PA F~OUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ _ _. P tC t MIT tkt l~ The WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND By DREW PEARSON and ROBERT S. ALLEN --r -_ Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mal matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.00, by mail $5.00.' RHPRSNTRD POR NATIONA_ L ADVERTI3IMN . National Advertising Service, Inc, %.Colege Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CP4CAGO "QSTOR - LOs ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Editorial Staff Homer Swander Morton Mintz Will Sapp Charles Thatcher George W. Salladf , . Bernard Hendel Myron Dann- Barbara dcFries BUs Edward J. Perlberg Fred M. Ginsberg Mary Lou Curran Jane Lindberg. . James Daniels . * . . Managing Editor . Editorial Director City Editor . . Associate Editor Associate Editor * ,. Sports Editor . .Associate Sports Editor . . . . Women's Editor iness Staff Business Manager . Associate Business Manager Women's Business Manager . Women's Advertising Manager . Publications Sales Analyst WASHINGTON - Dynamic Assistant War Secretary John McCloy has just come back from an inspection trip to Pearl Harbor where he reports that it still is absolutely essential to use Japanese labor to help erect Hawaii's bristling defenses. Just after Pearl Harbor, the War Department issued an order removing all Japanese from de- fense work in Hawaii. However, new commander Gen. Delos Emmons protested: "You can't do that. You don't know how many lathes you are stopping." In the end he proved to be right. The Japa- nese were found to be essential to defense work, and the order was rescinded. Japanese are now used in digging ditches to break up possible landing fields; building roads; and they even work in arsenals producing guns. Suspicious Japanese have been picked up. But it is impossible to test the loyalty of others. However, to get the vital defense work done in a hurry, the War Department is convinced there is no other out than to use Jap labor. Furthermore, the alternative of deporting Ha- waii's huge Japanese population would be a tre- mendous job. They can't be shipped to Cali- fornia. And they can't be sent to a separate island, where they might establish a landing base for Japanese attadk. So the present solu- tion is to leave them where they are, carefully guarded. Meanwhile, Pearl Harbor is op the alert with more protective devices than ever before in his- tory. Every hour of the day and night patrol planes scour the air around the islands. No fleet, either by sea or air, could approach Hawaii undetected. Trouble Ahead., The day after Leon Henderson issued his sweeping price-freezing order, the President asked him, "How are you getting on?" "Well, I'd put it this way," said Henderson with a grin. "I feel like the boy who threw a rock through a window and is sure something is bound to happen." Hillman Is Through .. . He hasn't announced it yet, but former war' labor chief Sidney Hillman has definitely de- cided not to take the White House staff job offered him by the President. The announcement of the appointment im- plied Hillman had accepted it. Inside fact is he hasn't, and the statement apparently was worded as if he had in order to pressure Hill- man into agreeing. He is still recuperating from exhaustion due to his prolonged strenuous work as a top war official, but when he leaves the hospital he will not go back to the government. Hillman will resume the presidency of the powerful Amalgamated Clothing Workers, and then will embark on a triple-headed campaign to: (1) Drive John L. Lewis out of the CIO; (2) force a showdown with labor elements playing ball undercover with Lewis; (3) fight against isolationists in this year's crucial congressional elections. Leading CIO chiefs long have wanted Hillman to return to union affairs. With the internal battle over Lewis nearing a climax, they know he is the one top leader within 'the CIO who has taken Lewis' measure, and that his personal participation in the fray will stiffen the oppo- sition against Lewis. Te lReply Churlish by TOUCHSTONE CHAPTER THREE. I had just learned the les- son of surface appearances. It has taken me the remaining two years of my college stay to unlearn the lesson.. It is a lesson which spoils far too many students in a place like this. Among most of them it goes unquestioned, unquestioned through the formality of obtaining one hundred twenty hours credit, and from then on until the poor fools die it continues to exist as a thing like their own names, or their baby pictures, or anything else you can think of that remains fixed forever about a person. All that matters is that you get by. You get your diploma, you get your class picture, you get a date for Senior Ball, you get all your papers in on time, you get to class, you get your notes all down pat, you shave every morning, and laugh when the rest of the folks laugh. Nuts. WELL, what happened to me was this. I was taking a history course, centering around the Tudors and Stuarts. I was taking a French lit course which paused for a long time at Cor- neille and Racine. I was taking a damned good Shakespeare course from Paul Mueschke to whom it can be told because I won't have him again, and I won't be suspected of the old pom- mes stuff. Everything I read related to other things, so I began to get a big picture of what was going on. All the time while I was filling out my group requirements, nothing mattered much, as long as I got that white line drawn through the numbers at the foot of my blueprint. But safe at last in the arms of the subject I wanted to major in, the feeling of being pushed was gone, and though I have never lived up to the ideal, I have enjoyed the unifying process which has gone on pretty steadily ever since. I have come too, to see where the biggest gaps in my learning are, and perhaps some day I'll go back over them and catch up on things that once seemed foolish. I wouldn't say that I'll take more botany, but other things I want. I have seen this happen to other people, those especially who are not too interested in the sort of major studies which are called practical by the upstate legislators. I am against practical education. State universities tend to stress the job-getting value of courses beyond the realm of pure fact. Not much solution implicit in all this, unless it might be to let kids start their majors as soon as they feel like it, and trust in their intellectual curiosity's sending them into other fields later on. If they never do, there won't be any more harm done than there is un- der the present system. Nothing much else that year except that I began writing the column, which was not an event of world-shaking impor- tance. Last chapter coming up, with epilogue. So long until soon. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) the vicinity of Ferry Field during the exercises. In case of rain the power house whistle will be blown at intervals between 5:30 and 5:40 p.m. to notify all concerned that the Commence- ment procession has been abandoned. Herbert G. Watkins, Assistant Secretary Notice to Forestry Students and Others Interested in Photography: An assembly of the School of Fores- try and Conservaiton will be held at 10:00 a.m. in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building today. Dr. William M. Harlow, Professor of Dendrology at the New York State College of Forestry, will speak on "Exploring With a Miniature Cam- era" and show colored views of leaf scars, buds, and other close-up sub- jects upon which he has done spe- cial work. Certain important announcements will be made at this time. All forestry students are expected to attend this assembly, and others who may be interested are invited. All University employees assisting in issuing War Ration books are hereby thanked for the splendid co- operation shown the County, City and University authorities in this con- nection. Robert L. Williams, Assistant Registrar Teaching Departments Wishing to Recommend tentative ,May graduates from the College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts and the School of Education for Departmental Honors should send such names to the Regis- trar's Office, Room 4, U. Hall before May 15, 1942. Robert L. Williams, Assistant Registrar. Freshmen and Sophomores, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Students who will have freshman or sophomore standing at the end of the present semester and who plan to re- turn either for the summer term or the fall term should have their elec- tions approved for the next semester that they expect to be in residence, as soon as possible. There will bel little or no time to sign up returning students during the registration peri- ods preceding either of these semes- ters, so it is strongly urged that this be taken care of now. You may y -~ 44 - And192 Chj 4 r yC u he y s n -°A-- I JI y Ot( P. 'Rc "And if you ha~l 09Ve'moebynxspig'ldotaan" GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty NIGHT EDITOR: BUD BRIMMER, The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only, WLB Drops The Hot Potato . . HAIRMAN DAVIS and his associates on the War Labor Board are keep- ing up the good old Washington tradition of "passing the buck," and by their avoidance of certain imminent labor questions are doomiiig the WLB to the same fate met by the National Defense Mediation Board. With the decision of the Board to depend on labor leaders to persuade members not to de- mand wage increases for the duration, the pros- pect of stable wage costs and maintenance of price ceilings seems destined to failure. It is, to say the least, optimistic to hope that of its own accord, labor will surrender its long-fought-for rights and suspend trade union regulations until the end of the war. F the action of coke oven workers of the Cam- bridge works of the Bethlehem Steel Com- pany is any indication of the way in which the promise of Philip Murray, CIO head, is going to be carried out, the public confidence may well be shaken.. By calling their two-lay strike last week an "unauthorized walk-out" Murray's statement to Roosevelt that there would be no strikes in war industries was technically upheld, but the re- sults remain the same. The damage done to the public's faith can be readily passed off, but the loss of 3,000 tons of steel is not so easily discounted.o If the assurance had not been given that their case would receive priorities above all others before the War Labor Board, one can only speculate as to how much longer the strike would have dragged out. As it was, af- ter two days the men went back to work. The real danger of the situation, however, lies in the fact that if the promise of "no strikes" can be avoided simply by changing the wording, the likelihood of their recurrence is imminent. At the request of Senator Harry Byrd, the De- partment of Labor assembled figures on the average weekly hours put in by workers in war industries. The results were far from gratifying, for in January of this year the over-all indus- trial average was only 415 hours per week. Surely in this time of war we have a right to expect more than that! fORTUNA'rELY the figures were as high as 47.7 il the aircraft industry and 47.6 in ma- chine shops and foundaries, but as late as this February the steel industry average was only 40.1. These figures would seem to indicate that the WLB needs a more sound labor policy and must quit side-stepping ticklish questions. In the past both the National Defense Medi- ation Board and the War Labor Board have shown a disposition to surrender to labor pressure. Labor has come into its own during the present regime, and rightly so, but in times such as these it must be willing to make concessions to insure production to the fullest make an appointment with yourl H as 'Stcel Enl isted, Fo(j~riliUtiratioti?' "STEEL has enlisted for the duration. What we've learned is coming in handy for our government now. We men of steel are now turning out more steel in American than Ger- many, Italy, Japan and all the Axis-dominated countries put together.'" Thus runs what would seem to be a heartening full-page ad appearing in many national maga- zines this week -paid for by United States Steel Corpora (401, Yet at the same time the people, in these same publications have seen the W11B charges of "repeated deliberate violations of priority regulations," against the Carnegie-Illinois Steel Co., subsidiary of the U.S. Steel and the largest producer of steel in the United States. Its more than twenty plants turn out one- quarter of the nation's supply. Similar charges were also pressed against the Jones and Lang)Ul in Steel Corporation, fourth larg;esi :;teel iami'r in thme cow try. l7ALLY. [We WP held l1hat Hon Web. 21. .ione aid fauglin received a telegramu from, the Di rector of .industry Operations direct- inkg that no( aoil country' asing, tubing, 01 (rill pipe be shipped on or after March 14, except on orders bearing a preference rating of A-9 or higher. That although the company had manu- factumed no such pipe since October, 1941, it immediately put large quantities of high-quality steel into pipe production. That from Feb. 25 to March 12, Jones and Laughlin produced about 570,000 feet of pipe, of which only 12 percent was delivered on rated orders, the remainder being manufactured on orders for civilian use bearing no preference ratings whatever. If "the violations of priority regulations" by this cor pany were allowed to continue, we are such policies could well prove fatal. Rival pro- ducers, for example, could be forced into similar actions as a result of the vicious practices of their' powerful competitors. The meek manner in which the WPB turned the matter over to the Justice Department offi- cials for "'appropriate action" will not do. Firm action must be taken. We cannot allow steel which 'has ('dllisted for the duration' to be a dceserter. - Jim Wienmer life T41h ted ('eh Ann ol t-I,11 a' -rol r reiu ; at onw of the Gov- erlor's recent ;'r orSerolluf''l1'('g has started a lopsided ball roling that's got Ypsi folks aiid the 1,600 students over at the Michi ?an State Normal College up in one big huff. The unofficial plan is one which will evict Ypsi Norman students so that Willow Run war workers can be billeted in Normal's spanking-new million-dollar dormitories. We cut an ec lecture Tuesday and spent the day over in Ypsi talking to Normal's president and students, the mayor and townspeople and along with them we think the whole idea is stupid. Normal is the world's largest teacher train- in schol nd ee' ecs e t ains th MUSICll PROGRAM Mandel-Ormandy, Overture in D Minor; Monteverdi, "ll Lamento d'Arianna" from "Arianna"; Prokofiev, "Classical" Sym- phony in D Major; Harl McDonald, San, ,Juan Capistrano Nocturnes; Tschaikovsky, Pauline's Air from "Pique Dame"; Masse-f net, Pleurez mes Yeux" from "Le Cid"; Ravel, Daphnis et Chloe, Second Suite; Strauss, Waltzes from "Der Rosenkavalier." Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra, " Eugene Ormandy, Conductor Marian Anderson, Contralto - If last night's opening concert of the 1942 May Festival can be taken, as any indication, this year's Festival, should turn out to be one of the best Ann Arbor has heard for several years; for from beginning to end the concert was marked, on the part of both orchestra and soloist, by artistry and musicianship of the highest cali- bre, and on the part of the orches- tra an esprit which provided many moments of really inspirational per- formance. Perhaps we should state without further ado that the magni- ficent playing evidenced last night must be credited to the consummate artistry of Eugene Ormandy. Mr. Ormandy is without (loubt a finer conductor than lie has ecr been be- fore; he has grown even since last year, and his control of the orchestra seems now to be absolute and certain at every moment. Probably the most outstanding thing about the read- ings he gives is a sensitive and deli- cate sense of nuance which seems to us to be almost unrivalled among present-day conductors. The high point of the evening or- chestrally was probably the Daphnis and Chloe Suite of Ravel. This was done with a perfect feeling for the classic impressionism of Ravel and was gradually built up through a series of restrain'rd climziaxes to the final innaginificent climax. Both this number and the "RoSelikavalier Waltzes" of tichard irauss (and no conductor in the world can touch Mr. Ormandy in the Viennese idiom) were played with a beauty and body of tone which more than reassured us1 in our belief that the Philadelphia strings are second to none. The soloist of the evening, Marian Anderson, showed once again that she has one of the vocally finest voices of our time. She sings with an extreme ease of production, and maintains throughout her entire range full resonance and perfect focus. Of her three arias, probably the best sung and interpreted was the one from "Le Cid"; this.may have been because of the greater chance fr f "nn v.n rin;finn nf ni nrPC~inn counselor by telephoning Extension 613 or by calling at the Office of the Academic Counselors, 108 Mason Hall. Arthur Van Duren, Chairman, Academic Counselors. P Attention Seniors: A large number of graduate schools require the Grad- uate Record Examination from stu-t dents who are admitted. Seniors inn the College of Literature, Science,L and the Arts, who took the GraduateP Record Examination in February,c 1942, may request these to be sent to graduate schools. Forms on whicha to make this request are obtainable in 1208 Angell Hall.d Notice to all senior engineers in advanced R.O.T.C.: Turn in your caps and gowns today, 2:00 to 5:30n p.m. at the Michigan League.. Your money will be refunded. Other sen-g ior engineers may obtain caps andi gowns at the same time while they last .i The Annual French Play: The pic- ture of the cast of "La Belle Aven-d ture" is exhibited in the case on the first floor of the Romance Languageu Building. Place orders with the Secretary of the Romance LanguageA Department, Room 112, as soon as possible.; Academic Noticesi Biological Chemistry Seminar willo be held on Saturday, May 9, at 10:00 a.m., in Room 319 West Medical Building. "Some Derivatives ofn Arginine-Chemical and FunctionalE Studies" will be discused. All inter-a ested are invited. i Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex- amination: All students expecting toa elect directed teaching (Educ D100) next semester are required to pass a qualifying examination in the sub- ject which they expect to teach. This examination will be held on Satur- day, May 9, at 1 o'clock. Students will meet in the auditorium of theP University High School. The exam-E ination will consume about four hours' time; promptness is therefore essential. May Candidates for the Teacher's Certificate: The Comprehensive Ex-' amination in Education will be given on Saturday, May 9, from 9 to 12s o'clock (and also from 2 to 5 o'clock) in the auditorium of the University High School, Students having Sat- urday morning classes may take the examination in the afternoon. Print- ed infornmation regarding the exam- ination may be secured in the School of Education office. Doctoral Examination for Floyd Alden Bond, F'coorilic; thesis: "The Washtenaw Gas Company; a Study in Public Utility Regulation." Today, East Council Room, Rackham, 2:00 p.m. Chairman S. Peterson. By action of the Executive Board, the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doc- toral candidates to attend the exam- ination and he may grant permission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakumu Doctoral Examination for Robert Alchin Hatch, Mineralogy; thesis: "Phase Equilibrium in the System: Li20.A12O3-SiO2." Friday, May 8, 4077 Natural Science, 2:00 p.m. Chair- man, W. F. Hunt. By action of the Executive Board, the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doctoral candidates to attend the examination and he may grant permission to those who forsufficient reason might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakumn Doctoral Examination for William Jefferson Darby, Jr., Biological Chem- istry; thesis: "The Intermediary Me- tn-olk o Ritiinoen Rea Concerts The May Festival schedule of pro- grams is as follows: The Philadelphia Orchestra will participate ih all concerts. Tonight, 8:30. First part: "King David" (Honegger) with Judith Hell- wig, soprano; Enid Szantho, Contral- to; Felix Knight, Tenor; Rabbi Bar- nett R. Brickner, narrator; and the University Choral Union. Second part: Emanuel Feuermann, Violon- cellist; Thor Johnson, Conductor. Fri. 2:30. First part: "The Walrus and ,the Carpenter" (Fletcher) - Youth Chorus; Juva Highee, Con- ductor. Second part: Carroll Glenn, violinist; Saul Caston, Conductor. Fri. 8:30. All-Wagner program. Helen Traubel, soprano; Eugene Or- mandy, Conductor. Sat. 2:30. All-Rachmaninoff pro- gram. Sergei Rachmaninoff, pian- ist; Eugene Ormandy, Conductor. Sat. 8:30. Ninth Symphony (Bee- thoven) with Judith Hellwig, Enid Szantho, Jan Peerce, and Mack Har- rell; Choral Union. Eugene Orman- dy, Conductor. Concerts will begin on time. Doors will be closed during the numbers. Traffic regulations by direction of the Ann Arbor Police Department. All remaining tickets will be on sale at the box office in ill Audi- orium. A limited number of stand- ing room tickets will be on sale as occasion may require. Charles A. Sink, President The carillon recital for this eve- ning will consist of the music of English composers, as well as English and Celtic folk songs. The program s one of a series of spring carillon recitals playedsby the University Carillonneur, Professor Percival Price. and will begin at 7:15 p.m. Exhibitions The Ann Arbor Art Association presents its Nineteenth Ann Arbor Artists Exhibition May 1 through May 13, 2-5 afternoons and 7-10 evenings, daily, except Sundays, in the galleries of the Rackham Build- ing. Thirteenth Annual Exhibition of. Sculpture in the Concourse of the Michigan League Building. Open daily until after Commencement. Events Today Annual Regimental Parade and Review of entire R.O.T.C unit will be held today at 7:15 p.m. Michigan Football Stadium. The public is cordially invited. , All R.O.T.C. Cadets will assemble at the Intramural Building at 6:40 pam today. Graduate Coffee Hour today, 4:30- 6:00 p.m., in the Rackham School. All faculty members and graduate students are welcome. Interior Decorating Section, Facul- ty Women's Club: The last meeting of the year will be held at the home of Mrs. A. F. Shull. 431 Highland Rd., today at 3:00 p.m., instead of at the homse of Mrs. Howard Ross as origin- ally planned. Miss Anne Schlesinger will speak on "Kitchen Planning." Coming Events French Round Table: The mem- bers of the French Round Table of the International Center will meet at 7:45 p.m. on Friday at the en- trance to the Burton Memorial Tower. The Suomni Club will end their ac- tivities for this semester with a picnic at the Island on Saturday, May 9. All members going to the picnic, please meet in front of the Rackham Building at 5:30 p.m. on Saturday. In c eof vriin the nini will h