imb6==ftw Weather Y Rain and Cooler it 43U at i Editorial WLB Drops The Hot PotatoR. VOL. LII. No. 164 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1942 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS American Air Power Opens Heavy Attacks On JapBases Fliers Destroy 40 Planes, Damage 25 In 5 Raids On Mingaladon Airport;' RAF Bombs Invaders British Fall Back On Burma Front NEW DELHI, India, May 6.-(M- The United States Air Forces in India were embarked tonight on a mount- ing and relentless campaign of attri- tion against the Japanese conquerors of Burma. Striking straight for the sea-head of the invading armies which have raged through the length of the Kip- ling country to enter Free China's back door and to threaten India, five flights of Maj.-Gen. Lewis H. Brere- ton's bombers in 24 hours had de- stroyed at least 40 enemy planes and damaged 25 on the Mingaladon Air- drome north of Rangoon. Airport In Flames The last of these planes, roaring toward the target across the Bay of Bengal in this morning's dawn, could see the flames of Mingaladon 70 miles away and, once over the field, the pilots dumped their 250-pound bombs in the center of a sea of fire so bright that they could not distin- guish buildings, runways or gasoline stores. Far up on the weary road of re- treat in" upper Burma, not far from the Indian frontier, the British fall- ing back along the Chindwin River got even more direct support from the RAF. Two sharp bombings of Japa- nese troops and barge convoys in the river near Monywa, 50 miles westof lost Mandalay, gained time for the British and increased their chances of escaping entrapment. But it was conceded they might have to aban- don their heavier equipment. Buuaa o. -MBatue On the east, one Japanese column was hmmering northeast up the BuraRoad within China's Yun- nan Province while another force, with heavy mechanized help, was as- saulting the Chinese positions around the Yunnan border town of Wanting. The Chinese High Command said it did not know what had happened at Wanting. The Burma Road column, it added, was being fiercely engaged in battle after battle. British dispatches from Chungking said United States Lieut.-Gen. Joseph W. Stilwell had arrived safely at a base in Burma, presumably from some of the forward areas cut off by the Japanese thrust, and that the Chinese Fifth and Sixth Armies forming the Chinese Expeditionary Force to Burma were extricating themselves, virtually intact. Reinforcements Arriving Chinese were quoted as saying strong reinforcements were stream- ing westward along the Burma Road. Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek was said to have arrived at a town in Yunnan Province near the border. The Japanese were heavily sup- ported from the air in Yunnan. Kun- ming dispatches said 118 enemy planes, the largest armada ever to sweep over the province, attacked many points yesterday. Twenty-eight of the planes bombed Paoshan, but eight were shot down. Red Reserves Capture Nazi River Sector MOSCOW, May 6.---P)--Russia has thrown into her own spring offensive the first of the reserve divisions raised and trained deep in Siberia last winter, and the fresh troops have captured an important river valley from the Germans, Red Army dis- patches said today. This vanguard of the new armies fought a four-day battle with a Ger- man force holding both banks high above the river, said the account of the engagement, published in the Army newspaper Red Star. On the second day, the Russian division mopped up one bank and captured a village against strong re- sistance; on the third day it held its ground against counter-attacks by two battalions of German infantry, heavily supported by aircraft, and Ruthven To Be Honored' By Cadet Review Today 0 Fall Oorre or eleases Japs To Mop Up Philippine Resistance; Madagascar's Defenders Weaken British Attack Rear Of French Lines With Large Force Auto Seizure Law Is Urkied LONDON, May 6.-UP)-Attacked strongly from the rear by a British landing force which had penetrated the outskirts of Diego Suarez naval base and beaten from the air by over- whelming power, the defenders of Madagascar indicated tonight that their situation was desperate and that they might soon take to the island's hills to wage guerrilla war- fare. Vichy broadcasts said Governor General Armand Annet had tele- graphed his government that his po- sition was critical, and that 23 British ships, large and small, were in Cour- rier Bay at his back ready to land VICHY, Thursday, May 7.-(IP)- The French defenders of Madagas- car were reported early today to have hurled back the British from some key positions around Courrier Bay west of Diego Suarez. Dispatches from the Indian Ocean island said the fight was continuing "very violently" against the British who first landed on the bay to strike overland at the big French naval base. freshrtroops against his fagged de- fenders. The broadcast described the French troops as putting up desperate resis- tance and exacting heavy casualties, with their few available aircraft do- ing their utmost to drive away planes from a British carrier. They had shot down three out of one group of 27 planes which at- tacked this morning, Annet's mes- sage was quoted as saying, and the troops were said to have put a num- ber of light British tanks out of ac- tion. Previously the French had claimed to have shot down seven other planes. A French counter-attack at the approaches to Diego Suarez in which some points were reoccupied was mentioned in a communique broad- cast by Vichy tonight giving details of the Diego Suarez fighting. Senate Committee Asked To Approve Confiscation WASHINGTON, May 6. -(Po)- Seven government officials were re- ported to have urged the Senate Mili- tary Committee today to approve legislation authorizing Federal requi- sitioning of private automobiles and seizure of cars whose owners are con- victed of driving more than 40 miles an hour. The seven appeared at a closed session of the Committee, but Chair- man Reynolds (Dem.-N.C.) related some of their testimony to reporters. He quoted them as saying the short- age of rubber had become critical from a military standpoint.1 Ann Arbor Council Announces Opposition To Housing Project Resolution Passed By Al ProtestsCherry Hill P1 By MARK LIPPER Expressing almost unanimous op- position to the federally-sponsored Cherry Hill housing project, the Ann Arbor City Council, in a special meet- ing last night, passed a resolution to protest the measure to federal housing authorities and Congres- sional representatives in Washington. The plan, which is facing wide- spread opposition throughout Wash- tenaw and Wayne counties, provides for the construction of an entire de- fense city consisting of 6,000 homes in Superior n Township, seven miles east of Ann Arbor. Houses will in- clude four and five rooms, will have no cellars and will be stove heated. Costs are estimated at . $40Q0 per house. Riggs Objects After outlining the Federal Public Housing Authority's plans for the defense city before the Council, Prof. Henry E. Riggs, of the civil engi- neering department, expressed his objections to the proposed program. He said that the government's plans are not very definite, that they have not provided for schools, water works or sewage disposal. "The building of such a city will call for hundreds and thousands of men and materials which are essen- tial for war work," he stated, "and inability to get supplies will cause de- lays and concentration on houses in- stead of on sewage disposal and water supply." Fears 'Ghost Town' "It will be a calamity to Washte- naw County if this 'defense' city is admitted," he asserted. Ford com- pany officials, who are also opposed to the plan, he said, have acknow- ledged the fact that the proposed city British Fliers Raid Germany Stuttgart Bombed By RAF Despite Cloudy Weather LONDON, May 6.--Po)-The south German industrial city of Stuttgart was pounded by the RAF again last night for the second night in suc- cession despite continuing cloudy weather which made observation dif- ficult. The Air Ministry said other unspe- cified targets in southern Germany, the docks at Nantes and airdromes in the Low Countries and Northern France also were attacked. Four British planes failed to re- turn. Southeast English coastal points were attacked by four German planes at dusk and by two at dawn today. Two or more persons were listed gs killed and some damage was done. (The Germans said they effectively raided industrial and rail installa- tions at the Dover Strait town of Folkestone.) Stepping across the parade in the cadence of a ringing quick-step are the colors of the University's Corps of Cadets, which will appear at the regimental review today at 7:15 p.m. in the Stadium. The color guard are (left to right) Cadet Andrew Marsch, Cadet Sergeants John Erie- wine and William Todd, and Cadet Ace Cory. * * * T Honoring President Alexander G. Ruthven, 1,100 khaki-clad ROTC cadets will pass in review before high ranking officers of the 6th Corps Area and assembled students and townspeople at the largest Federal in- spection in University history, which will be held at 7:15 p.m. today in the Stadium. With the Deans of the University serving as his staff, and flanked by two student aides, the president will occupy the box of honor with the reviewing officers. Band To Lead Corps The newly organized 55-piece marching band, pride of the ROTC, will lead the cadet corps as it goes through all the ceremonies of the regimental review. Prior to the par- ade and review of the troops several special awyards will be presented to outstanding cadets. Inspecting officers who will rate the unit at the review and who will visit ROTC classes Thursday and Friday are: Col. Russell J. Potts, In- fantry; Col. Gilbert Van B. Wilkes, Corps of Engineers; Col. Charles M. Sawyer, Signal Corps; Lieut.-Col. Henry C. Johannes, Medical Corps, and Maj. Ernest R. Schuelke, Ord-, nance. Kennedy Will Lead Off The entire ceremony will be con- ducted by cadet officers. In com- mand of the troops during the review will be Cadet Colonel and Regiment- al Commander Verne C. Kennedy. Three Cadet Lieutenant Colonels will assist him; Lindley M. Dean, regi- mental executive officer, George D. Gotschall, commanding officer of the First Battalion, and Alfred M. Ow- ens, Second Battalion commander. Among the awards to be presented at the military rally is the American Legion sabre which will be awarded to the student holding the highest rank. The Washtenaw chapter of the Sons Lights In Tower Arouse Populace After receiving numerous calls and complaints of two suspicious lights being flashed from Burton Memorial Tower late at night, the police de- partment dispatched a squad car to the scene to investigate. Many of the complaints stated that of the American Revolution will award a medal to the cadet who has demonstrated the greatest ability in extra-curricular activities. A sopho- more will receive the Scabbard and Blade Cup for outstanding leader- ship and scholarship. Scouts To Usher Other awards will be the Chicago Tribune medals for outstanding ca- dets in all corps. The Army Ord- nance Association of Washington, D.C., will give medals to junior and senior ordnance cadets who have demonstrated scholarship and lead- ership abilities. Expecting a very large audience of students and townspeople, the Boy Scouts will usher. Governor Van Wagoner has been invited to attend the ceremonies as has Mayor L. J. Young. Special boxes will be avail- able for the University department chairmen, the Board of Regents, Army and Navy officers and war vet- erans. Special sections in the stands will be available for the faculty, stu- dents and NROTC cadets. Many of the members of the new marching band are also members of the University Band. They made their first public appearance at Hill Auditorium May 20 and were spon- sored by the County Defense Coun- cil. most Unanimous Decision [an To Federal Officials would house workers who were the last to come and the first to be re- leased from the bomber plant. Con- sequently the city would become a "ghost town" after the war. Prof. John Barker Waite, of the law school and a city alderman, brought forth the resolution to refuse acceptance of the proposed "defense city." The council passed it with all but one "aye." In criticizing the pro- ject, Professor Waite said, "The pro- posed city is a large scale project and its development would take a long time. I doubt whether it would be finished in time to be an effective solution to the problem." Mayor Leigh J. Young addressed the council saying, "Anyone familiar Turn to Page 6, CoL 4 Campus Posts Will Be Filled In Annual Poll Students Vote Tomorrow On Board Candidates, Union Vice-Presidents The annual all-campus elections will be held tomorrow to select the student members of the Board in Control of Student Publications, the vice-presidents of the Union and the student members of the Board in Control of Athletics. The candidates for the publications board will be announced in tomor- row's Daily. One Union vice-president each is to be elected from the literary, den- tistry, medical and law schools, one from the engineering or architecture colleges and one from the business administration or forestry schools. Proxy Voting Prohibited One student member is to be elec- ted to the athletic board from the campus at large. It was stressed by Robert Mat- thews, '43, president of the Men's Judiciary Council, that no proxy vot- ing will be permitted, that no elec- tioneering within 50 feet of the poll- ing places will be allowed and that in the balloting for the Union vice- presidents students may vote only for candidates from their own school. The literary school candidates for Union vice-president are Andrew Caughey, '43, Fred Ginsberg, '43, Carl Riggs, '43, Edward Tann, '43, Robert Templin, '43, and Jack Vezina, '43. , The engineering and architecture candidates are Roy Bradley, '43E, Stewart Gildart, '43A, David Keller, '43E, Bruce Renaud, '43E, William Schoedinger, '43E, and Richard Schoel, '43E. Other Candidates From the business administration and forestry schools the candidates are Walter M. Bury, '43BAd., LaMont G. Engle, '43F&C, John Murray, '43BAd., James Snodgrass, '43F&C, and Ralph G. Stewart. The dentistry school candidates are John Golden, '43D, Harry Luton, '43D, and Howard Stafford, '43D. From the medical school those run- ning are George Brooks, Charles E. O'Brien, '43M, Harvey Sparks, '43M, and Joseph Warzniak, '43M. The Law School candidates are Forest Hainline, '43L, Clarence Sah- lin, '43L, and Richard Wade, '43L. The two candidates for the athletic board are William MacConnachie, '44, and Donald Robinson, '44. Escaped Nazi Pilots Sought In Michigan DETROIT, May 6. - () - Search for two German Army fliers who es- caped from a Canadian concentra- tion camp at Bowmanville, Ont., cen- tered tonight in Eastern Michigan. The fugitives, Reinhard Pfundt- Nipponese Soldiers Reported Pushing Into Mindanao /- Bombed Ship Reaches Port WASHINGTON, May 6.-(AP)-The fall of Corregidor, its defenses de- molished, its food and ammunition gone, released Japanese forces today to mop up scattered areas of resist- ance in the Philippines and added a strong and valuable new sea base to their tenuous southward supply line. Already, Japanese troops in steel barges of the type used in landing on Corregidor were reported pushing up the Pulangi River .in Mindanao. In addition the enemy was debarking reinforcements near Cotabato on the same island. Independent, raiding detachments of Americans and Fili- pinos have been reported highly active on that island. Big Guns Held Japs So long as Corregidor stood, Its big guns and its accurate gunners kept the Japanese from making any free use of Manila Bay, or Manila's shat- tered port facilities. It is considered one of the most useful harbors in the western Pacific, and geographically is ideally situated from the enemy point of view. But Corregidor fell, after a batter- ing, four-week siege, which exhaust- ed the supplies and'the human phy- sical endurance of its dogged and heroic garrison. With it, the enemy also won the .smaller rocky island fortresses-Fort Hughes, Fort Drum and Fort Frank-which lie nearby. To the Japanese also' went some 7,000 prisoners of war, including, the Navy announced late today, 3,845 officers and men of the Navy and Marine Corps. This detachment was thrown together from the Naval and Marine personnel left stranded by the abandonment of the Manila area naval bases. It fought on Bataan and was evacuated to Corregidor. The Navy said it was "assumed" that all were captured. U.S. Ships Destroyed This Naval communique disclosed also that five small American vessels had been destroyed. It said that the minesweeper Tanager, and the river gunboat Oahu had been sunk by enemy gunfire from Bata n and that the minesweeper Pigeon had been sunk by bombers. The river gunboat Luzon and the minesweeper Quail were severely damaged by gun- fire and were sunk by U.S. forces when capture appeared imminent. For lack of word to the contrary, it was assumed too that the pson- ,rs included a detail of Army nurses, who attended the wounded of the Bataan fighting, and also were trans- ferred to the island when the fighting ceased on the Peninsula, 'Marblehead' Survives Bombing, Reaches U.S. WASHINGTON, May 6.-()-Bat- tered by Japanese bombs, blackened by fire, and kept afloat only by the indomitable will of her officers and men, the American Light Cruiser Marblehead has come home from the war, the Navy proudly announced to- day, after a 13,000-mile Journey un- precedented in United States Naval history. Laboring under damage that might have sunk another ship, the 18-year- old vessel voyaged from near Java through the Indian Ocean, around Africa and northward through the Atlantic to gain the safety of an east coast port, where undoubtedly she will be repaired and restored to the fight. The Navy took special pleasure in announcing her arrival inasmuch as the Japanese have boasted several times that she was sunk. Three months were required to make the epic journey which actually began Feb. 4 when the Marblehead, in company with the cruiser Houston, later sunk in the battle of the Java Sea, and other United Nations cruis- ers and destroyers, were attacked by 54 Japanese planes. Emanuel Feuermann To Be Soloist i . In Second Program Of May Festival Emanuel Feuermann will be the soloist and Thor Johnson will con- !+*1 Assisting will be the University Choral Union, vocalists Judith Hell- wig, Enid Szantho, Felix Knight and narrator Barnett Brickner. Feuermann, who has appeared here earlier t is season, in recital, will play the Dvoiak cello concerto. The whole second half of the program will be devoted to "King David," a sym- phonic psalm by Arthur Honegger. "King David," with its strong Biblical flavor and lyrics direct from the St. James text, will feature the Choral Union, Brickner, Knight and Misses Hellwig and Szantho. Tomorrow's program will present Carroll Glenn, brilliant young Ameri- can violinist in a performance of the Tschaikowsky violin concerto and the Symphony by Haydn and the Revolu- tionary Etude by Chopin. I I