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May 09, 1942 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-05-09

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* *

* * *

Nine Conquers
Teams Finish
Squad Game To Highlight
Spring Football Season;
Annual Coaches Clinic
Will Be At Field House
Trackmen To Run
At Ohio State Today
Colorful Irv 'Pro' Boim had the
Northwestern Wildcats eating out of
his hand yesterday as Michigan won,
6-2, at Ferry Field. 'Pro' allowed
only five hits as he racked up his
third victory of the season.
Coach Ray Fisher hopes that his
pitching will continue through to-
day's game as the two teams clash
again in the last of the two-game
series. Mickey Fishman will be on
the mound for the Wolverines and
will be opposed by Bob Motl. The
tilt will start at 1:30 p.m. to allow
the crowd to get to the intra-squad
football game in time.
After the first two frames, when
the Wildcats scored one in both in-
nings, Boim poured it on and pitched
to only 25 batters in the last seven
stanzas. Pro' had control yesterday
-which is just what he has lacked
in his two starts. He gave up only
one walk and was usually ahead of
the batters. He struck out seven of
the opposition.
Coach Maury Kent's nine took the
lead in the fray in the first frame
as they scored on a triple by Capt.
Turn to Page 3, Col. 1
High School Coaches
To Confer At Clinic

* S *

Scene Of 'Greatest Sea And Air Battle In U.S. History
Pacific Ocean
j ,b Z~jR A..
_ .::. rUNGKING *MIO#A
/ CAKOLINE IS. * . 1-
---- . yERT**--- - -..-------A.NGHAI
Indian MORS ~5MO~
Ocean AsIsANI
::: MECARWEL -..
- *. * CONG
-N T GA IS.-
.. ... . ' IC.. CALEDONIA
MiLEs Df es ms
bay ofay i.MBR IS LA

* * * *
Black arrow indicates the Solomon Islands, north limit of the Coral
Sea which extends south to New Caledonia. In this area off the Ags-
tralan coast betw ee Cardwell and Brisbane a Jap armada was repulsed
in the greatest battle in U.S. history and is now fleeing northward.
Military observers look for other Japanese thrusts to sever Australian
supply lines In the following order: 1-a pincers action on China from
the north and from Burma; 2-an attack on Russia, aiming at the port
on Vladivostok; 3-an assault on northern Australian bases (of which the
Coral Sea battle was a nart) to cripple U.S. offensive efforts; and 4-

Soviet Army, Air Force Block
Three-Way German Offensive

By KEV JONES risifoconawi dAai
Three major events mark today as raids in force Hawaii and Alas
spring football's biggest day; the an- the _apanese hodings.
nual High School Coaches Clinic,
held in the Field House at 10:00 a.m.; *
the announcement of the University W tck rd Irtids
of Michigan Club Chicago Award rdl
winner; and, what is to the players A id T Farm
the high point of the spring, the
annual intra-squad game between theR
Blues and the Whites at 4:00 p.m. in
the Stadium,
Held under the sponsorship of the
University Athletic Department, the WASHINGTON, May 8.--(/-, See-
Coaches Clinic will feature demon- retary Wickard today threw his influ-
strations by many sports luminaries ence behind demands from farm-
including "Bullet" Bob Westfall, minded lawmakers that large quanti-
The Chicago Award, the qualifica- ties of surplus wheat, corn, and other
tions for which are improvement dur- agricultural commodities be con-
ing spring practice, ability, attitude verted into synthetic rubber.
and attendance, will be presented at The Agriculture Secretary told a
the conclusion of the Clinic's activi- Senate agriculture sub-committee
ties. Last year's award went to Merv that he now was convinced that "use
Pregulman, now varsity center. of parts of our reserve stocks of corn
If there is anything to choose from and wheat . . . offers the best possi-
between the two outfits for the game, bility of greatly increasing our pro-
the White are the favored squad. The duction of synthetic rubber as early
center of the line; Pregulman at cen- as next year."
ter, and guards Walt Freihofer and Virtually all the synthetic rubber to
Ralph Amstutz, appear to be a little be produced under government pro-
stronger than the Blue center, where grds already initiated would be
Julie Franks is the only standout. grams aray1tae ol e
-neamanufactured from petroleum bases.
However, the Whites are weak in
line reserves, which may prove to be Wickard testified that this coun-
fatal, for the Blues strongest man, try's wheat supply now was the larg-
"Blasting" Bob Wiese, at fullback, est in history and that not less than
can be counted on to give the White 80,000,000 bushels of this should be
Turn to Page 3, Col. 3 converted into rubber for tires badly
needed by farmers to maintain their
automobiles, trucks and other ma-
Oio h L aLC tavored chinery for new wartime food and
To Outrun 1ichigan production demands.

ka to eliminate offensive threats to
Housing Plans
till Protested
(Aherry Hill ('outroversy
Seen Nearing (liiax
Opposition to the federal govern-
nent's proposed Cherry Hill Road
housing project continued yesterday
as representatives from Washtenaw
County pleaded with federal housing
authorities and other officials in
Washington to abandon all plans for
building the bomber plant city.
Though no definite accomplish-
ments have as yet been announced
by the representatives, the contro-
versy is seen to be nearing a climax.
Among the county's spokesmen are
Prosecutor George Meader and Harry
Mack of the Ford Motor Company.
Ever since the Federal Public Hous-
ing Authority set forth its plans to
build a complete new city between
Cherry Hill Road, Michigan Avenue,
Prospect Road and the Wayne-Wash-
tenaw line, bitter opposition has
arisen from several quarters and ac-
tion has been sought to discourage
building of the city.
Groups protesting the measure in-
clude the city councils of Ann Arbor
and Ypsilanti.

Drive Through Karelian
Sector Stopped As Nazis
Reireat, Russins (Jaiii
MOSCOW, May 8._ /f'-The Red
Army and Air Force were reported in
official dispatches tonight to have
wrecked a three-way German spring
offensive aimed from Finland into
Soviet Karelia and to have driven
large numbers of Nazi bombing
plan es from forward bases near Rus-
Union, Board
Offices Filled
In Heavy Vote,
'Yesterday's all-campus elections
for six Union vice-presidents and one
member of the Board in Control of
Intercollegiate Athletics called forth
1735 votes, an increase of more than
200 over last year's total according
to Robert Matthews, '43, president of
Men's Judiciary Council.
The new Union vice-president arc
Robert Templin, '43, literary school;
Roy Bradley, '43E, representing the
engineering and architecture schools;
George Brooks, '43M, medical sch1ool;
John Golden ,'43D, dental school;
Forest Hainline, '43L, Law school,'
and John Murray, '43BAd., elected
by the business administration and
forestry schools.
Donald Robinson, '44, defeated
William MacConnachiie, '44, for the
p)ositionl on the Board in Control of
Athletics. Robinson, tailback and
shortstop, will serve for two years, re-
p~lacing the graduating Norm Call,
Incumbent is George Ceithaml, '43.
Because six of the nine candidates
nominated for the Board in Control
of Student Publications declined to
run in favor of the other three, their
election, scheduled for yesterday was
rendered unnecessary.
The three new members of thne
Publications Board, authorized as
elected by the Men's Judiciary Coun-
cil, are James Allen, '43L, Holbrooke
Seltezer, '42, and Karl Kessler, Grad.

sia's vital water and rail communica-
tions in the Arctic.
German troops encharged with
stabbing across the Kerelian Fron-
tier at three points were driven from
Russian soil with heavy losses, said
frontier dispatches to the Communist
newspaper Pravda.
From the Arctic front, the army
newspaper Red Star reported that
German bombing fleets, after a futile
six weeks' offensive against the
northern sea lanes and Russian rail
lines over which increasing American
and British supplies are moving vi&
Murmansk and Archangel, had been
forced to withdraw to more remote
stations in Norway and Finland.
Still other dispatches, dealing with
recent weeks of heavy fighting from
Leningrad southwest to Staraya Rus-
sa, estimated 30,000 Germans had
been lost in counter-attacks which
failed to take the initiative from the
Red Army.
The Karelian fighting represented
the second attempt by Russia's en-
emies to invade this sector, for at the
outbreak of the war a Finnish battal-
ion of 1,200 men, supported by two
German companies, were driven back
after crossing the frontier.
Chinese Hit, Stop
Jags Attacking
Vital Burma Road
CHUNGKING, China, May 8.--P)
-Falling with savage fury upon two
Japanese columns thrusting into
China along the Burma Road, coun-
ter-attacking Chinese wiped out one
invading force of 1,000 men, killed
500 out of another of equal strength
and trapped the remainder, Gener-
alissimo Chiang Kai-Shek's high
command announced tonight.
An official announcement said this
triumph converted into disaster a
Japanese attempt to flank Chinese
troops of Lieut.-Gen. Joseph W. Stil-
well in the sector near Chefang, 25
miles inside the Yunnan Province
from Burma.
The Flying Tigers of the American
Volunteer Group protected Chinese
bombers which battered Japanese
troops and trucks in western Yunnan
yesterday, an AVG communique said.
The Japanese aerial offensive in
eastern China, aimed at destroying'

All ies Blast Fleet
In Epic Struggle
U.S., British Warships Pursue Nipponese
After Heavy Fighting Off Australia;
11 Enemy Vessels Are Reported Sunk
ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, Australia, Saturday, May 9.-(A'-
Allied Naval and Air Forces fighting with "marked skill, courage, and
tenacity" have repulsed a Japanese invasion fleet off northeastern Aus.
tralia in one of history's most fateful struggles, General MacArthur's
Headquarters announced today.
With 11 or more of its warships sunk and six or more damaged-and
presumably thousands of its finest warriors at the bottom of the Coral
Sea-the battered Japanese enemy was reported limping northward with
United States and British Imperial units in hot pursuit on the sixth day
of the epic engagement.
"Our attacks will continue," the Allied communique said in reporting
that the battle had ceased "temporarily."
The repulse of the Japanese occurred after Allied air units discovered
the enemy fleet streaming southward six or more days ago, and the com-
munique concluded with these words:
"Our Naval Forces then attacked in interceptions. They were handled
with marked skill, fought with admirable courage and tenacity, and the
enemy has been repulsed."
The latest communique made no claims of additional casualties other
than those already reported yesterday both here and in Washington.
Presumably a complete summary of the battle losses on both sides will
be forthcoming shortly.
Of the two Japanese aircraft carriers reported hit, one was sunk and
the other damaged. And a government spokesman said there was no
confirmation of a report that the second subsequently had been sunk.
The attitude of General MacArthur's Headquarters was that it was
too early to say whether the result of the huge naval-air engagement was
conclusive, and it was not yet clear whether the Japanese could reform
and reinforce their units for another southward thrust.
Because of the lack of news on the exact losses on either side and their
original strength, observers were unable to assess the total battle results.
But the tone of the Allied High Command Headquarters appeared to
be that the Allies had won the first grim round and at least had tempor-
arily thwarted Japanese aims.
It also was pointed out that the general practice with the U.S. Navy
WASHINGTON, May 9.-G)-The Navy warned tonight
against giving credence to Japanese claims on the battle off Aus-
tralia and announced that the engagement had cost the enemy 11
ships, including nine warships.
Department when American ships are sunk is to make the announcement
officially from Washington instead of here.
The battle was fought in the shadow of Australia and involved the
safety of the continent and control of much of the southern seas.
First eyewitness accounts reaching an advanced Allied base said hun-
dreds of Japanese crewmen had to dive overboard amid smoke and flame
from two aircraft carriers sunk or damaged by aerial bombs in the first
blow of the Allied assault.
The reports said Japanese personnel losses may run into the thous-
ands. Japanese destroyers tried desperately but vainly t? save the car-
riers, blasted into torn and blazing hulks by American bombing planes
which pressed home their attack in a hell of anti-aircraft fire and chal-
lenging hordes of Japanese zero fighters.
"We might have been blasted out of our beds last night if this
hadn't happened," commented one Naval spokesman ashore on the
results thus far of the still-raging battle.
.But we got in there and did the job," he asserted, adding that tone
Japanese carrier was seen sinking and the other was hit from stem to
(According to the British news agency Reuters, the second carrier
also sank.)
Late yesterday, a communique from this headquarters disclosed that
10 Japanese ships had been sunk and six badly damaged and stated only
as to the Allied side:
Our own losses are not reported."
A communique of the Imperial Japanese Command broadcast by the
Tokyo radio claimed that a U.S. battleship of the California type and
two U.S. aircraft carriers of the Saratoga and Yorktown types had been
sunk and that a British (Australian) cruiser of the Canberra type and
a British battleship of the Warspite type had been heavily damaged.
There was no immediate comment here upon these claims but the

British Admiralty in London at once announced flatly:
... . There is no Truth whatever in the Japanese suggestion that HMS
Warspite or any other British battleship had been sunk or damaged in
the action which now is reported to be proceeding in the Coral Sea."
Allied successes newly reported Friday-the thunderous action had
started on Monday-included the sinking of a Japanese aircraft carrier
and a heavy cruiser and severe damage to another enemy aircraft carrier
and another heavy cruiser.
This, together with previously announced results, thus formed 'the
known score against the enemy as of tonight:
Sunk: an aircraft carrier, a heavy cruiser, a light cruiser, two destroy.
ers, four gunboats and a supply ship.
Damaged and believed a total loss: another aircraft carrier.
Heavily damaged: a heavy cruiser, a light cruiser, a 9,000-ton seaplane

Special to Tie Daily
COLUMBUS, 0., May 8.~ -Eyes of
Midwest track fars will be focused
here tomorrow where the cream of
the Conference's cinder squads,!
Michigan and Ohio State, do battleI
in the Big Ten's outstanding dual
meet of the current outdoor season.
Not only does the duel loom as a
preview of the potential strength of
both teams for the all-important
Conference meet at Evanston May 15
and 16, but it brings together some
of the Midwest's top individual stars.
Outstripping all other events for
color and interest is the battle in the
440-yard dash between "Bullet" Bob
Ujfer, the Wolverines' national in-
door quarter-mile champ, and Russ
Owen, Buckeye ace. Both Ufer and

Rachmaniroff, Choral Group
To Close May Festival lodayl

The 1942 May Festival will come
to a sweeping close today with the
appearance of Sergei Rachmaninoff,
great Russian composer-pianist, in
an afternoon program devoted ex-
clusively to his own works, and an
evening concert featuring the Uni-
versity Choral Union in the mighty
"Ninth" Symphony of Beethoven.
At 2:30 p.im Eugene Ormandy will
conduct the Philadelphia Orchestra
in the all--Rachmaninoff program.
Beginning with the symphonic poem,

Mr. Ormandy, vocalists Jan Peerce,
Mack Harrell, Judith Hellwig and
Enid Szantho and the University
Choral Union will join in a presen-
tation of the Ninth Symphony.
Today will be the first time that.
Rachmaninoff has ever played with
a symphony orchestra in Ann Arbor.
le has, of course, appeared in the
past as a solo recitalist. .Jan Peerce,
tenor star with the Metropolitan
Opera, has been chosen three times
by Rachmaninoff to appear in chor-

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