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May 07, 1942 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-05-07

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Repela Chosen
Glee flub Head
New Award To.Be Given
Next Week At Banquet
The new officers of the Varsity
Men's Glee Club were chosen Tues-
day at the annual elections.
Kenneth Repela, '43, tenor soloist
of the club, was chosen president of
the organization. Repela is vice-
president of the Kappa Delta Rho
and a member of Suomi Club.
Donald Plott, '44SM, was elected to
fill the position of vice-president.
Plott is also student conductor of"
the club, and student conductor of
the University Choir. He composed
the music for the new Michigan
hymn, 'Artes, Scientia, Veritas,"
which was recently presented by the
Glee Club.
Other officers elected were Vaughn
Koppin, '44E, secretary, and Daniel
Saulson, '44, treasurer.
After the elections, the Glee Club
finished the evening's program by
serenading the girls' dormitories and
various sororities. As is customary,
receptions were held for the club by
some of the houses.
The Glee Club will round out the
year's activities at their annual ban-
quet which will be held next Thurs-
day. At this time a new award, the
Paul Taylor Memorial Trophy, will
be presented to the most outstanding
member of the group. The business
manager for the cominlg year will
also be announced.

Ormandy Praises Choral Union
For Work AtFestival Rehearsal

Eugene Ormandy and the Phila-
delphia Orchestra came to town yes-
terday, and from 10:30 a.m. to 4:00
p.m. the stage-door guard in Hill
Auditorium heard enough music to
make him think he was in Carnegie
No sooner was Ormandy in town
than he and the orchestra assembled
for an early morning rehearsal with
Marian Anderson for the evening
concert. After a brief lunch, he was
back in the afternoon to face three
hundred enthusiastic students in a
rehearsal of Beethoven's Ninth.
Then with just a piano for ac-
companiment and himself doubling
on the soprano, tenor and baritone
solo parts, he put them through the
paces. But it was a very different
sort of rehearsal than the typical
conception of the layman. No prima
donnas, no affectation, just plenty of
singing and, every so often, a good-
humored comment was heard from
the conductor.
The Beethoven symphony which he
will direct Saturday evening has a
variety of interpretations and Or-
mandy has a highly graphic and ex-
citing interpretation.
"Roughly speaking," he said, "the
first movement represents the Mys-
teries of Life. The second movement
presents the worldly Joys of Life, and
the third moveient - the inner
Beauty of Life.
"Then, the last movement I almost



L. M. HEYWOOD, experienced typist,
414 Maynard Street, phone 5689.
MISS ALLEN-Experienced typist.
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935.
VIOLA STEIN- Experienced legal
typist, also mimeographing. Iotary
public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland.
COTTAGE at Carp Lake, Michigan,
by week, month, or season. Double
garage and boat. Phone 3357.
TWO BEDROOMS, newly decorated
private bath, near University Hos-
pital. References required. Phone
5363. 369c
distance moving. Call Godfrey's.
6927. 410 N. Fifth Ave. 350c
passenger to Colorado. Leaving
June 5. Dial 2-3307, Miss Rich-
ards. 362c
Ben the Tailor, 122 East Washing-
ton. Phone after 6 o'clock, 5387.
Pay $5 to $500 for Suits, Overcoats,
Typewriters, Saxophone, Fur Coats
(Minks and Persian Lambs),
Watches, and Diamonds. Phone
Sai, 5300.

TWO May Festival tickets Thursday
and Friday nights-Section Three,
main floor. Phone 3718.
LAUNDRY-2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. + 2c
ing. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308
S. State. 6c
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Company, phone
7112. 7c
GIRL WANTED for rental library
and sales work. Good salary. Apply
at Follett's Michigan Book Store,
322 S. State St. 358c
YOUNG MAN wanted for retail sell-
ing and stock work. An excellent
opportunity. Apply Follett's Mich-
igan Book Store, 328 S. State St.
LOST-Phi Sigma Delta fraternity
pin. Reward. Call Bud, 415 Allen
Rumsey, 2-4401. 370c
LOST: Gold-rimmed glasses May 2.
Eyeballs sadly inflamed. Frank
Clarke, 416 Winchell, Phone 2-4401.
FLOWERS-The way to a girl's heart
is to give her flowers. Bc sure her
flowers are from LODI GREEN-
HOUSE. Tel. 25-8374.

picture as a dialogue between God
and Lucifer-man. Lucifer complains
to God of his existence. He can't
find what he's looking for in life.
"A few fragments of the first move-
ment are repeated. 'Look, you have
all the mysteries of life,' says God.
'That's not what I want,' says Luci-
fer. This is voiced by the cellos and
basses. Fragments of the second
movement are heard. Here are the
worldly joys of life. Again the re-
jection. This is repeated with the
third movement, and again Lucifer
must reject it.
"Then, very quietly, the theme of
the last movement, Schiller's 'Ode to
Joy' is heard. Here, Lucifer realizes,
is the answer. (It is man's desire for
something non-existent.) The broth-
erhood of mankind."
Hillel Foundation
To Hold ilanquet,
Present Honors
Hillel Foundation will celebrate its
fifteenth anniversary in conjunction
with the convention of.the Michigan
B'nai B'rith Lodge at a banquet at
6 :30 p.m. next Sunday in the Union
Included in the banquet ceremonies
will be the annual presentation of
honors to the juniors and seniors and
the sorority or fraternity which have
been of most service to Hillel during
the past year.
President Ruthven will be present
at the banquet to "welcome the more
than 500 B'nai B'rith members from
throughout the state who are expect-
ed to assemble in Ann Arbor for the
Henry Monsky, president of the
Supreme Lodge of B'nai B'rith, will
deliver the main address. Mr. Mon-
sky is well known for his work in
many social welfare organizations
and is a member of the board of
trustees of Father Flanagan's Boys-
town. He is affiliated with the Oma-
ha, Nebr.. and American Bar Asso-
Students from the Hillel Founda-
tion will present a brief program of
entertainment at the banquet. Hal
Cooper, '44, who acted as master of
ceremonies in "Hillelzapoppin'," wil
serve in the same capacity. One of
the skits from the show, presented
by a League House, 915 Oakland, will
be another feature on the program
The Hillel choral group, under the
direction of Donna Weiss, '43, wil
sing several numbers.

Pollock Seeks
Political Rights
For Instructors
Professor Favors Change
To Exempt Educators
From Hatch Act Ban
Testifying in favor of an amend-
ment by Senator Brown exempting
teachers and educators generally
from the Hatch Act ban on partici-
pation in politics, Prof. James K.
Pollock of the political science de-
partment yesterday asserted that the
question of academic freedom is at
As he stood before a Senate com-
mittee meeting in Washington which
is considering the amendment, Prof.
Pollock stated that teachers should
be permitted to participate in poli-
tics if they want to understand bet-
ter the processes of democracy and
to educate American citizens for
Senator Brown explained that the
Hatch Act has been construed to
apply to professors since various
grants in aid from federal funds are
given to educational institutions
throughout the country.
Contradicting this application of
the Act, Donald Dushane of the Na-
tional Education Association testified
that it only costs Uncle Sam 73 cents
per head per year to make political
neuters out of state college and uni-
versity professors.
He claimed that the average fed-
eral grant accounts for only 73 cents
a year out of every state college edu-
cator's salary.
Mrs. Mabel Studebaker, of Erie,
Pa., who represented classroom
teachers said, "Teachers tend to take
the path of least resistance and fail
to mention political subjects at all"
because they fear that their teach-
ings will be misconstrued, and that
they will be accused of violating the
Hatch Act
Diean Edinouson To Talk
On Civilian Mobilization
James B. Edmonson, Dean of the
School of Education. will speak on
"Leadership fortCivilian Mobiliza-
tion" in the fifth and last lecture
for the Leadership Course at 8:30
p.m. today in the Union.
In order to facilitate a review of
the attitudes, habits and techniques
of a successful leader, a question-
naire will be distributed to each stu-
dent on which he will be asked ques-
tions about an acquaintance who he
believes has attained leadership
A general appraisal of the course
will also be taken at this meeting.
^ ~

VOL. LII. No. 164
Publication in the Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
While May 30 is a legal holiday, it
is also, this year, the annual Univer-
sity Commencement Day. It is thus
necessary for most University offices
to remain open that day. With the
approval of the Deans of all schools
and colleges, it is announced that
all University offices at which alumni
or others might possibly desire to
call will be kept open, but the head
of each such office may excuse em-
ployees who in his judgment,will not
be needed. Employees remaining on
duty that day may have off, as shahl
be arranged with the official in
charge of the office, any day of the
following week, June 1 to 6 inclusive,
in compensation for the normal holi-
day of May 30.
Shirley W. Smith
University Council: There will be
a meeting of the University Council
on Monday, May 11, at 4:15 p.m., in
the Rackham Amphitheatre.
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary
Commencement Week Programs:
Programs may be obtained on request
after May 11 at, the Business Office
Room 1, University Hall.
Herbert G. Watkins
Notice: University Commencement
Announcement: The University Com-
mencement Exercises will be held in
Yost Field House, Saturday. after-
noon, May 30. The gates open at
5:30 p.m. Audience should be seat-
ed by 6:15 p.m., when procession en-
ters the Field House.
The public address system will be
interfered with by outside sounds, and
the audience is therefore requested to
avoid conversation and moving about.
Automobile owners are asked kindly
to keep their machines away from
(Continued on Page 4)
Scholarsbips Aniou nced
For High School Seniors
Recipients of the 100 annual Alum-
ni Undergraduate Scholarships for
Michigan high school seniors were
announced yesterday by Dean Clar-
ence S. Yoakum, vice-president of
the University in charge of educa-
tional investigations.
,Scholarship winners in this area
include: Kathleen M. Hood, Lois M.
Kivi, Ann Arbor; Janice R. Hopps,
William F. Schlief, Ypgilanti, and
George D. Rager, Manchester.

In First Play Of Drama Season

"No Time for Comedy," crisp, mod-
ern drama by S. N. Behrman, star-
ring American and European stage
and screen actor Francis' Lederer, will
open Ann Arbor's twelfth annual
Dramatic Season Monday night in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Behrman, master of clever dia-
logue, creates in this comedy a play-
wright similarly gifted, who is tem-
porarily beguiled by another man's
wife into believing himself a new
Ibsen. The conflict between his wife,
and the other woman is the story.
Opposite Lederer, renown for per-
formances in the stage plays "Golden
Boy" and "Autumn Crocus," and
films "Confessions of a Nazi Spy"
and "One Rainy afternoon," is Edith
Atwater, star of the New York pro-
duction of "The Man Who Came to
Doris Dalton, in her fifth year with

the Dramatic Season, plays a major
rdle in "No Time for Coined'y," along
with Lauren Gilbert, former Michi-
gan' student who used to star in
campus Repertory plays, opposite ac-
tress Martha Scott.
The second week of the Dramatic
Season will feature Madge Evans and
Michael Whalen in Mark Reed's
"Petticoat Fever." During the third
week, Florence Reed and Carl B. Reid
are slated to appear in "Suspect,"
psychological melodrama by Edward
Percy and Reginald Denham, au-
thors of the hair-raiser "Ladies in
Retirement." Jose Ferrer and Uta
Hagen in 'Brandon Thomas' "Char-
ley's Aunt" will wind up the 1942
Dramatic Season.
Season and individual tickets may
still be purchased in the box office
of the Michigan' League.

Francis Lederer To Play Lead

1' i a nitrogen


go nterior Glo ss


and Semi-Gloss Enamel
* A Durable Filih
* Easy to Clean
S12 Bright Colors
This interior ena.e is
IDEAL for kitchen's and
bathrooms; will help
give your home newlifel
Boydell Interior Gloss and Semi Gloss
Enamel is made by a firm established in
1865 and famous for modern manufactur-
ing methods. This famous enamel dries to
a tough, s smooth fini;sh thait is easily canedI
with soap and water. In 12 beautiful col-
ors, white and black.
Come In, Let's Talk Paintl

speeds underground for seven miles
Sending electricity at 120,000 volts through copper con-
ductors in a gas-filled pipe sounds fantastic - but it is
frue. On December 31st of last year, The Detroit Edison
Company placed in service the first high-voltage under-
ground cable in the United States to use gas as a "cushion."
You can distribute electricity cheaper at high voltage
than at low voltage. But in underground cable of this kind,
provision must be made for heat expansion. A temperature
rise in the copper conductor heats the insulation around
the conductor and causes the whole cable to expand. Later
when the cable cools, "pockets" may form in the insulation
and a corona or electrical discharge ay occur in the
pockets, causing trouble, (Trouble at 120,000 volts can be
trouble indeed! This is a thousand times the voltage of the
electricity you use in your household.)
So the cable - consisting of three copper wire ropes
about an inch in diameter, with half-an-inch of insulation
is enclosed in a gas-tight chamber seven miles iong.
This long steel Pipeis filled with an inert gas -nitrogen
under pressure, which retards the expansion of the
cable. Manholes to provide access to the line are built
every quarter-mile. At six points in the line, "stop-joints"
or mechanical barriers prevent the escape of all the nitro-
gen in the 7-mile pipe, in case of a bad leak,
Improvements and 'developments such as these - many
of them pioneered by our engineering staff -help to
bring you better electric service at lower cost. In the last
twenty years, the average price per kilowatthour paid by

Frii~dor Enemy?
Flel Theyre taking, no chance
1Xas anl nigh! tlhousahIn18 of civilian votinlicers at A vny aitthor.
iZEd obs4'rvation poss report Aircraft Flash tssages lo Army
'ilt er" cen tmrs-hy tclephone. l ont dihis information, each planes
course is charted on filter maps... ra (ved to operations hoards
such as the one shown above -l)y telephone. Should checkin
prove lhe aircraft to be an enemy, the telephone would play an





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