ZIA 'oun THlE MICHIGAN DAILY ' I.brl~ t *idpgn &n Race, Religion And Prejudice By MRS. ELEANOR ROOSEVELT (Reprinted from The New Republic) Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.00, by mail $5.00. RAPRENTRO FOR NATIONAL AW~ERT1311NG BY National Advertising Service, hinc %:College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAO . BosroN . Los ANGtLES . SAN FRAWCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press,.1941-42 Editorial Staff Homer Swander Morton Mintz . Will Sapp Charles Thatcher. . George W. Saluad) . Bernard Hendel Myron Dann. . Barbara deFries Busi, Edward J. Perlberg Fred M. Ginsberg Mary Lou Curran Jane Lindberg . James Daniels . Managing Editor . . Editorial Director City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor . . . Sports Editor * Associate Sports Editor Women's Editor mess Staff Business Manager Associate Business Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Publications Sales Analyst ADAME CHIANG KAI-SHEK'S recent arti- cles force us all to realize that one of the phases of this war which we have to face is the question of race discrimination. We have had a definite policy toward the Chinese and Japanese who wished to enter our country for many years, and I doubt very much if after this war is over we can differentiate among the peoples of Europe, the Near East and the Far East. Perhaps the simplest way of facing the pirob- lem in the future is to say that we are fighting for freedom, and that one of the freedoms we must establish is freedom from discrimination among the peoples of the world, either be- cause of race, or of color, or of religion. The people of the world have suddenly begun to stir and they seem to feel that in the future we should look upon each other as fellow beings, judged by our acts, by our abilities, by our devel- opment, and not by any less fundamental differ- ences. H ERE IN OUR OWN COUNTRY we have any number of attitudes which have become hab- its and which constitute our approach to the Jewish people, the Japanese and Chinese people, the German people, the Italian people, a d above all, to the Negro people in our midst. Perhaps because the Negroes are our largest Drew P&sos ~obetS.Ales~" WASHINGTON-Behind the President's at- long-last announcement that he will coordinate the government's far-flung information agen- cies, is one of the worst administrative messes in Washington. The hodgepodge has needed cleaning up for months. Here is the roll call of agencies which distrib- ute news for the government: OGR, or Office of Government Reports. COL, or Office of the Co-Ordinator of Infor- mation, better known as the Donovan Committee. OFF, or Office of Facts and Figures. The War Censorship Board. OCIA, or Office of the Co-Ordinator of Inter- American Affairs, better known as the Rocke- feller Committee. The huge, sprawling Press Division of the OEM (Office of Emergency Managemeub. Also the press bureaus of the War and Navy departments, the U.S. Maritime Commission and practically every other independent agency in the government. All of these operate with little or no inter- relation; result, a bedlam of overlapping, work- ing at cross purposes, bureaucratic jealousies, bungling and inefficiency. minority, our attitude towards them will have to be faced first of all. I keep on repeating that the way to face this situation is by being com- pletely realistic. We cannot force people to ac- cept friends for whom they have no liking, but living in a democracy it is entirely reasonable to demand that every citizen of that democracy enjoy the fundamental rights of a citizen. Over and over again, I have stressed the rights of every citizen: Equality before the law. Equality of education. Equality to hold a job according to his abil- ity. Equality of participation through the ballot in the government. These are inherent rights in a democracy, and I do not see how we can fight this war and deny these rights to any citizen in our own land. The other relationships will gradually settle themselves once these major things are part of our accepted philosophy. IT SEEMS TRITE to say to the Negro, you must have patience, when he has had patience so long; you must not expect miracles overnight, when he can look back to the years of slavery and say--how many nights! he has waited for. justice. Nevertheless, that is what we must con- tinue to say in the interests of our government as a whole and of the Negro people; but that does not mean that we must sit idle and do nothing. We must keep moving forward steadily, removing restrictions which have no sense, and fighting prejudice. If we are wise we shall do this where it is easiest to do at first, and watch it spread gradually to places where the old preju- dices are slow to disappear. There is now a great group of educated Ne- groes who can become leaders among their peo- ple, who can teach them the value of things of the mind and who qualify as the best in any field of endeavor. With these men and women it is impossible to think of any barriers of inferiority, but differences there are and always will be, and that is why on both sides there must be tact and patience and an effort at real understand- ing. Above everything else, no action must be taken which can cause so much bitterness that the whole liberalizing effort may be set back over a period of many years. LETTERS To THE EDITOR In Re -Lindbergh To the Editor: I CANNOT believe that a respon- sible college student would sin- cerely subscribe to the ideas contained in your editorial. More important than your call ing Lindbergh a defender of the Axis, which he is not; more impor- tant than your wishing to deprive the country of the services of a man who knows how to produce the bombers we need so badly; more important than the fact that you consider the views of a few narrow-minded Ford workers- who along with the rest of labor have been grabbing all they could get out of the nation's distress-to be of greater concern than our des- perate need of brain power to co- ordinate production, is the rift you are trying to reopen in the armor of national unity. Lindbergh was an isolationist before Pearl Har- bor, but since we were attacked,he has realized that internal strife must cease and has offered his services to the nation. You, however, prefer to drag out dead issues merely for the purpose of satisfying petty prejudices. As you say, Lindbergh has changed his tune. There are no more isolationists or aid-to-Britainers; if anyone doesn't want to fight, he is a C. O. and is entitled to his opinion. Lindbergh is not a C. O. He is now solidly behind America and you are bringing skele- tons out of the closet to divide us. "Lindbergh was an isolationist be- cause he thought that that was the best way of saving America. Calling him pro-Axis merely because his ideas on how to preserve the nation were not those of the majority is nonsense. Personally, I was all-out for aid to Britain, but I am ashamed to think that the nation which re- fused to listen to Lindbergh's report of his first-hand inspection of Ger- many's martial progress in 1936 has heaped such abuse on the man whose wholehearted desire to prepare it for what he knew was coming wasr thwarted by its own shortsightedness and complacency. l -- W tTH OUT Q 5-s-fpN MOA) V ft S. .f ,, . t Y '3" b 4 1, a I : t U A1S l{ - 1? : L "They said something about 'Sphinx,' then they threw two buckets of ice water on me, and then - - - " GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT PREISKEL The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Faulty Economics In Tax Editorials. HE PROPOSED TAX on excess cor- poration profits, passed by the House Ways and Means Committee, has already aroused illogical, immature criticism in the edi- torial columns of a Detroit newspaper. Headlined "Corporation Taxation Carries a Threat," the editorial professes to analyze the new tax bill for the benefit of its readers. The resulting display of the editorial writer's lack of economic knowledge is contrary to the public interest. THE NEWSPAPER tells its readers that "eight percent of profit left tax-free, which is the most the committee would exempt even for the smallest businesses, is not enough to interest venture capital" (This in itself is mistaken since the tax allows an eight percent return on investment, not eight percent of profits.) In wartime it is utter nonsense to speak of interesting enterprise. New enterprise other than that directly concerned with war work is precisely what the nation does not desire since additional investment would push the money system further on its inflationary ascent, in- creasing the demand for goods and stimulating competition against government enterprise In war production. Wading further through the economic mud- die, we find the editorial saying that the idea of taxation is to prevent exorbitant profits for war contractors and to block any great profits for anyone. Not so. The tax's primary purpose is to discourage investment with other objec- tives complementary. The editorial goes through a profound anal- ysis of the measure's secondary principles with just as much lack of comprehension as was exhibited in the first case. To limit exorbitant contractors' profits, the paper would have the government carefully ne- gotiate contracts so that there could be no dis- proportionate gains. That proposal omits the fact that producers regard higher returns as their right in time of war and would include them in any contract that could be made. UT even assuming that such a proposal would have the desired effect, it would not elim- inate the usefulness of the new tax, for the tax could accomplish the same ends with better assurance of fairness and equality. Nor would the editorial's suggestion touch any producer who is not working on war goods. Profiteering in consumers' goods industries is no more desirable than in war goods industries. The tax proposal's method of preventing any- one from profiting greatly is rejected by the paper with a few phrases of economic hash. The editorial states that the tax would fall unequally on people and that in the "free enterprise sys- tem" this would would be pure tragedy. Its rec- ommendation is to tax individual incomles and to rely on competition to limit large profits. MUSIC I iC'*CN\*4*- The Poin ted Pen IV HERE ARE THE REASONS all of us should vigorously oppose the new Cherry Hill hous- ing project: 1. henry Ford is against it. (God ai King George have not yet issued a statement on the controversy.) 2. it is a t;O plan. 3. It will bring some 60,000 Democrats into the staunch Republican stronghold of Wash- tenaw County. This latter possibility is one which is causing a lot of headaches among the small-time politi- cians in the area. They seem to be worrying more about a Demo- cratic invasion of the county than about a Jap move against the West Coast. It would certainly play havoc with the local dominant Republican organi ratio.r, which is , lll thiinking in terms of the Hoover-Coo-idg' legimeS. And we wouldn't wvlt thaf to happf'll, ('hi, )oys? - '1he Managing Editor time the perfect industrial competition requi- site for automatic limitation of profits does not exist. There is no industrial parallel for the highly competitive agricultural market. No one sug- gests limiting profits in agriculture for the rea- son that competition does function there as it should. The veriy existence of huge industrial profits prc'cludes the existence of automatic controls,. N TIME OF WAR the absence of perfect com- petitiol becomes more extensive. Any con- PROGRAM lonegger, King David, A Symphonic Psalm; .Judith Ifellwig, Soprano; Enid Szanutho, Contralto; Felix Knight, Tenor; Itabbi Brickner, Narrator. Dvorak, Concerto in B minor for 'Cello and Orchestra; JEmmaunel Feuermann, Violonvellist; The Philadel- phia symphony Orchestra, Tie University Choral tUnion, Thor .Johnson, Conductor. The second concert of the May Festival Series was played last night entirely under tle baton of Thor Johnson, and while the' pro- gram did not afford the opportunity for the display of orchestral' eclat and technical brav- ura which was evidenced in the preceding con- cert, the Philadelphia Orchestra's magnificent finesse of ensemble was kept completely up to the high standard set on the opening night. In the two major works which he conducted Mr. Johnson reMized fully not only the possibilities of the written score but injected into his read- ings subtleties of interpretation which gave meaning and purpose to the music. In its singing of the choruses in Honegger's King David, the University Choral Union showed that it is beyond doubt one of the two or three finest choruses in the country. Completely un- der the control of Mr. Johnson at all times, they sang flexibly and with an extreme nicety of ensemble, particularly in the women's sec- tions. All of the more vivid and intense chor- uses were done with an elan and brilliance which rose to really inspired singing, and the chor- 11s's diligent training and grasp of the meaning of the milsic was well evidence throughout. Of the three soloists we feel that Felix Knight was outstanding, as well as the most musically satisfying. His tenor voice is one of the most evenly produced throughout its entire range which we have heard. His full and resonant tone has a ring which is most satisfying, and he was enabled to cope perfectly with the low- lying tessitura of the tenor solos of this work by a lower register which is almost baritone in quality. Feeling, artistry, and surety of execu- tion marked his every phrase. Miss Szantho s+n. wifA) a rich and flowing tone, giving sin- cerity ad feelingo )her interpretationi. Miss l ellwig. though possessed of a large aild well- prodlIcd Voice, seimed ( to is to lack a smooth and steady line in her singing. Her phrasing 'was in many places very poor, and there were more than a few moments of extreme sloppiness in regard to intervals, rhythm, etc. Rabbi Brickner should be highly credited for, a really excellent job as narrator; his diction was flaw- less, and his inflection and interpretation gave continuity and clarity to the entire psalm. The Dvorak cello concerto was from begin- ning to end played beautifully from the artistic Jtandpoint and with flawless technique by both orcherstra and 'solofst. Mr. leuernann, whose technique is unsurpassed, has a style which is peculiarly his own; it is one of restraint and re- It would be a waste of time to try to discover why you call Lind- 1 bergh a foe of all we are fighting to protect in this war, or to look into any of the other accusations you make by distorting the things he has said, but even granting that your statements are true, the fun- mental issue stands crystal clear. No matter what has happened in the past, Lindbergh is trying to do all he can to further our war ef-I forts by serving in a manner in wlich he is well qualified to do; while you, and the workers who stop work to get up petitions and make a lot of noise, are doing all you can to hinder our progress. Hitler's aim is to divide and con- quer. It is true now as it was in 1776. - Arthur W. Dobson, '42E To the Editor: MYIYRON DANN'S editorial on Char- les A. Lindbergh in Wednesday's Daily echoes strongly of the public press some nine or ten months back. At that time, when war was still a mere probability, a number of edi- tors-and civic committees fostered by them-were clamoring for a public squelching of Lindbergh's speeches. A great many people believed his speeches exerted a demoralizing ef- fect on the populace. This point I make no attempt to argue. But it should be remembered that Lindbergh was, by public reaction, first an isolationist, second a reac- tionary. It should be remembered that Lindbergh, through his opinion, preached hemisphere solidarity and urged that. we concentrate on the jpdependent existence and develop- ment of the Western Hemisphere; all the while remaining oblivious to the fact that war raged through Europe and Asia. And it should also be re- membered that some highly respected economic authorities held this very same view. fERE AGAIN, I neither condone nor condemn Lindbergh's opin- ions. But I DO de(fedd his right to believe them. ''ievquestio is really two-told. First, if we are to bar Lindbergh from serving the country in any ca- pacity, what of the many other per- 1sons whose social philosophy is in conflict with our government admin- istration? What of the Socialists, Communists, and all of the, various degrees of liberal and reactionary elements? They are acknowledged to be political enemies of the American system; what is to be done with them? My dissenters will, of course, point out that although the former elements are all political enemies of the government, only Fascism is the military enemy of the government' True; but it can also be pointed out that German and Italian approval of American isolationist sentiment had a great deal to do with the associa- fin of this {ynim with Fascism. (Continued from Page 2)q Senior Engineers: Those who or- dered Commencement announce- ments may call for their orders on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, May 12, 13, and 14, in Room 222 West Engineering Bldg., 1:00-5:00 p.m.I Payments must be completed on all orders at this time. This is the onlyY time announcements will be distrib- uted. There are none for sale as only enough to fill previous orders are available.] Academic Notices Biological Chemistry Seminar will be held on Saturday, May 9, at 10:00 a.m., in Room 319 West Medical1 Building. "Some Derivatives of Arginine-Chemical and Functional Studies" will be discussed. All inter- ested are invited. Speech 41: Dr. Halstead will not meet the 2 o'clock section of Speech1 41 today. Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex-1 amination: All students expecting toa elect directed teaching (Educ D100)s next semester are required to pass a qualifying examination iri the sub- ject which they expect to teach. This examination will be held on Satur- day, May 9, at 1 o'clock. Students will meet in the auditorium of the University High School. The exam- ination will consume about four hours' time; promptness is therefore, essential. May Candidates for the Teacher's Certificate: The Comprehensive Ex- amination in Education will be given on Saturday, May 9, from 9 to 12 o'clock (and also from 2 to 5 o'clock) in the auditorium of the University High School, Students having Sat- urday morning classes may take the examination in the afternoon. Print- ed information regarding the exam- ination may be secured in the School of Education office. Doctoral Examination for Robert Alchin Hatch, Mineralogy; thesis: "Phase Equilibrium in the System: Li20.A1203-SiO2." Today, 4077 Na- tural Science, 2:00 p.m. Chairman, W. F. Hunt. By action of the Executive Board, the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doctoral candidates to attend the examination and he may grant permission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum Doctoral Examination for William Jefferson Darby, Jr, Biological Chem- istry; thesis: "The Intermediary Me- tabolism of Histidine and Related Imidazole Compounds." Today, 317 West Medical, 2:00 p.m. Chairman, H, B. Lewis. By action of the Executive Board, the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doctor- al candidates to attend the exam- ination and he may grant permission to those who for sufficient reason I might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum Doctoral Examination for John Henry Stibbs, English Language and Literature; thesis: "A Detailed Study of the Shorter Prose Works of Sir Walter Raleigh." Saturday, May 9, 2220 Angell Hall, 9:30 a.m. Chair- man, J. R. Reinhard. By action of the Executive Board, the Chairman may invite members 402 West Engineering Bldg. Any- one interested is cordially invited. J. A. Van den Broek Concerts The May Festival schedule of pro- grams is as follows: The Philadelphia Orchestra will participate in all concerts. Today, 2:30. First part: "The Wal- rus and the Carpenter" (Fletcher)- Youth Chorus; Juva Higbee, Con- ductor. Second part: Carroll Glenn, violinist; Saul Caston, Conductor. Tonight, 8:30. All-Wagner program. Helen Traubel, soprano; Eugene Or- mandy, Conductor. Sat. 2:30. All-Rachmaninoff pro- gram. Sergei Rachmaninoff, pian- ist; Eugene Ormandy, Conductor. Sat. 8:30. Ninth Symphony (Bee- thoven) with Judith Hellwig, Enid Szantho, Jan Peerce, and Mack Har- rell; Choral Union. Eugene Orman- dy, Conductor. Concerts will begin on time. Doors will be closed during the numbers. Traffic regulations by direction of the Ann Arbor Police Department. All remaining tickets will be on sale at the box office in Hill Audi- torium. A limited number of stand- ing room tickets will be on sale as occasion may require. Charles A. Sink, President Exhibitions The Ann Arbor Art Association presents its Nineteenth Ann Arbor Artists Exhibition May 1 through May 13, 2-5 afternoons and 7-10 evenings, daily, except Sundays, in the galleries of the Rackham Build- ing. Thirteenth Annual Exhibition of Sculpture in the Concourse of the Michigan League Building. Open daily until after Commencement. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Carol Ar- onovici, Director of the Columbia University Housing Study, will lec- ture on "New Concepts of Commun- ity Planning in Theory and Practice" at 4:15 p.m., Monday, May 11, in the Rackham Lecture Hall under the auspices of the College of Architec- ture and Design and the Depart- ment of Sociology. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: M. Pierre Cot, former member of the French Cabi- net, will lecture on the- subject "The Present Situation of France," under the auspices of the Division of Social Science, on Thursday,' May 14, at 4:15 p.m. in the Kellogg Foundation Institute Auditorium. The public is cordially invited. Events Today lniversity of Michigan Women's Glee Club: There will be a rehearsal today at 4:00 p.m. in the Kalamazoo Room of the League in preparation for an appearance at the Music School Alumni Banquet Saturday noon. All members be present. French Round Table: The mem- bers of the French Round Table of the International Center will meet tonight at 7:45 at the entrance to the Burton Memorial Tower. Pro- fessor Price will explain the Carillon concert. Westminster Student Guild: Be- cause of the May Festival, there will be no Westminster Student Guild Social Hour at the church tonight. ,