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May 09, 1942 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-05-09

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fit, Autdlian J&tg

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news digpatches credited to
it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.00, by mal $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
v College Publishers Representative
420 MADISON Ava. Ntw YORK. N.Y.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42

Homer Swander
Morton Mintz .
Will Sapp
Charles Thatcher
George W. Sallad .
Bernard Hend.
Myron Dann .
Barbara de~ries
Edward J. Perlberg
Fred M. Ginsberg
Mary Lou Curran
Jane Lindberg .
James Daniels .

itorial Staff
Business Staff

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
)ate Sports Editor
. Women's Editor

. . . Business Manager
* Associate Business Manager
. Women's Business Manager
. Women's Advertising Manager
Publications Sales Analyst

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
How Can Americans
Remember Corregidor?-.--
HOW ARE WE GOING to prove our
gratitude to the soldiers and officers
who have fought so valiantly to defend the fort-
ress of Corregidor?
It is typical of human nature to award praise
to men who have sincerely pursued to the last
measure of their strength the duty which has
been assigned to them by their fellows. It is
therefore our duty to let this heroic force know
that we are everlastingly indebted to them for
their long stand against the enemy.
But how are we going to do this? The methods
of gratitude are many, but which one are we
going to adopt?
Are we going to burn up the radio lanes
with messages of praise, telling these ex-
hausted men that we are proud of their
"shining example of patriotic fortitude and
self-sacrifice?" Are we going to sing songs of
praise, describing in lilting tones their weary
days of fighting. Are we going to wear little
gay pins on our lapels with messages of "Re-
member Corregidor?"
If we consider this type of appreciation super-
ficial, are we going to hoard sugar, so we will
always be insured of having fully-sweetened
coffee at breakfast? Are we going to continue
our bridge parties when the Office of Civilian
Defense wants our energies? Are we going to
scream our protest at every little convenience
we will be forced to give up?
F any of these methods of gratitude are fol-
lowed conscientiously by us, we can be sure
that the men of Corregidor will realize how
much we respect their efforts.
The 7,000 of Corregidor, our American soldiers,
have finally been forced to surrender to the en-
emy. Is their reward going to be delivered with
hypocritical phrases? How are we going to show
our appreciation? --Mary Ronay

jc h
Drew Pearsos
WASHINGTON-Assistant Secretary of War
John McCloy leaned across the dinner table to
vivacious Mrs. William Denman, wife of San
Francisco's distinguished federal judge, and said
"You're going to be bombed."
"And you think we Californians don't know
it?" shot back Mrs. Denman. "That's why we're
What Mrs. Denman meant was that her hus-
band had been pounding on Capitol door for
three weeks trying to get better protection for
the Pacific coast. In fact, whatever protection
the West Coast gets added to that of the Army
and Navy, will be due in a large measure to
the efforts of Judge Denman, plus Chester Row-
ell of the San Francisco Chronicle, and, behind
the scenes, another judge - Justice Douglas of
the Supreme Court, who comes from Washing-
ton State.
Reason for Judge Denman's worry is that
every year from May to July a bank of fog
covers a strip of the Pacific about forty miles
wide from San Francisco to Los Angeles.
"This strip of fog," Denman has hammered
home to War and Navy officials, "is just what.
the Japanese need to screen their airplane
carriers. They know all about this fogbank,
have studied it for years. And if they sacrifice
the planes - as we know they have been willing
to do - they could dump tons and tons of in-
cendiary bombs on San Francisco, which, by the
way, is rated by insurance companies next to
Tokyo as the second greatest fire risk in the
WE got a sneak preview of the 1942 'Ensian
yesterday and were quite impressed with
Bob Nickle's art work-easily the most outstand-
ing part of the book. We've got gripes with the
new 'Ensian but investigation shows that the
blame does not fall onto the shoulders of
Editor Gerry Hewitt.
We have a few words for the Phi Delt with
a butch haircut who drew up the membership
list of Sphinx, junior men's honor society,
which is printed in this year's 'Ensian in 14-
point boldface type.
Don't you remember Bill Baker? We didn't
see his name in the list you turned in. Bake was
one of The Daily's most capable night editors,
but probably not what you would consider a
"good" Sphinx because he missed a few of your
meetings. You see, Bill was just about putting
himself through school and late work on The
Daily made his Sunday evening time all the
more valuable for studying-and besides, be-
tween pay checks he found it hard to put out the
money for your Sunday night dinner meetings
in the Union dining room.
Bill left you shortly after Dec. 7 when he
quit school and enlisted in the Army. Bill
Baker was proud of Sphnx and your omis-
sion of his name probably won't bother Pvt.

William W. Baker. But we certainly have no
nice words for you.
And say-while we're on the subject, didn't
you "forget" about two other boys too?
- The City Editor
Seventy-two percent of the students in the
University of California college of dentistry
work while they are in school.

YESTERDAY'S two concerts presented
Festival audiences two soloists both

Ann Arbor audiences, and both of whom far sur-
passed the fine reputations which have preceded
them here. The afternoon concert, under the
direction of Saul Caston, featured Carroll Glenn
in the Tschaikowsky D major Violin Concerto.
From her opening measures Miss Glenn display-
ed a tchnique which is truly astounding in its
virtuosity; her intonation was perfect at all
times and in the most difficult of cadenzas and
bravada passages every note and phrase was
crystalline in execution. Her tone ,though some-
what small in breadth, is of beautiful and mellow
texture, and of an intensity which gives depth
to every phrase. While the first and last move-
ments of the concerto gave her ample opportun-
ity to display her amazing technical prowess, it
was in the slow second movement that Miss
Glenn's magnificent artistry was made most
manifest. She gave the long sustained phrases
a beautiful line and here finely executed shad-
ings and dynamics provided variety in color and
intensity while yet retaining continuity. Her en-
core, a Bach E major Prelude, was done cleanly
and with good classical style, yet made inter-
esting through voice contrast and dynamics.
Juva Higbee's direction, once more contrib-
uted an extremely enjoyable and well-executed
portion to the Festival. They sang Fletcher'sl
"The Walrus and the Carpenter" with admirably
excellent diction and fine unity of ensemble.
Mr. Caston did a more than excellent job con-
ducting the orchestral numbers; we have long
felt that he has a natural feeling for climaxes
and for fine spinning of melodic line. And he
seems able to pull the last ounce of tone from an
orchestra, and inspire his men to a magnificent
vigor of performance. Tschaikowsky's "Romeo
and Juliet Overture," and the Polovetzian
Dances from Borodin's "Prince Igor" were given
readings of intensity and musicianship.
. ELEN TRAUBEL, the evening soloist, more
than adequately established to our satisfac-
tion the fact that she is the finest Wagnerian
soprano of the present day. The vocal equal of
any dramatic soprano on the concert §tage, she
sings with a warmth of tone and intensity of
emotion which seems to be neglected by other
leading Wagnerian singers, those of even highest
reputation and attainment. Though she sings
for the most part within the bounds of Wagner-
ian tradition, the personality of her voice andl
her sincerity of feeling make glowingly alive and
real the ecstatic unreality and idealism of Wag-
ner. "Schmerzen" and "Traume" were done with
a restrained pathos, and these songs as well as
Elsa's dream from Lohengrin, Sieglinda's spring
song from "Die Walkuere," and Brunnhildes im-
molation from "Gotterdammerung" all had a
breadth of line and dynamic contrast which was
really magnificent. -Kenneth W. Rhoads
the Reply Chuirlish
back to this fall. Most important thing
which had happened to me during the summer
was that I had become an interventionist, to the
extreme disappointment of one set of my myriad
groups of followers, who had liked the columns
I wrote about the draft. Then on December 7
came the war, and things now are very different,
very different indeed. Like most of the Ganoe-
called lounge lizards I had never paid much at-
tention to sports. I have not, as Mr. Hendel of
the sports staff would say, "spent most of my
life building up my body." I am not against the
healthy body on principal, but there are not a
hell of a lot more than twenty-four hours in a
day, and I find that it has taken me most of
those to try to build up my little old mind, which
still needs a little work.

NOW I don't say I was right. I am a cold fish
when compared to the warmth and emo-
tionalism of the athletes. I am given to the
analysis of emotions, and emotional people do
not like that habit. I smile at the cliche's of
older men, and it does not matter to me whether
or not they were All-Americar; in '07. But here
is the way it looks to me. Granted that young
men need exercise, particularly in a place like
this whlere there are so few opportiities for
ON THE OTHERH hAND, they need, painfully
and terrifically, to know why they need exer-
cise, why they should be healthy, why it is im-
portant that when a war such as this one breaks
out, men should be able to fight efficiently for
their beliefs. And I don't think the athletes
know quite what they are so fit to fight for.
They are useful, plenty useful, because they are*
able to carry out commands well, even if they
don't know why the commands, beginning with
the one big command, to fight, are given. Some-
body ought to know the why in things. I do not
relish the stock phrases of a war. I do not like
the attentions of older men in these matters,
because older men are too often full of that
youthful zest which makes the athlete lovable
and easy to handle.


to May
new to

Lindbergh Seen
As Propoinent
0f Hitiler Jace~
To the Editor:
AMERICANS generally seem to be
wholly unaware that Lindbergh's
work for Hitler began in Europe long
before the outbreak of the war, and
that in England and France he has
been widely held to have played a
major role in bringing about the ap-
peasement of Munich.
Under fire of condemnation he
went directly to Germany where
at the American Embassy in Ber-
lin he received from Marshal Goer-
ing "on behalf of the Fuehrer" the
highest decoration ever awarded a
non-German which carries the ci-
tation "le deserves well of the
Lindbergh told everyone who would
listen that "the Russian Army was
worthless and their factories in an
awful mess." At Lady Astor's dinner
at Cliveden he was reported to have
told her guests "that the Soviet air
fleet was without leadership, in a
chaotic condition, and that the Ger-
man air force could defeat the com-
bined air fleets of Britain, France,
the Soviet Union and Czechoslo-
OUR PEOPLE are much more fa-
miliar with Lindbergh's later ac-
tivities as United States isolationist
No. 1, in which role he has spoken to
great audiences where the swastika
has sometimes been in evidence and
"Heil Hitler" has been shouted.
Americans are much less familiarI
with his activities to prevent our use,
of Greenland as an air and naval
base. In the spring of 1941 President
Roosevelt in a broadcast pointed out
the extreme danger to the United
States if Germany should be able
to establish a base in Greenland and:
use it as a springboard against the
United States.
This was promptly opposed by
Lindbergh in a broadcas in which1
he used his flying experience in
Greenland (in 1933 for Pan-American1
Airways> to assert that Germanyi
could not use Greenland as a spring-
board, that due to rugged topography
and fierce storm conditions land-i
planes could not be based on Green-)
SINCE the University of Michigan
Expedition of 1929 had found an
excellent landing field in west Green-
land which was miles in length,
more than a half mile in width and
hard and level almost as a floor, in1
an interview carried by the Associ-
ated Press of April 14th, I pointed
out the fallacy of Lindbergh's state-
Lindbergh was, however, well
aware of our Greenland landing
field because in 1931 I spent an en-r
tire morning going over with himt
Greenland possibilities, and Anne1
Lindbergh in her account of Lind-
bergh's 1933 flights had reported
(National Geographic Magazine)f
"We flew over Hobb's camp."
That you have no for a long timeI
heard of sinkings in convoys to Brit-
ain is explained by the patrols now
efficiently based at Greenland and
Iceland air and naval stations.
Greenland stations have also facili-
tated the ferrying of bombers and
will soon permit the ferrying of
fighter planes. Lindbergh very nearly1
blocked this important work.
Lindbergh has assumed the role1
of a prophet, among other things,j
to again and again declare the cer-
tain defeat of Britain yto oppose
lend-lease) and the utterly chaotic
military situation in Russia (to op-
pose sending them material aid).
All his prophecies have proved to
be wrong, but their adverse effect
upon our war effort has been
great. I venture to predict that
when peace balloons are sent up

by Hitler Lindbergh will again
lead the isolationists and pacifists
to urge their acceptance.
Prof.-Emeritus Wm. H. Hobbs
(Coninued from Page 2)
Conimmeneement Week Programs.
Programs may be obtained on request
after May 11 at the Business Office
R;,oom I , University Hall.
llerbert G. Watkins
Notice: l iiversit. Commencement
Announcemen't: 'e University Com-
ineern (ent Exerciss will be held in
Yost Field House, Saturday after-
noon, May 30. The gates open at
5:30 p.m. Audience should be seat-
ed by (:15 p.m., when procession en-
ters the Field House.
The public address system will be
interfered with by outside sounds, and
the audience is therefore requested to
avoid conversation and moving about.
Automobile owners are asked kindly
to keep their machines away from
the vicinity of Ferry Field diring the
in case of rain the power house
whistle will be blown at intervals
between 5:30 and 5:40 p.m. to notify
all concerned thlat the Commence-
ment procession has been abandoned.
Herbert G. Watkins,
Assistant Secretary


Air Force Enlisted Reserve: The
Examining Board will be in Ann
Arbor May 1,2, 13; and 14. All stu-
dents desiring to apply should pro-
vide themselves as soon as possible'
with the following:
(1) Birth certificate or other ac-
ceptable evidence of age and ditizen-
(2) Three letters of recommenda-
(3) If under 21 years of age, writ-
ten consent of parents or guardian.
(4) Application blank filled out in
triplicate. (Blanks may be obtained
in 1009 Angell Hall.)
Lt. Col. Carr will return to present
a new motion picture on cadet train-
ing at 8:00 p.m., Wednesday, May 13,
Rackham Lecture Hall.
B. D. Thuma
Freshmen and Sophomores, College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
Students who will have freshman or
sophomore standing at the end of the
present semester and who plan to re-
turn either for the summer term or
the fall term should have their eec-
tions approved for the next semester,
that they expect to be in residence,
as soon as possible. There will be
little or no time to sign up returning
students during the registration peri-
ods preceding either of these semes-
ters, so it is strongly urged that this
be taken care of now. You may
make an appointment with your
counselor by telephoning Extension
613 or by calling at the Office of the
Academic Counselors, 108 Mason
Arthur Van Duren, Chairman,
Academic Counselors.
Senior Engineers: Those who or-
dered Commencement announce
ments may call for their orders on
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday,
May 12, 13, and 14, in Room 222 West
Engineering Bldg., 1:00-5:00 p.m.
Payments must be completed on all
orders at this time. This is the only
time announcements will be distrib-
uted. There are none for sale as
only enough to fill previoussorders
are available.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
CivilrServicenExaminations. Last
date for filing application is noted
in each case:
Detroit Civil Service
Stableman (Male), salary $1,584
per year, May 12, 1942.
Institutional Attendant (Male),
salary $1,518 per year, May 11, 1942.
Complete announcements on file
at the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall. Office
hours: 9-12 and 2-4.
Bureau of Appointments an(1
Occupational Information
Any male student of the University
who has completed four complete
years of work is eligible to receive his
Union life membership pin. These
pins may be secured at the Union
business office.
Acde mic Notices
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
I be held today at 10:00 a.m., in Room
319 West Medical Building. "Some
Derivatives of Arginine-Chemical
and Functional Studies" will be dis-
cussed. All interested are invited.
Physics Colloquium on Monday,
May 11, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1041
Randall Laboratory. Professor R. T.
Liddicoat of the Department of En-
gineering Mechanics will speak on
"A Problem in Analytical Dynamics."
Sociology 160: Professor Wood will
be unable to meet his class today.
Chemistry 85E: The 9 o'clock dis-
cussion section will take the blue-
book Monday in room 1042 East En-
gineering Building.
R. D. Gillette

Doctoral Examination for John
Henry Stibbs, English Language and
Literature; thesis: "A Detailed Study
of the Shorter Prose Works of Sir
Walter Raleigh." Today, 2220 Angell
Hall, 9:30 a.m. Chairman, J. R.
By action of the Executive Board,
the Chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doctor-
al candidates to attend the examina-
tion and he may grant permission to
those who for sufficient reason might
wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
Doctoral Examination for William
Marvin Hoad, Economics; thesis:
"Real Estate Prices; a Study of Resi-
dential Real Estate Transfers in
Lucas County, Ohio." Monday, May
11, West Council Room, Rackham,
4:00 p.m. Chairman, W. A. Paton.
By action of the Executive Board,
the Chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doctor-
al candidates to attend the examina-
tion and he may grant permission
to those who for sufficient reason
might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
Doctoral Examination for Malai
Huvanandana, Political Science;
thesis: "A Study of Certain Aspects
of the Australian Labour Party."
Monday, May 11, East Council Room,
Rackham, 3:00 p.m. Chairman, J.
K. Pollock.
By action of the Executive Board,.
the Chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doctor-
al candidates to attend the examina-
tion and he may grant permission
to those who for sufficient reason
might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
The May Festival schedule of pro-
grams for today is as follows:
The Philadelphia Orchestra will
participate in both concerts.
Today, 2:30.hAll-Rachmaninoff
program, Sergei Rachmaninoff, pian-
ist; Eugene Ormandy, Conductor.
Tonight, 8:30. Ninth Symphony
(Beethoven) with Judith Hellwig,
Enid Szantho, Jan Peerce, and Mack
Harrell; Choral Union. Eugene Or-
mandy, Conductor.
Concerts will begin on time. Ddors
will be closed during the numbers.
Traffic regulations by direction of the
Ann Arbor Police Department.
All remaining tickets will be on
sale at the box office in Hill Audi-
torium. A limited number of stand-
ing room tickets will be on sale as
occasion may require.
Charles A. Sink, President
Carillon Concert: For the recital at
7:15 Sunday evening, May 10, Pro-
fessor Percival Price, University Car-
illonneur, has arranged a program
of Australian airs, compositions for
carillon by Alexander Burnard and
John Gordon, and British and Ameri-
can airs which are popular in the
land "down under." Complete pro-
grams of the entire spring series of
recitals on the Baird Memorial Car-
illon are obtainable in the lobby of
Burton Tower and the office of the
School of Music.
The Ann Arbor Art Association
presents its Nineteenth Ann Arbor
Artists Exhibition May 1 through
May 13, 2-5 afternoons and 7-10
evenings, daily, except Sundays, in
the galleries of the Rackham Build-
Thirteenth Annual Exhibition of
Sculpture in the Concourse of the
Michigan League Building. Open
daily until after Commencement.
University Lecture: Dr. Carol Ar-
onovici, Director of the Columbia
ITTn iv.,cifv Ny tin r Rbuiv, .x ,nT l l

By Licity

"You and your old man!-full of ideas! Now we need a garden
hose too!"

A Little Drama From Life

bor were told suddenly and vehe-
mently on Wednesday of this week that the new
Cherry Hills housing project Would react to
their complete and final disadvantage.
Without much more ado the Ann Arbor city
council and the Washtenaw County board of
supelvisors laid down a barrage of fire against
the plan that overwhelmed the bedazzled popu-
lace and shoved aside lone dissenting voices in
the wilderness by the sheer weight of numbers.
Why and wherefore came all this sudden
protest? Why and wherefore was action so
desperately hurried, why and wherefore was
opposition pushed so intolerantly aside?
As far as we can determine a scenario depict-
ing the formation of the opposition would read
something like this:
Real estate dealers and landlords entering on

County government as they now do in Wayne.
This tragedy is too great to bear."
THE TWO FACTIONS confer hurriedly in the
middle of the stage as the first act closes.
The second act opens as they rush back onto the
stage where petty county politicians are stand-
The (onversation goes something like this:
Assembled real estate dealers and Ford repre-
sentatives: "This is a CIO plan. Do you want
60,000 Democrats in Washtenaw County, in your
good old rock-solid Republican county?"
At this moment each and every job-holder
jumps three feet in the air and comes down with
his mouth open, saying: "We protest. It will be
a ghost city, the plans aren't right, everything
is wrong. We don't care why it's wrong, but it's
got to be wrong."
As a grand finale they all join hands and go
skipping off to Washington to protest.

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