Axis forces the United States is
prepared to safeguard the interests
of France in these areas
RAF Bombers
Continue Raids
On Air Centers
Planes Strike At Rostoek
In Blistering Assault;
In vasion Is Prob~able
LONDON, May 9.-dh)-Apparently
intent on knocking out the mightily
defended German air force, paving
the way as Air Minister Sir Archi-
bald Sinclair put it, for an invasion
of the continent, the Royal Air Force
last night and today continued to
strike at air manufacturing centers.
The heaviest British bombers re-
turned with a blistering assault on
Rostock wherek ,000 or 8,000 persons
were reported killed recently in four
nights of the heaviest bombing of a
single town that Britain has ever
From 400 and 800 foot levels the
ig war birds bombed Warnenuende,'
leaving fires sweeping an aircraft
plant and other objectives in that
area, but 10 miles from Rostock for
Prof. Percival Price will open the
war bcnd sales campaign tomorrow
with a program of military and pa-

triotic srngs at 5 p.m.
which it is both a port and seaplane
base. The Germans announced that
Rostock also was bombed again, in-
dicating that the British raid had
spread over all the busy Baltic war
supply center.
The big Lancasters, Manchesters,
Wellingtons, Hampdens and four-
.notored Stirlings paid the highest
toll--19 plantes lost-in five months
for the daring low-level attack into
an intense anti-aircraft defense, par-
ticulaily at Warnemuende.

Jap Ships Driven Off By









MacArthur Promises Renewa

SOf Attack
All Of Enemy Forces
Not Yet Located,
Allied Heads Say
Jap Spearhead
y . s ". Bv The Associated Press)
h: tralia, May 9.-From advanced bases
near the scene of the great Coral Sea
battle, from which land-based United
States Army bombers took off to join
the fight, word came tonight that it
was not at all certain that all Japa-
nese forces in this area have been
accounted for.
And despite the apparent tremen-
dous victory won during the gigantic
six days battle, United Nations lead-
ers warned, that this probably was
only the first round with 'greater
battles "yet to be fought."
Prime Minister John Curtin de-
,1ared it, "was as part of a struggle
which must continue until the enemy
is defeated or we are conquered."
Blunt Jap Spearhead
However, it was the feeling here at
Headquarters that at least United
States and Australian sea and air
power had blunted if it had not
broken the spearhead of the first ma-
jor Japanese attempt to resume the
southward drive since the conquest of
y Malaya and the Dutch East Indies.
Based on the word of Gen. Douglas
A. MacArthur that "our attacks will
continue," it was presumed here that
naval and air forces were scouring
"he Coral Sea area for the remnants
of, the Japanese armada which was

* * * * * *

Michigan's fleet-footed Don
Rcbin-on is sliding into third t~o
avoid the tag of Dick Erdlitz during
the third inning of yesterday's
Northwestern - Wolverine basebal
game. Upper Left (inset)-Paul
White tells Mickey Fishman, Maize
and Blue hurling ace, that pitching
a one hit game is still a pretty great
thing to do. The Varsity won the
game 9-0 but Fishman lost a no-hit
game when Ed Hirsch singled with'
two out in the ninth inning.N
Of( 7e Sp o'ts PIes -
Bob W iescAwarded tiiil,go
Alumni Trophy.
Varsity Netlers Shutout OSU, 9-0.
Golfers Down Northwestern, 14-10.
Tracksters Lose to 1SU,
80 2 3-40 1 3.
FB11 Hcad %) To Speak Her

cU'Faculty Men Michigan Beats Wildcats, 9-0,
Will Take Part On Fishman's One-Hit Pitching

In Conference
A^u" "dcation Institute

Clean Single By Hirsch With Two Out In Ninth Closes
,ates Of Glory For Colorful Wolverine Senior

To hold Meetiings Here (A.SWI~KE DANN
.o(AssociateSports Editor)
MondayThrough Friday Senior Mickey Fishman pitched a
one-hit game yesterday afternoon to'
Highlighted by the appearance of give the Wolverines a 9-0 victory over
memb rs of the Univcnsity faculty., Northwestern, but that wasn't enough
the tenth annual Adult Education to make the husky right-hander the
the ent anualAdut Eucaionhalppiest man to leave the Ferry Field
Institute will be held tomorrow diamond after the contest was over,
tlhrough Friday in the Lecture Hall With two out in the ninth it looked
of the Rackham Building. like a sure bet that Fishman would
f '17 Cofeenc, lmzric~lb~ tif-en ter Michigan's Hall of Fame. Up
he Conferenc, sponsored by the t time the wise cracking hurler
University Extension Service anid the had pitched no hit ball and per-
Michigan State Federation of Wo- w , hr.n WiUriAaf

~* * *
Francis Lederer, European and
American stage and screen star, will
enact the life of a genius playwright
in S. N. Behrman's "No Time for
Comedy" in the opening Dramatic
Season production at 8:30 p.m. to-
morrow in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Lederer who has the lead in this
comedy which critics claim has some
of the mots brilliant dialogue of the
American stage, has gained acclaim
for his dramatizations in the plays
"Autumn Crocus" and "Seventh
Heaven" and in the films "Confes-
sions of a Nazi Spy" and "Pursuit of
Actress Edith Atwater, celebrated
for her performance in the New York
production of "The Man Who Came
to Dinner," portrays the playwright's
wife, while Doris Dalton, in her fifth
year with the Dramatic Season, plays
the "other woman." Miss Dalton is
well known for her roles in "Jane
Eyre" with Katherine Hepburn and
"Blow Ye Winds" with Franchot

men's Clubs, will include a disussion
of problems of war and education.
Some of the topics meriting l pecii I
consideratioi will be the effect of
wair on educational trends, literature
and hook reviews, parliamentary law
Prof. Joe L. Davis of the Fnglishl
department will present reviews of
some of the leading books every day
at 3 p.m. He will discuss such works
as "Return to the Future" by Sigrid
Undset, "The Moon Is Down" by
John Steinbeck and "Islandia" by
Austin Tappan Wright.
Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the
history department will speak Tues-
day on "England's Role in the War"
and will be followed on Wednesday
by Prof. James K. Pollock of the pol-
itical science department, who will
address the group on "Understanding
Russia "
"The Function of Medicine in
Time of War" will be discussed by
Dr. Albert C. Furstenberg, head of
the Medical School at the Thursday
session. The meeting will be closed
by Prof. Jan F. Hostie, of the political
science department, who will speak
Friday on "The Basis of a Lasting
Peace after the War."
A forum concerned with the prob-
lem of food distribution will be held
at 11 a.m. Wednesday with represen-
tatives for the retailer, chain stores,
rnlrnn Ac. f's. rnmnr. en~tnn 1,nc. nrl

,I,,' -y IitU V aU runners
to reach base.
But the gates of glory seemed stuck
as far as the Wolverine ace was con-,
cerned, because he walked Dick Erd-
litz with the count three and two
bringing up the heavy hitting Ed
hirsch promptly blasted a hope-
shattering single to center field for
Northwestern's first safety, and Fish-
The Wolverine baseball team
will face Michigan Normal tomor-
row at 4 p.m. on the Ferry Field
diamond. Bill Cain will be on the
mound for Michigan while Fred
Hobbs will hurl for the Ypsi nine.
man settled down after that to re-
tire the next batter on an easy
By sweeping botlh gaines in the
Northwestern series thi Wolverines
jumped into a tie for the lead in Big
Ten title race, and if they can keep
playing th, brand of baseball dis-
played in their last two games it will
take the great New York Yankees
to stop the Varsity from retaining
their much coveted crown.
Aside from the masterful pitching
exhibited by Fishman, the game was
a very mediocre affair. The Wild-
ALIV IInPrPnn1T&'q WQ .

cats looked like a bunch of kids at a
high school picnic as they errored ir:
the field and struck out at the plate.
Most encouraging thing about yes-
terday's contest, as far as the Wol-
verines were concerned, was Bud,
Chamberlain's three hits in four
Turn to Page 3, Col. 1
OSU Defeats
Vrsity Track Team
Slwimta to The Daily
COLUMBUS, O., May 9.--Grab
bing 11 of 14 firsts, a rampaging Ohi-
State track squad ran roughshod
over Michigan 81 2 3 to 40 1/3, here
this afternoon in a dual engagement
and set itself up as a favorite to take
the Conference meet next Friday and
Saturday at Evanston.
It was the initial victory for the
surprising Buckeye. thinclads over a
Wolverine cinder outfit in the last
seven years of their dual meet com-
petition. A stiff breeze, blowing on
the backs of the sprinters, cut the
times down in the sprints,
The Buckeye flash, Capt. Ralph
Hammond, roared across the finish
line to easy triumphs in the 100- and
220-yard dashes. He bulleted the
100-yard distance in the excellent
time of 9.5 seconds, Tagging along
Turn to Page 3, Col. 5
The Navy issued this communi-
que, No. 79, covering developments
up to 4 p.m., EWT, .
"Southwest Pacific:
1. The Navy realizes that the
American public is aware of the un-
reliable nature of any claims ema-
nalin. fron an Pnnmv evrna

Japaneseloses announced by
United States:
Sunk, 11 ships: Aircraft carrier,
heavy cruiser, light cruiser, 2 de-
stroyers, 4 gunboats, 2 supply or
transport ships;
Damaged, 6 ships: Aircraft car-..
rier, heavy cruiser, light cruiser,
9,000-ton seaplane tender, 2 trans-
port or supply ships.
United Nations losses reported by
Sunk, 4 ships: U.S. aircraft car-
rier of Yorktown type, U.S. aircraft
carrier of Saratoga type, U.S. bat-
tleship of California class, de-
Damaged, 3 ships: British battle-
ship of Warspite class, Australian
cruiser of Canberra type, cruiser.
Destroyed: 89 planes.
repulsed, and which fled northward
from the battle, wheeling and turn-
ing in desperation, leaving long, curl-
ing wakesslike the threshing of a
wounded snake as they sought to
dodge from above and from the sur-
face the death-dealing blows of
American power.
It was Army airmen returning from
the battle area who described the
flight of the Japanese. -
And thus, Australia, tonight count-
ed herself saved from the dread men-'
ace of immediate Japanese invasion
under which she has lived this week,
Allied Losses Light
General MacArthur had announced
earlier today that the enemy had
been thrown back in the war's great-
est sea and air battle at "relatively
slight cost" to the victors.
Authorities at the advanced bases
insisted the situation still was serious
tonight. It was not known how far
the enemy had withdrawn, pehiaps
to gather strength for a new and
greater smash into the Coral Sea.
One bomber unit found a Japanese
convoy still south of New Britain,
north of the battle area, only yester-
But the United Nations had Mac-
Arthur's word for it that the Mikado's
armada had been repulsed with
eleven of his ships sunk and six
others gravely crippled and that "our
attacks will continue."
Further they had his assurance
that Tokyo's claims as to Allied losses
were "fantastic," its accounts of the
battle "entire fictional."
Ranks With Jutland?
Further news was awaited, how-
ever, before expertswould conclude
~whether this battle should rank with
Jutland as one of history's turning
points, and whether the Japanese
henceforth would remain out of the

College Staffs
TolBe gin lWar
Savings Drive
Participating in a city-wide war
bonds and saving stamps drive to-
morrow, University erhployes will em-
bark on a special program of their
own calling for a systematic volun-
tary savings plan

John S. Bugas, head of theD e-
troit office of the FBI, will lec-
ture on "Citizens' Responsibilities
to Law Enforcement" at 8:15 p.m.
lomorrow in ill Auditorium. The
lhcture will be the fourth in a series
being offered to acquaint the pub-
lic with home defense measures
foatiliangers Get Life Lease

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